So I spent the past 2 days crafting a shit load of badges to try and get the snowglobe badge, selling cards and buying cards with the money I made from selling. (Haven't spent a dime of my own money luckily[though earlier in the year I did spend 7$ to get to level 10 so I could get foils. But Valve made it so anyone could get foils shortly after...])

Anyways, decided to just buy the last 3 cards (with the card money) and craft the badge so I could finally get the badge and one of the items. Was going to sell the item since a card set cost like 5$? Maybe a little less than that. Was hoping I'd get something from it that was completely terrible.

And you can imagine with the title, I wasn't very pleased with what I got....

Fucking dicks man. ;_;
Fucking emote was icing on the shit cake...

1 decade ago*

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