Hi new member, just curious if I can use Old Humble bundle gift links instead of keys for giveaways or should I just give them away on the orphan keys thread? Also if giving away keys / links from humble is allowed? I'd be worried about being banned from humble.

Also curious if someone can see the email associated with my humble account from activating a gift link. I don't want to dox myself.

1 year ago

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It is allowed from Steamgifts, no problem, but your account indeed is in risk of getting banned from Humble. You might wanna use the forum's search option for more information on that.

Better use keys instead of gift links.

1 year ago

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Fair enough. These are from awhile ago and already activated as links. No way to revert afaik.

1 year ago

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There's a reply button under every post, that way a preson gets a notification if you reply to them. Just sayin, since you're new.

Yeah, you can revert them by claiming them yourself.

1 year ago

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i've done all of mine as humble gift links and never had a problem. the winner can't see your humble account info but you can see if the key has been linked. apparently people have been getting banned from humble somehow, but if you're doing what i do and giving away gift links for games you already own after buying a bundle for other games that you activate on your own account i'd expect you to also not have any problems.

since you mentioned them being old, i also tend to let them sit about two years so my giveaways aren't part of the flood while the bundle is live

1 year ago

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Cheers. These are not actually games I own, I just have no intrest in having them. I also managed to convert to keys as "eeev" said above.

1 year ago

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i have my suspicions that the people getting banned are buying bundles without using any of the bundle for themselves. but yeah if you redeem the links yourself then you'd need to give away those keys instead.

another bonus for giving away links instead of keys is some of them also give the winner access to a drm-free download.

1 year ago

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I do love that about Humble. Best of both worlds.

1 year ago

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If your winner, that gets from you a HB gift link, are a flaged reseller/trader, HB will block your access to your account, at least if you are outside of the EU and have weaker protection laws.
In the EU they can't prevent that you have access to your bought games BUT they can, in both cases, refuse to let you buy something on their site in the future.

So in the end, you were lucky that you don't had problems with your gift links that you gave out.

I, strongly, recommend to give only keys to other persons.

1 year ago

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I won't recommend the Orphan thread at all, because even unregistered users can see this thread and keys are probably taken by bots.

My suggestion would be the anti-ninja thread:

1 year ago

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If you don't want people to see your email address, you should know that if you win a giveaway from this site, the giveaway creator will see the email address you used to register here because that is one of the options they have to try to contact you to send you the game. If you don't want the people you win giveaways from here to see a certain email address, you may want to change it to a different one. You can change it here.

1 year ago

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