
This is a sub-topic of this one : https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/hK2kQ/orphan-keys-drop-thread where keys are 90% of the time snatched by bots or ungrateful ninjas.

Here you can gift directly keys to other people, but you can NEVER PUT THE KEYS DIRECTLY IN THE MESSAGE, even encoded ones, because silent ninjas are as intelligent as grateful people and can solve the riddles too.

So here are a few ways :

  • Propose a game and request an email address, and send the key here to the first one to answer or the one you prefer (and ask the gifted to remove the address afterwards, you never know)
  • Propose a game and the first one to answer will get a message in one of his old giveaways, or even better, in one of his old "Thanks" message on an old GA (the thing here is that only this person will get a notification with the key).
  • Combine the 2 previous ones : ask for an email address in an old GA
  • Propose a game and put the key in a comment on the Steam profile of the first answer => still in public, bad idea
  • Propose a game and add on Steam the first / best person to answer and give him/her the key by chat
  • Propose a game and send the key telepathically to the first / best to answer (advanced users only)

If the person answering doesn't have too much GAs won or given, maybe don't use that.

Don't hesitate to propose more possibilities !

3 years ago*

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Aaaaand let's begin.

Who in here still doesn't have Dirt Rally ???

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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Does it mean you want it ?

3 years ago

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Thank you. I already own it, like most people.
I thought your comment was a joke.

3 years ago

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Half joke, as most people into gaming have it, but there are still people that don't (i came back to gaming 2 years ago after 10 years without, so i had to get it at a point).

3 years ago

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Actually me... just for the record... How is it?

3 years ago

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well its got dirt

View attached image.
3 years ago

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3 years ago*

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3 years ago

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3 years ago

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3 years ago

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View attached image.
3 years ago

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And here is someone who doesn't have it yet !

3 years ago

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Btw, didn't get it probably already redeemed or ninja'd

3 years ago

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First try was a failure... But more will work !

Also, the key came from Lootboy, so if no one took it under your nose, maybe it was a dupe.

3 years ago*

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you wrote, that ninjas can be smart as well and indeed there are some, that even Check up many giveaways for a posted key... already had this issue. So its not better as Posting the Key in this topic^^

3 years ago

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There's still the steam and email solutions. Also, Hephan had very little choice in his won/sent, being there only for 3 months, but on some other, it might work.

3 years ago

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i had some with many giveaways and i didnt took it in one from the first Page, but still it got ninjad^^
also Posting it on the steam Wall is a Bad idea... i would add them to the friendlist and write it in the Chat. thats the best way to Not give mailadresses to everyone in the World while keeping it safe^^

3 years ago

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Hi,i don't have this game,can you give me a key, thank you.

3 years ago

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I only had one, and it might have been a dupe (from Lootboy), or someone took it under the nose of the unfortunate winner...

3 years ago

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Very useful for me, thank you!

6 months ago

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honestly the best way would be just to add the person on steam and send the key in dm. that's most ninjabot-proof
all in all good idea tho. best of luck with that one!

3 years ago

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The problem is most people don't want to do the work, other wise they would just set up a normal giveaway with and get 0cv, most of the keys dropped there are for 0cv games or keys they are unsure if the key is used or not and don't want to have to deal with things like that.
Still best not put the key straight as it is, but try to antibot it a bit.

3 years ago

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I recommend that the gifter look at the ones that want a game and then decide which one(s) fit to his prefered persons and not give it to the first one.

I, as example, prefer to give it to the friendly ones, the ones that gave something to this site before and haven't a statistic of 600 wins and nothing gifted ;o)

3 years ago

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Can be a choice too, why not !

3 years ago

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I've always wondered if it's people that aren't registered that snatch them up or if it's straight up people who don't comment period.

I mean, how hard is it to say "thanks", so I have to suspect that it's people that aren't registered and won't bother going through the work of registering just to say "thanks".

3 years ago

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Something i have always wondered too, is when we say that "bots probably took it" (for a key in clear). But what are those bots ? Bots for people who redeem to their Steam accounts ? Or bots from selling companies who redeem keys so they disappear ?

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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Its really just a rumour which could be true or could be not. Some say, that bots are continuously searching for keys through forums.
This thing could really be avoided through a captcha on the Steam page, wonder why they haven't implemented it.

3 years ago

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Oh, they most definitely are. It's not a rumour. I have seen the script for one (posted publicly), and could probably build one myself, if I was a selfish asshole. I wouldn't do that though. Why take games you are not interested in just for the sake of +1 or cards.

The person who posted the code did so to show people how easy it was to steal keys from Reddit and for people to stop posting game keys.

The one I saw code for was bypassing things like:
34SIXMJ-RTEIGHT9K-FIVEGT6M, it would find and change words into numbers.

It had a bunch of other conditions too.

The problem with captchas is that a human sets the bot up, passes the captcha and lets the bot do the work. Putting captchas in for page clicks would be really discouraging for all the regular users, the majority of whom don't do shady things.

3 years ago*

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lol @ "Aliens"

Yeah, of course, no real way of knowing without some serious monitoring. I think the guess at bots are some sort of automated script that someone leaves running on their PC 24/7 that scrapes a website constantly for new content. Since the premise is how the heck someone could've possibly snatched up a key that fast.

It would be neat if someone did a study someday that could track everything and end up showing where all these keys end up. Imagine if it's just like 5 people who end up with 95% of the keys that are put out there, lol.

3 years ago

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I can say, with a lot of experience, that it give not sooooo much people with "big" bot farms i count 10+ a big that scrap the forums, Ga descriptions and so on.
I would not say you can count them at one hand but i would say they are in a low hundreds number, worldwide.

So in the end i believe that a few hundred people make so much damage as all the other "bad apples" together.

I stumble at member checks for publishers, devs, my own curation, groups, discords and so on always over the same people.

3 years ago

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Interesting, sounds about right.

3 years ago

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Why did you put this into deals?

3 years ago

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Damn, why indeed ? I thought i took the orphan keys topic and created it from the same section...

3 years ago

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Looks like it was changed though, good.

3 years ago

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Ohhhhh I think it's a wonderful idea <3, especially if the gifter can choose from the people who comment on his/her publication.

3 years ago

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This is a good idea. When I finish building my new system and I have a bit of free time I'll put some keys.

3 years ago

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Who wants Hacker Evolution Duality ? Give me an email address in one of my old GAs if you want, or just say you want it if you have enough GAs so ninjas can't watch them all.

3 years ago

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Gone !

3 years ago

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Key worked, thank you!

3 years ago

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Who wants Throne of Lies The Online Game of Deceit ?

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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Who wants Pink Rage Otome ?

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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worked, thanks!

3 years ago

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Edit: one left. Nobody?

I have two F1 2018 keys given by friends, that I don't need and will gladly give here. I also believe the keys are working. If you missed that promotion six weeks ago, this is your chance.

This is the game: https://store.steampowered.com/app/737800/F1_2018/

If you want the game, you need to meet the following requirements:

  • No F1 franchise games in your library (2018 would be your first Codemasters F1 game)
  • Less than 500 games in your library
  • Public library so I can check your games
  • Ask for it answering this post

I'll choose the two selected persons among all who ask as soon as I have two clear choices. My selection will be based on:

  • Number of racing games (the less you have, the more chances you have)
  • Account longevity versus amount of games (the less games you've got per year, the more chances)
  • Good SG standing; you don't need to be level 5, but ofc I'll choose a level 2 over a level 0, or a ratio given:won closer to one than if it's closer to zero.
  • If there are few askers my selection bias will be more lax

Sounds complex? I'm trying to be fair and giving them to people who would appreciate their first F1 game, or liking racing games and having few, etc. So I'm honest with how I'll select the two receivers of the keys. Just try your luck and ask for it.

3 years ago*

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Sure, I would like getting this game

3 years ago

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here :D

3 years ago

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Ya tienes el juego, no seas pillín. Pillastre, malandrín!

3 years ago

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Hola, todavía está disponible?

3 years ago

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Sí que lo está, acepta mi solicitud de amistad en Steam y envíame un mensaje.

3 years ago*

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Aaaaaaand another Hacker Evolution Duality, who ?

3 years ago

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me ? :)

3 years ago

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It would be you if you didn't already have it ;)

3 years ago

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I actually dont have this somehow, i'd like it if its not already been given away

3 years ago

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Key Worked, Thanks!

3 years ago

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Noice !

3 years ago

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Who wants one of these Killing Floor - Guest Pass gifts? It gives access to the full versions of Killing Floor and Defence Alliance 2 for some days. I have two.

Edit: one has been claimed already. Still one left. And if you want F1 2018 check my post above in this same thread.

Last edit: both claimed, by Zone/Zomt and Pro-Soldier, who weren't polite enough to say thanks properly, both also asked for more gifts in the same way. Alt accounts? This thread might block ninjas, but of you find people and people. I hope Ctouw didn't give the pass to any of these.

3 years ago*

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I have one of these KF guest passes to give away too.

Edit: it has been claimed.

3 years ago*

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Someone here play World of Tanks Blitz?

3 years ago

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Yes ^_^

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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3 years ago

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Man i know its too late but you still have it

1 year ago

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I won a game that doesn't seem to even appear anymore on Steam, LOOT BOX ACHIEVEMENT SIMULATOR, anyone wants it ?

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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3 years ago

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3 years ago

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Another game from IndieGala that doesn't have a Steam page anymore : BATTLE ZOMBIE SHOOTER SURVIVAL OF THE DEAD. Who wants ?

3 years ago

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Can I ? I'm collecting banned games

3 years ago

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I can take it. Thanks :)

3 years ago

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Thanks for the key, worked good ❤️

3 years ago

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No keys left.

3 years ago*

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Can I :) I can take Stealth Inc 2: A Game of Clones or Layers of Fear

3 years ago*

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Done - Layers of Fear.

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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I'd love Stealth Inc 2: A Game of Clones

3 years ago

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Accept my friend invite.

3 years ago

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Can I get Majesty Gold HD?

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

3 years ago

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Thanks :)

3 years ago

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Would love to take talisman if still available

3 years ago

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Yep, accept my friend invite.

3 years ago

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SpaceChem or AR-K ? :-)

3 years ago

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SpaceChem it is. Accept my friend invite.

3 years ago

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Can i get AR-K? I miss it somehow.

3 years ago

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Yep, accept my friend invite.

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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Check your Steam messages/chat.

3 years ago

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I'd like Sonic CD if you still have it!

3 years ago

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Yep, accept my friend invite.

3 years ago

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can i have SpaceChem ?

3 years ago

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Haliax hasn't replied yet, but I'll wait until tomorrow. If he hasn't accepted my friend request by then I'll give it to you.

3 years ago

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ok thank you :)

3 years ago

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Hello may I get Guns of Icarus Online?

3 years ago

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Heya, could I have The Ship - Complete Pack? Thanks!

3 years ago

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Yep, accept my friend invite.

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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3 years ago

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Hi there! Am wondering if you have a Yakuza Kiwami on your list :)
If you do, can I ask for it? ;; Thank you!

3 years ago

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Can I :)?Titan Quest Anniversary Edition

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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I have 2 key copies of removed game Mutants Must Die! I'm not entirely sure if they're redeemable but it's worth a try for those interested in a free game :D comment something you did today! (I'll add you directly through steam to give the key)

3 years ago*

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Well, why not i like roguelike games. And today i have worked from home :D

3 years ago

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I added you, go ahead and message me when you're ready for the key!

3 years ago

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Thanks, it worked !

3 years ago

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Just finished playing a Lego game with my wife :D I would take the other key then :)

3 years ago

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Hey, sorry! both were claimed (someone messaged me first through one of my old giveaways and zolivv was just added)

3 years ago

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No problem :) Have a nice weekend.

3 years ago

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I'm interested too. Today I worked in the office and I'm going home in 5 minutes :D

3 years ago

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Hey, sorry! both were claimed (someone messaged me first through one of my old giveaways and zolivv was just added)

3 years ago

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I talked with someone about bipolar disorders, depressions, mental health day tomorrow (at least in the USA) and done a lot for/with my group and curation.

Oh and of course I would try a key too :o)

3 years ago

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Hey, sorry! both were claimed (someone messaged me first through one of my old giveaways and zolivv was just added)

3 years ago

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No problem, have a nice weekend.
I seen that you will need to decide which two ones you pick :o)

3 years ago

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I have a Bless Unleashed closed beta key:

It's an MMO in closed beta which will be released as free-to-play in "Early 2021". Doesn't give +1, doesn't give cards, and will not unless you end spending money on it - so please ask for it only if you will play it (yeah I know it's quite hypocritical coming from me).

It's an MMO, so I'll choose the winner depending on which other MMO you've played and/or why you want to play this one. Tell me.

3 years ago

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I'm not a fan of MMO games, but I have a friend who really likes this genre and I owe it to him

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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does someone have a spare "The Suicide of Rachel Foster" key? I would like to try that game

From the Guidelines of this site (worth reading):

The below is a list of content that is not allowed in our community. Content consists of any material you post or make available through our site, such as discussions, links, comments, usernames, or Steam avatars.

  • [...]
  • 12. Begging. Do not ask game developers or users for keys or games, unless they are offering and searching for interested parties.
  • [...]
3 years ago

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3 years ago

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As others mentioned asking users for games is not allowed. You will need to edit your message.

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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I saw some pumpkins they are selling in shops here. They were already looking bit rotten.

Don't think you should keep this pumpkin on your head past 31st :thinking:

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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I have a key from Indiegala for "MIND SHIFT", which seems to have its page removed. It could be duplicated. Does somebody want to try it?

3 years ago

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I would give it a try if you don't mind.

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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I have a key for George's Memories Ep 1, an abandoned exploration game that doesn't have a Steam page anymore (so no GA), who wants ?

3 years ago

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I'm interested

3 years ago

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Sent !

3 years ago

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received, thanks!

3 years ago

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I would be interested too :o)

3 years ago

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Next time for you !

3 years ago

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