Well - it's partially a discussion topic, partially a PSA.

So I log onto steam today and what do I see at top of Bestseller list? Age of Empires Legacy Bundle. For 12,74€ / 13.74$. Don't get me wrong - I love AoE games and I believe that anyone even mildly intrested in strategy games should own them, but the point is that the same bundle is avaiable on Humble Bundle right now in top tier which costs 15$. And for these 15$ you will get not only get this bundle buty also 9 other excellent games worth much much more than this 1,26$ difference.

So what do you think? How the hell game from currently running bundle at top of Steam Bestseller? Are people really so ignorant not to bother to do even smallest research before biying? Are they so easily manipulated that all it takes to get sales is to put a nice green -XX% box before the price and they will buy it without second thought? Or are just Russian traders (the bundle costs only 4.36€ in Russia) capable of buying enough copies for trading purposes to boost a title to the very top of Steam Bestselling list?

Discuss! ;p

(And if you're considering buying this bundle for yourself FFS get it on Humble - donate to charity and get 9 excellent games as a bonus ;p)

9 years ago*

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I'm a people, and I find this offensive.

9 years ago

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You're a chick(en) with hat and mustache not people, so your argument is invalid. sorry :(

9 years ago

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Damn.. how did you know?
Spy sold me this disguise told me is the best one. :(

9 years ago

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never trust a scammy spy ¦D

9 years ago

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many people don'te even use steam for buying games: they go to a department store and buy them retail dvds

9 years ago

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Some people don't know about humblebundle obviously.

9 years ago

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Wait.. What is Steam?

9 years ago

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As others have mentioned, not everyone is aware of Humble Bundle, or bundles in general. Also, lots of people don't have Enhanced Steam, so they're probably not aware of regional price differences, especially how drastically they can vary. And some people probably just have credit in their Steam Wallets to burn. I know I'll purchase things on Steam or Amazon, in spite of a better deal elsewhere, if I have enough credit for the item. It doesn't really feel as though I'm saving money if I'm having to pay out of pocket, when I could chose not to.

9 years ago

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A lot of people I know don't buy bundles - to support the developers, because they'd rather just buy the one game they want - and so on. Sometime you just see a price and you're okay with it - even though you know that if you were to look some more or wait you could get a better deal later on. There's always going to be a better deal somewhere, unless you got the game for free. Some people just don't feel like going through the hassle since they play games to relax - they would rather pay a little more than waste their free time.

Not to mention that I for one can't even begin to imagine what'd happen to pc gaming if everyone were aware of sites such as Isthereanydeal.com and bundles, since it's an overwhelmingly digital market [unlimited supply and no delivery costs]. It would nearly destroy competition.

9 years ago

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well - the difference here is that you don't have to wait for undefined "later" (which may as well be 2 weeks, 2 months or 2 years) for a better deal - much better deal is avaiable at the same time for the same platform and with same DRM ;)

9 years ago

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This doesn't make people stupid.

9 years ago

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what exactly? because there's been plenty of things mentioned both in OP as in future comments, yet you make us guess what this mysthical "this" of yours means ;p

9 years ago

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well seemed pretty clear the point was people are stupid for not getting their games cheaper from Hundle.

9 years ago

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seemed pretty clear I ponted at least 3-4 different "types" of people. Including ones whose brains shut down the moment they see any discount - which can easily be considered being stupid.

9 years ago

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So many guys don't know nothing about bundles, which use Steam as their only source, sadly

9 years ago

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There are myriad reasons for folks paying more for an item. One of the reasons listed in passing here that I'll suggest might be a factor is convenience. Twice (at least), "no hassle" has been mentioned. And it's true.

Although ignorance may, in fact, be a large portion of what's going on here (more on that later*), it's also possible that folks that have money (has already been mentioned) and value their time (for any number of reasons) aren't going to spend an extra five minutes (or more) hunting down something from a buyer they are unfamiliar with (yes, Humble Bundle - remember, these aren't insiders). It's not worth the modest sum they'll save. They also perceive that they have better things to spend their time on.

We ALL do this as consumers. Some of us just do it in different sectors. None of us have time to research every...single...thing we buy. Now, if we buy something frequently, then we're much more likely to research it more/know more about it. I work in the auto business, and although there is certainly a fair amount of ignorance, there is also a large segment that cares about price, but cares only up to a point. They will pay more if they have a pleasant, smooth, non-harassing, quick transaction. And for high-end buyers, price is not object, but getting exactly what they want when they want it is tantamount.

In summary...I agree. There is probably ignorance. However, there may be other reasons. And even a judgment of ignorance shouldn't be seen in derogatory denotative terms. We are ALL ignorant in some form or another. And we all have strengths as well.

Buying video games right is important to some, and not at all to others. Willing ignorance is an opportunity cost to help us all stay sane at some point. It's worth noting and worth trying to find the positive attributes in others, and asking them for help (you could lend help in this case to those you know) when we are aware of our own ignorance.

My two pence.

9 years ago

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When my bf introduced me to Steam last year, I was in the middle of a lot of stuff, so could not devote my attention to it. PLUS, I already had BFG games and game client installed on my laptop and I hate cluttering my computer with too much stuff. It wasn't until Xmas that I REALLY got into Steam because I had grown bored with BFG after a couple yrs and wanted to be back to regular PC gaming since my kids had taken over my PS3 (we had recently moved and had no tv and almost all my movie collection was packed away, so I let them play that or watch the few blurays we had on it). He bought me Monaco for us to play together and suggested some games for me and I happened to catch the last couple days of the Xmas sale, so got TL2 and a couple other things. I only ever used the client. Then around March or so, the steam client was being an ass and giving me issues much of the time, so I started using the website. I noticed there was enhanced steam and curious, I activated it. I had not done that prior because as I said, I hate clutter on my laptop (and this extends to my internet browser). I do not like tons of add-ons and try to stream-line when I can. Once I looked at the pages with ES on, I saw there was price comparisons. I only bought when it was cheap and on sale anyways. One day, out of curiosity, I clicked the link that was for the price comparisons and found Is There Any Deal and it is through there I slowly discover all the different outlets that sell Steam keys and bundle sites. Do not recall how I found steamgifts. It was sometime in like April or May, after I had bought a couple HB bundles, and didn't want to redeem any games I didn't want and wasn't sure what to do with them. I think I found sg in one of the forums on Steam, but can't really recall.

Because there is so much phishing, spam, malware, viruses, and other misc crap online, I am VERY wary of where I go and the links I click. I got a nasty virus on my old laptop YEARS ago, on dA through one their ads, when I didn't have a sub. That was a yr or two before they finally acknowledged that viruses and malware could sneak in through the ads on their site. (I do have an ad-block on my new laptop; old laptop was fixed and had friend even upgrade it with a new HD so it would be bigger and better, it still works). So regardless of how "trusted" a site is, because of that dA incident, I am all the more cautious. On fb and other sites with friends lists, I have always taken the precaution of: if I do not know you, you do not get added when you send a friend request, and often then block that person. I check sg here to see if I have won and then use the profile link on here to go to their steam account to see if that person is the same one adding me. And if I didn't win, then I go straight back to Steam and deny/block.

I am cautious and skeptical. Better safe, than sorry. At first, bundle sites initially seemed to good to be true: so many games at a good price! One of the biggest lessons in life is just that: if it seems too good to be true, it usually is. So I looked around on Steam forums about Humble Bundle (since that was the first I found). Once I saw it was legit, I went ahead with buying on there. And with all the people that come on here: "I got scammed!", "I'm getting so many bot friend requests lately!", or their keys not working because they bought from bad sites, I feel I am justified in treating everything with so much skepticism.

9 years ago

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I know what you mean! I also wasn't too into steam until like 3 months back and ever since it's crazy the bundles and deals I've gotten through trading and these giveaways have all saved me $100+ :)

9 years ago

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How often do we get a 3 copy giveaway of cod ghost or another most overpriced title from a new sg user? Damn often. Just backing up your argument.

9 years ago

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People also may have their own reasons for buying via the sale instead. Maybe AoE is the only game they'd want or don't have. Maybe they don't know about bundle sites. Maybe they can't buy via any payment options humble takes and only have Steam wallet, etc. Plenty of reasons why someone may go that route instead.

9 years ago

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true but i'm guessing half of the people would've gladly bought the humble bundle instead if someone told them about it

9 years ago

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...well I did buy a BUNCH of sakuras at full price....so idk what I can say about the research for lower price, or manipulation by green % marks. But maybe ppl want to support developers more than charity.....though if u say it like that it sounds wrong XD

9 years ago

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well - then again you can support devs in general more via HB than via steam - you can donate 100% money to devs ;p and steam will always take their cut from any sale made ;p

9 years ago

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lol well let me know when they make a "humble pervert bundle"

9 years ago

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Message me if you find a way to convert steam wallet to paypal.

that's a very stupid assumption.
well i guess you have made your point.
people are stupid

9 years ago

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buy TF2 keys -> sell them for bank transfer on auction portal -> transfer money from bank to PayPal ;)

You could also use ebay, but as ebay/PP does not cover digital goods sales you're not protected from chargeback scam doing it this way ;p

9 years ago

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To be fair I rather spend a bit more and not do all that....

9 years ago

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I don't do that either - I just wait till I want to use it on something ;) I just stated that it is possible to change wallet into paypal ;)

9 years ago

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Yep, way too much work. Especially for people like me that have most of the games from the bundle already :D. I mean most of them have been in different bundles. So as mauiithegreat said, it's a very stupid assumption.

9 years ago

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Some people don't search for deals or even know about sites like that, for some its the ease of use on Steam(and card sales, sorry many of us don't wanna be bothered with TF2 card buying/selling/transferring money...etc...), some don't wanna be bothered and don't dedicate time to what we essentially do here, busy with other things, its not ignorance or stupidity.


9 years ago

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There are some people that either do not have a credit card or do not have easy access to paypal for which HumbleBundle is a bit more complicated to get, but they can easily get a Paysafecard. On the Steam store this method of payment is allowed as well as several others. So the answer might be that Steam allows for a broader payment method and they directly buy from them. It is true that there are so many sites out there that let you pay as you want with prices cheaper than steam but maybe some sites go into that "grey" market and not everybody knows/trusts them.

9 years ago

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I live in Italy and people here usually use cash or pay using a card named "bancomat" that takes the money directly from your bank account. The real Credit card is very uncommon because banks do lot of checks before giving one.

Pre paid credit cards are really easy to get, you can get one in every bank/postal office.
Virtual credit card is not common, i had one when i was 14 years old i think, but i never liked. Im not even sure that the service is still offered

9 years ago

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Credit Cards are hard to get in my country as well and Virtual ones require you to have acount in certain bank so it's not good either. But if you have access to bank account you can transfer money to paypal directly using it - no need for CC. I've been using my bank account to transfer money to PP since I was 16 ;p

But also in poland PaySafe cards are not so common either - you can only get them sometimes in certain shops - like big hardware/media shops.

9 years ago

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Majority of people have debit cards(and everyone call them credit cards, true credit cards are very rare) here, because they go for free with your bank account. However you have to "activate it" somehow to be able to pay via internet. I don't know how it works with other banks but once you try to pay and ie HumbleBundle refuses your card, bank will call you and ask if you want to activate internet payments. Even if you decline it's still pretty easy to make it on your own in 5 minutes through their internet banking app.

9 years ago

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not here ;) in PL majority of cards are just pay cards associated with your bank account - you can pay with them in shops or take money from ATM machines but that's all. They are not even debit (as they always have to communicate with your bank and check if you have funds avaiable - so there is no debit associated with them at all), they have no CCV codes and you cannot pay with them over internet :(

9 years ago

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Funny how rapidly it differs country by country. (Czech here)

9 years ago

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Yeah, especially considered how close Czech republic is for me (let's just say that I visit Prague at least once every 2 months for some beer and free smoking relaxation time ;p)

9 years ago

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Before I knew bundles I even bought bundle games for 2,50€.
When I knew bundles, but not steamtrades, the problem was that had no Credit Card/Paypal.
So, you need to know bundles and how steamtrades works if you are like me.

9 years ago

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The mind breaking best seller is CS GO!
Anyway,to topic,some of my friends don't even know about those cheap deals,but when i tried to show those sites,they just say what is that e.t.c

9 years ago

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I don't want the bundle, I'd rather keep the $1.26.

9 years ago

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Maybe people are unaware of sites like that. I maybe wouldn't have heard of if I didn't check forums like this one. Then again I may have been told by a friend.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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death cab for cutie?

9 years ago

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You know that not all poeple know about bundles, right? And there's also people who just don't buy bundles no matter what they offer. Don't get me wrong, I don't disagree with the fact that people are stupid and ignorant, but it ain't one of the reason they are.

9 years ago

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You know that is based on key activation and not actual purchase on steam

9 years ago

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They changed that?

It used to be about how much money Valve received from said game - more they received, higher on bestseller list.

9 years ago

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any source? because as mentioned by many people before it seems to be the opposite (also none of the bundle games wasn't in bestseller before discount - and bundle was running for 2 weeks already - how do you explain this?) so unless you have a source and Valve changed it not long ago then sorry but I call it B$.

9 years ago

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Or some people like me don't have a paypal nor a credit card, and can't get one either (still 17..). I could give tf2 keys for the games, but first, I'm not interesting in getting it since I wanna try to buy AC:Unity, and second some people don't want to trade with steam keys.

9 years ago

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