I feel we need more options on " <a href="https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/ERMY2/the-final-poll-trump-biden-hawkins-jorgensen-lvl1-train">The final Poll</a> " to make things more specific and realistic.

3 years ago

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You are NOT from the US, who would you vote for?

View Results
NOT from US, I vote Trump. If I move to US in the next 4 years, I truly hope he runs that country.
NOT from US, I vote Biden. If I move to US in the next 4 years, I truly hope he runs that country.
NOT from US, I vote Trump. I think he will fuck up America even more.
NOT from US, I vote Biden. I think he will fuck up America even more.
NOT from US, I vote Trump. His daughter Ivanka is pretty.
NOT from US, I vote Biden. I will vote whoever against Trump.
NOT from US, I vote Trump. He is a funny dude.
NOT from US, I vote Biden. I heard if Biden won, there will be a civil war for America.
NOT from US, I vote POTATO.
NOT from US, What is VOTE?

voting for trump, i am in asia

3 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

3 years ago

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I don't get these two options

NOT from US, I vote Trump. I think he will fuck up America even more.
NOT from US, I vote Biden. I heard if Biden won, there will be a civil war for America.

Like why would you purposefully vote for someone who would throw a country into chaos?

(I voted for Potato obviously. Who else is gonna feed all these Irish immigrants?)

3 years ago

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just hope china doesnt attack Taiwan.

3 years ago

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Some people have voiced intent to troll with their votes before, for whatever reason. However irrational, it wouldn't be surprising if some individuals ended up carrying out troll votes for a candidate they have no strong opinion about, or even dislike, just to 'watch the world burn'.

3 years ago

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Four years ago, my co-worker (an American, in the US) said he hoped Trump would win because he thought it would destroy confidence in the US government and bring us closer to anarchy. He could not himself vote because he was a convicted felon, but he wanted to get rid of all laws and governments. ÂŊ\_(ツ)_/ÂŊ

3 years ago

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Well, anybody can wish harm upon anybody else, so why not hate USA, a global superpower? It could be that person polled thinks that altough chosen candidate would be bad for U.S., thier presidency would mean an improvement in their country's situation (like for example China).

3 years ago

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America's downfall could benefit a handful of "rival" countries and people, so those options could represent that.

3 years ago

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Some men just want to see the world burn

3 years ago

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Why do people from outside the US care about US elections? MInd your own business.

3 years ago

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Oh, you are from Florida. That explains the utter stupidity of your comment.

3 years ago

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ah yes, the "all Florida people are stupid" generalization never fails.

3 years ago

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Not all. But you certainly delivered further reasons to accept that it has credibility.

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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Just like how the US always minds their own business regarding people outside the US, you mean? 😉

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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Well, I was just trying to poke a bit of fun with the old Team America: World Police idea by sarcastically switching your words around, but wow, you really think that? You don't think that maybe the US has stuck it's nose in other countries business a bit too much over the years?

3 years ago

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No, you actually bring up a good point I just wanted to see what you would say. Trust me I wish we would stick to ourselves as well.

3 years ago

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I wouldn't mind a little end to funding foreign countries rule until our own economy gets fixed. We are oil independent, there is no reason to bother anyone. Bush is gone for that matter.

3 years ago

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Because not only does US set an example by leadership for most of the West, many policies have direct influence on life everywhere on Earth. Obvious examples would be i.e. climate change in which US (as well as any other country on Earth) can potentially hurt the entire world by ignoring its consequences, or foreign policies where hostile diplomacy can endanger relations between other countries that feel threatened elsewhere in the world, or general opinions on tolerance vs. bigotry that often carry on to similar effects in European countries over time.

EDIT: Trust me, I sincerely wish I didn't have to give a **** about US and leave you all in peace, but there are many reasons that is simply not possible.

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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+1 that is a great and concise answer, couldn't agree more

3 years ago

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While you have a valid point, it seems misdirected. If the environment is your worry then the Chinese government should be a bigger focus. If a specific country doesn't want US influence then the citizens should complain to their own government about making changes to not allow American influence.
Example (purely hypothetical): If South Korea doesn't want US troops in their country they shouldn't be mad at the US for putting troops there, they should be mad at their own government for allowing US troops to be there.

3 years ago

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Because US does interact with almost every country from position of strength as global superpower. If your country can say to NATO "get yourself to spend 2% of your GDP on defence expenditure, or else...", and some countries in NATO start changing their gdp allocation thanks to this one sentence, then depending on the president, his (so far) beliefs, stances, policies, and direction he claims to want to take, other countries WILL be affected. So yeah, congrats, your vote literally means more than electing a leader of your country, it means changing the future of the entire world.

3 years ago

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Yes, but that's what your country agreed to when joining NATO. Don't be upset with the US for enforcing the rules, be upset with your own government for not following them.

3 years ago

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Oh, sure, I get that, no getting upset on my part. I was just providing an example, of how words spoken by officials of US can influence others simply by the fact of them being US officials. If it was some "3rd rate" Nato country, nobody would care to even listen, much less follow already agreed upon agreements. I'm not gonna say if it's bad or good, just that it happens, and therefore, the entire world can and should pay attention to US elections and what they entail.

3 years ago

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If you want serious answers on a poll, leave the potato option out.

3 years ago

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the election ended last week hth

3 years ago

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So, the vote is more anti Trump than pro Biden

3 years ago

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Not really a surprise. For us foreigners there is far less reason to be excited about a "normal" POTUS, than to be upset about a second term for that inept narcistic clown.

3 years ago*

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