Pretty much as the title says. I did have a GTX460, but I might as well upgrade while I have the chance. My budget is about ÂĢ100-180, hopefully. I'd rather you didn't recommend AMD cards, since the AMD FX-4100 becomes a brat rendering anything more than a box falling off of a shelf. I was thinking about getting the GTX 660 non-Ti, since a lot of people recommended it to me. Opinions?

EDIT: I've been reading all of your comments, even if I didn't reply, and some of you do have me swaying to AMD a little, but I would still miss my PhysX. I should have also mentioned that since my case is only a midi, that it's pretty important to have an external exhaust on the card, as opposed to the usual fans (I honestly have no idea what they're called.)

In any case, I do appreciate the feedback so far.

1 decade ago*

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How did your gpu die? I had problems with my GTX460 a few weeks ago, but it was caused just by the new driver. The computer was randomly freezing and shutting down. But after switching to the older 314 driver, everything works now.

Anyway, if you want the physx, just stick to the nVidia. Although the AMD has great gpus now, especially if you're going to overclock them. But I'd go with nVidia as well, I love the physx :3

Cooling - the back exhaust system doesn't work that well, it's usually quite loud and run hot anyway. I'd go with other 3rd party cooling solutions, eventho you don't have much space in the case. The Asus has great cooler, they're quite expensive tho. The MSI Hawk is pretty good cooler as well, reasonably priced, but a bit louder in idle and the fans are quite cheap (might get louder later). If you can pick up the Gigabyte one (with the blue pcb, it's not available everywhere), that'd be great solution as well. The cooler is good enough, but most of all, it's priced same as the graphic cards with reference coolers.

1 decade ago

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Same, the new drivers are wonky, gives blue screens.

I was going nuts trying to figure it out, checking ram,HDD,Etc...

1 decade ago

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Yeah, it took me a while till I figure it out as well. I thought I fried my GPU because I was trying new overclocks right after installing the new drivers :D

1 decade ago

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Spent 6 hours running metest, prime95, furmark, etc...trying to figure it out.

That will teach me for upgrading. O_O! (I ran a computer on a single pair of ATI drivers for 4 years straight and was the only one of my friends that never had an issue, small price for constant performance)

I only usually update when needed but I was like Ehh why not...

1 decade ago

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GTX 660 is ok

1 decade ago

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nVidia 4 life, thug life bro, swag yolo

1 decade ago

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No need to get anything over a GTX 660 as your CPU is going to start bottlenecking after that. I'd only go AMD if they still have a game pack going that you might be interested in. Otherwise it's just worth it to get Nvidia for less hassle, particularly for Physx, which yes you can enable on your CPU in some games but still a hassle.

There really is no difference between AMD and Nvidia that a driver update doesn't fix within a month for equal hardware so you can't really go wrong. If you don't mind paying a premium nothing wrong with going with Nvidia, since they also resell better too.

1 decade ago

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Did you try baking? 420 yolo swag

1 decade ago

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Oh, sorry to hear that.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by bluerage.