A new whitelist GA is coming up for those who'll find the secret sauce (read below how to find it!):

Participate in this thread to vote for 1 of the following 5 games (you need to be whitelisted to vote)

1. Life Is Strange (Full Season!)
2. This War of Mine
3. Besiege (2 Copies!)
4. The Forest
5. Magicka 2

Read below how to enter, vote for the game you want and have a chance to win it! DON'T VOTE HERE

Hey there human and alien alike! My small and super secret group is brewing a new SECRET SAUCE! Last time was kinda cool, let's make this one great once again.

Steps to complete:

  1. Check if you're on my whitelist with my previous Besiege giveaway, if you are - go to step no. 3! If not, proceed to 2.
    Check: http://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/VV9d2/besiege

  2. Not whitelisted yet? This means you need to hit the secret sauce! Check how on "Secret Sauce: The Mission". Once you hit the sauce proceed to step 3

  3. On the above mentioned GA there's now a new poll! Submit your vote for our next game giveaway, which will start once we hit 100 members. Proceed to 4.

  4. Join our group! Add Amorphism to your steam friends and get invited. Don't do it unless you're whitelisted(!) of course. The more people who join the faster we'll get our awesome GA started.

Note: If there are more votes than the number of people on my whitelist it will be disqualified and a new one will start. So no sharing of the poll/cheating please.

Secret Sauce: The Mission

Greetings Sauce Agent, this is your mission should you choose to accept it:

  • Remember gift of laughter from our last Secret Sauce GA? A lot of great suggestions there but I still want more stuff that'll make me laugh. So this mission is more specific - recommend a comedy routine (standup or a sketch only!), if I laugh you're golden.

  • I'm a podcast guy and always on the scout for an engaging podcast to tingle my brain. Recommend a a specific episode for a podcast you think is great, if it piques my interest you're in! Remember, just recommending a podcast isn't enough. Hint: remove the following from your suggestions becasue I'm already listening to them: RadioLab,Freakonomics, WTF with Marc Maron, The Partially Examined Life.

  • Besides Game of Thrones which is almost over and Bates Motel which I've been binge watching upto season 3, I'm pretty much out of series to watch! Your mission is to recommend a good series, even I've already watched it you'll get in, extra respect points for a series I wasn't aware of!

As before, no double-triple-infinite-post. One unedited post is enough. You can try multiple suggestion of course.

Super-Agent Amorphism Out!

As always - don't share the secret sauce If you found it. ;)

Attention! People are repeating recommendations (mostly series) that were suggested multiple times! Use the search above. Example: Breaking Bad has been suggested 3 times.

9 years ago*

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Revolution <<< A story about the world without electricity.

9 years ago

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Good series i think:
Prison Break
some classic :D : Friends

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Other than mentioned already: The Last Man on Earth (if you like the awkward silence type of comedy), Gadget Man (more of the documentary, but hey Moss is there), A to Z, Axe Cop/ Adventure Time (as few WTF series), Key and Peele (sketch comedy), Day Break, Dead Set, Green Lantern The Animated Series (3D), Karl Pilkington/Idiot Abroad, Kyle XY, Scare tactics (for the laugh), Boy meets world (classic where you can see many today famous actors as teenagers guest stars), My Mad Fat Diary.

I think these are the latest things I watched, except those popular titles mentionem before me.

9 years ago

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Forever US (really relaxing to me. It's about an immortal who works in a morgue, helps solve crimes and deals with the mystery of his immortality)
Grimm (a new take on who the Grimm brothers were, their bloodline and on the fairytale creatures. I need to see some people go the way of GoT in this one for it to be better but still not bad xD )
Extant (hard to describe as we still don't know what's really happening but there's Halle Berry looking amazing and aliens, can't be bad)
Constantine (only one season, sadly maybe not gonna be renewed)
Stalker (show about a special unit that deals with stalkers, pretty cool)
The Musketeers (love the way the characters are made, some of them need to go the way of GoT though)
The Originals (vampires causing havoc in New Orleans, rooting for the "bad guy")

Also, if you have a girlfriend tell her to watch Hart of Dixie. All of my friends love it <3

Sadly, most of my fav series are already taken as suggestions but these aren't too bad either xD
Except for Hart of Dixie, I freaking love it but it's a 100% girl series

EDIT: I knew I was forgetting one- Cult cancelled but I found it so amazing, one of the shows I most regret getting cancelled as the potential was limitless and the cast great.
It's a series about a television crime series called Cult so you're basically watching a series "Cult" which is about a series "Cult". It was clearly too much for some to follow so it got cancelled xD

EDIT2: Oh for the love of #%&QTQ$W&W!!!
So, Constantine (most likely), Forever US, Stalker and Helix (not in the list as people mentioned it before but I like it) won't be renewed. The universe is determined to leave me with nothing to watch -.-'

9 years ago*

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We're almost at 100 members, the GA will start soon. Try your luck in one (or all) of the missions and become a member too.

8 years ago

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I've got a fever and the only perscription is more Bumpsauce! [totally not ripped of or something ;p

8 years ago

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Well, you invented it so all kudos go to you Sir!

8 years ago

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Some great TV series : Sherlock, Breaking Bad.

Animated : Avatar: The Last Airbender, Jackie Chan Adventures and Scooby-Doo xD

Also if you wish to find something that you may not be aware of and can be good : http://www.imdb.com/search/title?num_votes=5000,&sort=user_rating,desc&title_type=tv_series

8 years ago

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Walking dead
Sherlock homes
Family guy
american dad

8 years ago

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I highly recommend you "In Treatment" (US version) with the great actor Gabriel Byrne as the main character.

It was a drama already released on HBO few years ago ; short format (20m at start), the 3 seasons are very differents and can be completely watched in few days. It's the story of a psychotherapist who encounter one patient (or a couple) each day of the week, from monday to thursday, on weekly appointment. When Friday comes, he's going to see his own therapist who was his mentor...

The original part of this TV show was the fact than each episode was originally aired one by one on the same week, meaning you have to follow the same pace of the therapist... Well, you will loose this now! :P

But! The different characters, stories behind them, and all the tracking of each denouement are really fascinating ; you will follow the patients trying to avoid the psychologist, lying, even fighting with their minds, until they accept his help... and at the same time you will discover than he's not completely a good person too! Maybe his patients are not the most flayed after all...

If you are interested to follow something with an original format, a little bit slow (no action, almost only talks) but which can really make you think hard, you should watch it.

8 years ago

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Don Cheadle as Captain Planet (there's 4 parts, you can find it on youtube)
Between Two Ferns with Zach Galifianakis (quite a number of celebrities, you could try Steve Carell / Bruce Willis / Brad Pitt)

Comedy Bang Bang (Scott Aukerman) episode #272 (you gotta hear them sing LOL)
Harmontown (Dan Harmon) episode #140 (the random debate about murder and nicotine weapon)
Joe Rogan Experience (Joe Rogan) episde #651 (talk with a csgo gamer, c9's n0thing)

TV Series:
Mr. Robot - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt4158110/
Dark Matter - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt4159076/
iZombie - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3501584/
The Last Ship - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2402207/
Aquarius - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3768572/
House of Cards - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1856010/

I hope you really enjoy my recommendations and that there hasn't been much repeats in my suggestions, have a nice day ! @_@


8 years ago

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If you haven't ever heard this, this standup sketch is incredibly funny: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYIwPu50Fic
For TV series I'm currently binge-watching Doctor Who, but I guess somebody already suggested it. A less known one I enjoyed is "Kröd Mändoon and the Flaming Sword of Fire".
Not a big fan of podcasts, but I can recommend any episode of Ask A Ninja :D

8 years ago

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6 more members to get our GA started.
Almost certainly going to be Life Is Strange (Full Season!)

View attached image.
8 years ago

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I recommend watching:

  • Sense8
  • Marco Polo
  • Touch
  • Awake
  • 12 Monkeys
  • Continuum
  • Orphan Black
  • Penny Dreadful
8 years ago

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being a series junkie myself I am truly amazed by this thread. This is AWESOME! Usually, when someone starts a thread like this and asks for series recommendations, he gets about 1000 times the same "Big Bang Theory is so funny." and "You got to watch [Breaking Bad/Lost/GoT/Any other hyped show everybody has heard of]". But this time it's different. It's not only that there are nearly no duplicates - given the nature of this poll this was to be expected - but the most part of the posts here are great suggestions. I've seen mentioning of some truly hidden gems, which I enjoyed myself very much, like "Dead like me", "Reaper", "Blue Mountain State" or "Misftis", as well as some other great, relatively successful but underappreciated series like "IT Crowd" and "Community".

That being said, here are my suggestions:

Veronica Mars - Great written, especially the first season
Party Down - Great comedy by the crew around Veronica Mars
Entourage - Let's hug it out, bitches
Friday Night Lights - Great drama Series about high school football
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Joss Whedon's first big show

... and many many more. But if I start and write down every series I liked I would sit here until tomorrow. So I'm gonno stop here.

8 years ago

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Realy, you should watch most of HBO series (my english is a trash, but i'll make some short notes):

  • The Sopranos (best one about mafia and psychology);
  • Six Feet Under (great one about relationship and the philosophy of death);
  • Oz (about being in prison; you will like it if you complete 'Prison break')
  • Deadwood (best western ever i seen);
  • Carnivàle (mystery about carnivale theatre);
  • Band of Brothers (about war; 10 episodes);
  • The Pacific (about war; 10 episodes);
  • The Wire (best one about cops);
  • How to Make It in America (about hipsters which is trying to make own business);
  • True Blood (best one about universe of vampires);
  • Bored to Death (comedy about writer which is trying to be detective);
  • Girls (great one about relationship);
  • The Newsroom (about journalism);
  • True Detective (6 episods from 8 is awesome; new story every season);
  • Silicon Valley (you will like it if you close with IT).

And also here is some great series from other channels:

  • Black Mirror (sci-fi; new story every episod);
  • Scrubs (comedy; funny as an 'Friends' but in hospital);
  • Mad Men (about making advertisement);
  • The Knick (main character is surgeon and drug user);
  • A Young Doctor's Notebook (black comedy about surgeon on drugs);
  • Dexter (about serial killer which is working for police);
  • American Horror Story (as an title says its a horror; new story every season);
  • An idiot abroad (comedy about traveling);
  • Fargo (about series of kills in small city; pre-story for 'Fargo' movie (1995) which was get 2 oscars).

Thats all wut I have remembered (or wut i could recommend) :D

8 years ago*

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A stand-up comedy by Bert Kreischer called "The Machine"

I don't listen to any podcasts, so I can't help you out there. :(

Good TV series which is on Netflix: Trailer Park Boys
It is one of the funniest shows I've seen. Season One isn't all that great, but the show just gets better. It has 9 seasons so far and a 10th one is planned.

8 years ago

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Sketch Ireneusz
Series Fargo
Podcast - no podcast, unfortunately I don't watch them so I will present here the best action motion capture instead, I have seen it this year Witness Bloodbag!

8 years ago

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What about dark angel with Jessica alba

8 years ago

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