A new whitelist GA is coming up for those who'll find the secret sauce (read below how to find it!):

Participate in this thread to vote for 1 of the following 5 games (you need to be whitelisted to vote)

1. Life Is Strange (Full Season!)
2. This War of Mine
3. Besiege (2 Copies!)
4. The Forest
5. Magicka 2

Read below how to enter, vote for the game you want and have a chance to win it! DON'T VOTE HERE

Hey there human and alien alike! My small and super secret group is brewing a new SECRET SAUCE! Last time was kinda cool, let's make this one great once again.

Steps to complete:

  1. Check if you're on my whitelist with my previous Besiege giveaway, if you are - go to step no. 3! If not, proceed to 2.
    Check: http://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/VV9d2/besiege

  2. Not whitelisted yet? This means you need to hit the secret sauce! Check how on "Secret Sauce: The Mission". Once you hit the sauce proceed to step 3

  3. On the above mentioned GA there's now a new poll! Submit your vote for our next game giveaway, which will start once we hit 100 members. Proceed to 4.

  4. Join our group! Add Amorphism to your steam friends and get invited. Don't do it unless you're whitelisted(!) of course. The more people who join the faster we'll get our awesome GA started.

Note: If there are more votes than the number of people on my whitelist it will be disqualified and a new one will start. So no sharing of the poll/cheating please.

Secret Sauce: The Mission

Greetings Sauce Agent, this is your mission should you choose to accept it:

  • Remember gift of laughter from our last Secret Sauce GA? A lot of great suggestions there but I still want more stuff that'll make me laugh. So this mission is more specific - recommend a comedy routine (standup or a sketch only!), if I laugh you're golden.

  • I'm a podcast guy and always on the scout for an engaging podcast to tingle my brain. Recommend a a specific episode for a podcast you think is great, if it piques my interest you're in! Remember, just recommending a podcast isn't enough. Hint: remove the following from your suggestions becasue I'm already listening to them: RadioLab,Freakonomics, WTF with Marc Maron, The Partially Examined Life.

  • Besides Game of Thrones which is almost over and Bates Motel which I've been binge watching upto season 3, I'm pretty much out of series to watch! Your mission is to recommend a good series, even I've already watched it you'll get in, extra respect points for a series I wasn't aware of!

As before, no double-triple-infinite-post. One unedited post is enough. You can try multiple suggestion of course.

Super-Agent Amorphism Out!

As always - don't share the secret sauce If you found it. ;)

Attention! People are repeating recommendations (mostly series) that were suggested multiple times! Use the search above. Example: Breaking Bad has been suggested 3 times.

9 years ago*

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Watch Netflix's Daredevil! It's brilliant! Great stuff! :3

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Mmmmhmmm secret sauce.. drools :O

Might as well chip in a few suggestions myself. For TV series, if you haven't already, I have to recommend Parks & Recreation and The IT Crowd. Both are fantastic comedies, although it's a shame that both of them are already over (7 season for P&C, 4 for IT Crowd). Also, The Reaper is quite good too. It's like the light version of Supernatural, with comedy as the main genre.

I'm not much of a podcast guy and I only occasionally watch stand up comedies, so I don't know which is the best.

9 years ago*

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Don't forget about the extra final episode of The IT Crowd, if you haven't seen you really should it's great ^^

9 years ago

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Wait... THERE'S AN EXTRA EPISODE?! frantically clicks Kickass Torrent

Thanks for the heads up! Otherwise, I never would have known.

9 years ago

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The Wire
Breaking Bad
Better Call Saul
True Detective
The Sopranos

9 years ago

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+1000 for The Wire

9 years ago

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I would recommend Netflix's Daredevil as well. It's a little darker than a lot of Marvel's movies/shows so that makes it a bit different. For a podcast I recommend Ear Biscuits.

9 years ago

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Orphan Black in the 3rd season
Vikings 3 seasons finished 10 episodes each
Continuum 3 seasons of 13 episodes

9 years ago

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Orphan Black is something I am working through myself right now. Seems good thus far.

I think trying to watch the standup special for Louis Anderson is hilarious for the wrong reasons. Its the most antiseptic bland humor I have ever seen. Its so painfully unfunny it loops back to funny for me. Every joke is either that he is fat, or old. Nothing else. Its the worst.

9 years ago

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A friendly hint - if someone has already recommended a series, podcast or comedy routine (see OP)- he/she might be whitelisted but you won't. Search the thread to make sure you aren't repeating someone else's suggestion and miss your chance.

9 years ago

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Black Sails - 2 seasons finished, returning for a 3rd
Suits - 4 seasons finished, 5th returning this month

If you like GoT, you should like Black Sails, it's not GoT, but it's pretty damn good.
Suits is very different, it's a legal drama, but it's very good imo (and it's not a procedural), at least one of the characters has some resemblances to House. :P

P.S.: I'm pretty sure i posted and somehow it didn't go through... --'

9 years ago

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Not sure if I just recommend one out of the three categories but I'll go for all three for more chances of hitting that secret sauce. :P *yum

The 100 is a good show on Netflix but there's only season 1 on there so far.
Or if you're interested in some cartoons/anime:
Avatar: TLA and TLOK
Code Geass

A good podcast episode has to be from a podcast called Serial. A specific episode is called "The Alibi."

For something comedic, this one's pretty classic but good nonetheless: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTcRRaXV-fg

9 years ago

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It makes me sad that Game of Thrones has only one episode left, and I really like Bates Motel. A new series that I've been watching, that you may like, is Wayward Pines. I also recommend watching Penny Dreadful.

9 years ago

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+1 for Wayward Pines. I'm eagerly awaiting the new episode that airs tomorrow.

9 years ago

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Bojack Horseman is fantastic, binge watched it in 2 days(yesterday and 2 days ago lol)

9 years ago

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Watch Under the Dome, good stuff. Regarding the podcasts, listen to this one from Mark Rosewater http://media.wizards.com/2015/podcasts/magic/drivetowork224_originstory.mp3 about the origin of MTG. And finally, I can't leave this thread without recommending this stand-up routine from Robin Williams: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GYNHmPTUqR4

9 years ago

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Favorite series not Game of Thrones-->
New Series I'm enjoying:
Black Sails

Older Series:
Breaking Bad
The Pacific and Band of Brothers (HBO mini series)

Lastly I give the Gift of laughter:

9 years ago

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I'm a fan of:
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Battlestar Galactica
The Simpsons Seasons 4-10

9 years ago

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Community!! Always Community. Haha

9 years ago

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These series are really good:
House of Cards
Mad Men
Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Death Note

9 years ago*

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I think I already recommended you Gotham didn't I?
If you like anime watch Attack on Titan, that thing is SICK!
Breaking Bad was amazing for a drama series and Walking Dead is decent too.

9 years ago

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Not knowing exactly what genres you like makes it difficult to throw out suggestions... but I can rattle off some series i found exceptionally good
The West Wing - drama
Fawlty Towers - comedy
Babylon 5 - space opera
Total Recall: 2070 - sci-fi (based on the Phillip K Dick books "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep", and "We Can Remember It For You Wholesale" rather than the movie .
Farscape - sci-fi (give it half a season to start, it REALLY kicks off then)
NCIS - long running military cop drama - characters are what set this one apart from the rest (imho)

9 years ago

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If you knew what I like exactly there wouldn't be a secret sauce to begin with !-)
But there are clues you can get from the first Secret Sauce thread.

9 years ago

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Some that haven't been mentioned yet: Twin Peaks, Mildred Pierce, and The Crimson Petal and the White.

9 years ago

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The Wire
Malcolm in the middle

Rhett & Link

Gift of laughter
Italian Spiderman the best superhero evah!

my comment isn't showing might double post, but I rather double than none at all

View attached image.
View attached image.
View attached image.
9 years ago

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fuk can I edit or put here the other 2 images?

9 years ago

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If you want to hit the sauce with a podcast you need to recommend a specific episode (read OP).

No editing or more than one comment.

9 years ago

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wrong link on the podcast :/ sent channel instead, here's the right one:
Fixed podcast link

1st image is called gangbang xD

I also fixed the 2 images that didnt got embed
girlfriend text
Dat ass

9 years ago

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Just tell me if this is okay?
or the 1 comment rules is made of iron, even if it was just to fix the 1st comment

9 years ago

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If you are already listening to Marc Maron, you should check out anything on the Nerdist network and Smodcast. Nerdist is Chris Hardwick's venture, Smodcast is Kevin Smith and Scott Mosier of Clerks fame.

SModcast Episode - The Walrus and the Carpenter this is where they come up with what would become the movie Tusk.

Nerdist - Kevin Pollack Returns I am a huge fan of Kevin Pollack's podcast and laughed my ass off here.

For TV series - If you've never seen The Tudors yet, check it out. One of the better shows done on network TV. Daredevil on Netflix is one of my current favorites as well as Marco Polo. If you don't mind watching series that are no longer on, Lie to Me and Luther would be my recommendations. Both can be found on Netflix.

9 years ago

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Will second Nerdist ,Luther,and The Tudors, although the last series was more of a guilty pleasure for me due to the extremely liberal license they take with history. IMHO, a better example of historically accurate and entertaining television is Borgia (no, not Showtime's The Borgias, but Borgia, )which is an international production although dialogue is primarily English.

9 years ago

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If you haven't seen Suits yet, please go watch it. Amazing and one of the best show on TV.

Not sure if you are into anime live action. But if you are or at least willing to look into it, I recommend Rurouni Kenshin live action (all 3 movies). It has amazing fight scenes.

Gotham is another good show. It isn't perfect so don't expect it to be perfect but it is still pretty cool to watch and learn about the origins of all the villains and how Gotham came about.

If you want more just let me know, I can recommend you more from what my friends have told me to watch. But those two are the ones that I have seen.

9 years ago

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like animated comedy? Simpsons 1-9th seasons, best there ever was.
Mystery comedy? Psych. Awesome show.
Anime? Parasyte, or Mirai Nikki. (or One Piece if you dont have a life...)

9 years ago

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The blacklist

9 years ago

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