Hello everyone, just got home so I'll be handing out the prizes soon... :) A big thank you to everyone who played, hope you had fun! :) I know I had fun... :)

To anyone who didn't win a prize, I'll find something for you, don't worry! :)

If anyone's curious to know what they missed:



To anyone who played and felt disappointed... I said this was just bundle leftovers, but: I always say that, and it's always a lie. :)

Any Jerkfest people who reached the "final" giveaway, and saw:

Well, that was fun! Hope you enjoyed the chance to win some bundle leftovers, fellow jerks! :) And never forget:

He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy. :)

Next time, look at the URL on that rickroll smiley, ok? :) This isn't a puzzle, this is easy mode. Free stuff! :)


trololo=6c3353486e ???

6c3353486e = l3SHn

http://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/l3SHn/ = DayZ

And any Consolation Prize people who reached the "last" giveaway and saw:

Sorry, ran out of bundle games, nice people! :)

Umm, this is easy guys. :)


trololo=SWo4VFg= ???

SWo4VFg= = Ij8TX

http://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/Ij8TX/ = Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor

Extra Special non-jerky thanks to bananarepublic and xKomachi who found the Shadow of Mordor giveaway but refused to enter since it was on my wishlist. Jerks! :) I'll find some way to repay you! :)

Original stuff below:

Note: Be sure to read the whole thing, because if you're not a jerk you qualify for the Consolation Prize giveaway chain! :)

There are so many generous people here in the Steamgifts forum. To mention only a few recent examples:

DeltaBladeX created a Halloween giveaway event (plus countless others!)

Grauntgar made a Thanksgiving giveaway event.

IndaHoodz started an Insurgency Key Drop which unexpectedly became a Beggarfest/Blacklistfest :)

Khalaq made a Thankfest.

And currently, I see Tragikos is inviting people to another Simultaneous Giveaways group.

Sadly, I'm not one of those. I used to make puzzles, but haven't done any in ages. And if you ever looked at those puzzles, you know I'm a complete jerk. So I thought, hmm... :)

How about some giveaways for my fellow jerks? Any current or former jerks may apply. Here are some examples of how you might qualify... :)

  • Still haven't read the Steamgifts FAQ after two years?

  • Won a mountain of games, and given away zero?

  • On dozens of blacklists but can't figure out why?

  • Suspended for begging?

  • Spammed the forum with your referral links?

  • Tried to give away a region-restricted price glitch game?

  • Never thanked someone for buying a game, even after you won their giveaway?

  • Thought Steamgifts was the proper place to make your trade offers?

  • Cheated on/spoiled someone's forum puzzle?

  • Won something you didn't actually want, so you tried to regift it?

  • Scammed multiple copies of games from IGN Prime?

  • Complained about your $1 bundle junk not giving you $100 CV?

  • Asked why you haven't received that game you won 15 minutes ago?

  • Created giveaways but never sent the gifts to the winners?

  • Kicked from a giveaway group because you leeched a bunch of games and never gave anything back?

  • Tried to give away free stuff by calling it something else?

  • Won a bunch of great games but never played them?

  • Asked people to send you paypal/keys/games/metal/whatever for a chance to win something?

  • Idle Mastered your wins for the trading cards, and never played the games?

  • Entered all the expensive "Complete Pack/GOTY" giveaways because you were missing some cheap DLC?

  • Robo-commented something like Thank you very much for the chance to win this great game :D in every giveaway you entered? :)

  • (suggested by limathompson) Used Easy Steamgifts to auto join and auto comment every giveaway?

  • Or did you do something so jerky it didn't even occur to me to list it? :)

If any of these sound familiar, simply write I would like to enter the Jerkfest. And state the reason(s) you qualify. :) I will add you on Steam to give the URL for the start of the Jerkfest giveaway chain.

Note: Since this is a Jerkfest, the games are all bundle leftovers, and none of them have trading cards. :) Sorry! :)

Sadly, not everyone here on Steamgifts is a jerk. If you don't qualify for the Jerkfest, you qualify for the Consolation Prize giveaway chain! :) If you're not sure, here are some examples of non-jerk behaviour:

  • Did you carefully check the examples of qualifying Jerkfest behaviour, and fail to meet any of them? :)

  • Are you/were you a Steamgifts Admin/Moderator/Support/whatever person?

  • Thanked someone who gave away a game, even when you didn't win?

  • Gave away some games, before you even won any yourself?

  • Drove us insane with your puzzles?

  • Won some great games, and actually played them?

  • Made one of those helpful forum topics that saved us all hours of searching?

  • Created a fun event?

  • Got some achievements playing those trading card games you won, instead of using Idle Master for the free cards?

  • Or did you do something so non-jerky I couldn't even imagine it? :)

If you want to join the Jerkfest Consolation Prize giveaway chain, simply write "I would like to try for the Jerkfest Consolation Prizes." and state the reason(s) you qualify. :) I will add you on Steam to give the URL for the start of the Consolation Prize giveaway chain.

Note 1: Since I am a cheapskate, these are all bundle leftovers too. :) But they all have trading cards! :)

Note 2: In the true spirit of this Jerkfest I will also give you the URL for the start of the Jerkfest giveaway chain, so try for those too! :) Make sure no undeserving jerk wins them! :)

9 years ago*

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I would like to enter the Jerkfest, I'm qualified because I still haven't played the first game I won!
But I also qualify for the Consolation Prize, because I gave away some games, before I even won any.

9 years ago

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Aha, you're definitely in the Jerkfest! :) Good luck! :)

9 years ago

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I would like to try for the Jerkfest Consolation Prizes.


  • Thanked someone who gave away a game, even when you didn't win?
    â€Ē I usually thank the giveaway creator and all my "spanks" are hand-typed. If the GA creator takes his/her time to ask for a movie recommendation or therelike in the description, I'm also trying to respond accordingly.

  • Or did you do something so non-jerky I couldn't even imagine it? :)
    â€Ē I try to be helpful whenever I see unanswered questions pop up in the forum - unless it's the 5th "why does my CV not increase" thread that day

  • Made one of those helpful forum topics that saved us all hours of searching?
    â€Ē I've created some topics about new bundles, but most of the time I get beaten to it. I also used to create a thread whenever a new Free Bundle would pop up, but they stopped about 8 months ago with #12

9 years ago

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Oho, that's a tricky one... Manually typing all those spanks, I never would have guessed it! :) And you do seem very friendly... :) But for now I will have to go with "Won a bunch of great games but never played them?" and/or "Idle Mastered your wins for the trading cards, and never played the games?" :) Good luck! :)

9 years ago

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Let's all try and out-jerk each other?

-How about banking points in high-value giveaways? Have done that at times, then it backfired a few weeks ago when all entries were reset!

-Not playing games we won? Guilty. However my solution is to have a category in Steam called "Won" and I try to prioritise games from that category when choosing something new to play.

-Setting CV for 30.01 in giveaways. Or when you find a thread of someone whingeing (Aussie slang for 'whining') about CV giveaways he can't enter, immediately set up a giveaway for 1 cent more than his current CV and post it visibly in his thread. Bonus points if it's a game on his wishlist.

-Sitting on bundle games for years before giving them away, then posting them in some obscure thread beyond its first page.

-Posting some giveaway in a thread leading people to believe it's private when in fact it's public. Purposefully set a distant end-date so as to annoy the impatient and as much as possible reduce the chances of any one person winning it. Make them work for it too by hiding the link in just a single character and the rest is a fake link. Make them work further by suggesting there's a 0-character hidden link they'll only find by viewing the page's source code.

9 years ago

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Aha, that sounds like a good solution, mine was to stop entering giveaways as I'm obviously never going to have time to play them if I won. :) Guess it's a toss-up which works best. :) Good luck! :)

9 years ago

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Yeah if it's a giveaway in a group where maybe fewer than 10 people will enter, and it's clearly non-bundle, I won't enter if I don't have any intention of playing it. That's almost a given. Even I don't jerk that much. If I know I will play it but maybe not right away I'll still probably enter. All circumstantial I guess.

Sorry for the double entendres. Nah, I guess they're pretty much single entendres. Bah.

What's the difference between a jerk and a troll? Only one has a happy ending. :)

9 years ago

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i'm a jerk cause i spoiled a puzzle and got suspended. I've also won a bunch of games but haven't given away many

9 years ago

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Oops! :) Sounds like you're in! :) Good luck! :)

9 years ago

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I would like to try for the Jerkfest Consolation Prizes.
I have driven people insane with my puzzles.
I have got some achievements playing some of those trading card games I won, instead of using Idle Master for the free cards, but mostly
I've idled my wins for the trading cards, and never played the games, but of course I plan to getting around and playing them :D. So I guess I qualify for the Jerkfest too, your call.
Also, thanks for the cool event you came up with.

Edit: I just remembered I reported a guy for regifting one of my giveaways he won and he got suspended for about 2-3 months so I felt like a jerk.

9 years ago

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Think letting Idle Master play your wins counts for the Jerkfest, so good luck! :)

9 years ago

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Not really sure if I qualify as a jerk. I enter in GOTY/Complete pack for a game I already have, but usually I don't have any DLC at all. (You said CHEAP DLC)

If I ever won it, I would probably allow the original giveaway owner to decide what to do with the spare copy if I got an extra giftable copy. (It wouldn't be mine to giveaway)

This post also seems like more of a confession thread.

I also have idled on games to get card drops, but I never used the Idle Master program. (I actually open the games and leave them in the launcher or title screen)

9 years ago

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Well, idling wins for the cards sounds jerky enough, either Idle Master or manually! :) Good luck! :)

9 years ago

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definitely a jerk. even tried giving away a free game (well.. three of them to b exact)

9 years ago

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Yep, you're all sorts of in! :) Good luck! :)

9 years ago

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  • I'm trying to think about jerk things just to enter the giveaway

  • I pay people to vote for me for President

  • And i make fake giveaways at steamsocial


  • I always thank the people who made the GA's i won, even if they send me as a present or through email, unless they are really hard to reach, like not accepting my friend request for days

  • Constantly give back to the community

  • Actually play the games i win, since i just enter the GA's of games i want

  • Well, I'm a Bear

9 years ago

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Oho, you can probably think of better Jerkfest qualifications than that! :) Take my word for it, you're in! :) Good luck! :)

9 years ago

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  • In the beginning of my journey trough SG, i didn't read the FAQ, a few days after i did because

  • I self-promoted me in a way that wasn't allowed and got a 24 hour suspension ;_;

  • Also the last time i was suspended was for 'Non-activated win' because i forgot i had it in gift type in my inventory lel, but got release of the suspensions a few hours later because i immediately activated it

  • And thats it i guess, bad enough?

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Hey, no being nice in here! :) I wonder if the person who used it will say anything. If not, they are qualified! :)

I never would have guessed you've only won 10 games, that's crazy! :) But hey, play more of them! :)

Guess I should be consistent and add you to the Jerkfest, and then feel bad about it. :( I'll probably end up changing my mind later, like with the other nice people around here... :)

9 years ago

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I was running out of time to get the unlock.

As for winning, I don't enter much things lately, haven't even finished those 10 wins yet.

I am certainly qualified as a Jerk.
(I had made a very scientific method to find games to give away and Avencast was one of them. But apparently it's off the list? Whatevs...)

9 years ago

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Well, I think I qualify for the Jerkfest, because my first 2 giveaways were games I received for free. I also posted last year a referral link in a forum post (but it was a fake one leading to a puzzle, I prefer to be precise, you know, karma matters). And the worst part, the thing that qualify me with no doubt, is that I didn't find the time to play a few of the games I won here (also, still for karma matters, I plan on playing them, and I didn't find the time either to play many games I paid for).
BUT... I also think that I qualify for the Consolation Prize. After discovering SG for a chance to win games, I started to make gifts and at this time I gave more than I received. I always thank a GA maker, when receiving a gift of course (and not everybody does that :-( ), but also when entering (and I type something myself with my little fingers, even if sometimes I can lack originality). I even remember a big chain from you when it was very hard because there was dozens of GAs ^^ I also don't use any card farming software. I even read many extracts of King James Bible because I wanted to make a puzzle maker happy. And I'm already in your friend list, which means obviously that I'm a nice guy :)

9 years ago

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Hmm, it does look like you played a lot of your wins, but if I'm a jerk, then you'd be a friend of a jerk, making you a jerk as well! :) Good luck! :)

9 years ago

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I've done some non-jerky things but it's easier to list the jerky things :)

  • I've won some great gifts but haven't played them (going on vacation in 2 days and will play some then)

  • (the worst thing I've done) When I first joined steam gifts I won two giveaways for the same game

9 years ago

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Sounds like you qualify, so good luck! :)

9 years ago

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I would like to try for the Jerkfest Consolation Prizes.
my first giveaway was Resident Evil Revelations Biohazard Revelations before I win Fortix.
I win a lot of great game and actually played them.

9 years ago

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Aha, another nice person... :) But don't forget to try the bad games too, you never know! :) Good luck! :)

9 years ago

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I would like to enter the Jerkfest. I think I qualify because: (I think) I never thanked someone for buying a game, even after I won their giveaway and I have won a game(Renegade Ops) but never played it.

Edit: Also; the only two games I've ever given away were from Humble Bundle and I also entered this jerkfest and forgot to log in to steam for four days straight afterwards.

9 years ago

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That sounds just jerky enough! :) Good luck! :)

9 years ago

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I would like to try for the Jerkfest Consolation Prizes.

I had to wait for quite some time (>1000 entries) to get my first win, but liked the idea of helping eachother to some nice games so much that I 1. didn't whine, 2. stayed true to steamgifts and 3. gave away some games myself to make other people happy.

I play the games I win and don't enter games I don't want.

9 years ago

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Well, playing The Longest Journey has to count as non-jerky! :) Don't know if your other two won games are good or bad, but maybe you can find out yourself soon... :) Good luck! :)

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 months ago.

9 years ago

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Alas! :) Sounds like you can fit in the Jerkfest, but I will feel bad... :) Good luck! :)

9 years ago

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I would like to enter the Jerkfest.

First of all, I won a bunch of great games but never played them, at least not yet. I'll (hopefully) get to them someday!
Also, I've Idle Mastered some of my wins for the trading cards, and never played the games. However, in my defense, I've stopped doing this and actually recently decided to go through my giant and ever-growing backlog and at least try all of my games.

Also, thank you for doing this, fiftykyu!

9 years ago

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Sounds like you're in, and good luck with your backlog! :) It's harder than you think! :)

9 years ago

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Hmm, and what if I do qualify to both categories for the same reason?

Jerkfest Cheated on/spoiled someone's forum puzzle? - I pretty much spoiled half of SG Puzzles all in one topic, but at the same time it is One of those helpful forum topics that saved you all hours of searching? xD

9 years ago

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don't forget, you are criminal scum and stole a sweetroll :c

9 years ago

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Good point! :) Doubt you're missing any of these games, but you're welcome to try finding one... :) Good luck! :)

9 years ago

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turned out I was missing 4 or 5 ;p Yet for some reason most of them from Jerk part ;p

9 years ago

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Oh, that many? Well, good luck then! :)

9 years ago

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I would like to try for the Jerkfest Consolation Prizes. Because i didn't do anything on the jerk list. The best game i won here was Bioshock 1 and i complated it.

9 years ago

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Sounds good, but don't forget to play that other one too! :) Good luck! :)

9 years ago

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I'm not jerky! I read carefully through everything thar and I was kinda surprised that I don't qualify!

9 years ago

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In that case, good luck! :) Maybe you will be a jerk by the next event, don't give up hope! :)

9 years ago

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I would like to enter the Jerkfest, because:

  • When I started using the site, I used to robo-comment because I thought that the comment was needed to participate.
  • Idled on won games just for the cards, even though I don't use IdleMaster.
  • Created a non-bundled GA of a very cheap game just to break the 30CV "barrier".

I would like to try for the Jerkfest Consolation Prizes, because:

  • Carefully read the FAQ before creating a GA, and even read the Formatting Guidelines
  • Gave away (bundled) games before winning.
  • Always thanked the people who gave me the games, either on steam chat or replying the e-mails.
  • AFAIK, I'm not on anyone's blacklist.

So, basically, I live by the rules, but never did anything worth noting :)

9 years ago

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Think I'll let you in the Jerkfest for idling those wins, remember someone else wanted to play them! :) Or, well, probably someone else wanted to play them. Maybe nobody wanted to play them, and you shouldn't feel bad at all. Oh well. :)

9 years ago

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Some of them, maybe, and I'll play them! It's just that I'm not with much time to play anything until mid-December...

9 years ago

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I would like to enter the Jerkfest because:

  • Won a bunch of great games but never played them. In my defense I win them faster than I could play them (first world problems)
  • Idled in many games for the cards but never played them

And now that I learned that there's an easier way than using SAM I'm gonna be an even bigger jerk and it's all your fault!

9 years ago

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I have the same problem with buying games, there's no way to reduce the backlog if they come in faster than they go out... :( So good luck! :)

9 years ago

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I qualify for both so I will let you decide whether i'm a jerk or not

I'm a jerk because-

  • Idle Mastered your wins for the trading cards, and never played the games? (Only done this to one of my games, but I only one it about a week ago so havn't had chance to play it yet)

I'm not a jerk because-

  • Thanked someone who gave away a game, even when you didn't win?
  • Gave away some games, before you even won any yourself? (Gave away trapped dead before i won anything else)
  • Drove us insane with your puzzles? (here is my most recent one)
  • Won some great games, and actually played them?
9 years ago

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Aha, looks like I will have to add you to the Jerkfest for not playing some of those games, and feel bad about it later... :) Sorry! :) Good luck! :)

9 years ago

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(qualify for both??) Jerkfest:

  • Won a 2 games & still haven't played them. (plan to play them lol).
  • Gave away some games, before you even won any yourself?
    -Thanked someone who gave away a game, even when you didn't win?
  • Always thanked the people who gave me the games.
  • read the FAQ before creating a GA
9 years ago

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Trying to win stuff you didn't want to play sounds jerky enough! :) I assume someone in those giveaways actually wanted those things! :) Could be wrong though... :) Good luck!

9 years ago

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Sadly enough I qualify for both - but how can I have jerk & non-jerk behaviour!!

Jerk behaviour :
Won a bunch of great games but never played them?
Idle Mastered your wins for the trading cards, and never played the games?
*Robo-commented something like Thank you very much for the chance to win this great game :D in every giveaway you entered? :) (Not every, but on several occasions )

NON-Jerk behaviour :
Thanked someone who gave away a game, even when you didn't win?
Gave away some games, before you even won any yourself?
*Made one of those helpful forum topics that saved us all hours of searching?

9 years ago

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Yep, looks like Idle Master all right... :) Remember, someone else had that stuff on their wishlist... :) But I will probably feel bad about it later... :)

9 years ago

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I want to enter both, as I have:

  • Been suspended for begging
  • Won a bunch of great games but never played them
  • Robo-commented something like Thank you very much for the chance to win this great game :D in almost every giveaway I entered


  • Thanked someone who gave away a game, even when you didn't win?
  • Gave away some games, before you even won any yourself?
  • Drove us insane with your puzzles?
  • Won some great games, and actually played them?
  • Made one of those helpful forum topics that saved us all hours of searching?
  • Got some achievements playing those trading card games you won, instead of using Idle Master for the free cards?

Wait, why is it so imbalanced? My life is ruined! It's RUINED!

9 years ago

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Sounds quite jerky! :) Maybe I should have made a Jerkfest Purgatory for people in the middle... :)

9 years ago

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