So it seems people are Lying to Steam support to Steal peoples Account and/or Deleting SteamGuard App.
I've encounter 2 of my Friends having their Account Hijacked because according to them, Steam has deleted their SteamGuard Security and label them as the Hackers for Stealing the Account and giving the Account to the actual Scammer itself. They had to fight back at Support with Evidence and Claims to recover their Account.
Not sure how this works out but it seems to be getting Frequent now.The hijack account will start spamming message to all its Friends saying "Click here for a Roulette to win a Free Game"

Another Encounter is from Personal Experience is Trolls at any Game Forums are abusing the Report System and Steam Support. How does this work? 1st they will create a Troll Thread and start a Flame War against anyone not supporting their Opinion like "Monster Hunter World has too many DLC, the Company is a Scam Dealer" and if you're the people Defending the DLC that its all pure Optional and Cosmetic, he will fight back calling you a "Fanboy" and "Supporting Cut Content". He will then Proceed using his Friends/Group to spam the Report Button and use Steam Support to get you Forum Ban be it a Day Ban or Permanent. I was a Victim of one and I had to literally contact 2 different Steam Support. 1 is the Community Message Detail and the Other is Steam Support.
Guess what? Steam Community Message Detail actually unban my Injustice Forum Ban while Steam Support issue a Bot Response saying my Forum Ban is Justified and I should not be Spamming.... Like Literally What the Effing Hell?! Also the Troll who started the Tread is still allowed to Roam Free at the Forums for God Knows why and how are they not Ban.

Evidence Steam Forum Ban being Abused.
This OP Troll is where I and few others were Forum Ban but was Unban within 5 Hours. OP is still not Ban yet and is expected to return to Troll more again or go to another Forum.
At least 1 of the Troll got Forum Ban already.
There was another Thread but it seems it got Deleted. I'm sure he isn't ban because he was using the Thread to Troll and advertise his own Twitch Channel.
Edit: Nvm found this Thread.
Evidence Steam Support didn't bother to Read the Discussion before Banning People because of the Trolls Friends abusing the Report system. Response from Steam Support was a Bot.
Another Evidence how Steam Support just Bans without even looking at the Discussion at Hand Properly. I got Unban already but its Through here and not through Steam Support Ticket that replies with a Bot Reply.

5 years ago*

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Oh wow, didn't see that Thx.

5 years ago

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Steam did not give your friends' accounts to a hacker, your friends gave their accounts themselves by logging to a phishing site. Steam support has to be unbiased and return the account to the person who can show proof of ownership. Steam support staff, just like real life judges, cannot go by gut feeling or they will be fired. If no proof was required, I could just claim that the account "spensert" is mine and that you stole it.
Steam support is not doing a "bad" nor a "great" job, they are simply doing their job.

All trolls get a community ban at some point. Don't engage with them or if you can't control yourself, just stay away from the steam forums. You won't find anything useful there anyways.

5 years ago

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Well said, Good Sir. :)

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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wise word sir/mam

5 years ago

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I also wish Steam Support changed... I have never seen worse support than the one on Steam.

5 years ago

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Steam has the best support, fast replies and easy refunds

5 years ago

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IMHO EA support is better. But I always chat with them directly, not with tickets or something.

5 years ago

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I never used the EA support, but i know for certain that Ubisoft support really sucks, i had to wait like 1 month for a reply, and you cant have a refund if you "installed" the game

5 years ago

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I don't know about such issues, all my requests (some problems with achievements in Assasin Creed series) got answer in 12-24 hours. But I have a small amount of Ubi games, so maybe I just lucky.

5 years ago

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My experience on the other hand with Ubi support was good - at least as far as my account was concerned. Their 2-factor authentication screwed up my account and I just PMed a rep from their Facebook page and it was fixed within the day.

5 years ago

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If I have a UPlay problem, I just call them on the phone and they help me within 5 minutes. Steam support sucks big time compared to that.

5 years ago

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Glad to hear you have a good experience. I did not. Maybe i should call them next time.

5 years ago

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I agree. I had to contact EA support twice and it was a pleasant experience to have a person to chat with. Steam support is like speaking to a robot.

5 years ago

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I dunno, I had contact with both Steam and Origin support in the past. My issue with Steam took about 2 days to resolve, took a while for a small issue iirc (can't remember what specific issue though, but i definitely remember it was something small). My Origin issue on the other hand I did remember clearly since it was a simple one, for some reason back then, when Origin introduced the authenticator thingamajig, I tried switching from email to authy, and then back to email temporarily when my phone crapped out. For some reason, when I switched the authentication to email, Origin didn't send the authentication code to login to my email so i had to contact support to get them to check it. I think it took about 3/4 rep and at least 2-3 weeks for one of them to realise that they needed to reset something with their authentication code server and my email before the issue was resolved.

Basically from my limited experience, Steam support does work slowly, but the issue does get resolved. Origin support though, man speaking to their rep feels like i'm speaking using Google translator before the issue was resolved. Hell I even remembered at some point, one of the EA rep asked me to restart my pc and router, to resolve the email address issue, for some reason... >.>

5 years ago

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Yep, they always begin from restart and reboot. And as programmer, I can say, that - yes - that operation often resolve a LOT of problems, even email issues. It's funny, but it's true.

5 years ago

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Steam has the best support

Steam has support so infamously bad, that they've had to excessively apologize for it multiple times over the years.
It's so infamously bad that it's not only a meme, but it's usually used as a bottom-positioned comparison point for other support services. Even on SG, you can find countless "horror stories" regarding Steam Support. I myself have interacted with them a few dozen times, and they've never once given a sensible response.

While their refund team [mind you, they only started refunds after the EU forced them to] tends to be much more reliable (and is generally a smooth, semi-automated process) than the single crazed, drugged-out chimpanzee they have doing core support, they've managed a small number of horror stories of their own, including refunding content that you didn't ask them do, in place of the content you did. [Something I can personally attest to experiencing.]

Saying your own experiences have been positive is one thing, but if you refer to them as "best support", we can only assume sarcasm. That doesn't mean other support teams don't have issues on their own, and that some aren't outright abusive in a way that exceeds Steam Support's quirks. Rather, it's just that other Support services tend to be a bit less.. eccentric in their replies than Steam's Support team.

5 years ago*

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Its strange, i have always got a reply fast, even with minor issues such as content complaints of the Steam community. All my refund requests (10+) got approved really fast. So no, im not sarcastic when i say "best support". Its the best support of any company i know.

5 years ago

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Well there's always Humble's support, which pretty much deem you a "trader" and bans you whenever you contact them about a key malfunctioning or a gift link not working anymore.

5 years ago

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I hear that often, but every time I have needed them, Steam support were fast, friendly, professional, and solved the problem.

Far unlike Humble support and Paradox support, who have been useless at best and in the case of Paradox, also utterly unprofessional.

5 years ago

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I take it you haven't used Epic Games' Support then

5 years ago

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4 Months and they havent replied to 1 of my complaints ._. and still counting

5 years ago

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community ban is from forum moderators and developers whose have nothing to do with valve, isnt it? Well, in most cases thats how it working.

and if it happens then you have the option to turn to steam support. On other hand they pretty busy now because humans like to type their own login infos on fake sites without thinking, then they blame valve for their own stupidity.

btw, not saying steam support is good, but not worse than any other support of any other big company, my personal worst experience with a customer support was actually with blizzard support, that was the day when i quitted wow and not touched any blizzard game since then.

5 years ago

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Yeah that's what I thought as well. Community bans are mods and devs, not Valve i think. Anyone can confirm this?

5 years ago

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Well the one I got was by a Steam Support as shown on my Imgur Link and not by a Steam Moderator.

5 years ago

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Well the one I got was by a Steam Support as shown on my Imgur Link and not by a Steam Moderator.

5 years ago

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community ban is from forum moderators and developers whose have nothing to do with valve, isnt it? Well, in most cases thats how it working.

Community ban is a lot more than a forum ban. It affects whole Steam. There is defiantly Valve involved.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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People just keep feeding the trolls and they keep crapping everywhere!

5 years ago

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Sometimes I think, that we need a witcher to hunt trolls. =)

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5 years ago

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Steam support always sucked, people aren't doing their job properly and often just copypaste messages. Most are just incompetents.
I remember that both times I got scammed in the past they never helped me, while someone else who had the exact same problem was helped (and I mean, exact same problem with same scammer and same method).
No wonder this is what's happening, it's easy scamming on steam and it's easy to not get a punishment for doing so and that creates a world where people do what they want because they feel they can.

5 years ago

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Steam users fell for a scam, but whose fault could it be? I blame those dirty Russian modifiers!

5 years ago

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gotta blame valve for everything, even if it's related to getting phished or something happening on epic store

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5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

5 years ago

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Oh, for fuck's sake, I should have known better than to open this thread.
I'll just blame that on Valve as well.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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I've been meaning to ask you what you put in that last cocktail.

5 years ago

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The last cocktail I had was on my birthday, which was fairly recently. I went to the big city for a day out - Shrewsbury is the 'big city' for me. It turned out that day was the same day as the FA cup football game between Shrewsbury Town and Wolverhampton Wanderers, I was aware of the game but hadn't realised it coincided with my birthday until myself and my small band of friends and family got to the train station and it was full of British transport police and football fans in cat sick yellow Wolverhampton Wanderers shirts carrying crates of beer. By the evening the only pub we could get in was some dodgy expensive looking place called 'The Alb' (apparently it used to be the Prince Albert before it got gentryified). Due to the crap selection of beers and spirits and also being a bit drunk I ended up trying a cocktail named after a drag queen that I believe involved absinthe, sambuca, pumpkin and tomato juice.

5 years ago

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absinthe, sambuca, pumpkin and tomato juice

Mixing anise and tomato flavors together already strikes me as dubious, without the addition of anything else..

I'm pretty cool with pumpkin, though, so maybe I could manage it. I'm guessing by your description of the bar, that it probably wasn't very good, though. After all, I've been to bars that couldn't manage to make a scotch and soda properly, and to ones that served alcohol at the level of a respectable restaurant, so I'm well aware of how wide the differences can be.

Well, I prefer the "party games and drinking at home" approach to celebrations to begin with, so it wouldn't have taken much for me to have been inclined to try and reorient the evening. ...'course, in your circumstance, it's more than enough of an excuse to decide to go home just to escape the British football fans. Y'know, "barcrawling called on account of natural disaster" and all that.

5 years ago

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The pub was one of those that thought it was classy because it served miniature burgers on wooden paddles and drinks in old milk bottles and had an old bicycle spray painted a bright colour fixed to the wall. Maybe it works in the London but not so much on the Welsh border.

I am a British football fan myself and there is less wrong with that than some might think. But the FA cup can throw up some mismatches and when a small town is overwhelmed with away fans from a Premier League club it is significant if not a natural disaster.

5 years ago

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Steam users fell for a dirty phishing scam. That's all there was too it.

As for the troll that got you banned... sounds like you fell for troll bait. It sounds highly unlikely that you got banned because they reported you. If someone is clearly trolling you, report them and stay out of the argument. Don't feed into the BS and attack them back because you can get suspended as well. This is not just on Steam, it's true of every forum across the internet that actually enforces its rules. Does it sound fair? Maybe not, but people should know better. Support members are human, so one might decide to suspend you, and another might decide that since you're a first time offender, they'd give you another chance. Just offering up a possible reason for the difference in how it was handled by different members of staff on Steam.

So... not Steam's fault.

5 years ago

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Those trolls are paid by epic store to convince users that steam forums are bad and you should use epic store to avoid them.
Where is my tinfoil hat?

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Thanks :) Now epic won't get me! Muahahaha

5 years ago

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Tinfoil hasn't protected against improved mind control rays since the 90s, you need a hat made of lead plates.

5 years ago

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That would explain why I buy more games than I can play! Need to improve my protective gear!
I wonder if they produce coats with hood...

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5 years ago

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You're welcome

They might not be able to get you with their outdated mind control ray, but watch out for them minions. They're reportedly green with hairy feet and probably smell like the underneath of a bridge, so shouldn't be too difficult to recognise. Don't let them get near the report button!

5 years ago

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I will avoid bridges from now on. Better safe then sorry.

5 years ago

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Well cops allow criminals on the streets, can't they read the minds of burglars?

Police is not doing it's job, some people will get robbed at some point, unacceptable

5 years ago

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