Ok just now Summer Conference ended, apart from GODLY Witcher III trailer there was news about creating new platform called GoG Galaxy...

So it seems CD Project is aiming to build rival for steam...

What's good about it:

  • Still all games DRM-free

  • Totally optional (unlike Steam)

  • You don't have to stay online

  • Cross-play - you can play on multiplayer with players from Steam/Uplay/Origin

So what do you think about it? Does it have any chance? I mean steam is quite powerful enemy after all

Edit (06.06.2014)

Ok so it seems that finally page gog.com/galaxy is working like it should.

Still no more information than they said on conference, but now you can watch advertising material for GoG galaxy. I must say that soothing voice telling everything that most of gamers think... is enough for me to even consider it as "something"... Uplay or Origin did a great job to piss me off, and I'm never ever using those AGAIN.

But ya I agree that steam is top dog... or rather heavy FAT warhound... it might be not possible for GoG galaxy to be on par with it... but for DRM-free lovers like me... it might be just enough to win my heart.

1 decade ago*

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9 years ago

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