Ok just now Summer Conference ended, apart from GODLY Witcher III trailer there was news about creating new platform called GoG Galaxy...

So it seems CD Project is aiming to build rival for steam...

What's good about it:

  • Still all games DRM-free

  • Totally optional (unlike Steam)

  • You don't have to stay online

  • Cross-play - you can play on multiplayer with players from Steam/Uplay/Origin

So what do you think about it? Does it have any chance? I mean steam is quite powerful enemy after all

Edit (06.06.2014)

Ok so it seems that finally page gog.com/galaxy is working like it should.

Still no more information than they said on conference, but now you can watch advertising material for GoG galaxy. I must say that soothing voice telling everything that most of gamers think... is enough for me to even consider it as "something"... Uplay or Origin did a great job to piss me off, and I'm never ever using those AGAIN.

But ya I agree that steam is top dog... or rather heavy FAT warhound... it might be not possible for GoG galaxy to be on par with it... but for DRM-free lovers like me... it might be just enough to win my heart.

1 decade ago*

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Isn't this basically GOG 2.0? That's a pretty fancy name for something not toooo unlike regular GOG, but hey, I love GOG, so they can name it whatever they'd like to.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

1 decade ago

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Sounds awesome, we'll have to see how it's executed. I don't trust anything I hear from games conferences anymore.

1 decade ago

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GoG has the same crappy service as steam, in some ways its worse, both companies have sold me crap that they self admitted wouldn't or didnt work and refused to refund or fix the issue in any way till I contacted their legal departments. Already sworn off GoG, refuse to buy anything through steam that I cant 100% afford through selling steam trading cards.

I have no guarantee games bought through their companies will work and if I had waddled my fat ass to a retail store and asked to return a product there would be no questions asked. Use as many clients as you want its just another way for a company to hose you.

1 decade ago

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Sounds good to me.

I will never understand why so many people hate multiple clients....

1 decade ago

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Might be stupid reason, but for me, it's the looks, I sometimes match all the colors on my PC, f.e. get everything green, and then I launch the orange/white origin, or stuff like that.
That's only reason for me. xD

1 decade ago

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Thats more funny then stupid, I actually use to do that haha.

1 decade ago

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It's quite pain in the ass. :D

1 decade ago

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Stop complaining, orange and white go great with green. :P

The Desura client sure looks like ass though.

1 decade ago

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Haha :D
Well, it was just an example, cause Origin is a lot more known than other shit + I couldn't really remember many other programs. xD
I've never used Desura so I don't know. :P

1 decade ago

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Remember Desura?

Yeah, me neither.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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More like "Remember Core Online?"

Too bad, I liked the idea of playing anywhere and for free (by watching commercials)

1 decade ago

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Sounds great!

1 decade ago

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I dont think so, GOG (Good Old Games) focus on, presicely Oldies games (many need DOSBOX to run on Win), o.c. there are exceptions like The Withcher Games, i.e. Newstest games are lauched in STEAM or Origin generally i.e. Watch Dog, Assassins Creed, Wolfenstein, and many other AAA games. GOG = Nostalgic Players (like me XD)

1 decade ago

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gog hasnt been good old games for awhile, good old games was dropped around the time witcher 2 came out iirc

1 decade ago

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I don't think so, but I have been waiting for GOG to do an optional client forever so meesa happy.

1 decade ago

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I can take bets that Steam will stay on top for at least 10 more years. This might be an option for some, just like GOG. But Steam still will be the top dog.

1 decade ago

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GOG has decent goals, excellent CS, loyal fanbase (DRM-free fans), great visions (e.g being DRM free), although somewhat dampened by Regional Pricing.

That said, it's a complementary service to Steam. It won't ever rival Steam... because of shitty library/catalogue in general.

Yes I said it. Without modern games, it stands zero chance to even appear on Steam's radar.

1 decade ago

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How dare you!

1 decade ago

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shitty? those are some of the best games. steam has the likes of orian dinohorde world war z and badrats

1 decade ago

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The Witcher series? Sure it's good.

Age of Wonders 3? Sure it's good.

Then again how many good games by modern standard does GOG have? Don't count old games into this - they have expired and not gonna sell like millions.

That's the concern. That's why GOG now have regional pricing - they want to bring also the best games by today's standard. They can't stick with 'old games' for a long time.

1 decade ago

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Some recent-ish titles that came out in the past 5 years are still there:

  • Prince Of Persia
  • Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena
  • Arma 2
  • Assassin's Creed
  • Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure

And so on, I'm not going to look up all of them, sorry. They also have a plethora of indie games that even debut there first, and they don't seem to lack what Steam does so far, which is quality control. Only once were they in trouble for one indie game that was unfinished in a rather blatant way, but they took matters to their hand and handled it in an appropriate way. Some of the best indies also release there, like Amnesia, Lone Survivor, FTL, Hotline Miami, etc., so stating that they lack modern games is merely false. Miss the AAA games? Yeah, like the majority of those will be published by companies who are still not chasing ghost pirates with their various DRM forces. Gog is doing fine by getting those few already.

Old games expired? I'm sorry, that's bollocks. I've seen 14-year-old people coming to and actually becoming regulars on one single Jedi Academy server, and that shit was 8 years old back then already at the time. Interest is not limited to those who play these out of nostalgia. Selling millions? Who said it was the goal? The only goal is to provide gamers with DRM-free oldies and even new titles, and they're doing jolly fine for that one.

Gog's regional pricing was only an idea they came up with, but after the negative backlash, they settled on a certain something, which meant that the game itself always cost the same for you anyways, regardless of where you bought it. Check out the fair pricing bit in their FAQ, but I think I've seen it on the Witcher 3's preorder page too.

And finally, yes, they can stick with the old games for a long time. I'd call 6 years a pretty damn fine run, especially for a slowly expanding platform that continually updates its game catalog and gets pretty neat sales every now and then. The one thing the majority of people misunderstand about Galaxy is that it's not supposed to be some sort of a rival. It's an optional alternative that, for now, seems more like a companion app to the other ones than anything else. And even if it was a rival, it does pretty damn well, since it has a lot of exclusives and a lot of people already bought stuff for it. Both GOG and Origin exploit the weaknesses of Steam by providing support that at least seemingly gives a shit and doesn't blame everything on the costumer, and also have at least some sort of quality control over the shit they release. Maybe not rivals, but they're some damn good alternative competitors for the big one, aren't they?

1 decade ago

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Being a 'legendary' game doesn't equal to be good for today's standard.

Mario Bros is a legendary game, forever, but are they still selling million copies nowadays?

Game has expiration date, not the correct term, but that's the point I'm bringing.

You can't expect the great Diablo 2 to surpass Diablo 3 sales nowadays. Why? Because it's past of its prime.

Same goes for the game list you mentioned.

And you're fooling yourself if 'million copies' or 'being successful in terms of sales' is not important. GOG is for profit company, not some charities for gamers. They simply are using DRM free principle to offer lucrative considerations for gamers to buy from. Steam's too powerful, and DRM free is just a good starting point. But again, without modern games, they won't gain many attention - that's why they're bringing modern games tagged with regional price.

9 years ago

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You're ignoring two of the most important points there. First, millions of copies are not what GOG is shooting for, it's what EA, Valve and the big ones want, because they have high sales on their individual titles, and because their games cost a metric fuckton to make. CD Projekt Red will make that revenue through their games only, like Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk 2077 if it ever releases, so their bases are covered. Gog is earning just about right for what it wants to achieve.

Second, and again, you and pretty much everyone else still is under the impression that this thing is meant to rival Steam. It's not. Origin is meant to, and so far it's failing at it. Gog just has the lucky position to be the second most popular online store for over 90% of its games, and they are taking advantage of the situation. The client will be an optional thing, and it has been requested by GOGgers for years now, myself included.

And to correct your first sentence, being a freshly released game that equals today's standards is nowhere near as acceptable as being one of the legendary games from the past either. You're not getting groundbreaking games like Thief or Deus Ex that shape whole new genres and such. The fact that new games sell more should have zero effect on you, since you were supposed to get the good stuff, not the "most successful shit that's on the market today". You don't watch a new Transformers movie when they play Terminator 2 on another channel on TV either.

9 years ago

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You must be joking. Shitty library? GOG has a fantastic library containing most of the best games ever made, and has them actually optimized for modern PCs unlike most of the rereleases you see on steam, Steam is turning into a cesspool of shovelware thanks to greenlight. Old games are expired? Wow, just wow.

1 decade ago

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So, what games are you playing nowadays? Mario Bros?

If you're ditching old games in favor of new ones, and only play them occasionally, that's expired.

Best games ever made? That does not count in terms of money. No sense in selling 'best games ever made' but if they don't earn enough money. That's why they keep expanding, because they know their Good Old Games library won't be able to make more profit for them.

9 years ago

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So a game is only fantastic if it keeps selling well for eternity? Why do you even care about sales? You're not getting a part of the profit. Morrowind sold a lot less than Oblivion or Skyrim yet any fan of the series will tell you it was a better than both of them. I'm playing Icewind Dale right now, thanks for asking, it's still a better game than most of the stuff that passes for an RPG out these days on steam. I'm actually ditching Skyrim to play it so by your logic Skyrim is expired right? By your definition rehashed turds like COD and Battlefield are better games because they sell millions of copies, if you think so then there's really no point in continuing this discussion.

GOG must be making enough, otherwise they would have closed down years ago. If they were desperate as you claim they would just give up on the whole DRM free policy and act like steam. You seem to not even understand how this works, judging by what you replied to the other person above. They don't need to sell millions. These games have all already been made, they just do a little work on them to optimize them for modern systems, so all their sales are pure profit.

9 years ago

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It will fail not because it is a bad idea but because people hate change. There will also be the, "I want to keep all my games in one client," logic that I always found silly when talking about DRM free games.

1 decade ago

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Maybe if GoG had anywhere near the available library of games Steam has, then yeah, it could rival it. Until then, not a chance.

1 decade ago

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i don't know .. but i did try withcer 1 and 2, didn't feel it
for witcher 3 isn't all godly .. but it will be my first one on PC

1 decade ago

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Nah, we don't need something we already have, that's just silly (and fucking pointless).

1 decade ago

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I think there will definitely be diehard fans for it which will most likely be the ones who pretty much just want DRM free games, but for most people I don't think its going to have anything good enough to be worth the change, all my games currently are on steam, and if I can't port them over, and theres nothing in particular about GoG Galaxy that will make me want to change, then I don't see the point.

1 decade ago

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Steam actually downloads a lot of DRM free exes and jst runs it thru the client. Maybe making a save profile for you that differs from running the game naturally. No one bothers to make a list of games u can copy out of the commons folder and run. Just easier to cry when steam is down and have nothing else to play.

Double click the bastion exe was the easiest way to keep a different save file for bastion when my nephew and I were playing it at the same time.

1 decade ago

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A GoG client to make all GoG-purchased game accessible in the same place is not a bad idea, but I don't think it will be massively adopted. Gamers probably don't need a new social thing, and GoG is also lacking localization for oldies. So Steam will probably continue to rule...

1 decade ago

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Ok so it seems that finally page gog.com/galaxy is working like it should. OP updated

1 decade ago

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Computer says no

1 decade ago

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I will very much prefer to use Galaxy to be honest, the only problem is the games that I can choose from. Steam has a wider variety than Gog, because most big developers won't release DRM free games these days. Any that are, I will always get from GoG before I look at steam. One thing they will really have to fight with from steam is the prices. So far i have seen a lot better sales on steam, though a few good ones on GoG.

1 decade ago

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Well, if they have good sales and good games on it, I would buy my games there instead on Steam.

(Tbh, imo Steam kinda sucks).

1 decade ago

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They have rather goood sales imho, plus I managed to grab about 4 free games (for example Omerta with all DLCs) while insomnia nights...

1 decade ago

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I don't think so. There are plenty of platforms already and they're pointless.

1 decade ago

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Ill take a loooooong time before some one can even compete with steam (and with a long time, might be 2-3 years only).

Not necessarily a treat to steam, not in the short term at least, but you cant simply have too many choices. Who said that you can only have 1 type of client?

1 decade ago

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Gog and Humble should join forces, if Humble's entire DRM-free library were unlocked by linking it on Gog's client, it would be a force to be reckoned with.

9 years ago

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O Captain! My Captain!

I agree 100%

9 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by Phelan.