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i think gleam ga's with "Subscribe to", "Join group" and "Sign up" not allowed here ^^

When posting links or content, that content should not force users, encourage users through reward, or primarily exist as a traffic source for users to perform an action for promotional, commercial, or monetary benefit. Such actions include but are not limited to clicking a referral link, liking a Facebook page, following a Twitter account, joining a Steam group, completing a survey, or making a donation.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 months ago.

7 years ago

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but.. where's your previous avatar? (ಥ﹏ಥ)

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 months ago.

7 years ago

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View attached image.
7 years ago

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^ thanks anyways.

7 years ago

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That is just Gleam in a nice pretty container and, as far as I know, no longer allowed here - sorry (when asking people to dance piggy dance and do this and that - to get said game - it no longer becomes a giveaway :P)

7 years ago

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duplicated key

7 years ago

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yeah you need to delete this! its against the rules ;)

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

7 years ago

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? = zero

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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just delete link and inform people that there is the free game over at cubic bundle. no need to get yourself suspended for breaking the rules to just inform people of something. it's just as effective (since people do know how to use a search engine)..

Free Game = They Came From The Moon over at Cubic Bundle  (search string:  cubic bundle they came from the moon  )
7 years ago

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Judging from the frequency of duplicate threads posted whenever there is a free game (see: The I of The Dragon, etc) I would say that some people don't know how to stress their pea-sized brain in order to use a search engine ;P

7 years ago*

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most are okay, just not those that make you jump thru hoops like gleam (or powered by gleam). Mihey3Z said it right at the top. i was just trying to give him a suggestion to not have to break the rules, but still inform people about it. seems most people don't care anyways though. but only a few posted nowadays that actually are against the rules, not really that frequent anymore. Indiegala, Alienware, Woobox (most of the time), DLH, Bundlestars, all those are fine though. (at least most of the time)

7 years ago

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My comment was a just a rant on the failure of people to do something that takes a investment of no more than 10 whole seconds on their part. It wasn't aimed at taking one side or another concerning the rules being discussed or whatever.

If we are to get technical about it though: Indie Gala requires that you join a Steam group, the same for Bundle Stars I believe, and DLH requires liking their Facebook page I think. Basically, if one were to take the guideline quoted above as literally as it is written then there would be almost no such giveaways permitted to be posted.

7 years ago

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sry, but wrong all all 3x examples ;)

indiegala ask's you if you would like to sign up for their newsletter as you request a free game from them, but don't require it
bundlestars i think may of required group at one point, but i since they moved to using woobox's system that's no longer a req (or like i said on most of the time with woobox)
DLH - idk if you sign up thru facebook they may require that, but i don't even have a facebook account to like something and i get keys

update: the other workaround to the rule could be linking a page that links to the page maybe? idk there, that's touchy then.
update2: alienware is the one i would debate might be borderline the most.. they require you to levelup to get their keys.. that's the one i'd probably argue technically is breaking the rules too, but its not frowned upon really for some reason.

7 years ago*

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Unless they changed it, Indie Gala won't give you a key for the giveaways embedded on their site unless you join their Steam group. That I am 100% sure about. I wouldn't have joined the Steam group if not for that. Bundle Stars I'm not sure, but a lot of the raffles they have been running have required joining their Steam group and following on Twitter. That was for stuff like Steam wallet and other prizes though, not mass game giveaways. I'll have to pay closer attention next time they do one though. DLH I'm not sure about, just going based off of some comments I have seen but maybe they were not correct. I don't recall whether they use some sort of FB app or whatever for verification purposes though.

7 years ago*

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so indiegala and alienware probably.. hmm.. idk.. i think most don't care unless its more then 1x thing. just a single steamgroup joining doesn't seem to bother anyone. though i didn't know that really was a req i'd just joined it cause i wanted the notification from them when bundles go live anyways. idk though.. its gleam that people fight against, or gleam powered ones. they are just insane with reqs.

7 years ago

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no I got games from Indigala without signing up to their group - but then I have purchased bundles from them before I even thought of joining the group - either way, this was specific to this post and the fact that CG no longer approves of these posts on SG - so it was just a fair warning, in case they get banned for something as silly as posting a thread that requires you to complete a task to get a game (rather than one that is given away without constraints (but this is all subjective and you are free to contest your own points on the merits, or lack thereof, of this :)

7 years ago

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Aqua FIVE Terra

7 years ago

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= M

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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? = B
! = P

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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thanks. I see 3 games in the bundle they want us to look at on my wish list. Plus 2 more I may be interested in. I've never heard of cubic bundle. Are they legit?

yes I'm doing the standard search right now. :)

7 years ago

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Late response, but yes, they are legit. I've bought from them a handful of times without any problems. =)

7 years ago

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Thanks. I bookmarked it and forgot to come back to it. I've now set a reminder to have another look at the bundle after work tonight.

7 years ago

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All right, sounds good! Sure thing, glad I could help! =)

7 years ago

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@ = 4

7 years ago

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** double d

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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