It was hard. It happened around two months ago, and she told me it was for my own good, as we were only fighting and and could not stop this fighting (that she always started for any stupid reason). After that she insisted that we kept seeing each other, so we kinda formed another relationship. We were together again, and crawling to a serious relationship once more.

Well, this time, and for the first time, she did something extremelly annoying using my name and I got angry and yelled at her. She started crying and after some time she told me that she wanted some time away from me. Without talking or seeing each other and etc.

She told me she'll still love me and after this we'll still have a chance to get back together but I don't know if I should believe in this. We were together for far more than 2 years and were always together, and this is breaking me!

I'm finding it difficult to have any pleasure, be it gaming, going to a friend's party or playing wargames. I'm being forced to live nightmares every time I sleep and the only two times I didn't have a nightmare about something horrible happening to her, I dreamed about something beautiful alongside her, and perhaps it was even worse.

I'm trying to remain strong and trust in her word, but it's hurting too bad and I feel like I'm losing ground...
Does anyone know what to do in this situation? I want to believe in it, I want to have her back, but this time is killing me and everything I once found pleasure in doing.

EDIT: Thanks for all the support, I can already breathe better. A lot of guys said some awesome things and it helped me a lot. Some even added me on steam and we chatted for a while, traded experiences. That's why I made this post here. You are all an awesome community that always made me laugh and now even helped me in some serious poop situation.
Thank you all, I won't forget it. Never. (AKA Giveaway coming soon)

9 years ago*

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Meanwhile some kids are starving in Africa and some kids are getting blown in to pieces in Hamas by a missile, but your life is tough man, you got girl problems, that takes the price. Golf clap

9 years ago

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Cause that's constructive. Of course, let's go tell those starving young children in Africa to "toughen up" because at least they can find morsels of food and get help from america and get food from us from time to time with our nations united support from organizations as opposed to the numerous starving people in North Korea who wander the area outside the cities day and night endlessly grazing every inch for anything edible without any support from us or their leader. So yeah, toughen up kid. Cause saying "toughen up" helps anyone's personal life.

9 years ago

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" Hamas"? Umm..

9 years ago

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it happened here 1 year ago. just try to move on, there is no coming back... never.

9 years ago

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Second chances always suck. Don't give anyone second chances. If she decides to break up with you even once - that's it, forget her and move on. You wouldn't want to experience same shit again and again, would you? You can always start over again with a clean sheet with another girl.

9 years ago

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i know what did you feel i lost my ps3

9 years ago

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It's okay bud! If you need someone to talk to you can always talk to me :]

9 years ago

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Seems like you two aren't compatible, only gets better with time, just try to find happy things to fill your days, there's not much else that helps I'm afraid.
Also, you might have overreacted with the name thing but nevermind, it won't change anything.
Good luck.

9 years ago

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Wow nice blog post

9 years ago

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Dont mean to kick you while you're down but you really need to toughen up. You're over-exaggerating the severity of the situation and driving yourself nuts. Have a clean break and avoid confusing each other.

9 years ago

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I dunno. Heartbreak is heartbreak. Saying it's not "severe" kinda downplays the fact that it feels like a very real kind of hell. If the mind was so readily able to alter emotions, I'm pretty sure most people would decide never to be hurt or annoyed, ever. It normally takes some time before a heartbroken person can really put the situation into perspective. I mean, your advice is solid but I think that comes a bit later once all the upheaval is done with, y'know?

9 years ago

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Sorry my friend but I can't really help you on this, I'm that kind of guy who don't believe in real, strong, love (couple love to be exact) I can like a girl a lot, but if it needs to end, it'll end, maybe I'd be bummed out for one week, but then the next week I'll be like nothing happened... I wish you could do the same but I understand that for some people is not that easy :c

9 years ago

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You should move on. I'm dating her now but I'm going to break up with her since she's so ratchet. I don't know how you could stand the smell of fish sticks for 2 whole years.

9 years ago

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Must be a first break up because this sound pathetic. Anyway you'll live.

9 years ago

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you thinking about this all too much. you need to find something to distract you and it already sounds like the usual things do not work this time. so you should try to be with friends or family and ppl than can give you a distraction.

9 years ago

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Good point. Distraction is good medicine for heartbreak. Not that it will fully blank out the ache, but it will help take the edge off it!

9 years ago

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I've gone through something kind of similar but it was likely more hurtful. It can be good to take a step back from it and really examine things. Ask these questions: Is she truly what you are looking for in a girl? Would you want your sister to be with someone like you? If, after at least a few weeks apart, you can say yes to both of these without hesitation, then you should look into pursuing it again. If not, then perhaps it would be good to take some more time and figure things out. Add me if you want to talk.

9 years ago

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Keep yourself busy, focus on improving yourself. Get new hobbies. She isn't worth all your worrying and restless nights. Don't let a girl destroy your ability to enjoy life, be it gaming or whatever your hobbies are. It sounds like you were very invested in her, it will fade over time. Be sure to constantly womanize. Realize that 1 ho is just a drop in the bucket, there are tons of females out there who are actually worth your attention, go find em man. Give yourself permission to walk out of these insane women's lives if they start to act foolish. Put your own happiness as the #1 priority, be selfish. All guys have savior complexes we need to overcome. Life is too short for you to fall (or in this case be tripped by a female) and cry on the ground, get back up lift some weights and bang some new girls man! I know you can pull yourself out of this rut

9 years ago

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You want a real break up story, add me on Steam lol Sorry, buddy, and I'm guessing you're under 20, the fact is, if you're any kind of average person, not some "toughen up, kid" keyboard warriors, (who probably cry and bitch even worse than you and I over girls, or boys for a lot of them), then at your age it's ALWAYS true love, whether you're meant to be or not. That's just the way it is and, as hard as it is right now, it helps prepare you for later relationships, both the good and the bad.
Unfortunately, that doesn't help you right now. Nothing is going to help you right now as you're self-defeatist about it, that's not meant as an insult, it's just how most young adults are. You need to chew the fat over it, add me, I'll talk to you and you can vent over the private messages, without having the ahem "real men" snortgiggleAHEM!! giving you shit to try and make their lonely lives feel better

9 years ago

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If you broke up once, then it's over. There is no "on-and-off" or "just on break" that will ever work long-term so just end it now.

If a relationship ever gets to the break-up stage, it's obvious the two people are not compatible and likely never will be. Don't waste your time trying to patch up a trainwreck.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago

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Hoomanz are stoopid

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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u mad bro? u got rekt by a girl.

9 years ago

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Think of it like this, do you want to get the STD and HIV/AIDS that she is busy catching from other hookups? Be the better person.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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You sir, are suffering what we in the laymen business called "Heartbreak".
There is no easy way to overcome heartbreak, and it will feel like absolute torture for a while, but rest assured that it will not last forever.

All you can do is do your best to let go of clinging thoughts about who was at fault, whether or not you're unlikeable, or any of that kind of stuff. Heartbreak always crushes the person suffering it, and really all you can do is wait it out until it isn't so heavy. If you want to learn something from all this, you should only really start digging for answers once the hurt isn't completely wrecking you every hour.

As dumb as it sounds, 'the golden rule' once again applies : "Keep breathing"
In and out. Breathe. Breathe. It's all you can do. If you can keep doing that, then the worst of this emotional shitstorm will pass you by. Sorry dude, but you're going to have to hang on for a little while longer. Heartbreak only leaves when it's good and ready. :/

9 years ago

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Since you enjoy picking everyone's posts apart so much here's a little something for you:

tl;dr ver: ZZzzz QQ

You been watching way too much Dr.Phil. Thanks for the laugh.

9 years ago

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It's funny really. First you claim you were just sharing an opinion, but when you get called, you instantly resort to petty jabs. Man that disguise of yours didn't hold up long did it?

It's funny how the people that say "man up" are always the first to shit themselves at the slightest sign of counterpoint. If you're gonna be uncool, expect people to call you on it. Dropping a tantrum in response isn't gonna change what happened.

9 years ago

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dunno why people in the internet have to be so rude and stuff. probably they either don't know love, or they simply faking because they think it is weak to talk about feelings (which is sadly a very common way of thinking in real life also).
I want to mention that you should not force anything. Distraction helps for a moment, but it's comming for you at night. If you're sure that it's over, you should gain as much distance from her (and everything related to her) as possible. If you're not that sure, you could always try to talk to her about everything. I just ask you for one thing: stay true to yourself. Know that sounds easier than it actually is. Don't cry in front of her and NEVER do something out of desperation. I want you to look in your mirror and say: i tried what i could without losing my 'honor'. You should never fall on your knees for a women (unless you want to marry her). If that happens, your only her dog and such a relationship will never give you real satisfaction. Sometimes it's just better to end it.
The most important thing after all: don't take the responsibility for the break up. You sure will, but there's really no sense in searching for reasons. It'll just destroy you more and more, because in the end you'll be thinking it was all your fault, which isn't the case. In fact, always everytime it is a result of both partners behaviour.

9 years ago

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You've suffered a trauma and stress, now you're kind of depressed. Avoid anything that makes you think of her (get rid of anything that does if you must) and focus yourself on something else: try stuff you've never done before, go to places you've never been before, etc. Might be a good time to start getting into something continuative like a sport, hobby or another significant change of lifestyle - something with consequence and you can get actual results from. Putting all of yourself into that will help take your mind away from the past and to a more positive place, most imporantly it will make you feel good about yourself again.

If you're concerned that your depression is too hard to cope with, talk to someone trained to help. If that sounds too scary, there are resources, forums and even social networks dedicated to getting back on your feet.

9 years ago

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FYI: Need some time apart is woman code for I'm tired of you and want to F&$# some other guy(s). Quit crying about it. It's over. Stop sitting by the phone hoping it's her calling to work things out. NEVER gonna happen. Man up! Put your big boy pants on, go outside & go meet someone new who is gonna make you happy. Go!......

9 years ago

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tl;dr version : "Fuck you".

At least the other trolls had the politeness to not hide their bad intentions.

9 years ago

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Who's trolling? I'm being realistic. What's the sense of sugar coating it like you did? The guy posted on a public forum looking for attention and i gave my opinion like you gave yours. Just because what I said wasn't in line with what you agree with doesn't make me wrong. I've been in his shoes before. Have you? I'm not heartless and do sympathize with his situation but sometimes someone has to speak up & give that extra push out the door. Sitting at home brooding in the dark doesn't solve shit.

9 years ago

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How exactly is saying "This is gonna hurt for a while" sugarcoating it? It's far from realistic to expect someone to shut off powerful emotions just because you threw a curveball with an old bullshit "man up" line. Yeah, they didn't pick the best place to drop the post, but how is "stop feeling things" a realistic approach?

Just because you have an opinion doesn't mean you're not a douchebag if you throw it out there in certain tones. Like in this case, shit like "man up" and "quit crying about it" in response to the oh I dunno, feeling emotion in response to a breakup? Are you seriously implying that this passes as 'just an opinion', and not a thinly veiled attempt at internet tough-guy regurgitance?

So like I said, the tl;dr summary of the original post was pretty much a "fuck you" badly pretending to be a "you'll get over it".

9 years ago

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seriously dude. STOP. you're making me cry from my nipples. Take the bleeding heart act somewhere else.

9 years ago

Comment has been collapsed. it's a bleeding heart act to point out you're totally off-mark?

Okay then! Have a nice day I guess? :U

9 years ago

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So I'm off mark? Must be a ton of other people off mark too. Last time I checked, I wasn't the only person here with a get over it attitude. You obviously suffer from some type of insecurity disorder so I won't throw stones & make fun of you for it. You probably already have a tough enough time in real life. Get some help.

Oh yeah: Have a nice day too.

9 years ago

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i'm just kind of tossing these around to people who strike me as dumb individuals based on what i've read so far on this post. You're an idiot.

9 years ago

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You two really don't sound like you're the right match. Feel blessed for your time together and move on. You're both wasting your time on one another.

9 years ago

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