Hey guys,

I though I might ask here what you think about all the fuss around Matt Taylor. If you don't know who that is or what happened, just ignore it or Google it.

Why am I asking you? I was surprised/shocked that a lot of my friends share the same view as the people (usually women) complaining. It came to the point that some friends (women) even said that they are not sure whether they can be friends with someone (me) who agrees with what he did.

So, what are you thoughts?

Please, keep it civil :)

9 years ago*

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Fucking feminazis. About time they ban them everywhere.

9 years ago

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Oh c'mon, shirt is sexist, but woman showing in tv wearing very revealling clothing is not? That's not even ridiculous. It's just funny :D
Actually the ones piling shit on the guy are being sexist. That's where the funny part ends.

9 years ago

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As a female I barely care enough to post about it :/

9 years ago

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Yeah they made him apologize to the point where he was crying. The best part has to be feminists basically saying he deserved the abuse because of the way he was dressed.

9 years ago

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Oh my god, such hypocrites. XD

9 years ago

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When someone somewhere mentioned his t-shirt my whole reaction was "cool and forgot."

Then I saw the live conference from ESA, he was apologizing and sobbing, colleague patted him on his back... I thought "oh my god, poor little Philae catched on fire or worse?!" In transcription (guardian article) appeared it's because of so-called #shirtgate ... I still didn't have a clue what's going on. Googled it. Well, we all know the rest.

More important question: were you watching Twitter conversation between Philae&Rosetta&ESAoperations? So sad. :/ I believed he will be cute and cheerful like in the cartoon for the rest of our days. :( He's ... "sleeping" T_T At least he's not alone up there.

9 years ago

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people need to stop being so overly sensitive about stuff.. it's a dang shirt.. they need get over it and move on.

9 years ago

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As a Bear:

humans sometimes are so stupid

9 years ago

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This whole thing is a sad joke. Thanks Mr. Taylor for contributing to the biggest space exploration breakthrough so far in this century. Now let's all focus on the guys shirt and try to ruin what may have been the best day of his life. It's a the callous disregard for other people in the pursuit of a white washed culture that pisses me off.

9 years ago

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should start a kickstarter or something similar to get people to donate, so we can distribute that shirt to every MALE scientist there is... this man made had one of the biggest achievements of his life, and people do this because of some colors on a shirt? ._.

9 years ago

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It is hardly a scandal, it is just the by-product of this new wave of feminism (which is frankly, anything except what it claims to stand for) desperate for attention. It is best to ignore such people and not give them any attention til they slowly but eventually realise that they have nothing of value to offer to society

9 years ago

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Next on the news the "Xarabas til scandal"! Why he used til and not till?! What is he trying to accomplish with that action!? Did he do it on purpose or yes?! Coming up on Channel WTF news.

9 years ago

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My thoughts? Another stupid feminists, nothing new. I bet they are ugly as hell. Yawn.

9 years ago

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It might have been a bit inappropriate to be representing ESA on the news outlet, but that's about it.

I think these guys sums it up really well.

9 years ago

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*ESA. He's not affiliated with NASA, AFAIK.

9 years ago

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You're right, fixed. :P

9 years ago

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Thanks, good video. Didn't know about any of this before.

9 years ago

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My thoughts on the "Matt Taylor Shirt Scandal"....

Generally speaking, I consider public displays of "undress" inappropriate. I think such things should be done in privacy, and men and women should be "covered up" in public. Much of the world, however, does not share this view. What do I think about this guy's choice of shirt? I wouldn't wear it, nor would I be comfortable hanging around someone else who is wearing it, but he is the one responsible for dressing himself and that is the shirt he chose. I have more important things to worry about in my life without wasting time on Mr. Taylor's dressing habits. Was is smart to wear it on international television? No, because there is little chance that all the viewers will share his opinion of what would be considered a "flamboyant" shirt. He's bound to offend some people, and there was no need for him to provoke a response.

So, he wore the shirt, and someone took offense. No surprise, there. Some people may think it's silly to be offended by a shirt, but people have a right to adhere to their own values. Was the response of those offended appropriate? No, it was not. Whatever blunders may have been committed by wearing the shirt, there is no indication that "sexism" was involved. (Some people should look up the meaning of a word before labeling others with it.) Also, attacking and abusing a person is wrongful behavior, regardless of motive. Two wrongs don't make a right, remember? If a person behaves offensively, you can either remove them from your social circle or advise them. The people inciting this "scandal" have done neither. Instead of "turning away" or "explaining the gaffe," they have chosen to behave in a vindictive, anti-social, and disgraceful manner.

Emotional reactions (e.g. taking offense) should be tempered by reason rather than being allowed to run rampant. The parents of those attacking Mr. Taylor should have raised their children better.

9 years ago

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Feminazis should start a Kickstarter to make a movie about how they bitched and cried and got the poor man to apologize for A FUCKING SHIRT, i'm sure all their ilk and their white knights would donate the fuck out of it.

It was just a stupid shirt, get over yourselves, people are fucking starving and living in poverty all over the world and you're crusading about a guy's shirt. First world problems.

9 years ago

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That logic is pretty flawed, then me kicking a puppy or committing robbery doesn't matter because people are starving. Posting on this forum is bad because people could instead be helping at an orphanage. Buying video games are bad because you could be giving money to the food bank. The fact that something is more moral does not make something else less worthy, invalid or immoral.

9 years ago

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i think if people put the amount of energy they do into something like feeding children and such. I think that is what he is saying. We are arguing over why a person should not wear a certain shirt. Can't we focus all this stuff into something thats a bit bigger? Also if you want to start talking about sexism and stuff, please dont start it with a shirt arguement x.x thats all im saying.

9 years ago

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Yes i'm sure women in third world countries really appreciate the struggles against "sexist" shirts and sexism in video games, who needs food when some armchair crusaders are fighting against less skimpy outfits in games? Sarcasm aside if anyone thinks there's anything worthy or moral in crucifying a man over a shirt then i'd say they need to get their moral compass checked.

9 years ago

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I just thought he was wearing a stupid Hawaiian shirt, this is the first I've heard of this 'scandal.'

9 years ago

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Can't put naked woman on shirt so we put scantily dressed representations of them and it is still an issue. Men don't have that problem when women wear clothes displaying ripped man with their shirts off...
Seriously tho, I can see why this would be seen as an issue, but personally think this was overblown...

9 years ago

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Few would have a problem if a woman wore this shirt. From the same company that made the gunner girl shirt.


9 years ago

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It's the first time I hear about it. I googled, fond a short interview and IMHO, that's really not "scandal" material, and neither do I think the shirt is sexist.

but then again, I'm from Germany, and there are boobs and ads for sex toys all over the TV all day long (even at channels and times where I'd personally find it inappropriate, because children are probably watching those channels right now).

so, I guess it's a big deal in the US, where everyone can run around with a gun, but beware if you show too much skin or wear the wrong shirt - but here noone would give a ship.

9 years ago

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What did I read yesterday over at BILD? Tomorrow evening they'll make a show with real sex in TV, over at the MDR (a public state-funded broadcaster in Germany) and literally nobody will give a fuck about it ... except the actors. ;P

9 years ago

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But there has already been live sex in German television ... don't you remember Big Brother :P

9 years ago

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Awww, this shit. I remember

9 years ago

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BILD :kotz:

Season 2 of Make Love.

9 years ago

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This new generation of overly sensitive, weak minded SJW's and modern feminist parasites is getting away out of hand; It's absolutely ridiculous!

To think we've come to this... this man's day was ruined by the stupidity of this new generation of disgusting parasites, whose sole purpuse is to take advantage of anything and everything to pass a terrible, horrible agenda...

He should NOT have apologized, there was nothing to apologize for! I feel bad for him; Shit, I feel terrible knowing how far this stupid trend has gotten...

Everything's either offensive, racist and/or sexist all of a sudden.

9 years ago

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I could do nothing but facepalm and scream at my monitor for the stupidity of humanity (or at least, the stupidity of feminazis).

1. He should *never* have apologized

2. I think that the original authors of the article didn't understand what humanity has actually achieved with Rosetta and Philae. Therefore, they started bitching about the most irrelevant thing ever: that guys shirt. Otherwise, they wouldn't have had any content for their article that they could understand.

3. The only reason women are scared of STEM jobs is people who keep bitching about how hard it is for women. If anything, scientific circles are very welcoming. I think that they are by far the least sexist or racist communities there are.
9 years ago

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Let's not forget that it was a woman who was in charge of that project, an now her accomplishment has been largely ignored by these so-called feminists who'd rather focus on some guy's shirt than on any greatness that happened under the guidance of a fellow woman. And then they complain that women are scared of STEM jobs.

9 years ago

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I think they are going to sell a lot of shirts http://www.alohaland.com/whats-new/new-gunner-girls [Sold out]

In regards to people shitting themselves over a shirt, they're morons. The guy lands a probe on asteroid and people bitch at him for a shirt. Never mind his achievements.

9 years ago

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It's just more US PC bs, ignore it, they get offended by puppy cuddles.

9 years ago

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I can't even... this is not a thing. Don't let this be a thing. These abhorrent people are trying to hijack the "thunder" from what is a massive scientific achievement for their own political purposes, they should be ashamed of themselves.

9 years ago

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The media was cumming in their pants when they had a guy to talk to that wasn't a stuffy scientist. Daily Mail and BBC profiled him and even asked him to show off his tattoos for the camera. It wasn't until Twitter and Tumblr activists starting complaining that this guy was shamed into apologizing.

What I saw on November 12th was a story where the female BBC reporter was asking Dr. Taylor to show off his cool tattoos. By November 14th the fucking guy was apologizing for his shirt. Insane. Real life female reporters were not bothered by his shirt, but some women on Twitter didn't like it so he has to bow down to political correctness and be ashamed of who he is. I thought liberals were all about, "Don't judge a book by its cover."

But watch out if you comment on a woman's unprofessional dress in the office. That's a no-no.

9 years ago

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Given how unreliable google is, especially when it comes to "gender wars" site hits, you may have to explain.

All I can seem to find out is that he wore a tasteless shirt, and people got angry? I don't really see that as a scandal. That's just a dress-code violation or hiccup. It's similar to turning up to a TV interview in a stain-covered tanktop or turning up to a job interview in a hawaiian shirt (spelling?). Is it appropriate? Not really. Is it harmful? Hell no. The only thing it does is speak ill of a person's decorum, nothing else. It's not sexist, it's just inappropriate.

If your friends aren't sure whether they can be friends with you, because you don't think someone should be strung up for having bad dress sense, then really you yourself should be questioning exactly what your friendship means to them. Do you really want to call these people "friends"? What if you find yourself in some gender-charged subject, do you believe they would even hear you out, or just default to regurgitating the latest opinion on TV? Friends that drop ultimatums over non-issues are often not really friends at all. Just something to ponder on.

This is of course unless I'm missing something from the core situation.

9 years ago

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True, it could be viewed as unprofessional for reasons other than sexism, but he was already known as that guy and he was accepted by his employer. He's one of the higher ups on the entire Rosetta mission and is a very accomplished physicist.

So it was already okay that he had tattoos and wore Cannibal Corpse T-shirts. But a T-shirt with a sexy cartoon woman on it? We're supposed to believe that's keeping women out of STEM and they don't even explain why. A single shirt does not reflect an opinion on all women, only the wearer's personality.

Also, the shirt was designed and given to him as a gift by one of his female friends. It would also be okay if it were designed by a guy, but it does show a divide between the sex-positive and the sex-negative women.

9 years ago

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Exactly. It doesn't even reflect on his own opinions of women, given he's... y'know... happily married in an exclusive relationship.

This is just your friendly daily reminder that even the most well-meaning of rights groups always have lunatics buried somewhere within. It's sad really, feminism has a good core intention and yet it houses a lot of hateful mentality. This is why I don't get the entire "gender wars" between mens rights and womens rights. Both groups have an awesome cause to fight for, and both of them have their hateful lunatics that need to be outed. Instead of fighting each other, they would be far better served if they joined and effectively became two branches of a singular human-rights organisation. Hell they would both benefit from mutual data collection and the ability to scrutinise each other's findings for discrepencies that confirmation bias or bad interpretation might have missed.

Shame that's a bit of a perfect-world situation though.

9 years ago

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Looks like Max Payne bought the wrong Hawaiian shirt.

9 years ago

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