Hey guys,

I though I might ask here what you think about all the fuss around Matt Taylor. If you don't know who that is or what happened, just ignore it or Google it.

Why am I asking you? I was surprised/shocked that a lot of my friends share the same view as the people (usually women) complaining. It came to the point that some friends (women) even said that they are not sure whether they can be friends with someone (me) who agrees with what he did.

So, what are you thoughts?

Please, keep it civil :)

9 years ago*

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its just a shirt who gives a sheet no matter what anyone does wears do etc there will always be haters.

9 years ago

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another useless "scandal".
There's bigger problems in this world, such as poverty, hunger, ebola, global warming and other serious problems.
come on humans, are we already evolved to something stupid?

9 years ago

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Guy is a science hero, has (contributed to) doing something never achieved before by humankind, and he's been at it for a fairly long time. Probably working with other (nerdy?) guys in laboratories where little room is given to PR, etiquette and formalities. They're pretty busy working on some serious stuff, aren't they? That kind of things that tomorrow will turn into the technologies we so badly need to post those geo-tagged happy-faced auto-focused auto-uploaded-on-instagram selfies and the likes...

Sexism is a real issue and needs to be properly addressed, but taking it on this guy for a poorly chosen shirt shows hypocrisy (there's much worse out there you can fight against), inability to put things in perspective (he's a scientist, not on telly every day posing as a role model, nor backed by a team of pr advisors) and a generally miserable spirit (it's his moment of glory, he's probably the happiest he'll ever be and proud of what he achieved, no need to point your judgemental finger at a detail and ruin everything)

Matt Taylor apologising and crying over a shirt was a sad failure for humanity, nothing will give him back the chance to simply enjoy his wonderful achievement

9 years ago

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"Matt Taylor apologising and crying over a shirt was a sad failure for humanity, nothing will give him back the chance to simply enjoy his wonderful achievement"


9 years ago

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For fucks sake, I was better off not looking this up. <.<

Sooooo, "sexism" is now like what I've come to believe is "racism" in the US. The (stupid/manipulative portion of the) "offended minority" can do whatever the fuck they want but if their "dominant oppressors" say or do something that accidentally offends them, they'll bite their heads off! And a collection of stupid people will agree because they can't tell the difference between sexism and bad taste in shirts (I'm one to talk- pretty sure the fact that I wear only black and dark colored clothing would offend someone somewhere and they'll make a fuzz about it if I went on TV). Fuck the world, fuck humanity and fuck stupidity! There goes my mood for today... :/

9 years ago

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i thought it was about this thing http://www.esa.int/Our_Activities/Space_Science/Rosetta, with all it's problems which cost billions, now that is a scandal.

9 years ago

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Who gives a f**k, it's a damn shirt.

9 years ago

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SJWs need to shut the fuck up about their non-existent oppression.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

9 years ago

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Didn't his girlfriend make it for him?

9 years ago

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Female friend, but she's probably an agent of her own oppression and incapable of making her own decisions, according to top "proper" feminist thinkers.

9 years ago

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Classic fauxminism; this is the bullshit that allows otherwise sane people to be deceived by misogynists into believing all feminists are as clueless as the ones who "took a stand" against this guy for wearing what is a tacky, terrible, and really ugly shirt imo. Just wearing such a thing doesn't make him sexist. It does make him fashionably unhip though, which is a grave crime against science for which he shall receive no less than 5 lashes. And then give him the Nobel Prize for Physics.

9 years ago

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You people are spending too much time giving attention to this! Likewise giving shooters attention instead of the victims! These people ruined that scientist's greatest day of his life. And even more importantly, you're all arguing about whether or not this is an issue. It is not! Why are you letting something like this overshadow an absolute historical moment! Are you all goddamn insane?! Go marvel at what these incredible people did, not gawk at some frakking shirt. People talking and arguing about a shirt when we achieved something incredible in our scientific progress absolutely disgust me. They're a disgrace to mankind. Period.

9 years ago

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All the science out in the stars won't mean a lick if we are still land-locked with dark ages mentality down here on the ground. "Progression" is manifold. Turning a blind eye to important red flags just because there is a great victory nearby is not the way to enlighten ourselves.

9 years ago

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I completely agree. Only in this case it isn't a real red flag. It's simply stupid people.

9 years ago

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Well, yes, but the trouble is that these stupid people are like a disease infecting an otherwise legitimate movements (feminism, mens rights, race issues, etc). The worst part isn't that these people exist, but that corporate media is all too willing to latch onto their targets for free views, no matter it's cost to the victim, it's cost to the 'host' organisation, nor the ultimate cost to honesty and transparency on real important issues. It's just a worrisome trend really. A dark comedy part of myself can imagine a world where it is consider more evil to offend someone than it is to actually oppress them.

But yeah, I'm just stating the obvious here, heh.

9 years ago

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Yeah, but it's good to let it all out.

9 years ago

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Hardly a scandal. It's just the media blowing it out of proportion like always

9 years ago

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Never heard of this "scandal" until I read it here.
I think the media should apologize to this guy.

9 years ago

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I don't know if it's the ridiculous proportion of vocal "SJWs" compared to normal people with sense or just the places I seem to end up, but the amount of stupendous thought policing, hypocrisy, lying, bigotry, misrepresentation, overstating of downright stupid events, white-knighting, doublethink, lack of self awareness, refusal to acknowledge facts or other's opinions, actual bullying and harassment coming from these so-called paragons of justice, and in some cases, people with audiences such as journalists or academics, is actually affecting my outlook on the world. Absolutely baffling.

9 years ago

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Did it feel good for you as much as it did for me? Thanks for the vocabulary enrichment.

9 years ago

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Anyone that's offended by a shirt needs to grow the fuck up.

9 years ago

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I say we all buy that exact same shirt and wear it out in public to piss off all the overly sensitive dumbasses whining about this.

9 years ago

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all he wanted to do is share his excitement and happiness with the world for his and his team's accomplishment, and they bash him for his goddamn shirt, and made him cry and apologize about it. this is one of the most saddening things i`ve heard in my life.

9 years ago

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I had to Google this because the only thing I knew about landing on a comet... was we landed on a comet, which I assumed was the important bit.

"not sure whether they can be friends with someone (me) who agrees with what he did."

That made it sound like I was in for something juicy... but it's a shirt. A shirt. And that pretty much sums up my thoughts. Actually, I like the artwork on it, and the only reason I personally wouldn't own it is it's too loud (as in colorful, too much going on) and I like dark colors. I fail to see the offensiveness in it, and hell, in school (where we had dress codes enforced) I used to frequently wear a shirt with a woman in a bikini taking up half the front. No one cared; even the teachers didn't find it inappropriate or potentially life-scarring. They all thought it was... gasp... a shirt.

And this is the part where I have to announce I'm female so someone, somewhere doesn't shit themselves because I dared condone wearing clothes featuring scantily clad women.

ffs, internet.

9 years ago

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Honestly every single discussion about sexism/feminism/equality/gender/race/politics on the internet turns into an us vs them flame war full of vitrol and bile. While I am left leaning and believe in equality, I think most discussions end up being unproductive because it becomes an emotional argument of who can shout down the other and feel morally and intellectually smug. The shirt was disrespectful, just because people could be focusing on other more worthy things doesn't invalidate the fact that he shouldn't have worn the shirt. This is hardly a scandal, its just a bad choice made publicly. He should have apologized, but hounding him degrades the credibility of whoever is doing it. Honestly both sides need to mellow out.

This is the same issue we are having with gamersgate. Something bad got blown out of proportion (and it later turned out to not even be true), both sides felt personally attacked and now its on national TV because one side is sending death threats.

Feminism is some weird kind of boogy/straw man like organized religion or socialism is for some people. They all have a large spectrum of views/beliefs, but people just like to attack the other and pick the easiest to attack parts rather than the parts that represent the average views of that group. Whenever I see stuff like this it just makes me angry, because I know this is a source of many of the worlds problems. Be willing to look at both sides, not be judgmental and accept that identifying as something (be it hipster, feminist or republican) does not mean you have to agree with or practice all parts of it.

9 years ago

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I think this "scandal" only gives fuel to all the raging anti-feminists out there as it belittles what feminism stands for.

9 years ago

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I'm interested whether a woman wearing a shirt with muscular nude-chested guys would be bashed the same way actually? Are there any examples? Because otherwise those are pictures of attractive scantily clad women. And that is all - nothing more, nothing less. How is that conveying any attitude of anybody to anything is beyond me. Yes there are beautiful women out there, yes they also sometimes take off clothes.
Another question is how (in)appropriate it is to make public statements in such clothes "in general", but again that would concern any nudity - male or female and this is rather about decency/morals than an attitude of one sex to another.

9 years ago

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People are dying right now and people focus on this shit, fuck off prudes.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Basically, all those so-called feminists have managed to do is take the spotlight away from the achievement of a bright woman and putting it on their "outrage" about some guy's shirt they happened to dislike.

9 years ago

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The shirt might have been a questionable choice but this is one gross overreaction. Then again this is the age of Tumblr/SJW/Neo Femnazism and the naturally occuring and equally toxic counterforce as neo anti-feminism.

9 years ago

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Mens rights activism has devolved into sexism while anything regarding feminism or discrimination is immediately dismissed with disdain by many people. Another problem is that it is easy for any detractor of a view to pretend to be their opponents and then degrade them by making grossly over-exaggerated/false statements.

9 years ago

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Why would you want to be friends with manipulative SJW's anyway? ;)

9 years ago

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Breaking news: the shirt is SOLD OUT.

...ops, I got ninja'ed... by 3 hours.

9 years ago

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