TL;DR version. They are trying to convince us that price was set by kickstarter tier to be $90, but they charge less in some regions and more in other. They do not care about community, they only want as much money as possible.

Do not support them.

They are openly lying to us and banning you on steam forum if you have any criticism, constructive or not.

£67.99 = $106.77
82.99€ = $110.71
2499 pуб = $78.74
R$ 149.99 = $69.96

Description from store page:
"Our pricing for this stage of early access was determined by our Kickstarter. The stages of our early access for ALL users,
which was determined during our Kickstarter, is:
June through August: $90 for early alpha access."

Yet as you see prices above, that is lie. ALL users do not pay $90, not even close.
They claim "we take feedback seriously", but they obviously do not. Either feedback nor community.
If they had actually sound reasoning behind their pricing, they would not be so unresponsive about it.
But so far only "reason" for their pricing is lie: "It must be $90 for ALL users because kickstarter backers payed $90"
And then they go and chose completely different pricing.

VAT: They do not say $90+VAT for early alpha access. And it is digital product, pricing should be set accordingly to what user is paying and not what developer is getting. More so in this case because their defence is that they chose price by what others payed during kickstarter, not by how much they got from them. That clearly sends message that they do not care about kickstarter pledges, they only want as much money as possible.

Regional pricing: Is optional and up for developer to decide, plenty of games on steam are priced fairly.
And they do not say: $90 or whatever we please for early alpha access. As the matter of fact, they go out of their way to let everyone know that price ALL users is suppose to be set to $90.

Setting the price for $90 was reasoned behind the argument that on kickstarter it was also $90, and that they cannot set it
2499 pуб = $78.74 R$ 149.99 = $69.96 - those are clearly lower than $90. Their argument about kickstarter setting the price falls short.

Their arrogant fanboys called me stupid, said I don't speak English but "idiot", called me mentally ill and still. I am the one that is banned for insulting other members of forum.

They have no respect for community. Either from kickstarter or steam.

I posted 2 threads about pricing. Asking developers directly about it, yet they did not bother to response in way other than
"You have been banned from all Planetary Annihilation discussions"
Pathetic, they clearly banned me for calling their bluff.

Before calling me hater:
Total Annihilation and Supreme Commander are my favourite RTS games of ALL time.
Planetary Annihilation was on top 5 list of my most anticipated games in 2013.
I do not argue about the price point. If charging more than double for early access is wise is another thing, and I am not trying to discuss that.
But I cannot support them when they lie and have no intentions to honour their own words: "early access for ALL users: $90 for early alpha access." and when they say all negative feedback from community is just stupid trolling that will go away in few days.

Feel free to post your honest opinions.
Perhaps if you think it is ok and why, when they said: "We will change $90 to ALL users" and than doing the usual € and £ rip-off, while giving discount to people in Russia and Brazil when they said it would be betraying of the kickstarters htat payed $90.

Also please go ahead and correct my English that is by words of Planetary Annihilation fanboy "idiot talk, made by face hitting the keyboard, due to me having a Parkinson's. xD
EDIT: Just to be clear, I am ignoring all the fanboy comment that will just try to troll.

1 decade ago*

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Good for you, you discovered regional pricing. If they wanted as much money as possible why lower the price for Russia etc.?
Instead of saying you got banned for asking them about marketing practices, it would be nice for you to state what you actually said in order to get banned.

1 decade ago

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You can go and look in game forum on steam if you don't believe me.
As I said already, blind fanboys were insulting everyone and not one of them has ban. Because the real reason for ban is not insulting others, but daring to question developers in their actions.
One fanboy was calling me mentally ill, tried to insult my english because it is not perfect, pretending not to understand me because my english is "idiot talk" while he is too stupid to learn any second language himself.
And yet he has not penalty at all. Because why would they ban their blind followers from forum?

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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tl;dr monkeys like coconuts, but not that way.

1 decade ago

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Dude! Coconuts are delicious!

1 decade ago

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NO! They're not!

1 decade ago

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Welcome to Steam store, where currencies are equal.

Did anyone else notice, that it's not the same as $90 kickstarter tier? Some bonuses are missing.

1 decade ago

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Yup, but most people just ignore that point, no matter how many times I bring it up.

1 decade ago

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I don't give a fuck.

I paid $20 on Kickstarter so their pricing on Steam doesn't affect me in any way. If you don't want to pay for the Alpha, simply wait for them to lower the price for Beta and then again for Release.

1 decade ago

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Solidarity fail.

1 decade ago

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Forgive me if I don't feel obliged to show solidarity to people crying over nothing.

1 decade ago

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Why would you ever pay more than $60 for a game? And then too, it needs to be a super duper AAA title to make me pay that much.

But I haven't bought a game for more than $20 since 2010 - just wait for deals.

1 decade ago

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for the alpha access, the beta will be $60 (i think) and the normal price is $40

1 decade ago

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alpha access should be cheaper than the normal price because you support the developers. have a look at arma3 which is currently at 25€ - the beta will be €35 and the normal price will be 45€. source

1 decade ago

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Same with minecraft

1 decade ago

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Some people are trying to post this in defence of developers.
"What you get from spending $90 on Planetary Annihilaton on steam store page" is actually "Nothing" because the price is $110 on my steam store page.

1 decade ago

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Maybe from their site you can buy the game for $90

1 decade ago

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"Dillusional" lol.

1 decade ago

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"dillusional people one Steam"

For some reason, I don't think the people who made this poster are in the target audience.

1 decade ago

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q to the q

You're not the first person to whine about this game, but you certainly put the most effort into your outburst that I've seen!

1 decade ago

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well... i will never pay 100€ for a digital game. never.

1 decade ago

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Do not worry, it is "just" 83€. Perfectly reasonable!

1 decade ago

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oh... then we can buy it :D do you want a few copies too? :P

1 decade ago

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Well it was 1200roubles=38$ at first. But 2500r=79$ is the price that NOBODY in Russia will ever pay for a game, lol.

1 decade ago

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That is just another hole in their reasoning.
Price was set by kickstarter to be $90. It would not be fair to charge less for alpha on steam than on kickstarter... with little exception of Russia. $38 is not less than $90 in Russia!

1 decade ago

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Let me point you in the direction of console games. They DO cost that much in Russia. It's one of the biggest reasons why console gaming is so unpopular here.

But yes, this is now the single most expensive game on the Steam Store. Even as 1200 rubles it was one of the most expensive ones rivaled only by Skyrim (Bethesda doesn't give a fuck about regional pricing so their games have inane prices like 1200 rub and the like) and a few others.
Most new AAA releases cost about 500-900 rub.

1 decade ago

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i agree, setting a certain price point because of earlier promises and then breaking that same price point based on regional pricing doesn't seem right.

oh well,at least for UK and EU you can still get the alpha access for 90$ on the game website right? i would think that it gives steam keys

1 decade ago

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Well it's their game and they are allowed to do whatever they want, but I felt like they could have avoided this whole fiasco by using the old Steam beta system rather than the early access, that is, the game is on Steam in beta mode but not up for sale, that way kickstarter people could access it and no one would be upset about the price (since it wouldn't go on sale until it released, in which case it would cost whatever it's slated to cost then)

1 decade ago

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oh! I thought they didn't want earn money xD

1 decade ago

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Please just stop, if it wouldn't be on Steam Early Access you wouldn't even be able to buy and play it so do me a favour and stop bitching around and if you're not okay with the price just WAIT ;)

1 decade ago

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He is complaining because they said EVERYONE have to pay $90 and it's not true, basically they lied

1 decade ago

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There's no sense in complaining, we must just wait and buy it in some bundle .

1 decade ago

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Did you read the OP? He's not complaining about how expensive it is, he's complaining that the devs lied because the price isn't the same in all regions.

1 decade ago

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I did and and yeah it is about the price and that they "lied" about it, but oh my god, who the hell cares ^^

They lied, how bad...those buying it now most likely have the money because they could just wait and if they want the game so bad they could just buy the full price even though it's higher in some places and the devs to the more useful threads were people complain about not winning :P

1 decade ago

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We Eurofags have the more expensive price? Why I'm not surprised...

1 decade ago

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I wonder how many copies have actually been sold

1 decade ago

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As far as I've been told, Steam top sellers list is based on money made, not number of purchases, so we can say that it has sold far fewer than 1/6ths the number of copies Kerbal Space Program has sold this weekend.

1 decade ago

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Over 8,000 backers have backed up the developers from the $90-tier kickstarter-pledge and above, don't know whether the sales from steam adds up to the numbers or not~

1 decade ago

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Stop creating more threads about this game.

1 decade ago

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This again? Who cares about the current price.

Just pretend the game is not out. They are, after all, still working on it. Just ignore it until it's "full release". You don't need it right now; in fact you likely have a huge backlog of games!

Then, when it's $20 you can make your decision on if that price point works for you. If it doesn't just wait longer for a sale.

I've wanted to play Dishonored for quite some time, but my budget for that game is $10. Do I complain about it's current price? No, I'll just wait until it hits the price point I'm looking to pay.

1 decade ago

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It's not about the pricing only though. It's more about the devs lying about their pricing. If they hadn't lied, the OP wouldn't have made this post. Perhaps some other person would have about the differences in pricing over regions and so on. The OP, however, ,s saying that the devs promised that the price would be $90 for everyone during early access and set according to the kickstarter price but it wasn't...

perhaps the OP can confirm?

1 decade ago

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In most EU countries it costs $110 and not $90, and thus that "everybody pays the same price" is plain bullshit.
And according to OP, devs will either ignore you or ban you if you address this on the steam forums.

That's the whole point of this thread.
People clearly didn't read the OP and came here to fuck around and derail the actual topic.

1 decade ago

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Regional pricing is nothing new. Doesn't Steam sell games for the same amount of Euro vs. USD? Where is the rage about that since Euro is worth more than $.

Again, if you don't think $90/$110/$??? is fair, then skip the game or wait for a sale/price drop. I still don't understand the rage.

1 decade ago

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The point is that the developers explained the high price of the game with the Kickstarter price. But that explanation falls apart when they charge something other than the KS price is different regions. So they've basically been caught lying. That's what this thread is about.

1 decade ago

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Yeah, it seems like half the commenters just read the title before posting a reply.

1 decade ago

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I can. This is exactly the main point. How can they so openly lie and think they will go away with it?
People even defend it, not that they would bother to back it up with at least a bit of factual argument.
People that do defend this mostly say this:
VAT in europe - That does not explain why some people pay LESS.
Steam sets prices - Than steam would set prices for ALL games in this way.
Deal with it, QQ, entitled, hater, and the usual "arguments"

1 decade ago

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Why should we be paying them MORE to QC their game? If anything paying less or even makes sense, not more.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Don't care since i don't have any interest in the game. I don't get why people rage at prices. Saw this a lot when Rome 2 was originally put up for pre order. Don't like the price, don't buy it and wait for a sale. You have options. I was interested in SimCity, I didn't agree with the price and the DRM. So i just didn't buy it, i didn't rage.

1 decade ago

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Exactly this. People feel that games should come out at exactly what they want to pay and rage all over the internet (to the point of getting banned from forums) about it.

This is PC gaming, just about every game will see a major sale at some point. Big AAA games sell for $5 on Amazon less than a year after release. If you don't like the price, move on and buy something cheaper or wait for a discount/sale.

1 decade ago

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Did you read the OP? He's not complaining about the game being too expensive.

1 decade ago

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Rage for me.

1 decade ago

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Isnt this an issue with steam? Doesnt Steam still do the 1 USD = 1 Euro thing?

*Note: I live in america so i dont really know if this is still a problem or not

1 decade ago

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Steam suggests the $1=€1 thing, along with the rest of the regional prices. It's up to devs to confirm it or change it to whatever they want.

1 decade ago

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Thanks for pointing that out, I hadn't considered it.

Also, banning people from the Steam forums for legitimate complaints really riles me! Until reading this, I was ready to throw them a dollar at some point in the distant future, but now, I'll just pirate.

1 decade ago

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Yarrrr mate!

1 decade ago

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A whole dollar? That sure will show 'em!

1 decade ago

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Always looking for the excuse to pirate. "I don't like what you're doing. I'll show you by stealing your game" How about if you feel about it that strongly, not play the game at all?

1 decade ago

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Just buy it when it's on sale for 10€. At least the game will actually be finished and feature-complete by then, rather dishing out a preposterous amount of money now for a game that is nowhere near being done.

In other words, patience, there are plenty of other games out there to play meanwhile.

1 decade ago

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At least 75% of the people who posted here didnt even read the OP. It's really sad.

1 decade ago

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To be fair to them, the op is fucking huge, and pretty nonsensical.

1 decade ago

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It makes sense to me

1 decade ago

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Well, to be honest...nobody forces anyone to write something on this thread...the least people could do is read the OP, since it seems they don't even bother reading 75% of the other posts, writing the same stuff over and over again...

1 decade ago

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I did read the OP and I got that he's complaining about currency, I still feel my answer is pertinent to the issue at hand.. when it's cheaper it won't matter.

1 decade ago

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No, he's complaining that the developers aren't charging everyone the same $90 that they promised.

But points for usage of "preposterous". I haven't seen that word in a long time. Great usage here. I do agree with you on the ridiculous price for an unfinished, likely buggy product.

1 decade ago

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There must be some way out of here

1 decade ago

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If you're getting mad at these devs specifically then I hope you haven't bought any video game console ever, nor any triple a game, nor most of the games on steam. Because otherwise this is just arbitrary targeting.

1 decade ago

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Jealousy won't make you cool.

1 decade ago

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Wut? O.o

1 decade ago

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lol wut?

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by BlueSharkCZE.