As you know there were lately many threads about Snow Globes and predictions about card prices. Some of us (me too) were predicting that prices will fall to 0.03-0.05 euro… as you see we couldn't be more wrong. I think that main problem is that we didn't calculate important factor: servers being jammed. Probably that's why there is "panic" on market right now and the prices are slowly rising… many people are having hard time buying it cheap so they decide to go for cards with higher price…

But never mind this.

The really issue is: did you profit? Or did you lose? That's kinda funny battle of traders, sellers fighting with buyers.

As for me (we are talking only about Snow Globes)

I sold all in all 14 cards - > "earning" 2.27 euro -> average price per card 0.16 (after steam-tax)

Bought all in all 10 cards -> "paying" 1.30 euro -> average price per card 0.13

Outcome ->0.97 euro (It proves that I'm rather poor trader)

And from crafting 1 badge I got: :tcry: emoticon, Holiday Sale 2013 - Surgeon Simulator wallpaper and Portable Smissmas Spirit Dispenser (I dunno why but I can't even sell it)… so yeah it was gamble and I lost the game.

Can't say that I lost something… didn't spend single penny so it's not that bad…

And what about you? How much did you earn/lose? How many badges? What items? I'm especially curious about heavy spender .

1 decade ago*

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Sold a few cards immediately while they were still at $0.90ish then just turned in sets after they dropped to the $0.20 range. Added about $5 to the steam wallet, got one uncommon bonus item ($0.50) and a rare emoticon ($0.32). Overall, profit.

Valve on the other hand, must have made a killing. What a brilliant promotion on their part.

1 decade ago

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Sold 100 cards at 0.55€. Bought about 50 for 0.13€ one day before the sale ended. Yes, I profited greatly.

1 decade ago

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I didn't care about the badges and made about 2 euros. Could have been more, but I've missed the first 1-2 days of the sale.

1 decade ago

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lol i was afk for 3 days and lost 5-6 cards that were in my inven :/

1 decade ago

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i had 3 pages of cards when steam crashed at 4'o clock in the morning (my time) and steam did not come back untill midnight. i got f---ed!

1 decade ago

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i saved a lot of complete collections of cards (over 50) to craft them all when the xmas sale started. so i did and i got 45 cards out of it. sold them for around 35 cents a piece, later bought 60 back for 14 cents each. and sold all the items i got with it, including some items that gave me 2-3 euro's (2 foiled cards for example). my friends also helped me because i'm the only one that actually cares about the cards and in the end i got to craft it 11 times, and i earned money, going from 2 euros in my steam wallet to almost 20 right now :)

of course i spent way more than that on the sale but yeah :D it was a nice deal!

1 decade ago

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earned 6 or 7 euros, from them

1 decade ago

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I crafted the 1st badge with my drops (from votes and the few badges that ware about to be crafted in my inventory)
After that I sold everything, including a foil one that I got on the 2nd or 3rd day of the sale (sold at 5.30€)
with the money I bought other game cards, so I crafted a lot of other badges, making me win even more snow globes.

In the end of the sale, I had about 25 more badges than before (but I had half the cards for it before that), and I have 4€ left on my wallet.
It's not all thanks to the snow globes, but that's the main reason.

(FYI on don't spend real money for cards, and I don't buy games with my wallet, what I earn from cards goes on cards)

1 decade ago

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Sold my first snowglobe card for 50 cents and then i got VAC banned YOLO.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Phelan.