Anyone on here ever get any of their games revoked? I just got Rochard revoked without any explanation. Read their FAQ's and it say's that the publisher can do it if they suspect a game was frauduently purchased. I bought the game in September 2015 but honestly can't remember where - might have even won it in a competition for all I know. Just wondered what other people's thought's on steam revoking a game without more clarification. I'm not bothered with the game as like most people on here I have a large library and it's pretty cheap to purchase again if I wanted to.

7 years ago

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Probably unrelated, but a bunch of games just got revoked here.

7 years ago

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Seems to be a few people with revoked games which isn't nice reading but good to see it come out into the light.

7 years ago

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I know a few people who have gotten games revoked in the past - but as they won the keys or got them from traders they never got to the bottom of what happened. I've also heard of a few instances of blocks of keys getting revoked due to to fraud or dodgy developers, but nothing about Rochard.

7 years ago

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What bugs me is that they can just simply do it without any explanation. I could simply buy the game again but that doesn't shed any light as to why it got revoked in the first place. Myself and other people can't simply be getting keys that were not got or bought honestly. If they can do it for one game they can do it for others which is what worries me. Good to see I'm not the only one on here that it has happened to as the more people aware the better.

7 years ago

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Funnily enough my Rochard key was revoked today too, though I had bought it from G2A so I guess it's not entirely unexpected. I already sent in a ticket to G2A (who I don't normally use for this reason) though who responded saying I would be refunded - it was only 40p so not a big deal, I was hoping more for a replacement key.

I would never gift a game to someone I had bought from G2A though. If it's for me I know what risk I'm taking but if I'm gifting I'll buy from more reliable sources.

7 years ago*

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I might do the same with G2A also since I have never done it before Monkey. I saw a replacement Rochard key on tremor games pretty cheap which I may grab.

7 years ago

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As of late, there's a lot of keys being revoked by Steam that were purchased from G2A. I just had 2 games zapped from my account, one of which was bought last autumn [!] Although not very expensive ones fortunely (I'd never be that foolish).

Luckily they (G2A) will refund though (even without Shield)...if you send them a screenshot of the revoked popup box. Although their refunds seem to take forever.

7 years ago

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What games did you lose?

7 years ago

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Red Faction (first in the series) + Deadfall Adventures

7 years ago

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Today they revoked to me The Raven - Legacy of a Master Thief. Also dont know where the game come from :/.

7 years ago*

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So sorry to hear that they revoked The Raven - Legacy of a Master Thief for you. I'm lucky to remember last week - never mind a year ago when I bought the game! Hopefully it's just the one game :)

7 years ago

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Today got Broken Age revoked from a won giveaway.

7 years ago*

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So sorry to hear you also got a game revoked - seems that there are more people getting them revokes than I thought :(

7 years ago

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Its strange considering that was activated 8 months ago..

7 years ago

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That's funny, I also won Broken Age around 8 months ago and it was revoked about a week ago. I found that rather weird considering it's been 8 months...

7 years ago

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Yip, September 2015 for my Rochard so why did it take until now to revoke it? I hate the way Steam (as well as other big gaming companies) can just revoke/remove/ban etc without explanation and you simply are forced to accept it.

7 years ago

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It's not Steam (Valve) that's revoking, it's the publisher of the game.

7 years ago

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As Auburn said, it's the publisher. But I don't really like that they can just do that without giving any reason. Steam should realy have a system in place where the publisher needs to supply a reason so the customer knows why it was revoked (even if the reason isn't checked closely).

7 years ago

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For me also it's about the lack of a reason which leaves you in the dark. I'm not so bothered about the game as I have since already replaced it but I would like some sort of explanation so I can avoid it happening in the future. Big companies get away with murder at times which sucks :(

7 years ago

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Yeah exactly. It's kind of stupid to punish someone and then don't tell him why he was punished. How are you supposed to learn from it?

7 years ago

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You aren't supposed to learn - just get your cash ready and pay out some more - lol

7 years ago

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Capitalism in a nutshell :p

7 years ago

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More like your nuts in the nutshells!

7 years ago

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How do you know something got revoked? you get message on steam?

7 years ago

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Yes, I got a message on steam which I wasn't allowed to close till I accepted and ticked the box that said I had read their message which just told me that Rochard was revoked and no further explanation or reason why.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Lot more people on here having had their key/keys revoked which is pretty shitty to say the least.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Well,i read really often that some people get their keys from sites like G2A and give it away here.... thats probably on of the reason.

7 years ago

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G2A are changing their security so if it is keys from them then hopefully they will be aware of things and change them to protect their customers :)

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 years ago.

7 years ago

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Agree 100%

7 years ago

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I got a game revoked once because the trader that sold it to me got it from a pretty shady source, good thing that I managed to get a refund from paypal and then found another (actually trustworthy) trader to get the game again.
Make sure to check traders, even if you find them in usually safe places like group buys.

7 years ago

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Seemed to be a subject that was largely hidden so good to see people coming forward and letting others know more about their keys and problems. At least you got a refund and things turned out well for you :)

7 years ago

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It was a lesson I learned, I wasn't really expecting someone to screw me over $1.5 XD
And the guy got kicked out from group buys(he scammed like 10 or so users on the same thread), it was good to see that the admins actually care about keeping the place clean.

7 years ago

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It amazes me the trouble that people go to tip you off over something worth such a small amount. Going to have to be a bit more careful myself now as well which totally defeats the whole have fun being a gamer!

7 years ago

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dont forget a lot of scammers/etc are not from "rich" areas, $1.50 can buy a lot in other places

7 years ago

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I have had two games I got as gifts revoked. Seems at least one came from G2A, not sure where the other ones was bought.

7 years ago

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Hard to track down some of the games that got revoked especially 8 months ago. G2A seems to be the one so far where everyone is having problems.

7 years ago

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One of the reasons I don't use grey market sites. It is too risky.

7 years ago

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I think that many people including myself weren't aware of the revoke issue as well as the illegal trading going on but it's good to get an overall picture of what is going on. One guy had a Humble Bumble bundle revoked which I think is far more scary than G2A. Waiting for steam sales isn't really an option for many people.

7 years ago

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G2A shady af website, as trustful as any person selling their keys. Humblebundle revokes bundles only if the payment is canceled and refunded back to the buyer - reads in their ToS.
Never had any trouble with HumbleBundle and been using it for 4 years already, with G2A however - different story.

7 years ago

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Humble sometimes randomly revoke / cancel orders, this happened to a few friends of mine, fortunately not to me.

With G2A, it of course makes sense, and stolen keys should be revoked.

7 years ago

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Never had any problems with Humble but their support staff are pretty good so I think a refund would be easy to get from them. I'm still waiting for my G2A refund so will see if that ever arrives. At least it happened to your friends rather than you so that's something to be thankful for!

7 years ago

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I mean that Humble may refund an offer you now can't get anymore, and then revoke the keys, and then it might be weeks of haggling with their support to get new keys again since it was obviously their mistake. Fortunately it's rare.

7 years ago

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Never had any problems with Humble and have found them to be really good in the past though their bundles have been pretty crap for a while now - oh well, can't have everything I guess!

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

7 years ago

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Did they reimburse some of the money or something?? I just bought a few games from them.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

7 years ago

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I had two games revoked earlier from G2A, sent in a ticket with a screenshot of the message from steam and asked for reimbursement stating the keys were bought with stolen credit cards, they added the funds into my G2A account within 5 minutes of creating the ticket.

7 years ago

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Same here. I got message yesterday Red Faction got revoked. I guess they revoked batch of keys at once.
I have a record I got the game in a trade more than 1 year ago. I guess I can suppose that trader got it fraudulently. I own the game via GOG also so it's no big deal to me to lose the Steam version.

Another game that got revoked few months ago was Hell, which I won from a giveaway here. Luckily I knew to change my status to not received before my library got synced.

7 years ago

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7 years ago*

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Nothing worse than winning a game and then bam, revoked - let's hope you win again soon - hehe.

7 years ago

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I think it's worse to find out a game you gifted has been revoked :(

7 years ago

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It's crappy when you gift a game and find that it's been revoked - makes ya feel like you just did something scummy when it wasn't your fault.

7 years ago

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Win again and then "Multiple wins alert! Report this rule breaker!". rip

7 years ago

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Good thing so many games are on offer! Step up, Step up and take your chance folks!

7 years ago

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Steam revoked one of my won games several months after receiving it. I contacted SG support to ask how I should handle it, and was told to update the giveaway's feedback to "not received". I've since seen that the guidelines page has this to say about how users should mark a giveaway game revoked from one's Steam account: This feedback should be kept up-to-date if the status of the gift changes.

7 years ago*

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Fortunately, creator of GA just sent me a new key :)

7 years ago

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G2A seems to be coming up alot which suggests that they have problems with some of their keys - good to know for everyone on here so we can purchase elsewhere - thanks mate :)

7 years ago

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Or they are finally forced to give away the info about the stolen keys to developers/publishers and then they (the developers/publishers) can request from Valve to revoke them.

7 years ago

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G2A stole keys? You mean like hacking?

7 years ago

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Shame for gaming to be like this :(

7 years ago

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No, G2A is only a marketplace. Basically anyone can sell there... also scammers, hackers, thieves etc.

7 years ago

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Not G2A, the people selling on G2A. Most people on there are legit and the keys are completely valid. Unfortunatly, there are a few that aren't and get the keys with stolen credit cards etc.

7 years ago

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Damn, I 've just found G2A and it works with the payment method of my country!

7 years ago

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Let's hope you are luckier than some of us on here!

7 years ago

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I have a decent amount of purchases from G2A. Stick to sellers with A LOT of feed back. Dont buy from the guy who is underselling one penny but has 0-10 reviews VS the guy who has 100k+

7 years ago

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It's pretty safe to use I would say. Just make sure to buy from people with 100.000+ positive feedback. Don't buy from someone with no feedback or some negative feedback. I never got trouble with G2A (and I use it a lot), except for one time the key was invalid, but the seller immediatly gave me a new one.

7 years ago

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Most of G2a keys are cheaper because they have been originally got with pre-order discount, from massive giveaways, bundles (indiegala/humblebundle), or kickstart (or such) founding (you willl see most of the games that sell way cheaper than steam have been in that situation). People usually dont know that and assume those keys were obtained illegally. Maybe some are, but the majority are probably from people reselling from giveaways/bundles. Anyway, if the devs are not carefull at keeping their games private or steam´s key system is not safe, i dont think the people who bought the games are the ones that should pay for that, specially sience it costs nothing to the devs to let the people keep the games (unless they want them to buy again to earn some extra cash).

7 years ago

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The customers always pay the price and worst of all the company doesn't care whether we complain or simply ask them the reason why our key was revoked. No satisfaction as usual for the customer but live and learn my friend.

7 years ago

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Worse thing is that sience bundles like HB or IG kill the game bussiness, so some devs, in order to keep making money with their games try to revoke all the keys they allow to take part on those bundles

7 years ago

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And as usual we pay the price which totally sucks :(

7 years ago

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if the devs are not carefull at keeping their games private or steam´s key system is not safe,

That's not always the case though. There are a couple of cases where they have been obtained with stolen credit cards. It's still no reason to punish the customer, but I can see why they do it.

7 years ago

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I got one game revoked, from some givwaway, don't remember the title now... Maybe Drunken Wizards or something?

7 years ago

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Yes but that was because of something else then what is happening now.

7 years ago

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At least it wasn't a huge game and you didn't pay out - not so bad when you win it - hehe

7 years ago

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All my sonic games i bought last month on Humble Bundle got revoked by steam today :O

7 years ago

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You bought them directly from Humble Bundle or were they just keys "originally" from Humble Bundle?

7 years ago

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I just bought the Sonic 25th Anniversary bundle from last month for 10$, i've just made a support ticket to them^^

7 years ago

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Would like to know how it ends...

7 years ago

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Their support resetted the keys for me and i had to redeem the keys again from the Humble Bundle page, all fixed now :)

7 years ago

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Thanks for the reply, It's good to know in case that happens. :)

7 years ago

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It sucks when that happens on HB, especially after you already traded some of those keys to friends, or gifted them on SG.

7 years ago

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Oh man, that is such a shitty thing to happen. I think most people on here have bought Humble Bundles in the past including myself so it makes you question what and where exactly is safe to buy from. Yes, steam is safe and secure but mostly overpriced which I think people will agree with. You could of course wait for the sales but even then the prices can be more than other traders/online stores.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 years ago.

7 years ago

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It's mostly from everything that I read coming from G2A keys but one guy had a Humble Bundle pack revoked which is the worst case I think. For me G2A is no longer an option since it seems to be the key site giving the issues. Tremor are good but have terrible support and many people have been banned for using proxies which not all had. Super sorry to hear that your Blizzard account got frozen - I got my account banned for cheating on a single player game on my sony ps4. The account had 100 euro in it which Sony kept and in the end I sold my sony ps4/vita and tv.

7 years ago

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How does PS4 cheating happen? Are there third party devices you can connect, or was it some repeatable exploit, or..?

7 years ago

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Any games that are cross platform such as Rogue Knight/Diablo you can mostly carry your save game over. Hex edit on say something like a jailbroken 3 and the save goes over onto ps4 with everything you edited intact.

7 years ago

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So you cheat on a PS3, where it's easy, then copy the savegame to a PS4, and then get banned there.

7 years ago

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Yip but then Sony pointed to their terms and conditions banning my account so sold all my sony products and have enjoyed the pc way more ever since :)

7 years ago

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That's almost a win-win.

7 years ago

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100% win once I got my new pc and absolutely love it :)

7 years ago

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last time i bout a game from Tremor they sold me a used key

7 years ago

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Never had any problems with tremor so am surprised to hear this. Just goes to show you can never be 100% sure that your key won't be revoked but the good news is that almost everyone on here has only lost a game or two.

7 years ago

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Deadfall Adventures bought back in May now revoked, bought on G2A

7 years ago

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I've had it happen with a Kinquin purchase years ago, but no issues since.

7 years ago

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You are one of the lucky ones my friend - you must be buying everything through steam - you rich?! Lol

7 years ago

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Not hardly... in fact, if I told you my status you would not likely believe me... when it comes to Kinquin, I've never been back since. When it comes to G2A I always buy with the expectation that it will go away eventually... so I consider it more of a rental than anything. I've just been lucky to date, and none have been revoked yet.

7 years ago

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Another casualty so pretty much G2A is the site to avoid everyone - just as well we all have a big library of games! Deadfall got revoked quickly Hyper - took Steam 8 monts to get around to my Rochard!

7 years ago

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How can it take that long to have a payment problem? lol
If it takes them 8 months they shouldn't even bother removing peoples games

7 years ago

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Hehe, came as a shock to me I can tell you so I created a thread on here to see if it had happened with anyone else :)

7 years ago

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I bought the Red Faction Collection 6 months ago & it got revoked today. I guess I should stop buying off of G2A.

7 years ago

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You aren't alone with the Red Faction Collection purchase :( I think after reading this many people including myself will avoid G2A

7 years ago

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So, it is getting more obvious that these keys originate from G2A? Asking because Google searches still only list these two threads, and strangely nothing more.

7 years ago

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99% of everyone on here has bought and reported that the keys were from G2A with one user having a Humble Bundle purchase revoked.

7 years ago

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Hm. I'll wait a little to see if word gets around and other sites confirm this. It is too early to hope that this will be the first major blow against their shenanigans many of us were waiting for.

7 years ago

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Lot more people than I thought coming through here with revoked games which isn't a good sign. G2A need to change the way they allow people to trade and sell their keys.

7 years ago

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I don't think it is possible. There is no way for G2A to know where you got your key from.

7 years ago

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For every game i sold on G2A i had to give receipt and proof of purchase with the key.

7 years ago

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I sold a couple keys and I didn't have to provide any proof at all. I don't know if something changed but still this doesn't change much.

I could get a proof of purchase for a game (which lets say doesn't include the purchased key on the invoice) and sell multiple keys for that specific game with the same invoice.

7 years ago

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Got my copy of Spellforce complete, that I won here, revoked as well.

7 years ago

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Worse to win something and have it revoked than to buy it I think. Don't stop entering the comps though :)

7 years ago

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Besdies SG, I don't buy games outside steam. You hear about stolen keys too much.

7 years ago

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Most people have at some point used other sites besides Steam and for the vast majority of time never had any issues or problems. It seems to be G2A that is coming up time and time again with bad keys.

7 years ago

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Until now, it hasn't happened to me. But I think I would bother steam support until they told me why they revoked my game if it happened to me.

7 years ago

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I can easily re-buy the game again as it's pretty cheap but sometimes just not worth it. Contacting steam I think would be far more trouble than it's worth as I haven't read anyone else having any satisfaction with a reply from them about the reason why their key was revoked. I don't want to get grey hair over this!

7 years ago

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Would do that as well.

7 years ago

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