Hi. A few minutes ago I clicked to sync my account since I had just activated Shadowrun Returns (free on Humble Bundle) and I got an error message about the sync but it also listed a LOT of removed apps and now I´m worried that some glitch caused me to lose a lot of games.
Has this happened to anyone else? Is there a way to check what was removed from my account and when?
Thanks a lot in advance.

Unable to sync through the Steam store. Check if you are logged in to Steam on your current browser session. If you are, try again later. Some games may not be available through the Steam API (if you have a Steam API key set).
Removed apps: 1255, 3840, 34276, 35428, 42129, 71112, 71116, 71117, 71120, 71165, 99909, 200610, 200620, 203180, 208157, 210890, 210942, 211207, 213311, 213312, 218310, 222890, 223313, 223314, 223315, 223316, 223317, 223318, 223319, 223320, 223321, 228221, 231451, 231480, 234430, 234510, 238300, 238301, 238302, 238303, 238304, 241430, 247290, 247291, 247292, 247293, 247294, 247295, 247296, 247297, 247298, 247299, 247300, 247301, 247302, 247303, 247304, 247305, 247306, 247307, 247308, 247309, 254260, 254420, 254421, 254422, 254423, 254671, 254672, 254673, 254674, 255050, 255580, 261390, 266730, 267381, 268081, 273300, 301210, 314700, 314750, 316670, 322820, 329950, 331710, 336260, 344750, 354850, 365570, 365940, 368870, 368900, 371060, 373110, 373450, 374180, 376230, 382240, 383030, 385200, 387985, 387986, 387987, 388870, 392050, 392870, 395980, 397620, 399580, 399680, 399700, 399840, 404011, 404013, 407210, 407740, 407750, 408600, 408710, 410560, 410590, 410940, 416270, 419070, 423920, 426960, 426980, 426981, 428710, 428820, 428821, 428840, 429881, 431270, 431340, 432150, 436920, 439890, 440860, 441650, 447880, 449630, 450130, 450470, 455470, 456880, 457930, 457940, 460660, 462370, 462600, 462603, 462605, 463794, 473580, 473620, 473630, 473640, 473650, 476561, 479380, 484910, 484920, 486340, 486520, 491250, 491460, 491480, 491500, 491940, 491960, 491980, 492020, 492030, 492040, 492050, 492060, 492890, 499360, 501171, 501690, 505440, 516230, 516700, 527500, 531810, 532810, 533710, 535720, 536740, 536741, 537560, 540310, 543420, 546450, 550210, 553190, 554340, 559500, 559940, 560900, 565890, 573880, 573920, 577401, 577402, 577404, 577405, 582480, 584820, 585580, 585720, 592800, 594591, 594593, 596440, 598210, 603770, 603780, 604601, 605470, 608730, 609790, 609791, 609792, 609793, 609794, 609795, 609796, 611920, 611921, 611922, 611923, 611924, 611925, 611940, 611941, 611942, 613280, 615000, 615510, 616300, 618940, 620382, 651020, 654830, 655450, 673670, 698560, 698930, 700670, 702090, 713270, 733190, 735630, 738320, 739620, 744930, 754780, 758340, 776200, 782310, 789470, 790000, 807620, 807630, 808430, 817790, 821710, 823490, 827660, 841960, 855020, 862620
Added apps: 234650
New groups: Achievement Hunters United

5 years ago

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Steam Summer Sale just started. You couldn't have picked a worst time to sync.

5 years ago

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But that can´t have removed my apps. Getting a sync failure due to high server load I can understand, but removing 274 apps? :S

5 years ago

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Here’s a full list of over 2200 games Steam will be messing with either by fully removing or by reducing to 100 achievement cap... so far all have just disappeared...

I got that info from a fem friend that have a LOT of games and archievements.

I don't cross checked the info

Maybe fits that for your "problem"

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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With the new limits on achievements introduced in an attempt to battle fake games farming cards a number of entries on steam had their licenses expired and they no longer count towards your game/achievement counts on profiles and can't be used in profile showcases. Nothing was actually removed from your account.

5 years ago

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Am I right iin guessing that you're using ESGST? Then the error message is (at least) partly from the Script. I get this all the time as i use it on 2 PCs and steam keeps logging me out on one.
All it really means is, that some games (or better DLCs) you own could not be synced by the script, because either you're not logged in or, more likely in this case, the steam server is simply overloaded due to the sale.
Next time you sync the whole list will be added again. In the meantime some DLCs you actually own may get displayed as not owned.

5 years ago

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Yes, I do use ESGST, but I´ve never had something like this happen before. Hopefully nothing has actually been removed.

5 years ago

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no. nothing to worry about.
The script just removes those packages from its internal storage when it can't load/confirm them during a sync and says they were removed.
Like i said, I see it all the time when it syncs and I'm not logged in.
Just wait a bit until the store is responsive again and then try again.

5 years ago

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I just checked https://steam-tracker.com/user/76561197993458056/ and it said that the last successful sync was a week ago, but I still looked at the latest removed apps tab and there were 23 items, and while most of them were crappy 99 cent games others (Dirt 3 complete edition, Grid, The whispered world, Dirt showdown, Mirage arcane warfare) were definitely not. I tried looking them up on the Steam store but it appears to be down for me right now.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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