With all the abused FREE keys, why not just not allow the two Shadowgrounds games to be given, forever? Yes, that means legit owners/gifters won't be able to give it away, but honestly, boohoo.

1 decade ago*

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Where did these keys come from? I never heard of a key giveaway.

1 decade ago

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http://www.summerseal.com/ ------------ sry, but forgot how to make clickable links.. :(

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Dear SteamGifts!
Please set the value of discounted games to their actual value!
There are ways, to do that! It's fair, it's good! Vote me for president! :)

1 decade ago

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Stupid idea.

1 decade ago

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No :( Of course not permanently, just as long, as a Sale or Weekend Deal or whatever!

1 decade ago

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wouldnt work

1 decade ago

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When the sales finish, the games are set back to their full prices.
So there wouldn't be any difference.
Also, this won't keep people from stacking games until the sales ends.

1 decade ago

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I don't think it's so bad when people are creating giveaways for these cheap games because it benefits everyone. The person creating the giveaway ups his/her contributor status, everyone gets more points to spend on giveaways, and more giveaways means more chances to win something. So everyone wins!!

I don't even care if I win a crappy game, that's still a win, and it makes me happy. Who wouldn't like winning stuff if it's free?? You get a good feeling when the Lady Luck finally smiles upon you and you win something :).

1 decade ago

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There were so many Shadowgrounds giveaways that there wasn't anything I really wanted that I could spend my points in.
Those were the most useless 300p in my life.

1 decade ago

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Save them for when the SG contests run their course then?

1 decade ago

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Just add Shadowgrounds under exploited keys on the FAQ. Then, if a giveaway is made, one may ask "key or giftable?" If it's a key, it's removed. This would fix future exploitation of key hoarders. Additionally +/- go back and retroactively punish the ones yesterday. But, that'd be a lot of work.

1 decade ago

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Why not just have a public list of people who gift games in such a manner and then just allow contest runners to allow/disallow those they know to be on such lists to be in their contests or not?

This way, people can give games in such a manner(using codes they acquired), and others are free to allow or disallow such people from participating in their contests if they so choose. (Not sure how doable this is, though.)

1 decade ago

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Pretty sure you already can ask support to reroll winners who exploited.

1 decade ago

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I don't think it'd be easy for gifters to remember the names of everyone who gave away games in such a manner(Giving free games codes, etc.), though.

Why not have voting buttons or options next to each giveaway/on each giveaway page which would add a gifter to a public list(If enough people voted for them/clicked on them)? Contest runners could then(when making a contest) either allow such people to participate in their contests via another option(shown when making/editing a contest) or disallow such people from participating.

Again, i'm not sure if it's doable. It would placate both sides, though.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by InsomniaNY.