SteamGifts Tools is a tool in a form of a website that lets you do some interesting checks to steamgifts mechanics:



  1. SG Dark Grey Userstyle by SquishedPotatoe thread
  2. Old (deprecated) ones:

User Scripts

  1. SGTools Helper: Help you create giveaways with SGTools typical options and marks protected giveaways on steamgifts giveaway page
  2. Links to user profile: Awesome userscript made by SilentGuy that adds links to the common sgtools checks on a user profile. See his thread
  3. Links on giveaway's winners page. The script will add a link next to each winner's 'Request New Winner' link in your giveaway's winners list, so that you can easily check them for non-activated and multiple wins
  4. ESGST: An all-in-one script to rock your Steamgifts experience. It integrates to and gives quick access to several SGT functionality from inside steamgifts website.


  1. Check real cv value (as we had in steamgifts v1) and it's level translation with a detailed log of every game contribution and how they add up to the final number.
  2. Check real cv for your won gifts, so you can compare with your send gifts.
  3. Check if a user has activated all his gifts, useful if you want to check a little bit the winners of your giveaways.
  4. Multiple Wins. Checks if a user has won and marked as received the same game more than once
  5. Last Bunled Games. List new additions to the bundle list of the last 7 days with a minimum of 50 entries, showing the game (with a link to steam), the date since the game is considered bundled and the date when it was added to the bundle list.
  6. Create, manage and enter giveaways with more advanced and complex filters than the ones in steamgifts.
  7. Deals and their bundle status


  1. Since CG don’t give us an open API, all requests have to parse your full profile to check your sent games, this will take some seconds (more if you gave away tons of games!), so please be patient.
  2. The site uses a cached bundle list, so if you find a recent bundle game that gives you a full value instead of the 15% one, just wait until the next cached bundle list is ready. Cached Bundle list auto-updates itself every 6 hours starting at 3:00AM GMT (3am, 9am, 3pm, 9pm).
  3. The tool will search steam API to get the real cost for packages that has its point value truncated to 50 in steamgifts, but if the package is no longer available the tool will use the points as CV (50$).
  4. It may sound obvious, but the tool can't check not activated gifts if the profile is private.

This thread contains a Wiki visible with the GHWSGI userscript. If you prefer to see it directly on GitHub instead, click here.

This thread contains a Wiki visible with the GHWSGI userscript. If you prefer to see it directly on GitHub instead, click here.

This thread contains a Wiki visible with the GHWSGI userscript. If you prefer to see it directly on GitHub instead, click here.

9 years ago*

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Flight of the Icarus could be a false positive, it seems the name/id changed : ( or I got the online version instead : )
I have Gun of Icarus Online activated but now it's detected as "Not activated" on SG because of that.
There were multiple versions too, that"s pretty confusing XD

8 years ago

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Flight of the Icarus and Guns of Icarus Online are separate games. There has been no name or AppID change.

To find out which you added to your account, you can check license activations in your Steam account here -

If you received the wrong one two years ago, then that is what you will need to resolve. I suggest contacting the original giveaway creator first to see if it can be corrected.

If that fails, you will probably need to file a support ticket.

As another option, you can purchase the correct game yourself so that it no longer shows up when someone checks your account.

8 years ago

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Ok I see. I got the online one by mistake it seems.
Thank you very much :)

8 years ago

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Might have not been a mistake. If I recall correctly, Guns of Icarus Online had a big developer giveaway around that time and people regifted the game widely afterwards. Some used incorrect labeling to bypass checks and reports for CV farming.

8 years ago

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You are faster than I :D

Thanks for the help answering people's doubts :3

8 years ago

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I'm glad to help where I can.

Thank you for the useful toolset.

8 years ago

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The gift activation checker is broken for me. It keeps telling me that the user does not have any activated gifts.

8 years ago

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I can't access any "check for not-activated gibs" because the tool is telling me I am private or I did not activate all gibs Q_Q


8 years ago

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It seems steam is extremely unstable those last days, they could hire some engineers and better servers.

I'll reset your cache as soon as I arrive home.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Done :3

8 years ago

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Now you can check for invalid entries other giveaways urls using the entries from a sgtools giveaway (aka trains)

8 years ago

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Absolutely brilliant! Thank you! :-)

8 years ago

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That's gonna work great if people change their profile to private in the meantime.

8 years ago

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Could you explain how this works, please? Preferably through a step-by-step tutorial? :)

8 years ago

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May I suggest an enhancement for the Real CV pages? I think it would be useful to display (possibly in tool tips) the different totals for "Full value game" vs. "Bundled game". This can be a useful measure for some groups. For example, add a criterion for getting an invite based on giving at least X Real CV of full-value games.


8 years ago

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It should be easy enough, sure :)

8 years ago

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You can see it now on the tooltips :)

8 years ago

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Thank you, this is great! :-)

I'm positively surprised by my Real CV Sent numbers. I thought a larger percentage would be bundled games. Oddly for Real CV Sent it shows No Bundled value as "undefined$"...

8 years ago

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It displays correctly here, are you sure you weren't checking Won gifts CV? Yesterday it was not implemented for wins, I just pushed the update and now they display correctly.

8 years ago

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Works fine now. Thanks!

8 years ago

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From a total noob - thanks for the amazing features of SGTools.

I wanted to let you know that some recently bundled games are still being reported as full value in my CV report. For example, Snik, Exowar, Gravblocks, 3DRPG... SGTools lists them on its recently bundled list, but it's not effecting my total there like it is here on Steamgifts.

Thanks again!

8 years ago

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There is a simple reason to that, and it's out of my control. Steamgifts reports that those giveaways started (and ended) on 22th, while the bundle date for them is 23th.

If you are curious you can open a Private Mode on Chrome/firefox and look at the giveaways times that it reports you'll see that the server will tell you that they are on 22th, so in theory unbundled.

What is the server timezone? What time is reporting? Good question, if we manage to get that info we can correct the date and then calculate the bundle status. It seems that you are on the edge between the dates.

8 years ago

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Makes sense - thanks Knsys!

8 years ago

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I've got a request similar to what Yirg requested several hours earlier, something that can help for group recruitment using a check like Real CV, but allow a user to put some limits on the bundle / region locked giveaways by allowing us to calculate both of those at a reduced % value of our choice, and also check what % of giveaways are non bundled or bundled, also split into RoW and region locked. The suggested page could even have a group drop down to check those stats for what common groups want and see if a user passes the requirements.

Redoing rules for Charitable Losers, since the original rules were based on the previous site calculations, when bundles were 20% of non bundled value and region locked games weren't allowed because full region locks didn't happen. With the changes here now, its past time for the rules to be updated. Hoping I can convince you to make something that could make checks easier for both group admins and those interested in seeing if they can join.

I'm even willing to bribe you with some CSGO keys for such an update since I have trading profit from a busy weekend. :P

8 years ago

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I added Yirg's suggestion to todo list, so I can extend it for your suggestion too, but I need something more concrete.

Exactly which data do you want to have apart from the normal? I can get you the data you need and let you create a custom rule for each of your groups (see giveaways custom rules to get an idea how they are, Yirg is getting some good use out of it).

With that you, and every other group admin, will be able to do with a simple mathematical/logical definition to create a checker to know if a user pass your rules.

8 years ago

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I'm just looking for one group myself (Charitable Losers), though I imagine other group leaders might find it useful for their own depending on how they invite.

I'll be hammering out exact details with other Charitable Loser admins to see what they think, but I was hoping for a tool that would let me check the value with bundles value capped at 20% of non bundle value, and similar for region locked, maybe 30% (RL bundled games just getting the bundle limit rather than a much lower rate), so I can check value in a way similar to how it used to be. So someone with $200 real CV from non bundled RoW games could get at most another $100 on that list from bundled and locked games. I imagine other groups wanting a similar tool might want different limits on those though, so having them user adjustable could mean less work for you (as I suck at that stuff, it might actually be harder), though a drop down for some group presets would be nice.

I also want an easy check just to check how much of their giveaways are bundled / locked compared to RoW non bundles, but I'm still undecided on what percentage of non bundled RoW gives a user would need. Probably around 50%.

Also, let me know if you do want some keys for hammering away at this for us, since PP donations are out for me right now. Don't mind tossing you a few. :P

8 years ago

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Don't worry about keys, I don't need them really :)

Before entering to evaluate the exact numbers, shares and ratios you want to apply for a group, let's talk about the basic data that we'll need to create the filters. If I understood correctly, apart from the data we now gather on real cv calculations you need the following "sent" values:

  1. Real CV for Region Locked
  2. Number of Region Locked giveaways
  3. Real CV for Bundled
  4. Number of Bundled giveaways
  5. Real CV for Unbundled
  6. Number of Unbundled giveaways
  7. Custom multipliers for calculating RL and Bundled values towards CV

Do you need some data on the "won" part?

8 years ago

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While the group has a win to gift ratio, its easy enough to check myself, so anything further isn't required.

And dang, looking like a lot of work.

8 years ago

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‎#3 and #5 are now displayed in tooltips for the values in Real CV Won and Sent.

8 years ago

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And holy ****, where did I get that cash?

8 years ago

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Sorry for the delay, I'm extremely busy those days.

The data needed is all gathered by now and you can see it on normal CV pages with the 3 charts and the tabbed detailed log.
So now that we have the data, how do you want the "group check" page to be?

8 years ago

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The current pages are looking good. Thanks for all the work you put into adding those features.

The group check page should be pretty close to what information is currently available through the tool. Ordered by usefulness.

  • Pie chart with Bundle (both locked or not), Region locked non bundled, and then non bundled non locked titles. If the last is at least 50% of their giveaways, just have a confirmation that passes.
  • Real Value for that non bundle non locked giveaways of $450, another confirmation.
  • Quick check of giveaways to wins ratio, no more than 1 win for every 3 giveaways at most. That is the last thing to check on a profile.
  • Less required since I can check this myself, but maybe a check to see if people have significantly boosted either value or giveaway ratio in the last two weeks (say 25 giveaways / $150 Real CV). Not a fail state, but I take a look at users and decide if they wait for an invite, since some go for a quick boost then go back to leaching and ruining their chances for an invite when they can apply again a few weeks later.

Really, I can deal with just the first feature since the others can be checked manually, but having a group check page with the first three means people can pop in their name and check themselves without failing at maths.

8 years ago

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Check this out :)

8 years ago

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I love you. Quick fix though, because I messed up explaining it earlier. Looking for region free, not bundled number ratio rather than value ratio. Sorry about that. Other than that, rules are looking perfect. :D

I'll have to hit you with so much wishlist games.

8 years ago

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So you want the actual number of gifts instead of the value? I'll check it when I got some more free time :3

8 years ago

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Yeah. Sorry I messed up with the description. That is the only rule adjustment needed, thankfully. This is a damn good tool. I only hope other groups don't flood you with requests to do their job. :P

8 years ago

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It should be working with the new rule (number of sent gifts instead of CV).
The chart displays the same data as the rule, aka number of sent gifts.

If you want to fine tune the rules tell me, since I see that you don't pass the first one using number of sent gifts.

PS: There has been changes on the chart javascript file, if the charts are not loading for you, force a reload on the browser (usually alt+f5)

8 years ago

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Yay, rebalancing again. I miss SGv1...

I'll figure out something that could work and bug you then. Thanks for the work so far.

8 years ago

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Nerka seems to get a fail on sent CV though, after having him test it. Might need some more refinement.

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Yep sorry, was not refreshing old cached data, stupid mistake. It should auto-renew caches if needed now, so it should be working again.

Also it should display 3 charts, not one, which browser does he use?

8 years ago*

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He was using Firefox. Guess he just had trouble loading the bits of the page.

Working now for him though, so thanks.

8 years ago

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Oh, and one last request, checking with SG username, so group admins can check the user as well. :P

8 years ago

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That was planned too, just not ready for today :P

8 years ago

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That is fine then. Thanks for all the work.

8 years ago

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You should see a "manage group" link on your group page (only shows and only allows inside people that are tagged as managers for your group, right now only you).

There you can check other user's values. Editing rules it's still a todo thing, so the icon won't do anything.

About using the number of giveaways instead of value for first rule, I noted it and it's in todo list too.

8 years ago

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This will be very useful

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Thank you very much for adding the region locked chart!

8 years ago

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Just got a false positive for Mafia II: Digital Deluxe Edition

8 years ago

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Added to equivalence table, thanks for the report!

8 years ago

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Hai! SGTool keeps telling me I have unactivated wins due to an incorrect key I redeemed yesterday (it is sorted out now).
How often does the cache refresh?

View attached image.
8 years ago

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I resetted your cache, try again now

8 years ago

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It works now! Many thanks ^_^

8 years ago

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I used the new Steam feature to remove an unwanted game - it was one I won, activated, played for several hours and now realise it's not one I will ever play again. I removed it to clean up my Steam library. But then I noticed I couldn't enter some giveaways because SGtools thinks it is an unactivated win.

Can that be fixed? I mean, it's not unactivated. I activated it, it was owned and played by me, I just decided I didn't want that game.

Also, I restored the game to my library again through Steam, but now SGTools giveaways says my account is flagged for unactivated wins. However when I use the SGTools checker, my profile is clean:

Any suggestions?

8 years ago

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Your non activated win was probably cached after you removed the game from your library so you'll have to wait till it expires to be able to enter Sgtool giveaways again.
Also this is support's response on removing games won on SG from your account.

8 years ago

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Just don't remove games you won from your steam account and you'll be fine.

I resetted your cache, try again now.

8 years ago

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Cheers for the reset

8 years ago

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So I had something odd happen yesterday. I was planning on trying out that new train checker on a train I did last month, but before I even got to that part I noticed that the invalid entries had increased by one user. Since the train had finished weeks ago, I checked the valid entries to see what was going on and the same name was there too.

I couldn't figure out any reason for them to be added to the invalid entry list, especially since they actually were valid. I checked the invalid entry list today again and the new name was gone from there. If this had happened back when the train ended, it might have ended with me asking for a reroll in case this user had won anything.

8 years ago

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That's really strange, can you link me the giveaway?

Are you sure you were checking the same Ga?

8 years ago

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It was this one:

Yes, I'm sure. I haven't done many sgtools giveaways. I can give you the name of that unfortunate user who got put into both valid and invalid entries too if you need it, but I suppose I should do that in private somewhere as I wouldn't want people to think they did anything wrong.

8 years ago

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Do you need the name or did you find it out yourself? If it's even relevant. Besides the name, there's no further info I can provide with this.

8 years ago

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I can't think of any explanation to why that happened, since the giveaway was closed right?

8 years ago

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Yup, weeks ago.

8 years ago

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On my won page.

"The Book of Unwritten Tales: The Critter Chronicle... (90$ Total) (Group giveaway)"

Actual should be $19.99

Is this error on steam's side or yours?

8 years ago

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Steam API fault that makes Steamgifts report the points of the package and not the game, is a well know steam api bug.
Sgtools uses Steamgifts provided points, so as soon as steamgifts solves this it'll get to it's normal price.

You can check the giveaway here

8 years ago

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I notice that you have added stats for how much of the CV that comes from bundled and non bundled respectively when you hover over the total CV (to get the Contribution Value type breakdown). Nice, good job! I remember a few users requesting that feature.

One strange thing though, when checking wins, the Not bundled shows up as "undefined$", checked myself and a few random users, all the same. Not that it matters much, but I'm guessing there is some small error in the code.

8 years ago

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It's normal as it was not implemented for Won gifts. Now it is and should be working as sent gifts

8 years ago

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Sorry for making you do extra work :(

You're always fast at fixing things though, I'm impressed!

8 years ago

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Does it take Steam some time after I set my profile public before it reports the status correctly to SGtools? It seems that if I try to enter an SGtools giveaway too quickly after setting it public, I still fail the check and can't enter any more for a day or two (until the SGtools cache expires). I just got caught by this again (I try to wait a few minutes to avoid this, but sometimes I'm an impatient bunny who wants to set my profile friends-only again before I forget!).

Or could this just be Steam's connectivity problems at work?

8 years ago

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It's a steam thing. Once you set the profile to public it needs some time for the api to start responding with data.

I just resetted your cache, next time try to wait some minutes or check it yourself here, you'll need to substitute the xxxxx part of the key for your steam developer key.

8 years ago

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My Real CV should be 273.15$ and sgtools reads it as that when I check it.
But when I try to go through the check to enter a giveaway, it says my Real CV is only 3.15$?

What is the issue here? I can't seem to fix it from my end

8 years ago

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Cache still has your CV calculated as before the MKX giveaway ended, wait for it to reset

8 years ago

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About that- waiting for it to reset, but doesn't look like it'll be in time for the gib I'm eyeing.

Is there any reason you can't add a manual sync-account (max 1/day) option?
If it does an overall pass, rather than individual, it should be able to avoid attempts to bypass one or another transgression, no?

8 years ago

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I was rule-checking people on my WL, then I found out something strange.
Someone had a record of non-activated win - Race Injection Includes 6 items: RACE 07, STCC The Game 2, Formula RaceRoom, GT Power Expansion, Retro Pack, WTCC 2010 Pack.
Shocked, I checked his/her library manually. He/She has exactly same items of mine. I bought Race Injection from Groupees' Clash of the World Scandinavia Bundle.
Maybe Steam DB/API issue? I don't know. But, I'm afraid he/she would be misunderstood in this state.

8 years ago*

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We discussed with him some days before, it seems steamgifts retroactively changed the pack for one with more games instead of maintaining the old one and creating a new one for the new pack.

It's something support should deal with.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

8 years ago

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At first, I assumed his/her win was from the same bundle as mine because of the date of GA(May 31, 2014, 4:44pm). I activated the pack March 5, 2014.
After more careful searching, GT Power Expansion, Retro Pack were missing in his/her library.
So I searched more... looks confusing... @.@

I can only guess the creator gave him/her very old key of Race Injection... What a mess. (facepalm)

I haven't experimented activating the same name pack, yet. But I can say something...
When you have Morrowind GOTY, Oblivion GOTY, Skyrim Legendary Edition, you still can activate The Elderscrolls Anthology lisence. ;)

8 years ago

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well, it says that i have not activated gifts or my acc is private. it's definitely not private and i activated all gifts. what can i do to solve this problem?

8 years ago

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You synchronized during this last steam megafuckup, I just resetted your cache

8 years ago

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thank you very much!

8 years ago

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It keeps saying I have non activated gifts or my account is private but neither is true. Maybe it's a problem with the Steam API. Can anyone help?

8 years ago

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I'm having the same problem.

8 years ago

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Now you can force a synchronization of your cache whenever you want. The option is on Home submenu.

As you can guess, this means that we now store critical data after each sync that will get people who try to abuse it banned.

8 years ago

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look at Warhammer Quest Deluxe
(2 copies) is green
this game marked as bundled a week ago, but date of bundle is older
and SG gives 15% for all giveaways

8 years ago

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It's all about how the servers returns giveaways times and bundled list times.

There is a gap of some hours, with your example I can confirm is at least 2 hours gap, and I adjusted the time check to reflect that. Thanks for the report

8 years ago

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bundled list times.

time of adding in list?

8 years ago

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When should one use this option? Since it's not documented I would expect some users to just trigger it to see what it does. I'm one of these users...

8 years ago

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Whenever you think your cache is outdated.
Now it renews in a 24 hour period, but you can force the sync before that time passes.

8 years ago

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Hello knsys,

is there already a filter for region restricted CV Value or "x" numbers of restricted GA's ? I would like to check users who exceeding a certain cv value for region restricted GA's.If this is already possible with the custom rule,can someone provide me a example formula ,please ? Thanks in advance !

8 years ago

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Unfortunately there is no such option on giveaways custom rules... yet.

It'll be there with some other when I get some time to finish group thing first and then expand it to giveaways.

8 years ago

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Thanks for adding this to your "Todo-List",knsys :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I don't know if many end-users would have any idea when the cache may be outdated, unless there's any related error message or warning. In any case, I probably shouldn't worry about it...

and btw, you may want to check your email :-)

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

8 years ago

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The banned page tells you what you need to know.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

8 years ago

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[SUGGESTION] Filter by Owned App
(I couldn't find your suggestion inbox so I'll leave this here.)

The ability to limit access to only those who have a particular game (or those who don't) could be a handy addition.

A couple people recently have had problems with Quake DLC giveaways. Because of how the games are configured in the Steam database, Steam Gifts allows entry to anyone even though the Apps require the base game be owned to be added to the library themselves.

A rule that tested for prior ownership of AppID 2310 (or 2320 in the case of Quake 2) could have been used to restrict access to only those who could activate the gifts.

The same type of test could be used to prohibit access to GOTY giveaways for people who already own the base game.

While not all apps are listed in Valve's API, most are. AppIDs are not known to the general public and there are, in some publisher's catalogs, multiple distinct apps for the same game and users unfamiliar with how to distinguish the difference might have difficulty. (I find information gathered on to be most helpful.)

Not a perfect solution, surely, but a working stopgap measure for tough situations.

8 years ago

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This one is already on todo list :)

8 years ago

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Happy happy! :-)

8 years ago

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New filters for custom rules :)

  • [Double] real_sent_bundled -> Real cv for bundled sent games
  • [Double] real_sent_nonbundled -> Real cv for not bundled sent games
  • [Double] real_sent_region_free -> Real cv for region free sent games
  • [Double] real_sent_region_restricted -> Real cv for region restricted sent games
  • [Double] real_sent_region_free_bundled -> Real cv for region free bundled sent games
  • [Double] real_sent_region_free_nonbundled -> Real cv for region free not bundled sent games
  • [Double] real_sent_region_restricted_bundled -> Real cv for region restricted bundled sent games
  • [Double] real_sent_region_restricted_nonbundled -> Real cv for region restricted not bundled sent games

  • [Double] real_won_bundled -> Real cv for bundled won games
  • [Double] real_won_nonbundled -> Real cv for not bundled won games
  • [Double] real_won_region_free -> Real cv for region free won games
  • [Double] real_won_region_restricted -> Real cv for region restricted won games
  • [Double] real_won_region_free_bundled -> Real cv for region free bundled won games
  • [Double] real_won_region_free_nonbundled -> Real cv for region free not bundled won games
  • [Double] real_won_region_restricted_bundled -> Real cv for region restricted bundled won games
  • [Double] real_won_region_restricted_nonbundled -> Real cv for region restricted not bundled won games

  • [Integer] num_sent_public -> Number of Public created and sent giveaways
  • [Integer] num_sent_private -> Number of Private created and sent giveaways
  • [Integer] num_sent_group -> Number of Group/Whitelist created and sent giveaways
  • [Integer] num_sent_bundled -> Number of created and sent giveaways for Bundled Games
  • [Integer] num_sent_nonbundled -> Number of created and sent giveaways for Not Bundled Games
  • [Integer] num_sent_region_free -> Number of created and sent giveaways without region restrictions
  • [Integer] num_sent_region_restricted -> Number of created and sent giveaways with region restrictions
  • [Integer] num_sent_region_free_bundled -> Number of created and sent giveaways for region free not bundled games
  • [Integer] num_sent_region_free_nonbundled -> Number of created and sent giveaways for region free not bundled games
  • [Integer] num_sent_region_restricted_bundled -> Number of created and sent giveaways for region restricted bundled games
  • [Integer] num_sent_region_restricted_nonbundled -> Number of created and sent giveaways for region restricted not bundled games

  • [DATE] last_multiple_win -> date where the last multiple win infraction
  • [DATE] last_vac_ban -> date where the last VAC ban expired
  • [Integer] VAC_game_Bans -> Number of Vac Game Bans
  • [Boolean] VAC_economy_ban -> If the user is Trade Banned
8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Thank you Knsys!

8 years ago

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That's pretty awesome, is a combination possible to check for example how many public GAs were region-free?

8 years ago

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I've been seeing some interesting use of these filters and it's piqued my interest :)

If not already on the todo list, could these filters be added?


These could complement their "sent" counterparts to calculate and or compare public/private/group ratios.

8 years ago

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Added to todo list!

8 years ago

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Hi knsys,
just to clarify: My Account was flagged for one none activated game (the latest Hitman game).I guess I have to wait until the game is officially on Steam available (my timezone: in about 5 hours) and everything works normal as before ?

8 years ago

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Once steam releases the game you'll be clear again.

The "problem" is that steam doesn't release the game at 00:00AM of the day it says it will, so for some hours it flags you for unactivated wins. Once steam releases it, you're good to go

8 years ago

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Thanks for the explanation,knsys.

8 years ago

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Hello , not sure if I'm asking at the right place, or if this has already been asked before, but I would LOVE a filter that would be something like:

[DATE] last giveaway created

1 week ago

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While knsys is still maintaining the app and the ban list, no new features are being added unfortunately:

1 week ago

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awww shucks, i missed that one!

Thanks for the reply RePlayBe , we'll live without then !

1 week ago

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Noticed a bug, the charts fail to load on all browsers. JS error shown:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'split' of undefined
in sgtools.js:6
getCVbyPosition(t){var a=$("#data"),e=a.attr("title").split("#");

seems class="hoverTooltip" is missing a id="data"

8 years ago*

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There should be no longer any reference to class hoverTooltip, did you force a refresh on your browser?

8 years ago

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did you force a refresh on your browser?

Yes, and tried it in Firefox, Chrome, IE, Opera and Otter Browser. All fail.

8 years ago

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And fixed, thanks for the report!

After changing how charts are loaded for group checker, I missed the id/class change on real cv twigs

8 years ago

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Thanks for the quick fix (・∀・)ノ

8 years ago

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Charts fail to load :( Has something changed again ?

8 years ago

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It's working here and nothing has changed related to charts.

Are you blocking javascript? or google charts url?

8 years ago

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After several hours it's working again.Nothing changed/blocked here.Please excuse the false alarm.

8 years ago

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Several people are reporting that when trying to enter the three giveaways here they get "Custom rule is not well constructed". This is odd because I haven't made any changes to the rules. Any idea what could be wrong?

8 years ago

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If it's any help I just tried with Broken Age. I get the "Custom rule is not well constructed" and then it says I failed the requirements - I don't have "real_sent_public>100" so I was supposed to fail :)

8 years ago

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ratio_number_giveaways is not working.

Edit: None of the ratio_ values appear to be working as expected.

8 years ago*

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My fault, removed ratios from custom rules when I was refactoring them for Group checks.

It works again

8 years ago

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Great, thanks!

8 years ago

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The game NOBUNAGA'S AMBITION: Souzou (Traditional Chinese version) does not show in winner's library when they activate and look it up. Please whitelist this game as now it appears as a non-activated win.

This request is for someone else who attempted to enter my giveaway.

8 years ago

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Added to whitelist, thanks for the report!

8 years ago

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