
1 decade ago*

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I've never gotten angry over something and punched a wall/destroyed equipment but I'm very clumsy so I've managed to hurt myself while playing games. Stretching fingers too far, messing with my mouse and getting skin trapped, trapping fingers in parts of equipment as well as cutting it, spilling hot drinks on me, bashing knees into my desk, that sort of thing!

1 decade ago

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i really wonder, how do you trap your fingers in gaming equipment?
you must be the only person in the world clumsier than me :)

1 decade ago

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I used to get headaches from playing every game? I have broken keys off of my keyboard while mashing buttons... My scroll click hardly works from using it too much...

1 decade ago

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This is fairly weak, but I actually gave myself tennis elbow playing Wii Sports tennis. I was like, "This is fun! I want to play some more!" but my elbow was like "No. Now sit the f*** down."

1 decade ago

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My worst injury, was a painful unintentional attempt at self castration. I was playing "Warioware: Smooth Moves" on the Wii, with my brother. We were at home, and dressed casually (I was wearing loose shorts). We were in vigorous competition, Nun-chuck in one hand, Wii-Remote in the other, and the cord connecting them in between. One of the games required you to make a motion similar to lifting a barbell. I did it very quickly, but too close to my body. The pain was not fun. It yanked the Chuck/Troller out of both my hands violently.
Other than above, just standard injuries. Fighting game blisters, sore fingers/hands from button mashing (I'm looking at you "Mario Party")

I've gotten very angry, but never destroyed anything.

1 decade ago

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Mario Party blisters.

1 decade ago

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^ this.

1 decade ago

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My keyboard was a victim of Fifa's rage, just a little broken

1 decade ago

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Nope, nothing to get that pissed off about in a game. Take some martial arts, great way to keep yourself centered. It's hard to get worked up after you get to a point where you can turn your aggression on and off at will.

1 decade ago

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One time i shot myself in the hand bc i was so pissed at not being able to beat dark souls and it really fucking pissed me off

1 decade ago

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haven't actually done anything crazy like dat, shi# man, i've never even punched my keyboard..

1 decade ago

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Yes, it is because of forgetfulness; We sometimes become so attached to the idea of not losing and the obsessive need to win, that we forget what is the main motive for playing. We start the game to have fun, but instead become too careful not to lose, like winning is more important than to have fun by just playing. And any distraction from outside of the game becomes a obstacle in the way of obtaining the win status. This is why we sometimes yell angry at a family member when distracting us from the game. It is because we are programmed by neuro linguistic programming (NLP) to think that "fun" equals "win" instead of "fun" equals "play". This kind of attachement actually defeats the purpose of the game. This is from a observatory and psychological point of view of course. Yes, i am a psychology student. Sadly this behaviour happens also outside of the gaming sphere, as instead of enjoying life, we sometimes become obsessed of becoming a likeable person for others and always caring more for others opinion first, instead of just doing our own thing.

1 decade ago

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nope.avi but i sleept on my keyboard once.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

1 decade ago

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My old 15 inch CRT monitor started to get this pink tint from time to time because of the ocasional punch it used to receive from my end. Eventually it died.

I learned my lesson with that monitor so I started to punch my keyboard (good old TF2 times). When I broke the keyboard I stopped raging at games and haven't broken anything since.

1 decade ago

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I have gone through about 4-5 mouses (...mice?) , so.. yah. (although in fairness, 1 or 2 did just get worn down by themselves)

1 decade ago

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I don't rage when I play games :P

1 decade ago

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Just carpal tunnel. Nothing so bad.

1 decade ago

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I got a knee injury from playing DDR too much without taking breaks. D:

I'm pretty careful about my electronics though. So I just pretty much ruin my body. The angrier and the more frustrated I get, the more controlled I get, kind of ironic. :')

1 decade ago

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I get beat up all the time for being so MLG pro at every game I play! >_<

But seriously, mostly just a sore left hand from all the WASD control games I play.

When the Wii first came out I had some pretty sore shoulders from playing Wii sports for hours at a time. I still play that game every few weeks, it never gets old. o_O

1 decade ago

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I once broke my opponents dignity. It was funny.

1 decade ago

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The game Chime hurt my right index and middle finger :(.

1 decade ago

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Never got a injury, nor do I rage.

1 decade ago

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so far.. no. i give up easily and i stop trying when i cant achieve it.

1 decade ago

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Broke my mouse a few years ago when I was playing Penumbra Black Plague and I jumped, jumped my PC desk, and spilled my glass of lemonade right onto my mouse, and it just shut off.

Also, when I was younger, I would play Super Mario Forever for HOURS on end, and clicking the space bar and just having it sit in an awkward position (didn't really play many PC games, and didn't really know proper posture), and it would hurt so much I would have to put a make-shift cast on my arm so it would stop hurting and I could continue playing the game...

1 decade ago

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I got a blister from Street Fighter Alpha 2 on the SNES. I paid $120 or so dollars when it came out brand new, so new prices for games today seem like chump change.

1 decade ago

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Played Duke Nukem Time to Kill on PS until my palms cramped(repeatedly, of course).
I've hurled countless headphones across the room/into a wall. As of late, however, I have learned to control the anger and direct it in-game toward my enemies.

1 decade ago

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I've whacked myself in the face several times in the past with a Wii wheel after playing Mario Kart as I kept forgetting it was attached to my wrist. Other than that, just hand cramps lol.

1 decade ago

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Funny :P

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Gaybr1el.