Now I really feel sorry for that guy who bought premium for his 160 accounts

But this will fix up the economy making everything worth more, so if you already have tons of loot from idling, you're in luck.

If you don't want to read the whole thing :

  1. You won't be able to idle anymore.

  2. You won't get banned for it either.

1 decade ago*

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However I'm pretty sure they'll tweak the dropping system, maybe the more active you are (doing points, kills, et cetera?) more items you get? That would be pretty easily exploited, but Valve will come up with something better, I'm sure.

1 decade ago

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they will never do this. ever. they dont want to let the... how do i say this without offending people... those gamers who fucking suck... not get stuff while all the people who can play, get all the drops.

this was the entire reason behind why valve dumped the old system (achievement levels got you weapons) and replaced it with the 'idle to get drops' system.

basically valve is pro socialism. which is kinda weird given that theyre very capitalist. mixed signals, gabe... mixed signals :D

1 decade ago

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Valve is not part of the government, there is no Socialism involved.

1 decade ago

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I used to be an idler like you, than I took a valve in the knee.

1 decade ago

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Knew this was going to happen one day. Not like I really care I quit tf2 when it went from fun fps to HEY GUYS LETS ALL TRADE HATS!!.

1 decade ago

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No one is making you trade hats... You can still play the damn game pretty much exactly as before. Don't even have to bother about getting items, the default ones do the job well enough, and the achievement ones which you will get over time whether you want it or not are even better.

1 decade ago

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yeah, it's like there is no vanilla/competitive servers!

oh wait...

1 decade ago

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If you wanna bitch, go play the Xbox version that hasn't gotten any of the updates. Deal with the people who'd rather actively bully one person than actually capture the point.

1 decade ago

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one thing to say , bitch please

1 decade ago

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Idle servers are stupid anyways.

1 decade ago

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Considering I only have three accounts(and I only really idle on one at a time because I can't be bothered to use Sandboxie or anything)and I'm never really off my PC at those times, if I use something like "alias fuckyouvalveidowhatiwant "+forward; +right; +moveleft; +attack"" this doesn't affect me in the least.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by vcvc8.