So I've been saving cash for some games and some other human beings are probably doing the same.
So I thought "why not making a thread where people post their fav games with a reason why" so I or WE can get idea of what game to buy.
I'll start : Postal 2 Complete - The game was released in 2003 so the graphics are old, but the gameplay and customization is incredibly huge, so is the replayability.
Your old laptop can even run it.

1 decade ago*

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Max Payne 3, fun and addictive. Has an innovative gameplay thanks to the physics mostly. I think is a step forward on action games.

1 decade ago

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Innovative, what???? When the fuck are u born? It doesn't even hold a candle to the first 2 games. There is absolutely NOTHING innovative about it's physics, anything you do in Max Payne 3 with bullet time it was present from the first game. Bullet time itself isn't that big a deal anymore either. Not after it appeared in tons of FPS games like the F.E.A.R series, Wolfenstein or Timeshift. I swear that is one of the most ignorant and hilarious statements I've ever seen about a video game =)).

1 decade ago

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you can like the history of the first 2 max payne, I respect that. But the gameplay is better and thats a fact. If you don't like it maybe we are looking for different things in actions games. So please, think again next time before call me ignorant.

I didn't see your edit, so here is my opinion. Underestimate bullet time because other games use it is a very ignorant comment. And sorry, but there is A LOT of difference between the physics of MP2 and MP3, see videos or play the game and compare, really.

1 decade ago

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First of all, MP 3 is severely lacking in the atmosphere and immersion department. Gone is the dark story, the tone, the noire feel. It's got NONE OF THOSE ELEMENTS. It basically turned form a Humphrey Bogart movie into Lethal Weapon(don't get me wrong, I love the Lethal Weapon movies, but their tone is not adequate to a Max Payne game). Also, I played ALL the damn three games, ok? So don't patronize me. It has the same elements. Bullet-time, dodging bullets while jumping in bullet-time, seeing the bullets fly at you in bullet-time, the simple white dot cross-hair characteristic to the series, linear levels with a lot of cover, dual wielding pistols which are very efficient, gruesome death cut-scenes of both Max or his enemies kicking the bucket, curing yourself with painkiller, refilling the bullet-time meter by killing ass-holes, abut the same AI. The only thing which is different is just the added modern shooter, call-of-duty-esque, horse-shit realism. You know, the usual: press a button to stick to cover because just putting yourself behind cover is not enough, carry just 2 guns cause "it's not realistic to have more", no saves or quick-saves, only checkpoint auto-saves because that's how games in our age do it, they even found a way to stick regenerating health in without it actually being regenerating health. The more you die, the more the fucking game eases up on you and gives you painkillers free of charge, just so you always know you're it's bitch. If these things are good to you, then you're a fucking CoD twat and we have nothing else to discuss. Even supposing they are good(which THEY'RE NOT), they're in no way innovative, since they're the prime basic characteristics of 90% of third person shooters today. They just serve to make the game unnecessarily and unjustifiably harder than it should be(as opposed to making it harder for the right reasons, like a better AI, which is evidently harder to do). So...where is the fucking innovation that you keep talking about? Name ONE thing Max Payne 3 has and no other third person shooter has. I dare you, in fact, "I double-dare, motherfucker!"

1 decade ago

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I stopped reading when you compared with Call of Duty. Actually, I preffer Battlefield series in terms of FPS ;)

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

1 decade ago

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Team Fortress 2. Just fun.

1 decade ago

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Dota 2:D

1 decade ago

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Civilization V, I like using my brain. (close second is TF2 though :D)

1 decade ago

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Civilization V, because each match is different :3

1 decade ago

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"Battle vs Chess" also called "Check vs Mate" in some countries, is a steam game better than most out there. I like it because it involves logical thinking, anticipation, etc. Besides classic chess, there are also other gameplay modes.

1 decade ago

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I would have to say The Night Of The Rabbit by Daedalic Entertainment. Not just because it's a Point and Click, but because it's the best out of the Genera I have ever played. It has excellent storytelling, great voice acting, and the puzzles made me have to look at a guide 2 or 3 times. XD Which is very rare for me in those types of games. I even rate it above The Unwritten Tales Series. So if you like those types of games or want a very immersive story to check out, then look at that one.

1 decade ago

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  • This is so difficult to answer haha >.< if the question was put like what games would I leave if I had to delete all my games it'd be Skyrim cuz I can do hundreds and hundreds of hours and not be done, but DmC Devil May Cry and games like Gone Home are ties for most amazing experience wise!
1 decade ago

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Borderlands saga, TES saga, and HL saga (yes 3 too)xD, after, rest of the games.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Earthykiller127.