Okay, so I just want to know what you guys think of this. Its probably me being paranoid but lets see your thoughts.

Okay this may be long but please bear with me.

So, my GF constantly deletes her text messages/fb messages which bugs me because I don't think we should be hiding stuff from eachother (I never delete txts/msgs). KK, so Ive been dating this lady for 7 months, almost 8 months now.

When we were dating for about 1.5 months I snooped her fb and she found out through browser history. Only reason I did it was because she constantly talked to like 4 guys friends and she never mentioned she talks to guy friends (I shouldn't have snooped, my stupidity on that one). Till this day she doesn't trust me... I caught her texting her good guy friend about lingerie shopping (when I was there buying her lingerie) and wen I asked, she lied and said it wasn't a guy (I knew it was 100%) Then she did the whole sad thing then making it my fault. I apologized just so I don't have to deal with bullshit. Now my gf constantly deletes her text messages and stuff. We switch phones often so she can use my phone data... I will notice her texting her guy friends/girl friends and when she hands it to me 1 hr later all messages deleted except mine. I asked her this and she says becauase she doesn't like all the messages because she has OCD. Ive snooped like once or twice to see what they talk about when they are not deleted and I didn't find anything bad.... So I don't think she is hiding anything but it just feels like that in my gut. I've tried bringing it up but she just get sad that im asking her and says I don't trust her and gets depressed and stuff. I've learned not to really care now but I still have a gut feeling that she's hiding something. I got to the point where I don't care cuz im the best bf she ever had and if she wants to fuck things up and ruin her life then so be it lol... I'm thinking of talking to lots of my girl friends (so she notices) and constantly deleting all my messages to get back to her (give her some of her own medicine) but I fear this may push her away from me and ruin our relationship little by little.

A relationship is nothing without trust. I am trying my hardest to trust her but I've caught her on white lies so is there other bigger lies? I could easily trust her if she isn't so secretive with some stuff... like she lies about the most stupid things... no reason to lie lol. And I know she doesn't trust me because of me snooping and she is very insecure she always thinks im gonna leave her for someone else because she was my first. to make her more secure I stopped talking to girls (only once in a while to catch up like hey how ya been hows work, etc..) but she still doesn't trust me.

Anyways, I went on for so dam long lmao wouldn't be surprised if no one reads it... it was more of a venting thing xD

Thank you steamgift community, I lovez you guys!

1 decade ago*

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Honestly, we can't say for sure that she's cheating or not because we only know your side of the story. It's highly biased. You could be right but here's another point of view:

Maybe she lost her trust in you because you snooped on her FB. A lot of girls have close guy friends. Just because she's dating you doesn't mean she need to cut off her guy friends. In fact, the way you seem to pressure her into doing so is probably why she's so secretive. When you ask "were you talking to a guy?" she sure as hell does not want to answer truthfully because she feels like you're going to make a big deal about it. And just because you're a couple doesn't mean people shouldn't have privacy. There doesn't need to be anything suspicious for a person to just want conversations to be private. Your snooping tendencies is probably why she feels the need to delete everything. You might take an innocent off-hand remark and turn it into a big deal. You said yourself a relationship is nothing without trust... and you broke that trust first yourself.

Again, I want to stress that it's very hard for anyone on the internet to help you without knowing this girl, or you for that matter, at all. Take what you read on here with a grain of salt.

1 decade ago

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I never said she was cheating on me, and I never said I don't want her to talk to her guy friends. I said I do want her to have some guy friends. I don't know if its in the OP or on someones comment.

About the did you talk to a guy thing, I asked, "ohh who are you talking to" and she said her girlfriend, why lie right? That's not healthy. I asked that because she was talking aobut lingerie, I sure as hell don't want her good guy friend picturing himself all over her wearing the lingerie, It's like me going out to my girl friends saying I got new boxers or something. I met this guy, he seems decent, but I can tell he wants to be in her pants.

Like I said, I trust her, I believe she wouldn't cheat on me, but I just don't understand why she deletes all her convos and stuff. Most Likely something to do with me snooping the first time, but she have to forgive and forget. She has access to my txts/fb daily I'm pretty sure she snooped plenty of times lol.

1 decade ago

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But you don't trust her... why would you snoop and even be asking this on the forums if you trust her? That makes no sense. You're fooling yourself if you think you trust her after everything you've done. And don't be coming back with the answer that it's because she's acting suspicious. You initiated the whole thing by snooping on her FB.

You never said she was cheating.... okay but you insinuate it the entire OP. And even if you didn't ask if it was a guy directly but just "who" it's still the same deal. You're going to make a big deal out of it. And again, she probably deletes stuff because you're so curious and probing about that stuff. Leave her alone. I'd be pissed if my bf wanted to know everything I was saying in texts and was reading everything even if I was merely talking about dumb shit like shoes.

If you truly trust her then you should trust her to make the right decision when it comes to guys wanting to be in her pants. After all, it takes two people to decide to have sex. She's not an idiot so stop worrying about the guy wanting to be in her pants. If you can't then you don't trust her.

1 decade ago

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The first time I snnoped it was like a month in, and like I said I regretted it... the curiousity got the better part of me. The next time I did it was because she was deleting and stuff and I said let me check once just to see and if its nothing then im a jackass for checking and that's what happened. I'm not writing here to say she is cheating. I am merely writing to see what other ppl thoughts are and if this is normal in other girls, because guys don't do such things. There not as secretive. I don't think she should not trust me because I snooped once. I have more reasons not to trust her since I've caught her in a few white lies and the guy lingerie lie... but I still trust her.

It does take 2 people, it also takes 1 mind, 2 ppl and drinks.

1 decade ago

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Well, I've got good news and bad news. The good news is that, as you get older and have more experience, dealing with the fairer sex will get easier and easier. This will result in a lot less stress and more happiness, thereby improving the overall quality of your life. The bad news is that it will probably take you a while to get to that point. Exactly how long will depend upon how quickly you learn from your elders who have "already figured it out."

Now, back to your current situation...

1) You and your girlfriend are not married. Because you are not married, there is no formal contract of you two being a "couple." You're only dating. She can see anyone she wants, go out with anyone she wants, sleep with anyone she wants, and it's her choice. (The same applies to you.) If you don't like her choices, don't go out with her. Pick a different girlfriend, one whose behavior is more in line with yours, and date her, instead. If you ever find one whose personality and lifestyle fit yours, marry her and become a couple.

2) A long-term relationship requires three things to be happy: love, trust, and lifestyle compatibility. Love (as opposed to infatuation) requires both knowledge and respect of the other person, and the fact that you two disrespect each other is a bad sign. Trust requires both honesty and a respect for the other person's privacy, so you can see how that's going. As for compatibility, that's what makes people a possible "match," but it means nothing without love and trust. Bottom line: fix the main issues of respect and trust or abandon ship.

3) It is important for you to understand that privacy exists even between married couples. It exists because there is trust, and also because both people understand that they don't need to know everything about the other. Believe me, if there is something your partner wants you to know, he or she will make sure you find out about it. Otherwise, keep your nose out. Half of successful living is leaving alone those matters which do not concern you. (Being able to identify which matters those are comes with experience.) Snooping and spying on your partner and trying to catch them in a lie are indicators of distrust. (See #2.)

There's a lot more going on, here, but I think I've said enough for now.

1 decade ago

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Maybe for the best it to talk with her about your feelings about this topic, I know that you tried but if you don't tell her how you feel about this it's only going to get worst. Do you know her guy friends? If you do, do you trust them? I think you both need a serious talk about the things that makes both of you uneasy and only when you have that talk you could see if you two will stick together or the things may not work. Hope that you can do the best mate.

1 decade ago

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I met 2 of them. One that she is close with (good guy friend) and another that she isn't as close but talks to him.

The one that isn't as close with her is a really cool guy. I trust this guy he even likes me and comforted me with I was sad and pretty much told us to not be idiots and just love eachother and trust eachother blah blah make our relationshop beter.

The other guy her good guy friend is ok... he is a gamer and stuff like us... but I don't like him that much because I think he secretly wants to get in her pants...... If I were to say this to the group of friends everyone would laugh at me and say your being dumb there just friends but I know this type of guy... I can tell in the inside. He is those guys that would be all nice to your gf and as soon as she is sad and he sees her sad he will jump to the opportunity of "comforting" her if you know what I mean... He is one of those dudes, no one but me see's it though but its there, I can read him like a book... but I trust her so I don't worry as much. My worries are on the guys... not my gf

1 decade ago

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Yes i know what type of guy that you wrote above, hate that kind. Anyway try to talk with her, it's the best way of resolving the problems. Hope that all works fine after your decision mate.

1 decade ago

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buy a new gf

1 decade ago

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Get em' on ebay, but they might come with extra baggage :p

1 decade ago

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I just do a trade with someone from China or Russia, honestly.

1 decade ago

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Talk to her about it. A relationship won't last with lack of trust. You don't trust her and she doesn't trust you it seems. Make some time and sit with her one day and tell her. Tell her you knew she lied to you, tell her you don't mind her talking to other guys but that she has to be honest with you and you will do the same. And tell her that neither of you will be happy in the relationship if it continues like this. That's the adult way to do things. It will only work if both of you are mature about it.

1 decade ago

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Im sure shes cheatin hard

1 decade ago

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  1. Relax before you become controlling.
  2. Don't do stupid childish crap to get back at her, get her attention, give her a taste of her own medicine. That's dumb. Be mature.
  3. Who cares what her god dam texts say, as long as she isn't chomping some guys meat and is behaving, let her have her privacy. You don't expect to have access to her emails, her hand-posted mail, her bills, etc, do you? o.O. No, then why txt messages.

QUIT BEING NOSEY DUDE. You dun goofed already with Facebook. Stahp it or enjoy your hand.

1 decade ago

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"That's dumb. Be mature" I just imagined your avatar saying that...

1 decade ago

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Clearly, you don't trust each other. If that doesn't/can't change, you might as well break everything off now: it's not going to work out.

1 decade ago

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Well, I'm pretty against people snooping on my messages unless I let them. Not because I have anything to hide, because I don't, but I find it really invasive (I get just annoyed by people going through my things without asking). In this case not only because it's my privacy, but also the other person's privacy. I mean, if you told me a secret and I let my boyfriend read it afterwards, you wouldn't be happy, would you?

Dating someone doesn't make them my Siamese twin and grants them all the rights in the world and if you're with someone it should be someone you trust. And truthfully, after I found a boyfriend was snooping a lot (and even got into fights with me for really nonsensical things), I stopped trusting him too, and password protected EVERYTHING (we lived together, and before that I'd just leave everything logged on. I didn't mind if he read a thing or two, I understand some times curiosity gets the best of us, but he went all "I'm digging until I get to China" there). I still have nothing to hide, but what he did made him lose his right of having access to that part of my life.

BUT based on what you're saying, she's already lying to you from the start. Of course, there must be a reason for that... Perhaps she's hiding something, or perhaps she's just really insecure and think you won't understand that she has male friends. I doubt "Getting back at her" by doing the same will make things much better though. Doesn't necessarily mean she'll lie about something bigger, but it's not cool and she's breaking your trust every time she does that.. and in a way, manipulating you by making you think you're the bad guy when you try to ask her nicely about it (you are being nice about it, right?).

And you shouldn't get her too used on the 'not talking to girls thing'. From what you say it didn't help, and if she's too insecure she probably won't realize it until it's too late. She needs to trust to you, and she needs to be okay with something like that. Or else you might end up feeling bitter years later when you realized the people you lost because of her. Someone you can't fully trust, and who doesn't seem to trust you either...

But anyway. I've had people blatantly lie to me in the past too, and I chose to trust them because despite the lies being pretty big, I knew they wouldn't like about the things that really mattered. I didn't confront them directly about the lies though, I just tried my best to keep showing them I would understand, didn't care about the things they feared I'd care about, and wouldn't be mad if they eventually came clean. I figured if they were ready they'll talk to me about it. Took 3 or 4 years for that to happen (are you willing to wait that long, perhaps even longer?), and a lot of downhill struggles about their insecurities though. Can't say it was a smooth ride, and the relationships never recovered from it either. Not because of the lies, but because of those insecurities, the same one that caused the lies, because they caused so many other problems that were much worse and did in fact affect how we related to each other. Only when it was too late they realized it was their fears that caused exactly what they feared would happen. Oh, the irony.

Anyway, I'm just an outsider and don't know how much you two like each other and how well things are between you two, so I couldn't possibly give a good advice about it. It's a complicated situation, so in a way I guess you could say I was venting too, sorry about that!
I hope she comes clean eventually. And whatever you decide to do, if it makes you happy and you don't think you'll regret it, it's all fine I guess.

1 decade ago

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As a girl I can tell you she's is definitely kinda slutty. Sorry to say it but it's how it is. I am talking to my guy friends the way I think it's cool but if she is texting somebody else than you about lingerie... well this girl needs some slap.
You can do some payback to her. You should show her how it's like to be in your role. Act exactly the same as she does. I think she will definitely break up with you then, because she is ... well she is what she is.
Good luck with all this stuff and if you need some "girl" friend, you can add me. I'll try to help you with your issues.
(Btw, I did not read everything so excuse me if I said something clearly obvious)

1 decade ago

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Sounds like there are some severe trust issues.

Just leave her to her privacy, she has the right to have her own personal social life. As long as nothing is actually happening, there's nothing wrong with that. If she is talking to male friends, then you should trust her to keep them as "just friends".

As for giving her a taste of her own medicine, that's an immature approach, and nothing good will come of it. Just continue being open about your social life if you prefer being open about it, and let her be closed about it if she wants to.

And you should seriously stop snooping, it's an invasion of privacy, and she's right to not trust you consequentially.

1 decade ago

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It is more about if you can live with her ways. Clearly it seems that you have, like ArmadX said, trust issues which can't be fulfilled by her. She clearly isn't budgeing or showing much of corcern on your problems in the issue.
You aren't on a healthy path. It sounds like you are under huge pressure due these doubts, and your gf might have the same pressure on to herself due you pressuring her or her hiding secrets from you. Either way it isn't healthy for either of you and is bound to reach breaking point sooner or later.

It is also hard to find true answer here as people have different opinions on everything and see things in many lights. All that matters though is what makes you and her content in the relationship. If it isn't possible to archieve or even work towards, I don't see why you would want to continue the relationship.

The revenge thing requires so much effort. Is she really worth all the trouble? I mean it won't even be very effective if she notices that you are pulling it as a revenge. Also if she doesn't even care about you enough, this might come biting you back in end and leave you scarred. Scarred because I feel you have feelings for her as you care to do so much.

In end though, I don't know you or your gf. So it is hard to really give any true advice that would actually give straight answer. I fear that this relationship might leave a scar in your heart regardless.

1 decade ago

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She may be fishing on the shore next to you, but she's still looking for a better spot to fish. She's not going to give up what she has until she knows she's upgrading. She also may be chumming the waters.

1 decade ago

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"A relationship is nothing without trust."

What trust? You broke it as soon as you "snooped" the first time. Sorry mate, you need to learn to be less invasive.

1 decade ago

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"she always thinks im gonna leave her for someone else because she was my first. "
her being your first is not a legitimate reason that she thinks youll leave her. There is something else going on their that she is not telling you. (E.g. she has thoughts about leaving you so its natural for her to think that you may do the same. <- just an example). So you need to find out the REAL reason, not some lame excuse she makes up cause talking about it makes her uncomfortable.

"to make her more secure I stopped talking to girls"
NEVER do something this extreme and ridiculous. For 2 reasons:

  1. You will resent her in the future. Because this is a huge sacrifice for you, you will naturally expect her to make compromises on her end. However, she still doesn't trust you, so you will be doing this for nothing.
  2. She will likely see that you are willing to do extreme things in order to please her. Eventually, the appreciation will wear off and become a typical occurence in your relationship and she'll start expecting you to make other sacrifices for her.
1 decade ago

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Hmmm. Interesting.

1 decade ago

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i was like, but then I was like and completely

1 decade ago

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xD agahaha

1 decade ago

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it's cool bruh, but for the girl just be all

1 decade ago

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I agree with all those who mentioned that this is already biased by just being your side of the story. However I am picking up on things on both sides, so I will have to disagree with all those claiming its just your fault or her fault. Honestly relationships have changed and will always continue to. It would be a lie to say that technology hasn't opened the door to trust issues in general with the ability to view, talk to, delete anything you do.

As mentioned before probably (only skimmed over some of the replies, read others) you should probably sit down with her and thoroughly and deeply explain what is going on with your side. How you feel, what causes you to feel that way. Then of course respectively get her side of it as well as be prepared to intercept anything she might have to add outside of the current subject. Then comes at least in my eyes one of the more difficult parts, seeing how you both can compromise on the issue. Something along the lines of maybe she would be able to at least let you know who she is texting, rather than what she is texting, in a sense at least giving you more information than before but still remaining a sense of privacy of the subject matter of the text. And of course as I said it would be compromising as you would be entitled to do the same on your end or rather since I don't know how it effects her on this subject you could apply it towards something you do that bugs her.

If she is not willing to compromise then I would definitely begin to question the relationships probability of pulling through as she either was never willing to to begin with or the chance of such a thing happening was lost with the whole facebook thing. I know its hard and you wish it wasn't so but at this point try to make it work but don't focus on being surprised if the door slams shut either for the better.

Best of luck.

1 decade ago

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I agree, There is no one to blame. Its just a relationship bump that needs to be brought up that's all right? Lately it hasn't been as bad though... Like I obviously don't snoop anymore, but she doesn't always hide her txts (at least I don't think so) We will see how things go from here. I do need to bring up a convo with her just to make sure we are on the same page. She says she would never lie to me but then she does little white lies. I just want the reasoning of that.

She says she wants to spend her life with me (She seems to be crazy in love with me unless she is just saying it... but she wouldn't do such a thing) so if she wants to spend her life with me why would she not be upfront with things and not lie about stupid little things and not try and hide things or hide convos when she talks to guys. I've already told her I do not care if she talks to guys I encourage her to talk to her good guy friends because they have a lot of games in common and they can relate and have long chats about games and it keeps her busy and happy. I think the reason I don't like the deleted messages is because it just scares me that there is something in there that might hurt me, and I don't want to be hurt... After all the effort I've put in this relationship, getting hurt would be like a stab in the heart. And I honestly do trust her that there is nothing in those texts so why is she deleting them. you know? Like ppl here think she is hiding stuff, I don't think she is hiding stuff, I just don't understand why she does it and her excuse of "Ohh I do it because I like having clean folders because i'm OCD" is not a valid excuse... It probably is because she just lost all trust in me, and Ive been trying to hard to regain it.

Edit: It may sound corny but I honestly want what is best for her, whether the best for her is being with or without me.

1 decade ago

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I know my ex and I we used to of course text the opposite sex and if it happened when we were together one would ask the other who it was and we would tell who it was at least. Most of the time we would even tell what the text was about, as I think we both believed there was no reason to not tell. As far as the white lies goes, not placing a label but it has proven numerous times true as far as lying and others go, but once someone does something what prevents them from doing it again? This of course can relate to her specifically "white lying" to you, others, and even herself as well as even bringing up your facebook incident again. Definitely going to need to work together on it because if one or both of you wants to make changes and the other isn't willing to do them its only going to make things worse in the long run with this as well as future problems.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Dump her.

1 decade ago

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She's a lying cheat. Time to move on.

1 decade ago

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First, you're all over her in the first place, a relationship will work if you learn how to trust. Something you already seem to acknowledge.

Second, a girl is allowed to have guy friends. WOA.

Third, she lied? Bad sign.

1 decade ago

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My advice - talk with her. Good relationship, even love is impossible when you just can't talk with your partner about your feelings. If she's simply good - she'll understand. Ask her about this situation, tell her what you think about it. If you won't build this relationship on trust and truth from the start, it can disappear later. I think that better when you know the truth now and you (with partner) can start fixing this or just find someone else than staying in sick relationship and trying to not see what she's doing. It's like some kind of hard illness, which can be only worse if you won't start the treatment right now.

1 decade ago

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shes pregnant..... (jke if u hvnt realized, no offence intended?)

1 decade ago

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ahahh this ^

1 decade ago

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Closing since OP cannot respond for a couple days.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by kosovaarcher.