It sure is quiet around here. I can sort of see why though since anytime I am vocal I get backlash and blacklisted. That is not the kind of community we want is it? I've seen the same sort of fallout for others as well. Quite sad. Everyone should feel free to ask whatever question or share whatever opinion they have without fear of all the hipsters running straight to the nearest dislike feature they can find. Since here blacklist is all there is that just hurts the community as a whole does it not? People blacklisting each other on a giveaway site simply because they don't share same ideas or opinions? I don't know, just thoughts. I like to talk and share my thoughts. I thought that was normal. Cheers!

4 months ago

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Opinion pieces rarely lead to discussion, especially hard takes on the site'a functions and people.
Even hobbies and some interests can be divisive, but likely at a much smaller scale.

4 months ago

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I was sharing my thoughts. I was unaware anything I said was offensive or "hard". I'm not entirely sure what you were aiming for as it was only two lines but thanks for participating.

4 months ago

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Thoughts or not thoughts, they turn into a monologue where you judge somebody or something, multiple times. Which is an opinion piece, and then comes what I wrote. I doubt you got many blacklists for your "key unavailable" topic, or for the "what you wanted to win" topic, or asking for a service with your cards. Some still possible because this is the internet, no reason to worry about it.

("Pets are stinky, disgusting moneysinks" is also just a thought, but stating that would have a different result than saying that good "quality strawberry products should bs more widespread, some flavouring is just awful". Dictators also had thoughts that most of the civilized world not really agreeing with :) )

4 months ago

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I don't judge anyone because I don't like how people have judged me in the past. I welcome differing views and I understand I am not always right. Personally I don't care how many people blacklist me as they seem to be people who don't share anything anyway and I do share so they are only hurting themselves? It just seems silly. However you are making this about me and it is not. This was an interest in the lack of posts being made in such a large community. There is no hidden motives here.

4 months ago

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I don't judge anyone because I don't like how people have judged me in the past.

Not to be cheeky, but this didn't even stand true for half a day, just within this topic. "Just (my) thoughts" are hard to accept if they don't align with one's own, the non-judgement starts with that

4 months ago

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Whatever you say buddy. Would you like to tell me what else I am doing wrong. Let me go pop some corn. Grudges are a sad thing to hold onto by the way.

4 months ago

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It's pretty jarring how you go from "kind friend" to smug, belittling and aggressive as soon as somebody mentions that you're not very successful at doing what you preach. Which is just a note about what and in what way can be improved, not necessarily a deep and personal attack.
The "listen here buddy" attitude also doesn't help, it doesn't take much to treat others as equals, we're like 2 comments away from going the kiddo way. Just my thoughts.

4 months ago

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It's pretty jarring how you assume to know anything about me and put words in my mouth. If I wanted to be offensive believe me I would. I'm done with you because it's obvious you are just trolling or delusional like that other guy I will pretend doesn't even exist. I will explain a little something to you. I made this thread in good spirits and certain people, like yourself, only came here to play some sort of game? You poke and goad me and act surprised when I respond in anyway and then try to paint me as some crazy angry person if I give any kind of negative reply. I am a human being. I will give you and that other nutjob exactly what you want in the spirit of peace, so you can pretend you guys have won some life changing victory on some obscure little corner of the internet. And I'll do it without compromise. I have not blacklisted anyone and I have not told you that you can't share your opinions despite whatever the dust inside your head is telling you. So to me that seems like a good outcome. Enjoy the rest of your life without me acknowledging your existence, as is my right because I honestly can't see you being amenable. You want to try to provoke me and if you can't see or admit that I don't know what else to say. I don't want to have anything to do with that nonsense. Have a great day.

4 months ago

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And to clarify I'm not judging you or that other guy. I just don't like the way you guys came off and can't see any point of continuing dialogue. I avoid conflict as much as possible. Cheers.

4 months ago

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^ that was mostly about the blacklist part of your topic

Otherwise... idk, I'd be screwed if I'd have to say a topic that will surely catch up and people would keep it alive. Even I know what type of comments, diacussions I'd like to see. Cooking, or reviews, maybe some deeper topics about arts, game design, and books, maybe movies. Buf I don't think many people come here to post their latest review or something. The community is really centered around the giveaways, not really the forums. Most fresh and personal things are off-topic to the site, that has a distinct focus and a reason to exist.

4 months ago

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Oh man now we are getting somewhere. See I would love to see any of this and more. Even if threads fall off and die within an hour if people are posting and talking about what they enjoy that is great. I don't cook much but I like to make some rice and mix it with chili and cheese. It's a big meal for me and usually don't eat much on those days.

4 months ago

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As an addendum I understand that 90% or more people are non participatory and just here to grab free games without saying or sharing anything in return but that should still leave thousands of people so why the lack of communication? Just seems odd. Especially as I keep harping on since this is a sharing site. Again just thoughts.

4 months ago

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90% nope.
Closer to 98%. It happens in many communities. Only a minority are active and speaking, rest are lurking. I bet the number of people who have made a post outside a giveaway in the last month is quite close to the 2% of the number of people who have entered a giveaway.

I used to be part of the MameWorld community and we had pretty close to 2% talkers, 98% listeners (lurkers).

4 months ago

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Yes I think that number is pretty accurate.

4 months ago

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Well it depends,
for example i am an active member of Steamgifts for i dont know 7 years maybe 8 or longer.
My ratio is Gifts Sent (576) Won (222) so i would say i am far from being a Leecher, SG-Level is close to reaching 8/10 but i dont post often, specialy in the forums.
Why ? Well i got carefull, posting anything and i mean litterally anything can give you some Blacklist entries faster than you think, for absolute no reason. I would not be surprised to find my Blacklists go up by 1 to 3 only after this posting here.
So i create Giveaways and gamble for Games i want, but 99% of my time i stay silent.

4 months ago

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Everyone should feel free to ask whatever question or share whatever opinion they have without fear of all the hipsters running straight to the nearest dislike feature they can find.

You mean, opinions like "Hitler did nothing wrong"? Well, I doubt you'll find a community you'd like...

Also, from my point of view - steamgifts community is pretty active and friendly. Obviously, as in any other community, there are exceptions, but it can't be helped.

4 months ago

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That was from way out of left field. Why would you even take it there or make such an assumption? If I might make a suggestion, remove that first line and the rest of your post is fine. My assertion that it is quiet around here is not a shot at the community which people seem to be taking it as. Quiet =/= rude or anti-social. I have met many nice people here and some that are not nice. I'm just wondering about the lack of posts in such a large community.

4 months ago

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If I might make a suggestion, remove this topic. You are literally blamed people for being unfriendly, and now pretend that you did nothing wrong. Not the best way to make people friendlier, you know.

4 months ago

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What are you even on about? You seem a very confused and troubled person and I am sorry for you. You started out with some garbage about Hitler that I still don't understand the relevance of and seem utterly confused as to the nature of this thread. If it is not to your liking you are welcome to ignore it altogether. Nobody forced you to come here. On the one hand I welcome your opinion but on the other you just seem to be a pot stirrer to be honest.

4 months ago

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You made the comment that people should be able to share whatever opinions they want without fear of consequences. He was just giving an example that not everything is an innocent opinion and some can be quite offensive. It's the internet after all where many people act like they can say or do anything they want without repercussions. So telling others, especially on the internet, that all opinions are welcome generally doesn't turn out very well. I understand what you're trying to say, you want to be open and accepting to everyone's point of view. But again, it's the internet.

4 months ago

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So a few extremist that love to hurt and humiliate people for giggles should be allowed to make everyone be quiet? That is not a world I want to live in. Internet or otherwise. If commentary falls within the rules I don't see a problem with it, I can choose not to participate in conversations about hitler or whatever other attention seeking nonsense people come up with. I don't know, I certainly don't have all the answers.

4 months ago

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You seem to be a very confused and troubled person and I am sorry for you. You seem to don't even understand how your thread is seen by others, and how much bullshit you wrote in both the start post and commends. And you don't even consider the chance that it's you are wrong, not everyone else. My comment about Hitler was intentional exaggeration, to show how incorrect your start post is, and you seems to be even unable to understand that it was an exaggeration, wow! Also, your level of hypocrisy is really impressive, first you say that any opinion should be allowed, and then you ask me to remove my comment. I won't comment anymore here to leave your troubled mind at ease, but one last advice - think about your behavior, maybe you'll understand that it's not everyone perceive you wrong, but you are, the actual problem. Have a nice day.

4 months ago

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Here's your hypocrisy, go fuck yourself kid. I don't normally lose my cool but your trolling is not cool. I don't have further time for your bullshit. Enjoy your life or don't, I honestly don't care at this point. You win. Enjoy it.

4 months ago

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I can't speak for anyone other than myself, but I don't talk much, because I don't usually have anything interesting to say (and yet, I'm somehow close to having left 500 comments all around the site). I can't pretend like I have opinions on controversial stuff, and if I do, I don't voice them because I don't have it in me to argue with strangers online. I've had a few longer conversations that made me look forward to seeing what the other person says next, but in general, if someone likes what I think about a certain thing, they're free to message me on Steam and tell me so - I don't bite (unless you bite first).

4 months ago

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Hey thanks for dropping in. It's all about communication. If you don't feel like saying anything there is nothing wrong with that. It is something I struggle with myself. Nobody would know it but I am terrified of other people but I understand it is something I need to do. Mental health is a big concern to me. Anyway just sharing a bit and hope it's not too much. Thanks again for dropping a line.

4 months ago

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Hey, thank you for the reply! It's not too much at all, in fact I tend to overshare a lot and the past year has been really tough for my mental health as well. Sometimes I get into my head, thinking that if I'm already dedicating so much time to this weird place (aka "the Internet"), then I should probably try and make some more friends here; then I remember that I can't really find myself in big group chats with tons of strangers and even one-on-one conversations can be a lot if I don't gel well with someone. I wouldn't say I'm absolutely closed off to meeting new people, but I think I'm content with what I have.

I did notice you've only signed up a month ago, so I think it can only get better/more lively for you from here on out. Not to say you should be going out of your way to interact when you don't want to, but you could always keep an eye out for the most recent discussions and chime in if it's something you feel like doing. ^^

4 months ago

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I always like to see what you have written Amitte, you are such a nice person to talk with :D

One day at a time you know… ^^

4 months ago

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Oh, hi, Jeko! :D (Can I call you that? haha) I like talking about games on BLAEO, but then I feel bad that even if someone's open enough to add me as a friend, we don't talk much outside of our posts.

And yes, one day at a time! As long as something has changed for the better on a given day and you feel good mentally, that's what's most important :)

4 months ago

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Yes you can :) you dont ever need to feel bad about that. I have a couple of steam friends, we get in contact once or twice a year and talk about how everything is goin. For the rest of the year we dont talk much (mostly because of different time zones) every friendship is different and there is No right or wrong :)

A thing I was once recommended was to make a list each day with 3 good things that happened, no matter how small it was (petted the cat, had a nice hair day etc) always something to be reminded of :D

4 months ago

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Thank you <3 That sounds reasonable, I'll keep it in mind for the future :) This year I really want to learn to stop beating myself up over everything!

I think I tried that before, then stopped rather quickly after I realized most of it was tied to what I did online... pretty dang sad.

4 months ago

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Nah if online stuff makes you happy, why not just be happy about it? I dont believe there is such thing as a bad subject to be happy about (within reason ofc) so noooo not sad at all :)

4 months ago

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Ah, well, I dunno. Something about having a boring and unfulfilling life... but I'm glad you think that way! I'm not even sure if I told anyone that was the reason I didn't stick with doing it.

4 months ago

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If you enjoy the things it should be neither boring or unfulfilling :) life means what we want it to be. There should not be a norm for whats good :) and thank you for sharing

4 months ago

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You do have a point! Sorry for such a late reply, I forgot for a second... thank you for talking to me first! :)

4 months ago

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Another assertion. Perhaps there are language barriers? With the assumption that fewer than 1/3 users have English as primary language this would reduce again predicted amount of posting but then I am unaware of anything saying people need to post in English. Maybe it is just an assumption that posts should be made in English. Again I am just sharing thoughts, working on a puzzle as it were.

4 months ago

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Yes I think it is an important point, As I am not a native english speaker (And I think I am not the only one), I like this community but I is not always easy to have a good discussion.
So I play the jigidi puzzle, read the topic about new deal, but I will never speak too much here.

4 months ago

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Thank you for your reply! I also enjoy the puzzles. Right now I look at this as a puzzle. Something to pass time and maybe just talk.

4 months ago

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Just out of curiosity, where did you get that 1/3 number? Are there public stats about the site's users that mention this?

4 months ago

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There are actually.

4 months ago

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If you look at the top next to your profile picture and go to my stats you can see some stuff at that page

4 months ago

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Right, but those are only stats linked to me (gifts sent, won, luck per month, etc.) Not general user information such as their native language. Unless I'm looking in the wrong place?

4 months ago

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No there is a spot that just says users

4 months ago

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Ah, yes, I see what you mean. User stats instead of personal stats.

You're right, it seems the larger number of users was registered in the US. That doesn't mean they have English as their native tongue, but it means they should (hopefully) have a good grasp of the language.

4 months ago

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I was scrolling through the posts and I found an old one about a humble bundle that had only rockstar games in it.
I got kinda sad that I missed it even though at the time I used to pirate games, I simply commented getting these games for 1$ is crazy. (Manhunt, Max Payne, GTA 3 and Vice City), how dare my 6-years-ago-old me miss this.

I later woke up to a blacklist bomb for some reason, That was the day I found out what "necro" means.

I immediatly deleted my comment and ever since I didn't comment on discussions as much, I can see why people would be angry at something like that but still, I'm only human after all.

4 months ago

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That's the backlash I was commenting on. It is kind of puzzling. I mean it's not a dislike button, this is not reddit or facebook. How does the blacklist help with that situation? It is indeed a mystery to me. Sorry you experienced that. And thanks for contributing.

4 months ago

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How should they express their dislike else? As you said, there is no dislike button. Answering to a necro post makes it worse (more spam, thread stays up), so blacklisting is the easiest way. If the user gets aware of what they did on that day, they can relate the new blacklists to it and learn from it. This is an easy example though, just like rule breaking stuff. If the black lists are just coming for an opinion in one of several postings, it's more difficult to connect.
And a black list isn't the end of the world.

4 months ago

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Necro-posting often counts as a serious internet crime on various forums

4 months ago

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I done that too as one of my first comments on this site.
I got directly attacked from a bunch of people and don't known why because nothing got explained.
A short info about the word "necro" would have helped me... but nope... it was easier to bash a newbie.

Was a unfunny experience and not the "welcome" that i would have liked.

4 months ago

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Its not necessary that you got your BL's for your thoughts. It easily could be your profile picture, username, ratio, some special games you dared to give away. Or maybe the country you are from, or games you own, lack of comments on your profile, your favorite movie or colour.
Just care less about minor things that happen everyday on SG

4 months ago

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haha I did not even think about some of this, thanks for making me aware. I have been meaning to change my profile picture but I am kind of lazy

4 months ago

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The message from 1stCheater sounds as a joke but it isn't.
You really have a big amount of users here that BL for the strangest reasons, that have nothing to do with GAs.

It's already strange to get BL because you gave some freebie games or 1-2p games away, i had that in the past, and the other hundreds of bundled games or full value games aren't of interest for that person(s), at that BL moment. But ok, it have something to do with GAs so it is somehow connected with the site and somehow "understandable".

But i got BL for where i was born and live, for opinions, for threads (each Cakeday thread brought me 5-10 BL [when my BL was tiny too], which means not to make GAs for the community would have saved me money AND some BL... so it was a loss to do Cakeday GAs -in time and energy on top to the money and BL-....), for which one are on my steam friendlist (really, no joke), which games i played, which movies i like and and and and.

I never assumed or believed before that such stuff can happen because of complete different things as the sites (main) purpose.

Nowadays it amuse me mostly how easy to predict it is what happens when i post something and because i like, sometimes, to provoke i fire it sometimes a bit up (oh evil Masafor) :-D

Of course is it sometimes sad too when i assume a BL were made only because someone missunderstood my words and feeled, as example, attacked or read my words in a other meaning as i wrote them.

4 months ago

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That is very sad indeed to exclude someone based on things such as race/religion/language/skin color etc. Hm this has given me a lot to think about.

4 months ago

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Nah, it is just that we party hard every night, and we are all having hangovers.


View attached image.
4 months ago

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This is something else I did not take into account!

4 months ago

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I care about blacklists only if I'm afraid, that I may have unintentionally offended someone. Otherwise, what's the problem? There are still enough GAs to go around and if someone doesn't want for either of us to have a chance to get gifts from each other, I wouldn't want to get games from them anyway. Cheers :)

4 months ago

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if someone doesn't want for either of us to have a chance to get gifts from each other, I wouldn't want to get games from them anyway.


4 months ago

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It's a very low number, it certainly doesn't cause me to lose sleep. Just an observation that as a "dislike" feature it is, to me, counter to the spirit of the site. Look at it like this if everyone is running around blacklisting each other why be on a giveaway site? Just a puzzle to me.

4 months ago

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I agree.

FWIW I checked and see I have you on my WL from some time ago - I cannot recall when or what for.
So as there are people who BL you for no reason or a bogus one, there are other people who WL for a good reason!

4 months ago

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haha I think it is from when I made my whitelist. I have kept it somewhat small so it doesn't interfere with the few groups I joined. Try to give a little to everyone!

4 months ago

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While this community has periods of time when there's near constant activity and people here become really chatty there's also an abundance of slow days when for a couple of hours not a single new comment is made and to an observer it might look like everyone just suddenly dropped dead on their desk, but fear not, this is the normal ebb and flow of communication around these parts.

On a more personal note, the reason why I sometimes restrain myself of just posting comments as they come to my mind it's that I know myself too well and I have a tendency towards pessimism and seeking arguments for the sake of arguing, I don't really like myself when I turn into this negative bitch looking to bleed some conflict to momentarily satisfy my depressive tendencies. And also I definitely do not enjoy getting blacklisted just because I shared some innocuous opinion that somehow offended a passing rando, it doesn't feel nice when the red line goes up and it can create this negative feedback loop that discourages me from participating.

And finally I'd like to touch on the language barrier thing. Yes, but my guesstimates somewhere between a third and half of active commenters here speak English as a second or even third language, myself included. That can cause a number of miscommunications that sometimes drag on and escalate, but it isn't such a common occurrence as far as I'm aware. The reason why we tend to keep it in English regardless is to keep some semblance of order, while we can assume that most people that find their way to this forum at least have a basic grasp of the English language if we all started writing on our native languages this would quickly turn into a fragmented mess, specially since many of us are just bilingual and not able to follow a conversation in whatever random language someone might start speaking. English is our common ground.

4 months ago

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Thank you for the well thought out reply. I can see how English is a common ground and I too can become quite fussy and satirical at times. I do try to keep myself under control!

4 months ago

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Well im not a chatty guy and i don't prefer to opine on stuff online. But yea..
Some users desperately need a downvote button for sure, but then we already have stuff like reddit for that!
People BL for various reasons, I for one BL when encountering users with sad and depressing stats.

If you see yourself BL-ed for opinions/comments that are civil and inoffensive. Id say ignore those BLs. Those are mostly from lurkers who don't contribute much anyways. You will barely (if ever) encounter the giveaways of such users. And looking at their GAs, you would probably go ..Oh well, nothing of value was lost :P

Most people who contribute here or those who give generously, aren't as petty. Atleast that is what ive seen in my 1 year here. Try not to care as much about BLs. And also remember that BL works both ways!

4 months ago*

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Trying to paint lurkers as petty blacklisters and gifters as the "good guys" is a really horrible claim. From my point of view it sounds like you are just trying to put yourself on a high horse with nothing to back it up (though I suppose it's based on your personal experience, so at least some anecdotal evidence)

Then allow me to counter with my own anecdotal evidence, which is that the community in general is very good at abusing the blacklisting feature for absolutely anything they dislike (which is honestly to be expected when you give humans free downvote buttons, except this is a step further than that). And especially a lot of the people who give a lot like to think of themselves as deities who get to exclude others based on whatever personal preference they have against "sad and depressing stats" as you put it. So no, in my opinion it's the exact opposite - people who think they're so much better than others because they choose to spend more money on gifts and enjoying the rush of deciding exactly who gets to enter. Besides, you even admitted to doing that yourself, yet interestingly claim that you're not the petty one...

4 months ago

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I can see this both ways. Not everyone falls under 1 umbrella. I saw some whitelist recruitment and group recruitment where the requirements were pretty outlandish. I just accept it and move on, I'm certainly never going to be good enough for everyone and that is ok. There are a lot of sides of the story that is for sure.

4 months ago

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I must say i share, mostly, the opinion from CultofPersonalitea.
And i share my own experience and back it up with stats.

I have on my BL 1k users level 5 or higher.
I am, on top, on 500+ BL

A big part from the ones on my BL are cheaters, in many ways with multiaccounters here or on other sites, autjoiners etc., or users that abuse the cv system with cent games that give ful value and will be gifted in masses. On top a bunch of accounts that made their last GAs X years ago but still login daily to enter, each, GAs.
From the 500+ that blacklisted me i know that round about 50 do GAs. I experience this in community trains etc.. To give a example, in this winter community train influenced this 3 gifters and 5 carts.
So i can say that 1,5k+ BL people had nearly NO influence on the available GAs from the community (train) and this means that the blacklisters are mostly the lurker type and not the ones that are involved in the community (at least not in the good way).

Of course aren't all, that give something, "good guys" but the percentage amount of nice people are there much higher as under the ones that see the gifters as free games dispensers.

4 months ago

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Kindly reread what you just read. Rather than working up ur imagination.

Lurkers= Petty BLister is Not at all what was written or implied about.
Lurkers with a petty attitude and abysmally less contributions BListing opposing opinions/comments is what was written about.

Need an anecdote or clarification on what was written?
+Wished Eid Mubarak on some random user's post celebrating the same. Enter 5 BL!
+Bumping Pride month post....BL!
The funny part is that out of the approx 50 BLs i have, i have only encountered atmost 3 or 4 users here. Not kidding!
Hope that clarifies my comment.

especially a lot of the people who give a lot like to think of themselves as deities

Regarding the rest... well u certainly have quite the opinion about how users think.
Maybe such 'deities' probably hold other perspectives? And not the dramatic narrative you have in mind?
who knows 🤷‍♂️

Edit: and if using SGTools is petty.. Colour me Petty af :)

4 months ago*

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I know I enjoy your rapport. Always happy to see you!

4 months ago

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In general, people can't handle other opinions anymore.
More and more idiots that aren't able to think by their own.
But yes, sg is extreme in this thing and a lot are extreme sensitive and if something can be taken in 2, or more, different ways the most pick the worst of the meaning which isn't the smartest approach when a lot of people aren't english native speakers and often don't have bad intentions with what they write.

I know a lot, special from the ones that hunt the cheaters on this site, that don't write something on sg because they don't want to be blacklisted.

I on the other side, don't like to be blacklisted but in the end what would i have from someone if he can't accept a other opinion ?
I don't need people of that type around me because i am very well known for saying my opinion in many cases, blacklists don't stop me, and accepting other ones opinions.
Same with discussions, the most is ok as long as you can accept where the other one comes from (from the mindset) if the discussion is not based on "because (and no other explanation)" and the respect for the other involved person(s). But a lot feel directly attacked if you don't have the same opinion or discuss.
I seen discussing always as a enrichment, if i have in the end the same point of view as the other one or not.

I prefer honest people, if they like or dislike me, if they share my opinion(s) or not.
I appreciate honesty.

From my experiences i would say the people get dumber. Partly because too much influence from murica...
Don't get me wrong, i know a good bunch of people from there that are absolutely ok but they have a lot of people there that have the connection to the reality lost and create shitstorms for/against everything. They create a lot of problems instead of solving them and see themself (special the politicans) as the rescuer of the world, but without them the problems on this planet would be much lower.

Special to sg... i made in the past the food porn discussion about cooking Yes, i picked that name to directly jump in the eyes of each one and i questioned, before i picked it, the mods if this name is ok or not, Cakeday threads, jigidi puzzle threads and many many more.
In the end were always some negative feedback the result why i stopped with it.
For me it is demotivating to do Cakeday GAs when from 20 winners, 5 are cheaters, 3 others don't know a thanks, 1 that mark a game as not recieved without to try to contact me as gifter in some way, don't reacted on contact tries to get the GA deleted -and wanted to give the winner a other small game instead of the won one, to make him happy-, users that commented there something (mostly demanding something like a WL, that the level for GAs get deeper set as level 2 and so on) but not had the basic manners to say "Happy Cakeday" or thanks.
Jigidi Puzzles that i made were cheated, so i stopped with that too. And you see it till today that the jigidi puzzles get still cheated. So a part of the users ruin it for the rest.
I had always something that made me a bad mood after all the invested time and energy (because of my chronic illness i don't have sooo much energy and my life will be shorter as from, many?, other people, so i value my lifetime, most likely, higher as other people do) and i try to invest my energy and time only in things that raise my mood in the end :o)

In the end the site isn't anymore worth to spend the time to create something that is "open for all" because the nice people of this community are only a few hundred people, that i really appreciate, and only a fraction of them invest something themself. I mean time, energy, discussions, pictures, recommendations etc., i don't speak from GAs.
And because cg don't do something against all the "bad boys" more and more of the real community, that care(d) for more as only the GAs, left the site or gone into "silent mode".
I don't see a possible way to do something against this as normal member.

Nowadays is too much black OR white. It don't give something between anymore.
You are for something or against, you can't be someone that have a own opinion that isn't the one from the masses. And the masses are nearly everytime the media brainwashed ones that don't use their brain for own thinking.

Ps.: I don't BL for other opinions, if it wasn't obvious from above :o)

4 months ago*

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Well I appreciate all you do. I have no blacklist at all now. I sat down thought about it and removed what little there was. I know I have jumped to conclusions a few times myself but I am trying to slow down and figure all angles now.

4 months ago

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This comment was deleted 4 months ago.

4 months ago

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I've gotten black and whitelised for the same comment. Sometimes it takes me a while to work out who whitelised me, but I did manage to get at least one game (Trivia Vault that everyone seems to hate) from someone that whitelisted me from a comment that also got me a blacklist addition. So it works both ways.

So far I have not managed to work out who blacklisted me, mostly at the start when I was giving away games with no CV, including the hated Trivia Vault. I've checked while not logged in, so they're not doing public GAs, and so far no one that does invite GAs that posts here either.

I watched a video about college and racial healing, and they interviewed a diverse cast of college students about various topics. The one thing they had in common though, was that they were all afraid that anything they said or posted on social media could be used against them to destroy their lives.

4 months ago

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This is very true and I speak from experience but be careful what you do online. There are some very hateful vindictive people who will go out of their way to ruin you if they can. I don't know why but I do know my life will never be of good quality ever again. I try not to let my fear consume me though. I still have good days.

4 months ago

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edit: tip for you. actually try to ask to communicate. i once asked for some spam comments in a giveaway description, and had ton of fun! i doesn't always work, but if it does... you'll gonna create more gibs very soon! :D

4 months ago

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I am always happy to see you, you always bring the discussion to life!

4 months ago

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Few times I have spoken I have got blacklisted, it's better to keep our own opinions to our self unfortunately
People using blacklisting as downvoting has to be the most rotten mentality ever, but can't be helped ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

4 months ago*

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Is there a way to see that you got blacklisted? how do you know?

4 months ago

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4 months ago

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People using blacklisting as downvoting


One solution would be to add upvote/downvote buttons to all comments in the "discussion" section.

Additional features would be adding different "sort" methods for comments (most recent first, most popular first, etc.). Another one is if a comment reaches -5 it gets hidden by default (collapsed).

Basically just like reddit ;)

4 months ago

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Sounds good to me

4 months ago

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Edit: I looked around and saw that you can see it in stats.
68 but all mostly before 2016

Last Edit: I missed that the reply wasn't for mine, sorry..

4 months ago*

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wouldn't that add more wood to the fire?, encouraging even more toxicity lol

4 months ago

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I think it would be better than the current situation. Like you said most users just lurk or avoid discussions altogether because they are concerned that any opinion expressed will only get them punished with blacklists (meaning no more winning games), so we end up with ghost towns and echo chambers where only frequent giveaway creators are the ones who speak their minds (they care less about getting blacklisted).

4 months ago*

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most users just lurk or avoid discussions altogether because they are concerned that any opinion expressed will only get them punished with blacklists (meaning no more winning games)

Most users? I highly doubt that. If you meant "most users among those generally interested in discussions", then maybe. Usually the biggest chunk of the user base are inactive users. Then you have a big amount of casual users who only look into the website every other day and don't invest much time in it. The main functionality of this website are the giveaways, not being a discussion board. They don't care about discussions, as long as they don't have a question or an issue to resolve.

And regarding concerned of blacklists.. might be a wrong mindset. Given the amount of giveaways and blacklists, blacklists don't have such a big impact on your winning chances. Unless you break rules several times (related to GAs, not discussions) or constantly act as an asshole, you won't reach 100 blacklists. And even then those 100 people are a minority and not everyone of them is creating GAs at all.
Meaning you still have high chances to get stuff for free. And that's still not enough?

Maybe the title of the website needs to be changed again. Back in the days it was about giving away your bundle leftovers, the current "Free Steam keys" seems to mislead some people.

4 months ago

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Unless you break rules several times (related to GAs, not discussions) or constantly act as an asshole, you won't reach 100 blacklists

you'd think so but sadly you can, and I'm speaking from experience. I've had people contact me in private steam chat to thank me for expressing an "unpopular" opinion which they couldn't do on SG themselves fearing BLs... You can guess the taboo topic 🫤

View attached image.
4 months ago

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Probably one of the topics which were closed recently and aren't allowed anymore?

I still view it as an exaggerated fear. Who would disguise themself in real life just to appeal to a generous, but narrow-minded guy in the neighbourhood for a free drink every now and then? Being more careful about what or how to say certain stuff at work, okay, but in your free time? Just be yourself. Those few possible blacklists won't destroy your gaming career.

4 months ago

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Unless you break rules several times (related to GAs, not discussions) or constantly act as an asshole, you won't reach 100 blacklists.

Damn, then i must be extreme constantly act as an super asshole with my 500+ blacklists :-D

With other words, it is enough to be honest, to share your opinions, in a friendly way too, and to be a, partly extreme, hunter of cheaters.
You don't need to be a asshole to reach it.

4 months ago

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Well, that doesn't surprise me, but I hope that you at least got the same amount of whitelists for your effort and that it doesn't discourage you.

4 months ago

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I have more whitelistes as blacklists in the end. But since i hunted the cheaters i got more BL as WL ones.
So in the end it don't pay out to be vocal against the cheating or investing lifetime and energy, if the result should be to enter more GAs or something in this direction :-D

It doesn't discourage me because the ones that blacklisted me are in 90% of the cases anyway not a part of the positive community here and not the users that are gifters too.

I have a thick skin, so all is fine.

And since i stopped to hunt the cheaters, a bit over 1 year ago, the blacklists raise only when i comment something.

The thing that discouraged me to invest more lifetime was cg with his desinterest for the problems of this site, for the needs of the mods, for the wishes of the users.
As long as he earn enough with the site he don't do something. This is in the end the sad reality.

4 months ago*

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Yeah, seems it's not worth the time when it doesn't lead to anything, but you tried hard. :)

4 months ago

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Use 3x \ for the broken arm.

4 months ago

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most underrated comment of the thread

thanks king <3

4 months ago

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Sorry but to me that's rather people who get blacklisted giving it too much relevance rather than blacklisting being something wrong.

It's perfectly reasonable to decide that you might not want to gift your stuff to people with a mindset that you consider questionable. Or worse. That some blacklist for no good reason sure happens too but who cares? You also make enemies for the most silly reasons in rl.

But people suggesting that they hesitate to speak their minds because doing so might reduce their chance to win games by 0.001% ... seriously? Just spend your points elsewhere.

4 months ago

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Same here, but in todays echo chamber, cancel culture world, it tends to get me banned and silenced for asking spicy questions or professing unpopular opinions.

4 months ago

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oof, well I keep tugging along

4 months ago

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Me too, but sometimes end up at a loss of what to do.

Replied to someone's post on reddit about getting banned for using the T word, and i was asking how we are supposed to refer to them, and what language is appropriate as the same had happened to me when expressing my discomfort with T-story hour in front of toddlers.

Now i'm permanently banned from reddit for supposed "hate speech".

Trying to get them to repeal the ban, but it's a roll of the dice to who reviews my case, and how triggered they are that day.

Cant learn to be better or use the correct language, if we cant discuss and ask questions.

4 months ago

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someone once asked for a recommendation for a game with LGBTQ characters/themes/representations,
i suggested a game that gives you the option to play as either a straight or gay couples,
then got blacklisted by 6 different people within a couple of hours,
by the end of the day or the next one i was blacklisted 11 time,
the last 5 were probably a mix between the same topic and a topic about the whole russia/palestine threads where i said the rules were ambiguous and could lead to the ban of topics such as black history or pride month if someone wants to troll in them to get them banned.

i also remember one time when wigglenose said something that wasn't really the best, and another commenter was like "i'm gonna blacklist you" before realizing that was kinda pointless since wigglenose never joins giveaways anyway.

i think people just get really angry really fast here because money is involved, be it a 10 cents game or a 60$ game, it's still money, and when money get involved people feel entitled,
i'm spending money here so you better respect me and believe in what i believe or else,
and nobody really knows anybody, to them you're just a weirdly named username attached to an opinion that they don't agree with,
and there's no dislike button to show their disapproval of you, so they do the only thing they can do without getting into an argument, blacklist you,

i honestly believe if they add a dislike button the blacklist rates would drop to oblivion, you'll just see the comment you dont like with a shiny RED -8 on it and feel better about yourself and think "now they know they're wrong and in the minority" and continue with your day.

i personally believe that maybe i deserve 5 out of the 27 blacklists i have and i am sorry for the two reasons i can think of that may have caused those blacklist,
but to the remaining 23 who did it for their bigoted beliefs, honestly go fudge yourself, i regret nothing, statistically speaking you each need to host 2000 giveaways of games that i like for me to join, so that's 46000 giveaways, and from what i have seen on average it would be 1 in a 100 games per user that i like, so you need to host almost 5 million giveaways, 200k each for any blacklist to have an actual impact on for the chance to prevent me from winning 1 singular game,
and if we factor in that 70% of my wins were from either friends or private giveaways, the number gets ridiculously large.

in conclusion,
TL;DR add a dislike button, maybe make more private games to your friends, find new gaming communities to host GA for here so you have less to be stressed about, keep your more valuable games to those parties,
and honestly just chill, unless someone is being an ass directly to advocating for the harm of others just ignore them.

for me i only blacklisted 3 people for their "speech", 1 dude who was very condescending towards poor people and people from developing countries, then pretending he knows what it feels like since he is in the same situation even though he's german and in a day at minimum wage he makes what many of them make in a month, he literally had a long copy pasta that he would post on every slightly expensive public game he wanted to win, and 2 other's who were supporting/advocating the killing of a particular group of people,
and 3 of my ga winners lol, because they joined hundreds of giveaways and were playing games actively on steam including my last winner but didnt even view the key or mark it as received, if you're botting at least check the website more than once a week, so maybe i need to chill on that since i decided to ga every game i've ever won when i get my new job and i know it will happen a lot lol.

4 months ago*

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View attached image.
4 months ago

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I think the quiet of this week is simply the post-holiday lull.
And I don't have the energy to write more than that.

4 months ago

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haha too true

4 months ago

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Let me whitelist you for balance :)

4 months ago

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thanks, I'm not sure I deserve it but I take anything I can get
also 💙

4 months ago*

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can confirm, I am not a fan of BL culture, I had made some posts in the past, but the amount of BLs has made me stop.

4 months ago

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Some people will go out of their way to be unhappy and spread that unhappiness.

4 months ago

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my BL count just increased, and I think it is bcz of commenting here. You would be having it worse rn i assume.

4 months ago

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You wont lose anything from those people, it's unlikely they have shared anything anyway. Try to stay positive, I am. I mean I still haven't blacklisted anyone or outright told anyone they can't have their opinion even if they are just trolling which some people obviously are.

4 months ago

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There's a clique of bellends here. Or at least there was when I stopped posting a couple years ago. Some awful gobshites too. I don't think blacklists are a real reason. If you're afraid to post your opinion because of blacklists, then you're right it's indicative of a garbage community, but you should never be afraid to voice your opinions and beliefs.

4 months ago

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I've noticed. I still have my blacklist empty and they can troll and be unhappy all they want. I'm just going to start pretending certain people don't exist and go on my merry way. To each their own I guess.

4 months ago

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here is a 💙💙💙 for having a profile pic of a dog :-)

I have 2 cattle dogs myself :-) cat lovers feel free to blacklist me! lol... jkjk... but yeah something as little as your profile pic can get you bl or being a dog lover on this site. not even STEAM/gaming related.

4 months ago

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4 months ago

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Less people com here in non-holiday times simple but I don't think most people on this site post in the thread section anyway

4 months ago

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Would seem to be the case.

4 months ago

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even if people comment more in December I might be guilty for a lot of those comments because of my X-mas community thread

4 months ago

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Most of the commentary did seem to be centered around giveaways. I know I commented a lot in the puzzles trying to figure them out. Ultimately there seems to be a rather small core community who seem to be happy with the status quo and don't want it to change. Also a small subset of instigators who just want to stir the pot and most people just passing by looking for free games. Broad strokes but I think groups 1 and 2 are deterring a lot of interest in a flourishing community. Just my thoughts on what I have observed.

4 months ago

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Closed 3 months ago by antidaz.