

Humble Bundle Codemasters Bundle 2020

Hvala puno!

3 years ago

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tea of eating, the cheesy easy goodness of chester

3 years ago

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The... what?! Of... of..... what now?!

3 years ago

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Cookies of drinking, the breezy bitter of coco the cookie. X}

3 years ago

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Oh, look a reply!
A.... reply...... what?!
Again?! More crazy scribbling?!
I wonder... Google it is.
(clickety clickety click)
Maybe the other one then?
(clickety clickety click)
Okeeeeeeeey? Google is no longer my friend, that much is clear to me.....
--(inaudible) --(more inaudible) --(further inaudible)
I TOLD YOU; I CAn't hear you from way over there, what were you saying?
--I said; Cant it wait, man. I'm busy?
Oh, sorry. Yeah, it can wait.
--Nah man, I'm here now, what is it?
Nah, no problem man, it can wait.
--No lets do this, dude, so I can go back and not be interrupted later, right?!
You sure, this really can wait?
--(Long stare) --I'm sure. Look, just tell me what it is you want. Now, please dude.
Okey, then.... Look at these weird comments. Statements of some sort. I... I can't figure them out.
--OK, let's see.........
--Hmmm... Ahaaa...... No. The...of eating..... Chester? Chester who? Do you know any Chester?
--I see.
--You sure?
--Because maybe Chesters nick name is Coco The Cookie. Like a stage name or something.
--Sure you don't know a Chester?
Look dude, I don't know ANYONE named Chester, alright. Especially not one that goes by the alias of what sound like a Sesame Street prostitute... C'mon man.
--OK, no need to get all stroppy son, I'm just checking.
--It takes all kinds, you know. I don't judge.
--Live and let let live, you know. Peace brother and so on, you know.
What? What are you saying?
--I'm not saying anything dude, I'm just saying, you know.
--If you do know a Chester, that would be alright with me, I don't judge.
--Maaan, I don't judge at all.
(....................... long uncomfortable stare)
It's not like that. I don't know any Chester, but if I did, yes damn right you wouldn't judge, it would be the best Chester EVER. There would be nothing TO judge. I would have my own cheesy good Chester and all would be good. But I don't.
--So you wanna know a Chester?
--But you just said....
No, I didn't, I just said IF. IF I knew a Chester it would be none of your business. None of your fucking business at all.
--Son, don't get mad at me, I'm just trying to help you out here.
--It's not easy coming out to a crowd like in this office, just letting you know you've got a friend here.
I'm not fucking ''coming out'', what are you talking about? Just help me decipher these fucking weird haikus or whatever they are.
--You need to chill, man. I'm trying to help you out here, man.
--No need to get angry with me for that, man. Not cool, man.
I'M NOT ANGR..... (deep breath) Sorry. I'm not angry. Look, I don't know any Chester, I don't need help ''coming out'', though if I was, I'd very much appreciate that kind of support. Now, can we please get back to these weird haikus or whatever the hell they are? Please?
--No worries, dude. Just let me know when you are ready to ''crown the princess'' and I'll be there for you.
What? But.. I'm not doing that, I just said I'm not doing that, how are you not getting that?
--I heard you the first time, dude. You're not ready yet, so I won't push it.
--No worries man, your secret is safe with me. --(taps nose).
Ah, for the love of.....
OK, I'll take ''not ready yet'', if that means you'll shut the hell up about me and Chester, and get back to these comments, alright?
--I'm not feeling it anymore man. It seems you just called me over here to be abusive, becuase you can't face your own fears man.
--That's not cool man, taking it out on others.
--You'll feel better when you come to terms about what you are, about what Chester means to you, I promise you dude.
Get that through that dense fog you call a brain, you moron!
--Not cool, man. Not cool at all! I'm just trying to help, but it is clear to me you are not in a place to be helped yet.
--You really need to work on that, man. You'll feel soo much better once you admit to yourself who you really are.
Jesus..... You're no help at all.
--I'll leave you alone dude, so you can fight your inner demons for yourself man.
--Let me know when you ARE ready man, I'll be looking forward to an apology from you when you start seeing some sense here, dude.
Oh, my god..... Yeah, you do that, go back to yours and dream of an apology... Man, you're thick.
--(inaudible mutterings) --(More inaudible mutterings)

--(Inaudible - Talking to two other office workers, pointing at me)
--(Inaudible - All three looking at me, laughing)

3 years ago*

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Wonderous Charlie, Do you happen to know Chester? Those Ori have stolen your candy, and your mountains are half the size they where.

Freedom is the knowing the one in the mirror, before that one knows you.
-- [below, a gift... for the enjoyable time]
pst.... Do you know eL? Do you know if eL knows about gods of death loving apples... not that it helps after his visits to places.

3 years ago

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Blind Forest/Will of The Wisps?

Death Note?

3 years ago

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But of course X}
--- in order

No, the meadow isn't on fire Charlie.. X}

I'll do a bit of stargazing, & perhaps in another galaxy I'll find a human race. It's only a shame it's gated off by the sheer distance.

Though, I wouldn't worry as much. I'd come up with better .. though at the moment migraines area beast. {really my head hurts}

Former Ghost Master Sargent beckum* (sp. err) just needs a bit of rest, thankfully Wood is fool.
[not all of these are game related]

3 years ago*

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Ok, lets see then shall we...

The meadow isn't on fire, Charlie rings a loud bell in me, but I can't place it. I'm thinking something I've seen when I was impressionable (young), like winnie the pooh, or snoopy, or something. But it eludes me.

The next two are both a blank. I'll keep at 'em though for a while longer.

Ghost Staff Beckett must be the sniper yes? Though i can't place the wood reference there really.....

3 years ago

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edited, proper name (how I honestly have it said in my head)

I'm sure you'll find charlie.
-- Though I'm sure chester though unrelated will always lead back to charlie for nonsense reasoning.

(the one between the --- lines isn't a reference so much as pain making it to hard to focus)

Though, It's not beckum that's the sniper, so much as fitz(spell err) is, without legs & leading the Ghosts in honor. That isn't to say that beckum couldn't pull a long shot off either, but that said .. he's not a match to fitz when it comes to being a sniper.
--Though Wood would attempt to end the Ghost legend... It often isn't enough to just drop a ghost.

The Cheverons to the Ori should never be used, as the attention called to such things often makes you visiable when you otherwise wouldn't.

3 years ago

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This is a tough one...
Corpse Princess?

3 years ago

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I'm going to be nice X} & let ya in on them.. Hope you'd give them a chance.

'Master Sergeant Reed Beckham'
= link, not an affiliate. just sharing a series I've gotten & completing.
== I totally had the spelling wrong. X} Hopefully you enjoy the series.
=== I would suggest box set 1-3, then book 0, then 4-6, 6.5, & 7 [current] X} but that's only how I got them in order. <-- that should be pretty clear as to what it was referencing.

Hopefully you find the series interesting X}

Though as for 'Charlie'

Hopefully you enjoyed it. Oh yes, Chester... X} Mayhaps I not spill all of the references. X} or it's just a link i'll understand.

3 years ago

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tnx) gl hf all)

3 years ago

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wuuuhuuu thanks :)

3 years ago

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