
Should I still continue on this train? Oh well.
Maybe the last cabin will be worth it :p

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8 years ago

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aww you're so cute replying to this really odd lull in the train that I'll give you something from your wishlist if you don't win anything from the train <3 if you do, I'll put the game I was about to give you in a new giveaway. maybe. haven't decided yet. maybe I'll just give it to you regardless?

8 years ago

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No matter how you decide in the end ...

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8 years ago

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lol omg Thor has made up my mind. I'll give you a copy and another one for a giveaway~
Was tossing between Cinders and Long Live the Queen but decided on Cinders because, art <3

EDIT: Realized I have a dusty copy of 3 Stars of Destiny. So.. pick one and I'll put the other up for a giveaway :)

8 years ago*

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that's very kind of you =)

picking between Cinders and 3 Stars of Destiny is a tough one. One has wonderful art, the other reminds me of Secret of Mana (see attached screenie). hm, I'd say I'd go with Cinders because of the user reviews and the art.

I've heard Long Live the Queen is more of a chore than relaxing, especially since you're supposedly not told which of the many skill point will give you the upper hand in the later "days" - saw a gameplay on YT, found it very complex, but also nice Anime art and interesting gameplay.

so, if you're if it's okay with you, I'll pick Cinders.

thanks in advance, even though you really didn't have to :)

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8 years ago

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I have both and.. LLTQ is cute, my two gameplays weren't too taxing but it can get very complex if you're chasing achievements.

Cinders, I find is heavy because of text but it's relaxing if you've set yourself for the reading and if you're not too focused on all the different paths you're walking on :)

Cinders it is then. Sending it to you on steam :)

EDIT: sent it on chat.. if you didn't get it, bump me <3

8 years ago*

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I don't have access to my Steam client right now, I'll check the chat later.

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Thank you very much! ^_^

8 years ago

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enjoy~ <3

8 years ago

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