
once you check this discussion, there will be NO TURNING BACK
be sure to check often too, to be sure the Kickstarter is progressing satisfactorily and because more gibs are added sporadically

Thank you very much! :)

7 years ago

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Thank you:)

7 years ago

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May the werewolves protect you.

7 years ago

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Thank you very very much! :)

7 years ago

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Thank you very much! Currently bed bound after surgery so can't thank you enough for giving me something to keep me occupied :D

7 years ago

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D: please recover soon! what was it for (if i may ask)? i am glad i could be of help though, i'll admit, it wasn't me but Space Cat what did it - i would've helped had i known though! i would have been the person to suggest "bong" methinks :3

7 years ago

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Thanks, I will try :D It's actually been a long process of fixing my leg after it basically broke in two places almost a year ago.
Hopefully this will be the last surgery and I can just get to recovering, though. And luckily I live in the UK so it's covered by the NHS. Otherwise I'd be using a peg leg right now!
But the process has gone okay so far though so hopefully I'll be back to normal before I can master my pirate impression :)
Hehe unfortunately my doctor didn't prescribe a bong but it would probably be a good medicinal asset ;)
Thanks again for your kindness (and thanks to Space Cat)!

7 years ago

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wow! stay off it and get to healing quickly! i've never had such sever surgery, but i have a chronic pain condition what has kept me bed-ridden for some time; only recently got back into another pain clinic after having been fired by my last doctor after i told him what i thought of his charging policy xD
ayo, Vikings are better'n pirates anyway :3 i swear, i wouldn't have advertised such a thing if it wasn't related to the conversation, please forgive ...and maybe check it out if at all interested...
that is rather unfortunate but mind that, though it does have its uses, that devilgrass isn't always appropriate... i speak from experience ahaha
have a good one yo!

7 years ago

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