I'm ashamed of what SG has turned into.

A while ago we had a case of a kid who was seeking attention and assistance from SG community. The community not only denied to help him but some users went further and mocked that kid. Later on we were informed that the kid committed a suicide.

Now we have konrads, another kid seeking for attention. I was expecting that the community had learned its lesson but i'm sadly surprised that it hasn't. Many of you who blamed the users who mocked the child on the first case, did the exact same thing with konrads. Mocking, mocking and mocking. Idc what he did. Of course he was in my BL all along but this does not mean i have the right to mock him. As long as his actions never hurt anyone, there is absolutely no reason for someone to mock him.

It was more than obvious that konrads was seeking for attention. Why you had to mock those intentions of him? Could you not understand what he was trying to accomplish or were you more "stupid" than konrads was? Is it so hard to let a person like him be? Just add him to your BL and pretend like he is not even there but do not, DO NOT, bully him!

And i'm asking all of you the "kind", "benevolent" and "open-hearted" users of SG, what if konrads does the same thing as the kid from the first case did? What if your mocking, your cyber-bullying (cyber-bullying is a misdemeanor crime) did so much harm to him that eventually it pushed him towards a suicide and we have a repetition of the sad history? No one considered that scenario or you simply did not care?

Today, i'm ashamed to be part of this community. You blamed me (correctly and rightfully) when i openly expressed my opinion against gay marriages, yet you do not blame yourselves for your latest actions?



PsyKo found the links

8 years ago*

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Also... uhh. I can't even

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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It checks out

Maybe someone used his account?

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8 years ago

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Yeah.. someone... like HIS GHOST.

8 years ago

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I myself am struggling with depression brough on by bullying in school. With years I learned to live with it, accept it as a part of who I am. My own parents think I am a grumpy cynical misanthrope. The difference though, between these young men and myself is that I no longer allow myself to be affected by other people's opinions. Were someone to go about insulting me online, I would simply ignore it. Bringing someone down to make yourself feel better is a foul thing to do.
However, going to the Internet forums that are not focused on helping people with such problems isn't a smart thing to begin with. I know full well how ostracising people are when it comes to men talking about their emotions. Men/boys keep on bottling their emotions because it is not ok to talk about them, they need to "man up" about it. This is the main reason for high suicide rates of men. We do need to talk about our problems, but posting on a forum that doesn't specialise in helping with such problems isn't a solution. Can anyone honestly say that they consider SG to be a community that will take each of these cries for help seriously? Quite a lot of things posted here are just for laughs and giggles. If I hadn't seen this post I would have gone on thinking that everything here is posted for the purpose of making people laugh. It is sad that this young man could not cope with his problems and didn't go seeking help to a more appropriate website. With that said, I do not hold anyone responsible for his actions, nor do I think you should feel guilty.

8 years ago

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I like trains

8 years ago

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oh dear...

8 years ago

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Welp, i'm closing this thread. i believe that myself and the audience are coming from different planet systems and this is the reason why we cannot understand each other.

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by Paulusi.