I'm ashamed of what SG has turned into.

A while ago we had a case of a kid who was seeking attention and assistance from SG community. The community not only denied to help him but some users went further and mocked that kid. Later on we were informed that the kid committed a suicide.

Now we have konrads, another kid seeking for attention. I was expecting that the community had learned its lesson but i'm sadly surprised that it hasn't. Many of you who blamed the users who mocked the child on the first case, did the exact same thing with konrads. Mocking, mocking and mocking. Idc what he did. Of course he was in my BL all along but this does not mean i have the right to mock him. As long as his actions never hurt anyone, there is absolutely no reason for someone to mock him.

It was more than obvious that konrads was seeking for attention. Why you had to mock those intentions of him? Could you not understand what he was trying to accomplish or were you more "stupid" than konrads was? Is it so hard to let a person like him be? Just add him to your BL and pretend like he is not even there but do not, DO NOT, bully him!

And i'm asking all of you the "kind", "benevolent" and "open-hearted" users of SG, what if konrads does the same thing as the kid from the first case did? What if your mocking, your cyber-bullying (cyber-bullying is a misdemeanor crime) did so much harm to him that eventually it pushed him towards a suicide and we have a repetition of the sad history? No one considered that scenario or you simply did not care?

Today, i'm ashamed to be part of this community. You blamed me (correctly and rightfully) when i openly expressed my opinion against gay marriages, yet you do not blame yourselves for your latest actions?



PsyKo found the links

8 years ago*

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meh, he's like the Gaston of SG

and I don't see why relate one incident to the other. I've read about that incident before, and agree with what you say of it, but the Konrad case seems to be of another kind. His "Konrad" account is a secondary account of his, and he has no problem saying the 1150-ish blacklists he's in. He just doesn't care. Besides, he's the cause of many golden threads in SG, and I think he knows it.

he even has his own gifs, which I'm now collecting

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8 years ago*

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don't callout gaston you are breaking rule

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Oh Fuck this thread is getting much serious

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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exactly! It feels so wrong!

8 years ago

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I dont know whats worse, some users commenting on what another person writes in the forum. Or you calling out a single user and saying that the whole SG community is mocking him and that he seeks attention?

8 years ago

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Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

8 years ago

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I would genuinely agree with you, if the person in question was genuinely in need of help and had gotten mocked in return. But the fact is konrads was treated the same way he treated everyone else in the SG community. He mocked and abused people for their opinions on gay marriage, for giving away games in private groups and for generally disagreeing with him. He filed false reports against people who "annoyed" him, simply because they disagreed with him. I don't like mocking or bullying anyone but when the person invites it upon himself by being a bully, then the action is warranted. He tried to bully a user through negative feedback because their trade was not completed due to a simple miscommunication. Konrads has tried to exploit SG and then complained when it went badly. I'm glad he's gone.

8 years ago

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So much this. There is no victim here.

8 years ago

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Konrad have quite a history, and while some people openly trashtalk him, I repeatedly quoted rules for him, and almost all the time there was no answer, or just his generic "it's a spyware" "easy level 10 in private groups" and such.
He's either a master troll, or a horrifyingly stupid and stubborn person, but surely one of the most toxic people of whole SG I've ever seen.

8 years ago

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oh, thx a lot! I will add them in the OP

8 years ago

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From what I see many people tried to help him, which contradicts the "community not only denied to help him".
There were many who wanted to help him, but it can't be expected that everyone will want to help him. It's real life, there every kind of people (good or bad), but OP is expecting there to only be good and helpful people?

So since OP is ashamed to be part of SG community because not all people supported the suicidal guy, shouldnt he be ashamed to be part of life since there are also people like that in real life.

8 years ago

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yes, this is what i expect

8 years ago

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they even tried to help him but he was pretty determined about it.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Your input has contributed a lot to this discussion.

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8 years ago

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Yeah, that's why we should NEVER EVER do such things, even on the Internet. Sadly, people feel like Internet is much different and they don't care about what they say or do. That's sad but true. I've also had suicidal thoughts many times because of things that heppened over the Internet so I do know that this is a serious problem. Not many care about that though.
And yeah, soemone here is right - Internet isn't for people who are "mentally unstable". I do know it, yet I keep coming back to the Internet world every each day...

Once again, I'd love to ask You, people, to think twice or even better - few times before saying something, just like in real life. It might really hurt somebody and cause bad things. I encountered that in real life as well, with my Friend...

8 years ago*

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well said

8 years ago

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I agree with you in general, but in konrad's case, he really reaped what he sow. At first he could be defended because he clearly doesn't know English and some language misunderstandings could happen, but with every word he wrote more dickhead appeared.

8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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The internet isn't much different from real life. There will also be people in real life who will mock you the same. The internet only condenses the population so it seems that such stuff happen more often. (although they do not). If you meet as many people in real life, as you do on the internet, there will also be the few that are't empathetic.

The internet is just like real life. If you have problems, you need to go to the correct people for help. (You do not ask for help from random people on the street for your intimate problems, just like how you should not ask random people on the internet for help in those problems)

8 years ago

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in real life you don't tell your opinions at anyone on the street.

8 years ago

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I agree that the people that mock people that are calling out for help are total dicks, but you can't really compare that to konrads case. Konrads never called for help, he's just an attention seeker that seems to have as goal to annoy as many users here as possible. He just deserves it...

8 years ago

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Attention seekers might not know better other than do what they're used to. To some, that could be their call for help.

8 years ago

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Still, nobody deserves mocking, bullying etc. That could really lead to bad things.... We shouldn't "risk" somebody's health/life just because we want to make somebody angry or because he is like this and that.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Denying someone's clear cry for help and Konrad repeatedly breaking every rule, while acting as a megalomaniac, ignoring everyone's replies of help and reminder of rules, talking from a high horse and openly abusing the report systemp and spreading lies...
Could we draw a line between people asking for help, and jerks who refuse any help and continue being jerks? -.-'

8 years ago

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Look, I think we can all agree that cyber-bullying is bad, but Konrad was not a good person by any stretch of the imagination and ignoring that to fit your narrative is silly as other people have mentioned. I'm not going to list all the shit he did, but he deserved a permaban. And honestly at this point he's dead and gone and he'll probably comeback and start leeching games again. He didn't really offer anything to the community. He wasn't funny or witty, he didn't ask intelligent questions he was a troll. More importantly he didn't ask for help, and even when people gave him unsolicited advice he chose to ignore us. So again, let's not pretend that Konrad is some victim here.

8 years ago

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i never said he is a good person nor i mentioned that i dislike him. nevertheless, i don't like the fake face many here are wearing.

8 years ago

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But you are implying that a person who is causing unrest in the community should be tolerated (and given special treatment) because of some potential condition he might (or might not have).
A person who breaks the rule/law has to account for his/her actions

8 years ago*

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I'm not being fake. I hate Konrad =] I mock him openly. I don't feel bad about it because I wasn't bullying him.

8 years ago

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...but Konrad was not a good person by any stretch of the imagination...

Actually, we have no idea what kind of person he really is. We are, however, allowed to respond to his behavior.

8 years ago

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Well, even though if I'm not a hundred percent sure if it's calling out, when you add me on Steam and then demand a game that got rerolled because you got suspended for leaking links, and tell me that you are entitled to it. You aren't a good person in my book. Could just be me though.

8 years ago

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Attention seeker alert

8 years ago

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I cant wait to see how this guy helps people with depression over the internet, this is seriously making me furious for so many reasons.
The links are right there, everyone can see some members of the community tried to help, even though we the community didnt receive the proper formation to do so. Yet has the guts to state the community denied offering help

Edit: well, i finally blacklisted someone

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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Thats partially responsible for making me lose my temper.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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Exactly :/

8 years ago

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Konrad is a troll who used this forum as his playground. He insulted our users, telling them to die among other lovely things. He spammed the forum and the support section. He took advantage of our users (including you) by violating multiple site rules.

He is currently inciting several people to "raise a shitstorm" in the forums in order to somehow force support to lift his suspension (Is this thread the result of his crusade, too? I fail to see the reasoning behind the effort, but whatever).

He's not a martyr, nor is he a victim of Evil Steamgifts.

He is a troll.

I won't comment on you comparing Konrad's suspension to that suicide kid.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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SG could use top-comment feature.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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This +1

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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+1 Exactly this

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Hear, hear!

Very well formulated and said!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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That kid did not ask for help, his thread was basically a suicide letter saying goodbye to this community. It was pretty obvious from his comment that he already made the decision. Still people shouldn't have been assholes about it, then again I understand why they didn't take him seriously. After all he said a video-game pushed him to suicide and he made grammar mistakes that trolls usually make on purpose. There were also people who tried to make him feel better and talk him out of it, so you can't say the whole community acted bad in that thread.

You can't compare that kid to kondrad though. Kondrad was the worst member this community ever had. He was hateful bigot who attacked gay individuals and other people who's lifestyles he doesn't agree with. He attacked traders who didn't want to accept his offers, he was rude to people who make private and group giveaways. He was constantly knowingly breaking the sites rules and even went on to complain about being punished for it.

He is a horrible person and was a horrible member of this community and he had to go. I'm surprised it took this took for him to get permanently banned. Whether he was serious or was just trolling (I think he was doing both) he deserved all the backlash from the community he got.

8 years ago

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Nah, he wasn't sure about his decision. He posted it like that because it would bring more attention, and maybe to give himself enough courage to do it. In reality:

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8 years ago

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If some random nobodies on the internet can make you commit suicide, then you shouldn't be on the internet. There is a clear difference between trolls and desperate help seekers. BTW did you know that the creator of Brutal Doom (forgot his nick) once gave suicide tips to a guy, who was seeking for help on a DOOM (not the 2016 installment) forum? I seriously don't know why would someone feel better if random nobodies would comfort them with kind words. I was being bullied in middle school, had suicidal thoughts, but it changed nothing that random people on the internet was comforting me, because I had to solve the problem by myself. If parents/friends are not available, then there is the Suicide Prevention Line or anything like that.

You shouldn't be ashamed of the whole SG community, because generalizing is almost never a good thing. A lot of people tend to forget that the biggest trolls are only trolls, because the internet gives them anonimity.

8 years ago

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Agreed. In every community there will be different types of people, nobody should expect a whole community to only consist of a single type of people.

8 years ago

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The dev gave suicide tips? That's really sick.
Just because you don't know why someone would feel better by encouraging, kind words, does not mean it's useless all together. Some people just need a push, whether that would be from a random person or not.

8 years ago

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I didn't say that they are useless, just tried to point out that these people are emotionally unstable in general. They need proper help, not just kind words. They might help a bit, but won't change their mind. I have played The Binding of Isaac, didn't have impact on me (except that it's one of my favourite games), Life is Strange, which even has a warning that if you feel disturbed during the game, stop playing and seek for help.

8 years ago

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Sorry but I disagree, I don't want to argue or discuss it further but in that thread about the suicide, literally the first reply was supportive. Hustlayo said to seek proper help exactly when the op said " please help", another guy linked the suicide watch subreddit. Eddy gaming was a bit harsh but supportive trying to make him think. Just 'cause some people were skeptical (and it's normal since the opening was pretty much: I want kill myself over binding of isaac, without providing more arguments) doesn't mean they are hearthless or the whole community is.

There were A LOT of threads here where people asked for a bit of help during a tough moment of their lives or even if they felt down and they were helped/cheered up, I even made one of those, so no, I strongly disagree. Plus in the first page of the forum there's a great thread " You're not alone" by desertmouse -> https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/4O6qS/
There's also a group called positive thoughts and plenty of positive thread, so when I see a thread like this, I just get mad.

8 years ago

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Yea, I feel the OP is like a politically correct guy who doesnt have much knowledge on the matter discussed, but want to butt in nonetheless just because he is PC.

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8 years ago*

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Apart from some specific places, the internet's not the right place to come with your problems

Communication is based on a lot of factors. There are language barriers or people that want you to read between the lines. All this makes it very complicated to have a good conversation on a forum. Let alone diagnose problems...

If you've got a problem and want help from the internet, go to the specific places made for it. Otherwise your problems will most likely get worse.

To say that every troll wants attention is right. But they want to "take over" a thread with pointless discussions about them. The thread you're referring to is a cry for help. But with just words it's impossible to see how serious the situation is. But they are two completely different things!

Judging from Konrads reactions he's more a troll than a suicidal kid.

One problem we're facing over here is that due to healthcare cuts, people with a mental disease aren't monitored anymore, because that should be a task for 'the community'. And that just fails miserably, because most people in "the community" don't know what signs to look for or what to do if they notice something...

As a final thing: people who are suicidal need help from people close to them. You can talk to them all you want, but when (s)he shuts down the computer you don't know what happens.

8 years ago

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I have one simple question for you. What did YOU do to help poor Konrads, what did YOU do to stop bullying, what did YOU do to fight the evil?

Oh. You did nothing.
If you want to give lectures from the position of moral authority, you better be one. Otherwise you just make a clown of yourself. Passage of wood in someones eye comes to mind...

I'm not even going to comment on comparing konrads to a suicidal kid. It's very cheap move on your side

8 years ago

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I'm not even going to comment on comparing konrads to a suicidal kid. It's very cheap move on your side

So very much this.

8 years ago

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Who cares... If you commit suicide because your being bullied on internet you're better off dead. My condolences to his family who had to suffer this terrible event.

8 years ago

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I'm ashamed because konrads got that much attention. He's not even the first one who acted like that on Steamgifts.

8 years ago

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I don't think konrads is a kid, he is intentionally trolling, he knows what he's doing and he's having fun with the character he created. I'm actually glad he's here because he's fun in some way.

I might got it all wrong but that's my impression. And anyway, people with heavy depression issues will hardly listen to anyone. What happened could not be avoided I'm afraid...

8 years ago

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What logic is it, that if konrads is suicidal and trolls us for attention, that we should not give him attention? We should give him more attention, or else he will kill himself for no attention, is it not so?

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

8 years ago*

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i knew when i created this thread that i would end up in tons of BLs. The very fact that i reminded the community about my comments on the gay marriage issue proves that i never wanted to sound good.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

8 years ago

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so, if someone is a sinner, he cannot express his opinion? his ideal state?

the comments were deleted as they included hate speech by my side. the first comment had 2 words, one starting with f and another one starting with g. The rest were debates.

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by Paulusi.