I never got to play the original release of FFXIV - my PC then would have coughed, spluttered and died if I'd try to run it, and by many accounts I was spared. I signed up for the A Realm Reborn beta and YAY! I got accepted. I have played a fair bit and, it seems like standard MMORPG fare with those little FF touches that us fanboys know well. If Square Enix would take a Guild Wars 2 approach and flog us a single copy and say "Knock yourselves out!" I'd be very happy, their insistence on subscriptions, I think, harms their ability to compete in the MMO market and without them I think A Realm Reborn has a real chance to be competitive.

Anyone else taking part in the beta? and if so, what do you think?

Also, non sequitur and yes, I am going to be the old man, but dear 18 year olds singing Wonderwall, you were about 3 when that song first came out. Please stop ruining my nostalgia.

1 decade ago*

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Dude, you're totally wrong, it's like you can't sing 80's sucess because you're 88...

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by mercer88.