
Yesterday I got an invite, joined and created 3 give-aways.

I'm wondering what happens when the give-away is over.
-When will I know who won? (do I get an email?)
-What's the best way to gift said person the game he won, should I contact them on Steam to make sure I'm giving it to the right person?

Anything else I should know about?

Thanks in advance.

1 decade ago*

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Just check " Manage Your Giveaways " (at the top) Or your giveaway page when the time is up.

Send to their email (simple & secure)

1 decade ago

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The winner is decided straight after the giveaway ends so you can check your giveaways right after they end to see who won.
And on making sure it goes to the right person, well depending on whether you give the gift over Steam or email: On Steam just check the winner's profile and it will have a link to their Steam profile, and I believe Steam Gifts gives you the email of the winner.

And a note: If the winner contacts you first on Steam, check the profile of the winner to make sure the person contacting you is who they say they are.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by DocBenway.