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I am kinda tempted to buy it. Not sure if it was in some bundle and I missed it.

4 months ago

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It was in some, last one being the Turkish-Syrian relief bundle

4 months ago

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It is possible that we might see it in more bundles in the future but I really think this is a great deal. I would say go for it.
You can burn villages

4 months ago

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Yeah, I am now considering if it is new usual sale price, cause I have installed now M&B with sword and fire, which will most likely will keep me busy till winter sale when I start it

4 months ago

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Well, it's a M&B too and they're all kinda similar. It's a long campaign so it will indeed keep you busy. Though once you play Warband, you probably will prefer it over With F&S since it's full medieval. There is also Viking Conquest DLC but it's way too hard comparing to regular Warband, still fun but painful.

This might be the new usual sale price but there were times they didn't even go for 75%, even though they did it before. So it might be a once a year discount as well.

Edit: You already played the first game, so Warband is the better textures, one more country and QoL improvements version. (Still worth it though, with mods and all).

4 months ago*

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It might be 90% off but in my region it went up in price by 200% since 2022, from 29.99 to 39.99, to 89.99, wow.
Less and less reason to buy anything directly on Steam, sadly.
Fortunately I bought Mount&Blade Complete for $2.99 in 2014.

4 months ago

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89.99 for Warband? Like € / $ ? WTF

4 months ago

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PLN, the point is it was 29.99 for years, then they bumped it to 39.99 and 89.99 within a few months.
And Poland is not one of the super cheap regions with devaluing currency. In fact it's currently the second most expensive region for most games.

4 months ago

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Oh so its like 20€. Same price here in czech. But dont remember history of price.

4 months ago

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Getting this masterpiece for 2 bucks is a steal

4 months ago

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thank you for this, just got it :)

4 months ago

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Awesome deal i've put 250+ hrs into that game and im tempted to come back to it :D i love how much freedom this game gives

4 months ago

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"new high" you should say.
they raised their price in 200% in the last two years tho give a 90% discount later.

4 months ago

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