I had a puzzle giveaway for skyrim leaked between around 5 friends, and only 12 people entered the giveaway.

Do I have to report the people who leaked and entered individually? Or just post the info that someone gave to me in support?

Or just sit here knowing the people who cheated the system did not win so who cares.

11 years ago*

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Congrats on 300 comments!

11 years ago

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You can report the people who leaked and entered individually or just post the info that someone gave to you in support (in a single support ticket-probably easier).

11 years ago

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You can do it in a single support ticket, no need to create 5 - it will just be more of a hassle.

11 years ago

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report it poX, i was hard trying to solved it until my brain gonna exploded on last puzzle and give up for skyrim :'( & until now i'm waiting an answer until GA closed. And now, someone leaked and give her/his friends chance without using their brain >:(

it's not fair >:(

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by poXyz.