Oh hello there, I didn't see you come in. Have a seat! We have so much to talk about - specifically my attempts to bribe you with sweet giveaways.

Bribe, you say? Yes, I do say. I also do bribe - within this post, deep within this post, is a train! A pretty good train if I do say so myself.

But first...

Like many of you, I have amassed a collection of games in my months at Steam Gifts. With the Humble Bundles, and various weekly Sales, I have seen my digital shelves grow to digital bursting. Like many of you... I suffer from a Back Log.

As such! I have decided to conquer my back log with the help of a blog.

Not just any blog though - a Back Blog.

I intend to play through every game I have, and write at least one post on every one. Some of these posts will be full of jokes, others will be full of deep introspection - others will be diaries, or lets plays, or whatever - I don't know for sure yet. It's bound to be pretentious though!

Anyways, I'd love for you Steam Gifters to give me the gift of your readership. Hence the bribes. I've laid out a list of the rules which can be found Here

I've also started the Project - my first game is Aarklash Legacy - which I've written about Here

So where do you come in? First you ride the train. Then you click on the links in the train, and if you're intrigued, you sign up so you know when those posts are hot out the oven, or presses, or whatever heat based metaphor works for you.

Specifically, for this site, I've created a Steam Group - linked in the train - if I see enough traffic, members, etc, my plan is to start giving away copies of the games I especially like from my Back Log (obviously once I've played and written about them)

I also plan on taking votes for the next game, and other aspects of the blog - crowd participation! You guys love crowd participation right?!

So that's that, thanks for taking a look - and hereeeee is the TRAIN


Wow holy hell the turnout on this exceeded my expectations. Thanks to everyone for the luck wishing, and especially anyone who bookmarked, liked, followed, read, etc!

I'm taking the advice of HitScan and adding a page to the steam group that will update w/ every post - so if you don't use any other form of social media and you want to follow you can do so there.

I really appreciate the support from everyone - I've already prepped an update for tomorrow! So if you're following, check in then.

I'll try to go through and individually respond to people following, who had questions, etc - sorry I can't respond to everyone who said good luck, but I read em all, and I appreciate every one :)

7 years ago*

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I've been trying to clear out my backlog too so i wish you luck man.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 months ago.

7 years ago

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camel lump humps a dump bump

7 years ago

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Thanks and good luck. Keep having fun with it and I'm sure the readers will show up.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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WOw thanks a lot !

7 years ago

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Good luck with your backlog and have a bump!

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Bump! Love it already. :3 You piqued my interest for Aarklash: Legacy!

7 years ago

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Good work, I will keep an eye on your progress. Thank you, bump, over and out.

7 years ago

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Thanks so much! I appreciate the kinds words, hopefully I can keep you coming back!

7 years ago

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Great gibs and best of luck with your backblog!

7 years ago

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You might consider making a "notification" discussion thread in your steam group that people can subscribe to. You can post a link in there each time a new article is published on the blog and members that sub will receive a comment notification in steam. It's a good way to allow people to follow you even if they don't use social media. Good luck Taco! :)

7 years ago

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That's a great idea! I'll get on that now, thanks!

7 years ago

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I did it, and it's linked here- Thanks so much for the advice!

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

7 years ago

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It's a pretty good one - I'll have a final review on Monday! Thanks for the kind words, and keep checking back!

7 years ago

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Wish you good luck! Bump!

7 years ago

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Here comes the bump, as requested.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Great train, have a bump :) good luck with your blog!!

7 years ago

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I like your writing style, Taco, and bookmarked your blog. :D

7 years ago

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Thanks! I've also set up a Steam group notification thread if you want to follow that way - otherwise the plan is MWF on updates.

7 years ago

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Beard Bump

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I dunno about love and affection, but I'll give you my bump.

You have apparently figured out that human beings are predisposed toward accumulation. Music, video games, books, stamps... It doesn't seem to matter what it is, we simply tend to want "MOAR" of it. Hence, the saying that "nothing fills the belly of the Son of Adam except dust." Of course, will and determination can overcome that natural tendency to be grasping. Giving to others is very helpful in that regard, and I see you have given away some really nice titles in your train.

The blog entries seem nice, too. )

Keep up the good work!

7 years ago

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I did give those games away, but unfortunately I already have them in my backlog ;) - I'll get around to them someday. Thanks for the kind words and encouragement, keep checking back! If you are unable to follow on FB or Twitter, I've set up a notification thread in steam you can subscribe to if you'd like! Here

7 years ago

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I am doing something similiar, but have run into problems with that two hour rule. I've found a bunch of games that can be completed much sooner. But you see the credits, so it's not that much of a problem.

Calcu-late for instance took me like a half-hour.

7 years ago

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That's actually why I put up the two hour rule, because there are some games, no matter how shitty they are, that I can stomach if they are under two hours. Otherwise I'd boot it up, start it, say nope, and walk away. Kind of hard to write about that.

Are you writing about your games? Or just playing through them - I'd be interested if you have a link to any of your writing!

7 years ago

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At the moment, it is tiny snippets, three or four sentences. I am trying to figure out a format that works good for me. I will try to remember to share when I've got something. (But I did bookmark your site, so should be easy!)

7 years ago

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Good luck, and thank you for the train! :-)

7 years ago

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