If anyone is wondering what happened here:

  • I asked a tricky question
  • A majority didn't like that such question was even asked and no debate should be taken
  • It escalated quickly confirming that there is an issue
  • The words I originally used were far from the whole problem, as pathetic things (double standards, witch-hunt, plain lying, informal fallacies, personal attacks, ...) kept coming after I edited.

Moral of the history? We deserve the world we live in.

You like edits? It's sunday and this is still active
PS: to celebrate the witch-hunt, now my BL is empty, now many will need to support their arguments in another way.
The metrics to fill my BL were diverse, I spent months giving away games to leechers, so I tried to fix that on my own with limited success...
CV from russia is not real, you get to high ranks with very few gifts.
I gave away recently 3 non-bundled games, none of them were played yet. What are we doing here?

Should winners that don't play won games be able to enter more GA's?

Technical issues are just goals for coders, a matter of time if you will. The ignorance about this on SteamGifts was unexpected and all over the place.
As a human being in the 21st century, you may be interested and want to learn something useful here https://www.coursera.org/course/cs101
Standford University, for free. You have no time? Even next summer break? I figured.

Also, complexity is not an excuse to deny a problem. SteamGifts is full of bundles, poorly rated games, very few gifters and plenty of us.
After the poll got over 100 votes, I claimed most of you are hoarders and leechers, you got mad and replied deviating the conversation. Everything else followed.
The truth is in the poll and in the comments in many forms and very few facts, I should have forseen that, my fault.
Though, using your very arguments, we should still be in the dark ages, where most of your thoughts, rethoric and ethics belong.

Let's use our time to read and gain some ethics:

If you pay attention, anything with several people involved can show patterns, individual behaviours and basically useful data that may explain some things:

According to the DSM, I'm probably wrong about the hoarding thing though, the reason it's quite scary as most may suffer something else that is causing it... :
If you feel any kind of distress frequently, please, go see your primary care physician, and talk to someone else too.
Regardless, everyone should work out, get some sunlight weekly if you can, eat well, have personal projects...
Anything that gets you away from collecting game licenses and projecting hate towards others.

8 years ago*

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Should this be punished?

View Results
After 1 month
After 3 months
After 6 months
After 1 year

I think they should be able to, I have activated many keys and some sit in my inventory for around a year before I ever play them. Does that mean I won't? No. It means I have not gotten around to them yet, some people don't have a wide open schedule to play through all their games. It can take me months or years to ever get to that game.. my backlog is extensive.

8 years ago

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my backlog is something like 3000 games, so if I win something it may or may not be on the back of the back pile. That doesn't mean I won't get to it eventually though.

I don't think people should be punished if a game they win isn't played in a certain time period. As long as they activate the game on their account that should be the end of it..

8 years ago

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i'll play games when i want to play them thanks very much.

8 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by Geosmin.