Hey! I might sound weird, but I need to calculate the CV for 2 bundled games.

Currently I'm missing 1$ to reach the $2k CV milestone and 2 games to reach the 200 games received milestone.

Is there any possibility to calculate how much the bundle game's original price should be so I reach both milestones without a cent above $2k? xD

11 years ago*

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I don't think bundled games will add to it, though I might be wrong.

11 years ago

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Bundles can add 30$ + 20% of non-bundled

11 years ago

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If you are "maxed out" in bundled value, every non-bundled game worth $x gives you $1.20x in CV ($x from the game, $0.20x from bundle games). So you need $1.20x=$1.00..., so x=0.833333.... in 2 games.

If you are far from "maxed out", then every dollar counts just fine, so you need two games worth $1.00 (together), from a bundle or not.

If you are borderline... we need more data. :)

11 years ago

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I bet you work for NASA.

11 years ago

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my mind was getting hurt with all his complex math skills.


11 years ago

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Now now, how did you access that job information? And stop picking your nose, I can see it right here in our satellites.

11 years ago

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Haha :D And how can I exactly find out whether I'm maxed out or not? :P

11 years ago

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I do not think the bundled/non-bundled split is easily seen anywhere, which is a pity. I believe you can think of everything like this:

  • $B = games which were bundled when you gave them away.
  • $NB = other games (non-bundled at the time) you gave away.

First correction: $25 from B can be counted as NB, no matter what. So, supposing $B>$25 to simplify things, we have new, updated, contribution values:

  • Bundled Value: BV=B-25;
  • Non-bundled Value: NV=NB+25.

However, your "bundled" contribution is limited to 20% of the "non-bundled" contribution. So:

  • If BV <= 0.20NV, you get to count ALL your bundled items, and your CV is just BV+NV=B+NB. As long as you stay under this restriction, every $1 counts $1, life is simple and good, and Math skills are hardly necessary. :)
  • However, if BV > 0.20NV, you are "maxed out" in bundled value, which is then set to 0.20NV. Your total CV will be 0.2NV+NV = 1.2NV = 1.2NB + 30. In a sense, that means every $1 in non-bundled games counts $1.20, but bundled value is limited to $30. That is why so many people are stuck at $30!

Well, sorry for the wall of Math, but there it is.

11 years ago

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Yes, you sound weird Timmy :D

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by TheTimmaeh.