If you can, I wonder if they'll make the female players roughly 10-15% slower, have them shooting with less power etc.
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I don't think that would work if they were aiming for realism. The body structures of men and women are so vastly different. It would be an unbalanced and clunky mess. You'd have women running faster and men kicking the ball further, it would be a disaster.
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As others have noted, this would be a fun way to play. But, I guess having FUN in a videogame is simply too much to ask from EA...
Q: Can women’s teams play against men’s teams?
A: Keeping in line with how women’s football is played in real life at this level, women’s national teams can only compete against each other in FIFA 16.
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I've been told it would be a FPS where you have to escape from anti-corruption cops, but I may have been told lies.
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... And then the feminazis complain because it's sexist that the women's teams will follow different rules than the men's teams. (ignoring the fact that in that case simulation would accurately follow real life).
That, or randoms will find reasons to complain about boob physics to force a controversy..
Or maybe by next year the FIFA scandals will have become so large that no-one wants to touch anything Fifa-branded with a long pole, and thats the reason why the game will bomb, instead of turning into another GamerGate shitfest.
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That's a lot of hypotheticals to already be complaining about.
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What can I say ? I'm a pessimist at heart with too much exposure to the internet, where people from all camps seem to enjoy emphasizing the negative aspects.
Although realistically the current real-life FIFA scandals would probably be the only thing capable of putting a dent in the game's sales.
And personally I think it's a good thing that they're including the women's teams, if only because it raises attention to the fact that yes, women play football too.
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Why are people excited for Womens football? as in why are men excited for Womens football?
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Why wouldn't they be? Women's national level viewing ratings have been booming, at times trumping men's. Especially in the US
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double digit grow rates are normally happening when the initial level is really low. knowing how much US loves football/soccer and knowing that in my football loving country womens football is not really popular, i assume the penetration of womens football in US was a rounding error.
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The combination of the USNT growth period, Men and Women, along with the World Cup being this year and in Canada would be my guess as to why they're deciding to add this.
Rumors were abound in 1999 after the US won in penalty kicks that they were going to add it, but instead EA secured the rights of many of the smaller leagues and teams to spread the available rosters out. This has all just been a matter of time before it happened, most likely with them waiting for this World Cup to announce it and ride the futbol fever out.
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Or it's a result of USWNT being the #1 ranked team. Things like that tend to boost growth rates all along the line.
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In the US women's soccer especially at the younger level, U10-U16 has been steadily growing since 1999. It's not just soccer around here either, it's all sports. Women's Hockey has gone from having a team of 10 players to it's own league here. Women joining high school football and wrestling teams because the sports are not available to them.
I agree that them being #1 now isn't hurting, but it's not like they just made this decision suddenly yesterday to get some good publicity out ahead of the arrests.
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That is really cool! But I would also like to see FBI raids!
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Hope you have a great time - I attended some womens international football a while back and it was a great atmosphere! It would be nice to see it get more popular as long as it doesn't clash with mens tournaments!
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They'll never have the tournaments clash, at least not here in the US. The American Outlaws fan club is amazing, and I highly recommend to anyone that hasn't attended a viewing party or game with their local chapter to do so.
Women's World Cup in June, CONCACAF in July, should be a fun summer and my liver will hate me.
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Shame that it doesn't look as if the graphics will be getting any further improvements this year.
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oh, this man have a lot of medals http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_honours_received_by_Sepp_Blatter#Foreign_honours
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'Humane Order of African Redemption' is my fave! Absolute evidence that his regime is legitimate and the US Justice Dept should back down immediately!
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I'll prolly get a lot of shit for saying this, but I'm pretty sure that no-one asked for this nor cares for this (-edit - referring to FIFA players here, not everyone) , there's a reason the stadiums for even the world cup finals in woman's football are always empty, people can't even be bothered to watch the matches if they get free tickets in my experience.
I'd rather see EA finally add more well known leagues to the game like they used to have but which got removed due to EA being to cheap to pay for the licencing, but my guess is they got the licence for these players dirt cheap/free just like they did with the last addition of leagues which included Saudi Arabia and a couple of other countries that have no history/name when it comes to football.
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The market for women's sports is considerably smaller, but it still exists. Adding more content/features is a good thing. As for their not licensing every league, the leagues are just as much to blame. They're likely asking more than its worth for EA.
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It does exist but it's not even profitable in real life in it's current form, with the exception of a few girls that played footie when I was in highschool I haven't ever met someone who "liked" it let alone someone who'd be willing to pay money to see a match.
And even if it was a bit popular I highly doubt anyone will ever use any of the teams in this game, simply because people don't even use the lower ranked clubs let alone the second division (or lower) clubs like you have for Spain/England unless it's the team they cheer for IRL, 99% of the players I've met always either play with Real, Barcelona, PSG or whichever club is doing good in the English league at that moment.
Don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem with them adding this nor do I dislike it, it just seems like a waste of time and money to score some brownie points with people that will most likely never pick up a FIFA game in their life anyway.
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They may be trying to cultivate the female soccer video game market. Draw them in with the women's teams and hope they stick around.
As for playing teams, I never play the big teams. Its just no fun. I always like picking some shitty team, preferably from a much lower division and trying to work them up tables and develop players. I get bored really quickly when my team is already great. Currently, I'm trying to return Coventry City (FL1) to the Premier League (they were a founding member).
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Yeah I know what you mean, I do the same with a club from Turkey that was relegated but recently promoted to the first league again, playing a career with those gives you some room to play around with the lineup/formations as opposed to the bigger teams that will do just fine if you don't change it up, when talking about those bigger clubs I was mainly referring to player vs player matches which seem to be the only thing the bulk of fifa players ever play especially since the online part became so big.
It's a shame they killed off the manager franchise though, that was way more in depth compared to the manager career that's present in fifa.
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And what is your experience with the World Cup finals? Opening round games, sure the smaller countries that do not have a large traveling fan base will have small crowds, but I welcome you to watch any of the USWNT. Even their friendlies with the freshly moved from the Jr team playing over the starters sell out. Just because you don't care for watching women play doesn't mean the rest of the world doesnt.
The last Women's final (2011) was 48,817, in an arena with a football seating capacity of 48,500, strong that saw an amazing game between the USWNT and Japan. Women's sports are on a rise not just in the US but across the globe, you however just sound like someone who's got an attitude towards women and likes to state their opinion as fact.
The final before that (1999) is one of the most iconic moments in american sports, man or woman PERIOD. US vs China, Brandi Chastain hitting the game winning PK and ripping her shirt off as she slid into the corner. The size of the crowd? 90,185. Setting a record for women's sports.
You may not like it, but you cannot deny it and you sure as shit cannot say that the finals are empty and nobody goes...
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You're again confusing facts with your opinions.
YOU have no idea what happened before that, but most futbol/soccer fans around the world, especially women who were playing at the time that happened, will remember it.
Chastain still books appearances and does traveling speeches, all because of the story of that USWNT. You think catholic schools are bringing her in to talk because she ripped her shirt off?
Way to jump onto one part of my comment and ignore facts while stating your opinion. Just because you don't care about women's soccer does not mean you speak for everyone. In fact in some countries, the women's team are treated much better because they've actually got a chance to win unlike the men's teams.
I figured you would know this with the storied history of Liechtenstein and their futbol program...
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Yeah I realized that after I hit sent and cba to change it.
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"YOU have no idea what happened before that, but most futbol/soccer fans around the world, especially women who were playing at the time that happened, will remember it." - Opinion
I have no idea what you mean by the Liechtenstein comment.
Its great that they have a good turnout for the finals, but women's soccer is still a very small market, like all women's sports. I'm not saying that it's right, but it's the simple reality.
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Reply to you was directed at someone else.
And, that statement is far from opinion. In fact, there are plenty of websites, fan communities, forums and pages I can link to you if you wish that show you futbol/soccer fans especially women who were playing at that time remember what happened.
Not saying it isn't a small market, but it's a rapidly growing market especially in a major console market (The US) that offers a very nice ROI%. You're not going to make millions more because of adding the women but you will increase your bottom dollar for minimal effort, and that's what most businesses are after. Profit is profit and the more you make the higher your bonus goes. That's really what this is about, just like adding all the "D Class" teams as they've come to be known among me and my friends on the current FIFA. It's nice to take a garbage team and win, but for the most part people aren't buying the game because of the addition of a small market team, a woman's team or the addition of licensed Premier League Stadiums ( a selling point on last year's game, along with the Concept Squad) they are going to buy it because it's the best futbol/soccer game out there.
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Yeah, the big, flashy teams are definitely the bread and butter of a series like this, but it's all of the other random teams that really give it a complete feeling. Sometimes, I'll rip apart the English leagues and reconstruct it as a World league. Basically, it's like having the Champions League with a table instead of a bracket. Or injecting a bunch of MLS teams into the Bundesliga and seeing where they end up.
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Me and my brother always took Qatar or Egypt and tried to build them as far as we could, since we were kids. Made me giggle when Qatar got the WC bid, because there is no way in hell it should have happened.
It's always nice that there's an easy button in a game, but it's a lot more fun beating it on "hard mode" as we always called it.
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Look, I might have understated the attendance at those matches since woman's football is really subpar where i'm from even though we hosted a lot of events and everytime those where aired it showed completely empty stadiums, the fact remains that the tickets for those matches are either handed out for free on a large scale or in the case of a large tournament finale they're cheap, as opposed to mens football where even the first few rounds are crazy expensive to attend, the ticket price for last WC final for example was about 20k for each ticket.
Sure, as a fan you might remember those moments in the history of your own country (which is about the only country afaik that has no mention worthy male clubs, and football seems to be a woman's sport there as far as I can tell from popular media)
But where i'm from, football is a way of life, when we placed second during the WC in South Africa our country exploded and was basically shut down for a couple of days while the whole country was celebrating, same thing happened when we came in third during the WC in Brazil last year, however if the woman's team accomplishes the same the celebration wouldn't be the same, this is not an opinion that's just the facts.
All i'm saying is that there's a huge difference between men's/woman's football that you cannot deny, sadly just as expected you just had to pull out the "attitude towards women" card which I assumed would happen since you know, you always gotta hate woman if you say something about them, right? right?
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No, I'm pulling the attitude towards women card because you just threw out crap that made no sense, all in the name of women being added to your precious FIFA game. Also, the ticket prices for the final hit that on the last day, from people rushing to try to get a seat. If you ordered them in advance they were not nearly that expensive, and if you were lucky enough to have a fanclub purchasing in bulk you could get a decent deal on tickets. Problem was, you had to lock into the tickets before any teams were decided. Sure, you could always scalp them if your team didn't get into the final but not everyone can afford to let a few thousand dollars hang in limbo while they watch round play.
The fact that you say the US is the only country with no mention worthy male clubs and soccer/futbol is a woman's sport is just funny...but then again that must be one of those amazing facts you know so well huh?
I've played since I was 4, coached since I was 16, helped run a statewide league with my father for Disabled kids. But, football is your way of life huh? Cool, glad to know that.
You never said there was a huge difference between them, not once did you ever mention that. You just simply said "but I'm pretty sure that no-one asked for this nor cares for this". But I guess that's the same right?
Also, do you claim Netherlands because Liechtenstein is horrible or because you're born in Holland?
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I expect you to have the Corgi Cup organized for 2018, where can I buy tickets?
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First off, I'm talking about a branch of sports, the fact that it's "female teams" is irrelevant as we might as well be discussing the popularity of cricket in Europe, nowhere in my post did I mention anything about woman being worse players, not having the right to play football or any other bullshit that could be considered "anti woman" and the fact that you still cling to that idea just shows how biased you are going into this discussion, you're the one having an attitude towards a certain gender by implying that I don't want all female teams in fifa after I made it clear that it wasn't about the teams, it's about the lack of interest in these teams by the people that BUY AND PLAY these games.
The fact that you say the US is the only country with no mention worthy male clubs and soccer/futbol is a woman's sport is just funny...but then again that must be one of those amazing facts you know so well huh?
I've played since I was 4, coached since I was 16, helped run a statewide league with my father for Disabled kids. But, football is your way of life huh? Cool, glad to know that.
So how is this relevant? and why are you calling it "futbol" neither of us is German AFAIK.
I explicitly added "as far as I can tell from popular media" because this is the image the US projects in their popculture, that football isn't a man's game in the U.S. and that it's rather normal for young girls to play soccer in a league as opposed to males that focus on other sports like baseball, might I be wrong? I could be. Did you disprove that statement, no.
you're not disproving my statement you're just following it up by completely unrelated stuff about what you do while the subject was woman's teams being added to fifa and my stance on the matter namely that it's not something the community of that game or anyone else for that matter afaik has asked for.
And no I wasn't born in "Holland" nor have I ever lived there, however I was born and still live in The Netherlands and the Lichtenstein thing is just an inside joke between me and some friends not regarding their football but military history.
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Again, you're making a lot of generalized opinionated statements as facts.
YOU say that the people who Buy and Play these games don't have any interest in these teams, but the fact is you're wrong. The posts online about this feature being added and the posts alone in this thread show that there is interest. But, because it does not interest you it must not interest anyone else in the world. I love how you think that you need to say women are worse players for it to be anti-woman. The simple fact that you think it's only "anti woman" if you say they don't have rights or are worse then men says a lot about you. According to you, the only teams that should be in FIFA are the ones selling the most jerseys right? If it's not Barca or Real or PSG or Manchester nobody cares right? Juventus and Chelsea are ok, but god forbid if you want to play Glasgow sorry you're out of luck they just aren't popular guys!
Funny, you're allowed to speak from your experience in your country and it's relevant but when I post about my history it's not? Cool, glad to know you're able to put things on a fair and equal ground.
As far as you can tell from popular media huh, so you must have been under a rock last year during the World Cup. The USMNT was plastered everywhere, more so than the USWNT is now. The US has always had a huge supporting for it's teams both men and women. In fact, most people just see it as the US National Team, Mens or Womens they cheer them on the same.
Let me share my "as far as I can tell from living in the country and growing up here instead of just reading what I see online", the US puts out an ideal that you can do anything you want to be. You can do anything you want to do. You're a woman, you want to play football or hockey? Cool, but you have to be good enough. There are plenty of cases of women making their varsity High School teams as well as college teams for a sport that is not offered in a woman's variety, as I said previous. Soccer is a unisex sport in the US, men and women play it both. It's not seen as "a woman's sport because it's not baseball". I know that in the Tri-state area our traveling teams compete in, soccer has outgrown baseball as the summer sport to play. For boys and girls, men and women. Indoor and outdoor.
You seem to speak an awful lot about a country who's behavior and tendencies you know nothing about, but have formed a pretty staunch opinion on. I also find it funny that you had absolutely nothing wrong with them doing this, yet you're so passive aggresive in your comments it's clear this really upsets you. I really do think you have a problem with women, and that's what is driving you to be so upset about this. That you see FIFA as a man's game and they're adding women to it really upsets it.
Just curious also, do you work for EA? Do you have access to their suggestion emails? Do you know all the comments they get about what features they would like to see added when they use test groups? No, you only know what you would like. Stop confusing yourself with the community.
The best part of all this - it's a game, you don't have to use them if you don't want to! Imagine that! But I guess added content to a game that's this old is just a bad idea. Hopefully more companies learn from this and they just keep things repetitive and add nothing new every year they come out with a game! That's what makes me come back to a title.
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Yeah it seems you can't be bothered to come up with any real facts and stats, so i'm not going to bother to reply to you any further after this.
All you're saying YET AGAIN is all completely unrelated to the subject this thread was about, and furthermore you keep taking my replies out of context either because you can't seem to grasp that the U.S isn't nor ever has had a major role in in the world of football or because you feel the need to defend something that i'm not even attacking.
I said that it's not a feature people have been asking for, yet you rage that it's o so popular and there's so many fans yet you fail to provide even 1 link to prove this statement, yet you keep repeating "that's your opinion not a fact" over and over again.
I say that in a major football country like the one I live in now or any of the other ones I've lived in woman's football isn't really a popular sport unlike the massive force that is men's football yet you keep coming up with the U.S as your only example which like i've said previously (which you haven't disproved, you just keep claiming random things as facts without a single link to back you up)
I honestly don't dislike that they added this feature, if people like it then good for them but I doubt it'll make as much FIFA players happy as adding other leagues would have, however what I did say was that this didn't have any priority since there have been some leagues missing in fifa for a while now.
You seem to speak an awful lot about a country who's behavior and tendencies you know nothing about
YOU say that the people who Buy and Play these games don't have any interest in these teams, but the fact is you're wrong
And again with the assumptions, fyi I've lived in Seattle for a while, and from all the people I know that play fifa none of them have ever complained about a lack of female teams which is a fact unlike your statement even if you call it a "fact"
Where's your proof, it's a fact right? so where is it?
You keep replying as if you're slamming me, as if you caught me on my bullshit while in reality you keep throwing around the word "fact" but fail to provide any proof whatsoever to back that up.
That being said, yes I was being passive aggressive, that didn't relate to "woman's football" though, it was because I just really dislike people that start an argument by saying someone hates woman or any other kind of bullshit like that while (here it comes, an actual fact)
I was merely giving my pov on the matter and bellow me are tons of people making sexist remarks yet somehow I am the person being sexist because I express my opinion that fifa players are most likely not really interested in this.
I get that you live in this bubble of yours, where all the people you know and associate with tend to have the same interests as you thus giving you the idea that the world loves this, but the fact remains that in the majority of the world woman's football just isn't that popular and this was just a cheap way for EA to score some free brownie points with the same people that are now saying that it's great that EA added this, most of whom have probably never even touched a FIFA game.
Way to take a semi sarcastic comment completely out of context btw, I like fifa, I really like the improvements they've made on 15 and i'm pretty glad with the direction the franchise has taken, the news of a female league being added doesn't bother me nor does it make me happy, I'd just have preferred to see the stuff that the players that are a bit more fanatic about this game then me have been begging for for ages on the forums and IRL being added as opposed to something they already had the licences for but just didn't implement.
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Ok let's start with a breakdown, since apparently you are having a problem reading. BTW you want facts, which you started rambling about without, here you can see a breakdown of the US Youth Soccer program. Almost equal split between girls and boys playing, not anything like you say...but then again you are showing no facts you just keep talking. Once again, ok for you to do but when someone else does it, you can't stand for it. So here we go!
All you're saying YET AGAIN is all completely unrelated to the subject this thread was about, and furthermore you keep taking my replies out of context either because you can't seem to grasp that the U.S is nor ever has had a major role in in the world of football or because you feel the need to defend something that i'm not even attacking.
So who else in CONCACAF do you put above the US for storied programs and contributing roles to the world of futbol? Please, I'll wait. Sure. we haven't been a powerhouse and our USMNT has not won a World Cup final, highest placed team is 3rd. Still better than a lot of countries have done. The US has put out some amazing athletes the last 30 years, including arguably the hottest keeper in professional soccer right now in Tim Howard.
I said that it's not a feature people have been asking for, yet you rage that it's o so popular and there's so many fans yet you fail to provide even 1 link to prove this statement, yet you keep repeating "that's your opinion not a fact" over and over again.
I never once said that it's "so popular", I merely said that your statement of it being dead and having to give away free tickets to get people to watch it is wrong. That your opinion of "no one cares about womens soccer" is wrong. There are plenty of people who care. Hell even if it's just the girls playing in the US that's a little over 1 million at any given time, not too bad of a number of consumers to reach out to for minimal work and effort huh?
Also, here is just one quick google to find just one thing saying that even 3 years ago the customer base was asking for this. It's really not hard to find many other postings and petitions for this change.
I love the fact you call out citing links and sources, yet you have started all of this with absolutely nothing to back your comments up. You've been called out yet you turn it around to say "well you don't have any links so you're wrong and I'm right lol" The youtube announcement has already hit over 27k likes, but you're right the 7k dislikes must obviously be in the majority huh?
Did you complain this much when they added the MLS expansion teams? I bet a lot less people cared about them...but you were probably totally ok with that one huh.
For someone who doesn't dislike this feature or women you sure have a lot to say on the negative side of both realms.
I get that you live in this bubble of yours, where all the people you know and associate with tend to have the same interests as you thus giving you the idea that the world loves this, but the fact remains that in the majority of the world woman's football just isn't that popular and this was just a cheap way for EA to score some free brownie points with the same people that are now saying that it's great that EA added this, most of whom have probably never even touched a FIFA game.
I'm not saying they aren't pushing this at the right time to score brownie points. I would bet this could have been added to 15 but someone said no let's wait for the World Cup and ride the publicity wave out. It's a very smart business move to do that. It costs you nothing to wait and you get to sell at the hottest time...seems very smart to me. If I was a shareholder I'd be extremely happy on the move.
Although, you should clean the inside of your bubble out. It's making you think that you're not in one as well. BTW - It's human nature that we associate with those who tend to have the same interests as us. That's you know...kind of what having the same interests means. I'm not going to go to a soccer game and talk about it with a friend who hates soccer. That's about as much fun as being the one man taking 5 teenage females shopping.
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Q: Why did EA introduce women into the game this year?
A: This has been a top fan request and we have considered doing it for years. With FIFA 16, we’ve made the necessary advancements in gameplay, such as new locomotion and unique player models which were based on motion capture and 360 degree body scans of some of the games top female players. That allowed us to accurately and authentically represent how these athletes walk, run, sprint and move horizontally. To complement the realistic animations and attributes, our mobile head-scanning unit traveled the world in order to capture facial features and hairstyles, ensuring that the players look as realistic as possible.
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well i am playing Pro Evolution Soccer anyways
I can only image the "editing" part of the community xD is that even possible in FIFA?
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I don't like those type of games but more variety is always welcomed imo. Variety is the spice of life! :D
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everybody likes boob physics in games. what's wrong about that?
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everybody except feminazis and people who doesn't appreciate female homo sapiens sapiens body.
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Wanna play some Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball?
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i need to advice to your first comment? i'm... confused... i guess. ._.
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It's close enough to the weekend, get a margarita!
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No way, drunken nights are best served at the Barcade - Here it's the Bonus Round. Nothing like craft beer and classic gaming + pinball!
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i see. i still don't get the releveance though. going out and having human connections doesn't have anything to do with asking devs to add realistic boob physics to the games. if you mean people like me are substituting real boobs with virtual ones, i think you should complain about realistic graphics in general. and maybe you should get in a war with the whole videogame industry. the more realistic games become, the more people putting games in front of their real lifes, right? i hope this comment won't wipe that smile off. my intention is definitely not doing that.
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Mm not all, and i totally respect your input & opinion (=
I consider myself am uber game lover and collector, owning around 4K console games, and then learning about PC gaming a few years ago only to collect closee to 1k (#= so i wouldn't think of this 'war'. I own many silly games than men 'adore i guess i can say' but of course am playing with a different mindset, but also I have my limits to what my eyess can take (@= i just suppose different sexes are obviously gonna have different views on such a thing
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i know it will be ironic and a hypocrite thing to say -considering my "everybody" and "everybody except feminazis and people who doesn't appreciate female homo sapiens sapiens body" generalizations- but i don't think you should put this as the point of view of the different sexes, but rather point of view of you. because i don't think all women take it as being a pervert or creep, or more like "i hope they don't" after your comments. otherwise almost all -if not all- heterosexual men, bisexual men and women, homosexual women would become [put your devilish insults here] in all heterosexual women's eyes. yes, this comment seems like a reply to an earlier comment from you instead of the most recent one. apparently i couldn't shake the butthurt off yet. sorry about that.
p.s.: asexual people don't count. since they don't have any sexual desire, it would be cheating.
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It's about bloody time. I can finally buy FIFA again!
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