Ok, there's a quote I need help identifying. I don't know why it's bothering me so much, but something prompted me to recall it like a week ago, and for the life of me I can't figure out where it's from. It's like having a song you can't quite place stuck in your head for a long time - it's not that I particularly need to know what it is, but I do need to stop not knowing what it is for the sake of my sanity. Anyway, the quote is something along the lines of:

"Hell, you can hang by your thumbs for a day."

The phrasing may be off slightly (in fact, I'm guessing it is, because Google is being no help at all), and the time interval might be different - I think it was a day, but it could be a week, it could be an hour, etc. I believe it was said by a male character, in the context of being asked to continue to do something difficult, as in something like "Hey Bob, can you keep doing X for me for one more day?" "One day? Hell, you can hang by your thumbs for a day. I'll be fine."

I also have no idea what it's from. I'm pretty sure it's a movie or TV show, but that's about it. It could be something I love and I'm going to kick myself for not remembering, or it could be something that just happened to be on a TV as I wandered passed it.

Is all that vague enough for you? :P Help me SG-wan Kenobi, you're my only hope!

P.S. No hidden giveaway, sorry. I really am just trying to get this damn quote out of my head.

11 years ago*

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Star Wars episode 1 Obi wan addresses Qui Gon Jin around 49min mark regarding Anakin becoming a jedi

"Obi wan you must hang by your thumbs for I will train Anakin as my padawan"

"As you wish master, but you will hear from the council"

"I fear as much, however the force strengthens in anakin every day he will become a jedi"

End Scene

11 years ago

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Ah-ha! I decided to try again using different parts of the search string and finally had success. Turns out, I had both the time interval and the quote wrong - the first word is well, not hell.

"Well, you can hang by your thumbs for 5 days." - Matt Santos to Josh Lyman on The West Wing, regarding campaign schedules. Mystery solved, thread closed. My thanks to anyone who took the time to read and try to help, whether they had the answer or not. :)

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by Lunk.