Event ended.

[non-limited accounts only] (TL;DR: you spent at least $5 USD on Steam)

Click here for the broadcast. (If the link does not work or is offline, check the sale's page just below. If you see a stream then that's it, if you just see the sale page then the stream is currently offline.)
No point in sending !drop in the broadcast chat.

Like last year, you can get Steam items by watching the Wargaming Publisher Weekend 2024 broadcast.

The items will drop after roughly 10-15 minutes. The items are not tradable, not marketable.
Reminder to make sure you are logged in, works both in client and browser.

You can see what the items look like at the bottom (thanks timka4umka) or on Steam Card Exchange.

You can see more on MeguminShiro's Reddit post.

You can also get DLCs! Click here for the dedicated post.


  • I never spent money on Steam/spent less than $5 USD, will I get the drops?
    No, events tied to Steam broadcasts only work for non-limited accounts.
  • My account is non-limited because I spent $5+ USD on Steam, but I am market-restricted because I didn't buy games in over a year, will I get the drops?
    Yes, you will. (I confirmed it during Quakecon 2023).
  • Can I mute the stream and still get drops?
  • It's been a while and I still didn't get the drops, why?
    If your account is non-limited and you made sure you are logged in, try the usual troubleshooting steps: refresh the tab, use a different browser, clear cookies, etc.
View attached image.
5 months ago*

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Hopefullly this goes better than a certain recent event. :')

5 months ago

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you mean the one linked as "Wargaming Publisher Weekend 2024"? ;-)

5 months ago

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Yes, that one.

5 months ago

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Fixed! Knew I missed something, lol. Thanks!

5 months ago

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So... MeguminShiro, I summon you! Any idea what's going on? 👀

5 months ago

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Just usual delay I guess 😅 Or they forgot to turn it on.
Either way many people already posted the screenshot there, so no need for me to post this time.

Last time 🚂 caused a lot of issues, so I waited until getting the drops to post this time.
Didn't want to go through the same situation like last time 😱

5 months ago

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Hey hey!
I kinda thought the same. 😅
Still now, some of my friends aren't getting the drops... I am this close to tell them to send !drop in the chat, lol.

5 months ago

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Maybe tell them to unmute the stream (Somehow it works for some people) or refresh again to see if it drops or not.

5 months ago

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Yeah, I noticed that for me the stream would get stuck at some point if it was muted and I'd have to keep on clicking on the "go live" button, but if it was unmuted it was playing fine.
They still didn't get the drops, so... Eh. I'll just give up, lol. I'll just tell them good luck. 😆

5 months ago

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Well in that case really idk, or even try watching from Steam Client instead of Browser, or idk any other fix/workaround people were sharing around what worked for them. 😪

5 months ago

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One of my friends finally got them! Another friend doesn't, but well, we'll see. 😆

5 months ago

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Congrats to them! Well hope the other one will get it soon.

5 months ago

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Thank you on his behalf! I forgot to update, but she got them a couple hours later. :D

5 months ago

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Thank you! And now, I am not too blind to see the stream link.^^

5 months ago

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I've been watching for 28 minutes now, still no drops, though.

5 months ago

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Maybe this time it's only for limited accounts. :p

5 months ago

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5 months ago

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Maybe there will be another Stream?

5 months ago

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5 months ago

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Got my nine drops now.

Thanks again for the heads up!

5 months ago

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Oh? Congrats! I didn't get mine. :')

5 months ago

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Thanks! :)

It was in this Stream: https://steamcommunity.com/broadcast/watch/76561199354784532

And I used the command !drop.

5 months ago

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That's the stream I've had on for an hour, though... :')

5 months ago

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Strange...maybe you have to go to war with Wargaming.net?^^

5 months ago

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You scared them, I got the drops. 👀

5 months ago

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I think, they recognized your power. I just gave them a hint. :)

5 months ago

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5 months ago

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More than half an hour, still no drops. Weird. We'll see how this one goes...

5 months ago

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I have been "watching" for 36 minutes and also no drops.

5 months ago

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More than an hour. I closed the stream for now, lol. I'm on the one WaxWorm sent now, we'll see.

5 months ago

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No drop yet but thanks for the info!

5 months ago

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Yeah, no drops. Weird communication from the publisher. :/
But, you're welcome!

5 months ago

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5 months ago

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Thanks! Trying it too. Keep us updated!

5 months ago

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Yeah, nothing. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

5 months ago

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if no one get drops-use https://store.steampowered.com/sale/wargaming2024 and just roll down the stream button, watch it there and it will pop. Worked for me after 1 hr of watching on background on broadcast page with no drops then on that one i mentioned in no time xD

5 months ago

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What do you mean with roll down the stream button? :O

5 months ago

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This comment was deleted 4 months ago.

5 months ago

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Thanks it worked!

5 months ago

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if u open that link, dirtectly under 'wargaming sale' or whatever is under those tanks, u have stream bar with 'LIVE'. Press arrow down on right side and ur good to go

5 months ago

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watched that around 50 minutes. nothing.
lets wait.

after 5 minutes posting !drop in chat
got the drops.

5 months ago*

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Thanks to you too, it worked :)

5 months ago

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This one did work for me.

5 months ago

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Thanks, it didn't work, but then it did.

5 months ago

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1hr still nothing lol

5 months ago

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UPDATE: 9 new items in inventory. As already stated, there all stickers.
[ EDIT - Seems a bunch of others got them at about same time I did, so gotta also be certain times they drop, maybe hourly? ]
Blitz Happy
Blitz Angry
Blitz Sad
WoWP Corsair
WoWP Chill
WOWS Cap music
WOT Fiery HE
WOT Unstoppable APCR

..how do I post an image here to show what they look like?

5 months ago*

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Does this work?

5 months ago

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Yes, it worked.

5 months ago

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Remember to type !drop every 2 minutes if you want to get your drops ;)

5 months ago

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At each of the five links from the post above.

5 months ago

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Something went wrong while displaying this content. Refresh

Error Reference: Store_8695430_6cf0888b761ffb05

Minified React error #185; visit https://reactjs.org/docs/error-decoder.html?invariant=185 for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings.

5 months ago

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Did anyone really got anything?

5 months ago

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Not yet

5 months ago

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View attached image.
5 months ago

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I put your pic in the OP!

5 months ago

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I just received nine drops:
Blitz Happy
Blitz Angry
Blitz Sad
WoWP Corsair
WoWP Chill
WOWS Cap music
WOT Fiery HE
WOT Unstoppable APCR

5 months ago

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I received the items 9

5 months ago

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Thanks! I got all the 9 items :)

5 months ago

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Haha, just got drops

5 months ago

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Got 'em now.

5 months ago

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With all these shenanigans I have no idea how long the items take to drop lol, but hey, it works! Updated OP accordingly, and added a screenshot of what the items look like.

5 months ago

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This comment was deleted 3 months ago.

5 months ago

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Took me 2 hours approx. Some friends of mine have 20+ and still didn't get the drops. :/
MeguminShiro said 10+ on his Reddit post, I saw a couple people here say 15 too, so I put 15 on my post just to be safe. 🤔
But, thanks!

5 months ago

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https://steamcommunity.com/broadcast/watch/76561199354784532 this one worked for me. Thanks for the thread FC!

5 months ago

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You are welcome! First time someone calls me that, took me a second to understand it was me, lol.

5 months ago

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Sorry for the confusion. I was just too damn lazy to type the whole name, lol!

5 months ago

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No worries haha, found it funny.

5 months ago

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Are these items marketable and tradeable?

5 months ago

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No, they aren't.

5 months ago

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That didn't take long LOL. 10 minutes, EZ. Didn't have to do anything special.

5 months ago

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This dev must hate me. 3 hours over different links and new tabs etc etc.

5 months ago

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Ouch. Took me 2. :')

5 months ago

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For those who don't have the items, try this:

  • if you looked it directly on Steam and have nothing after hours, look at the stream on the browser

I don't guarantee it will work but strangely for my boyfriend, it worked this way (he got the items immediatly in the browser)...

So maybe:

  • if you looked it on your browser and have nothing after hours, look at the stream directly on Steam


5 months ago*

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Thank you thank you! :D
Maybe just changing browsers can do the trick, too? 🤔

5 months ago

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I don't know, maybe. For me it worked directly on Steam so I don't know why it acts differently for some people. 😕

5 months ago

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5 months ago

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Thanks FranckCastle!
Gained them after 5 min on steam client & muted.

5 months ago

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You are welcome! :D
Lucky one, I see.

5 months ago

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It takes a while but they do !drop. Only stickers though, and one background.

5 months ago

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Wait, what? Background? Are you sure? What was it?

5 months ago

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Head on a Swivel is the name of the background. You can see it here:


5 months ago

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Hmm, strange. That's from last year. Are you sure you got it yesterday?

5 months ago

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It appeared in my new inventory items along with the other items from the drop, and so I presume they all came together.

5 months ago

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Alright, I see.

5 months ago

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Check your market history for expired sale offers. You probably put it on sale 6 months ago, and it expired recently so it was added back to your inventory.

5 months ago

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That is likely, too. Love your pfp! (and name lol)

5 months ago

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I didn't do anything with it 6 months ago (Was unable to) and so this is the first time I've even noticed Wargaming and I got that drop.

There must be at least one other person who got one somewhere?

5 months ago

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Strange. Could you maybe check your inventory history?
The event is ending today anyway, just out of curiosity. It's alright if you can't be bothered to.

Also, you are the only one that reported that here on Steamgifts, and MeguminShiro said he didn't see anyone talk about it on Reddit. If anyone else did, they didn't talk about it. :shrug:

5 months ago

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Thanks Franck, I didn't know that feature existed - handy to know!

Seems you are right, on the 3 Aug 2023 at 9:52 PM (My time) I got the Head on a swivel wallpaper (As well as a Straight as an Arrow wallpaper) and some other things like a frame from Wargaming.

Why the Head on a Swivel didn't appear in my new items inventory list until the recent batch is news to me. But I think we've at least cleared up that it wasn't associated with this event for now.

Thanks for the new information about inventory history! Hopefully I can pass it along when needed to others :)

5 months ago

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Very nice then! You are welcome! :D
You can access your inventory history as well as your trade history from your inventory screen (buttons on the top right), and your market history in the marketplace.
So, mystery resolved... Sort of. 😆

5 months ago

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I was momentarily confused, but I have that exact image....or well, two different ones with the same name.

The one you posted is NOT exactly the 2023 event one. That one is labeled for "Wargaming Anniversary Advertising App Rare Profile Background". It's right there on the page. 2023 event's version is labeled "Wargaming Pub Weekend 2023 Profile Background": https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/753/2306810-Head%20on%20a%20swivel

5 months ago*

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Thanks Icepick, so I have a rare in name only. Still, it's a rare?!?

Judging the time on the background arriving I may have been sleepy and not given much thought to what I was doing. Odd that it seemed to only arrive with this recent stock in my new items notification, but I'm happy enough either way :)

Thanks for your due diligence in helping me out!

5 months ago

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I have no idea why it only just showed up for you. At the time I got my stuff in real time, that was in August 2023, so that was not that long ago. I'd believe that was in reference to this: https://store.steampowered.com/publisher/wargaming/sale/wargaming25thanniversary

5 months ago

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Which background, can you send link to it? I got plenty of stickers but no background sadly.

5 months ago

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Head on a Swivel is the name of the background. You can see it here:


5 months ago

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Closed 5 months ago by FranckCastle.