Seriously Microsoft? Scroogled?
Scroogled BS

The Microsoft Store’s new “Scroogled” section includes eight products of anti-google, they so mad with google even their staff members are forbidden but stil get fired for google searching... rather than using 'bing' if you even know what that is.

Oh so Google is spying on us all but your not with your spybox, etc? Google is a digital monopoly huh, but your not? Or just throwing out a scapegoat which is a threat to your profits?

There's no giveaway here - sorry, I was just venting... now go away.

1 decade ago*

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inb4 people defending a corporation against anoother corporation when they both should fuck themselves :)
(or am I late?)

1 decade ago

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Is google becoming evil ? Probably.
But such a campaign from Microsoft, it's just like if Marc Dutroux was selling T-shirts against child prostitution in eastern asia...

1 decade ago

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I'll never forget that Bing was like a virus! Try to search on Google bing bar, bing virus, etcetera!

1 decade ago

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look neither company is better than the other... at least Microsoft is being honest with us which is more than i can say for Google's "new and improved" YouTube

1 decade ago

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Let him that is without sin cast the first stone.

1 decade ago

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Trust No One.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I'm so damn anoyed by people who go like "OMG they collect data, OMG they steal our data, store information we did not agree to".

Like seriously, how do you think intelligence agencys work? They hire magicians to sit next to a magic ball, and a terrorist's name will appear? Why are you even surprised? And FFS if you had any information you did NOT wanted to share, why did you even use the public web? There are a lot of individual software and hardware systems that can protect you from any information surveys, but since the first thing you do is log in to facebook, I highly doubt that there is anything you actually mean about what you people say about your online privacy. You are just upset because you were too dumb to see what you are doing, and what you are agreeing to.

And Microsoft... lul, pretty much everything is run on their OS, as for the client side anyways, so I kinda miss the point on how they want to exclude themself from all this, especially after their new nintendo's planned features on "let's make everything always on, and store all that shit, 'cuz might come in handy".

1 decade ago

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Understand some information gathering online is to be expected and is perfectly fine if anonymously given, known about and concented to or opted out of.

The American Government over the years has slowly been changing this however and changing the way it's been used. The Obama model has three parts in addition to the Privacy Bill of Rights, most of which was done in secretly unaware by the public. Even worded in a way which hides it from those who don't care to look. This gets to the point where they can track and monitor all your cellphones, gps, chat logs, emails, phone calls, social networks, webcams, game console, cctv and most digital devices without your knowledge/permission at any time (without a warrent) - use facial and behavioral recognition to see everywhere your been and everything your done, even label and predict future crimes. You might think this is good for stopping terrorists and crimes - however there's a bit more to it. It's mostly actually in place to limit freedoms, protest and activism.

16.4 billion dollar projects+ costing millions to billions per annum just to run, all just to data collect and spy on it's own citizens and other countries. Trusting no one. Then they wonder why they are in dept. 51% of tax payers money ends up going to military and spying expences rather than healthcare or education. They are still attempting to recreate "New World Order" - one government to control and monitor the entire world.

This is a slow change so people just strug it off and accept it or ignore it. By 2014 - This will get kicked into overdrive. Your rights as a citizen are being thrown down the toilet.

This all comes down to the wise words from one of the worlds strongest leaders:
“The best way to take control over a people and control them utterly is to take a little of their freedom at a time, to erode rights by a thousand tiny and almost imperceptible reductions. In this way, the people will not see those rights and freedoms being removed until past the point at which these changes cannot be reversed.” — Adolf Hitler

Now you just going to accept that?

1 decade ago

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Well, in my understanding after seeing the NSA already collected data on pretty much every random person they wanted, it's pointless to talk about what the law permits to the gorverment/NSA, and what doesn't. Especially after this "incident" all they get is some "omg Obama, wtf?" instead of real effects, sanctions, or whatever.

The USA goverment, and especially the secret forces done anything they wanted, and do anything they want, because there is no person, or more importantly organisation that can control, or apply any direct sanction to those who break the law. I'm not an expert in the USA law, or what control the congress has over those organisations, but the fact that they've been doing this for years pretty much proves the point that they are free to do anything.

And when the time comes that they will start building up restrictions, and blocks just to maintain control there will be a lot of possible, and viable solution for moving the existing web content to a more secure, less accessable system. /which is already happening now, but it's only used for illegal activities mostly for obvious reasons/

And until that the advice is still in place, don't put anything on the internet if you don't want it to go public, because you will never be able to remove it.

1 decade ago

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Microsoft is crap

1 decade ago

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Oh look a company that spies on your shit bashing a company that spies on your shit, how cute.

1 decade ago

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not are pathetic.. are the sad reality... google eat our privacy

1 decade ago

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luckily ive got my fol hat!

1 decade ago

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Sgroogle used to be a proxy to use Google without Google dropping tracking cookies on your system. I do like the idea that Microsoft did with the name...

1 decade ago

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I use Bing, liking it better than google...because of Bing Rewards :3

1 decade ago

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If said products raise the general awareness of data protection then all the better.

The Microsoft corporation doesn't need anti-google products to look pathetic, they have acquired that ability for quite some time now.

1 decade ago

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This is so low, hope they get sued.

1 decade ago

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Microsoft has had Scroogle up for A LONG time. Besides they'd end up winning the lawsuit

1 decade ago

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I actually kinda agree with Microsoft. Google is just getting a bit out of a control with some actions. Mostly with Youtube lately trying to make it some kind of social portal like Facebook. And they never listen to suggestions. They need a lesson. Someone go and leave a dump on their doorstep please.

1 decade ago

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You know, if Bing was as good as Google, they wouldn't need to resort to these tactics. Such mudslinging would be reminiscent of the Nintendo/Sony and Nintendo/Sega rivalries of the 90s if it wasn't for the fact that they're trying to make money directly off of it.
I'm also curious as to how they're legally allowed to use the Chrome logo on that spider.

For some reason, this also compels me now to draw Tux throwing an apple to smash a window.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Azzaboi.