So, for my birthday today I decided to buy two copies of my favourite game, Dark Souls: Prepare to die Edition, only to find out I can't make GA's for that game anymore..

So I decided to give them away here.

Please only enter if you're going to play it. I got 300 hours on it and it's still my favourite one.

To enter, write a few words about your story with the Souls series, like what did you play, how did it make you feel. I'll close this Discussion this evening but it may take me a few days to send the keys cause I'm gonna spend the weekend with my girlfriend.

No idea how many people are going to enter, so maybe add a random number between 1 and 5000 to your comment. I'll decide based on the comment, but maybe I'll need something like this to make it easier in the end :)

Good luck, praise the sun and all that!

Edit: yeah if you don't own a controller you cant really play this game properly!!

Edit2: WINNERS CHOSEN !!!!!!!!!

So, RNGesus has chosen. The two numbers he gave me were 87 and 3559. The winners are:

Eriseo (difference: 37)
Skibby (difference 683)

I chose these following users (random number next to the username):

Eriseo 50
Newwplaayeer 1297
Haveadrunkday 1924
Shadowshiv 1973
Oclaymoreo 241
Delevion 24
Thelatinoasian 220
Mugknight 1748
Thetedgt 666
Mrawesomefalcon 47
Silent62 2046
Humankillerz 132
Foxcunning 555
Lovol 1
Cheman39 2365
Skibby 4242
Miroe250 1996
Fenrirxvii 17
Whorocks 48

Congrats to the winners! Added you on steam. Funny, both are from neighbouring countries ^^ greetings from switzerland!

7 years ago*

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7 years ago

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Thanks for the GA. I don't own any of the Souls games but I'd really like to. I like the look of them and I enjoy open world exploration games.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

7 years ago

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I didn't play in any games of Dark Souls, but I played Demon's Souls on PS3.
Cool game, because it's really hardcore.
P.S. I have controller :D

Random number: 2365

7 years ago

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Also wanted to add that the Twilight Zone episode that your Avatar is from is one of my favourites!

"It's not fair! It's just not fair!";)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Here is a Dark Souls video you may enjoy.;)

7 years ago

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I'm in, It's on my wishlist for some time !

Never played any of them and it woould be nice to start with the first one !

7 years ago

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This is first wishlisted game on Steam by me and I'm trying to win it since then (5th May 2014). What can I say about the game? Nothing because I've simply never played it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Random number: 1

Btw it's sad to hear you cannot give away these :/ Have you tried talk to support about it?

7 years ago

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I never played it but would like to try, had been playing more classic rpgs. Random number 4000.

7 years ago

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This game has been in my wishlist for quite a while.
I like games that offer a challenge, and my Xbox controller is ready to be flung against the wall in anger and frustration.
Random number: 555

7 years ago

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There was some forum where I used to spend a lot of time. And some guy from there wanted to give away few extra copies of Dark Souls. So he choosed this site for that. That's why I registered here and GA for Dark Souls was the first I entered.

Almost random number: 451

7 years ago

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Already beat it 100% but ty for the giveaway

7 years ago

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i have never played dark souls yet, i own the 2nd one but i cant play it till i play the first one. so yes i would 100% install it if i owned it and play it lol . then i could move onto the 2nd and hopefully get the 3rd game to finish up the series


7 years ago

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233 times
thanks for giveaway <3

7 years ago

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I've to admit that I never played it nor his successors, but wanted to for quite some while - and what better place to start than where it all began? For that reason I'd be much obliged if you'd willing to help me close that obvious gap in education ;), but regardless whether you choose me or not: Thank you very much for this opportunity :)...

Not a random number: 4242.

7 years ago*

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I've played to first one on my ps3 for around 300 hours as well, I had gotten to NG+7 or 8 with my main (I could play the game blindfolded) and had like 10 more characthers just for the pvp, Damn in love with the pvp! I spent days figuring out the best combos and the best gear and stuff! :D
But then my ps3 got to a point where my fps was stuck to 10, wanted to buy the dlcs but figured it wasn't worth it if i couldn't properly play the game....... I had just bought demon souls but couldn't play that either, just got past the "tutorial"...
I played the second one on my pc but using my friends library, didn't like it as much as the first one tho.. only got about 70 hours on it.
Pre ordered the third one and man i had finished the game 3 times the day after it was released ahah! And then my controller broke.. so I'm stuck to 70 hours and NG+3.
I'm buying a new one soon cuz i can't miss the dlc ;)

Number 505

7 years ago

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I'm very curious about this franchise, always wanted to try it out. The memes makes it even more intersting. I just want to get gut.
Number: 1996

7 years ago

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I've played Demon's Souls on PS3 when it was free for the PS+, first time i've played the series, i was aware that games are hard, it was, but not frustrating, i was surprised that i can go on without major problems, i've tried DS2 with a friend, and it was a lot harder, DS1 is between this two?
P:S. I've heard that DSFix is almost a complete patch for the PC version is that right?

Not so random number: 17 :)

7 years ago

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i like this game verry much but i am to poor to buy this game :C
i like to cut slahs en dash da damm monsters XD

my random nummer is 420 get it 420 no scoop to this giveawy

7 years ago

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i never played any Souls on any console or pc so i'm still noob for this game

7 years ago

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That's not true, op. I played it halfway with kb&mouse. I stopped after I beat O&S.
This game is too intense for me...

7 years ago

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I played the tutorial mission on my best friend's pc who is a hardcore DS fan and died to that Prison Guard boss only to find out that all my collected souls are gone. Would love to play the game on my own account someday. Random number 146

7 years ago

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Well I heard of it quite A LOT, but never had the chance to play it.
Also I was told it was super HARD ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) and reminded some old school games!
I would love to try it.

# 1666 (as 666 was already taken :/)

7 years ago

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never played any of them so i can't say too much, only that seems it's a dificult game and all people like it soooo i want to try it and finally understand all the jokes about that game over internet (memes etc....)

random number: 2981

7 years ago

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