Fez is a great game... but I dont understand why is there so much hate on the creator of the game

11 years ago*

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It's because his name sounds stupid.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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He has glasses.

11 years ago

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And beard.

11 years ago

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Certainly not in that photo. lol

11 years ago

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He looks like Kyle's retarded cousin from South Park.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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The Internet hates everything. There doesn't have to be a reason.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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+1 internetz

11 years ago

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But there has to be an extremely good explanation why someone likes something, and still that person is considered an "idiot" because they like it..? Makes perfect sense.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Because he's a douchenozzle.

11 years ago

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+1 for the word 'douchenozzle'

11 years ago

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+1 for "douchenozzle". Love the Internet. I learn new words all the time.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Douchedick sounds better..

11 years ago

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no it doesn't douchenozzle sounds better

11 years ago

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isnt it a good thing to be a douchenozzle? at least he gets to clean sum pipes,

if you know what i mean

11 years ago

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So does a clyster...

11 years ago

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It's best if we don't give this topic any more attention. Yes, Fez is good, but that doesn't say anything about the person.

11 years ago

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Maybe because of delays on FEZ?
Its been a while now,but if i remember corectly from Indie Game the Movie,FEZ was due to release about 2009,2010?
And then it just kept getting postponed?

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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whats wrong with delaying games? I mean he wanted to polish the game to the limit and he did it...

11 years ago

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He's overdramatic as hell. Did you see his reaction at the hotel in Indie Game: The Movie?

He's a douchebag.

He said he would commit suicide over Fez if it didn't do well.

Would you want to be friends with someone like that?

11 years ago

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not a valid answer to me... sorry

11 years ago

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Then, what would be a valid answer for you?

11 years ago

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why do we hate this guy?

because he is a douche? is that a valid explication?

11 years ago

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for this guy, it is. :D

11 years ago

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yes, why not? People hate each other for the stupidest things

11 years ago

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That's an extremely valid answer. I don't know what more to say. I covered that he's rude, I covered that he's a douchebag, I covered that he's a huge drama queen

11 years ago

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Sounds like you're just another troll. Stop making stupid threads.

11 years ago

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Personally I think the more important was what he said about his ex-business partner. It was just rude.

11 years ago

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Yeah, that's what I meant when I mentioned the hotel scene

11 years ago

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Oh, I don't recall correctly and thought he told about suicide in that hotel too :).
Anyways, in that movie he seems to be very selfish and megalomaniac person (and from what I can read in this thread, also in a real life) and in my opinion that's the reason.

11 years ago

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"He said he would commit suicide over Fez if it didn't do well."

I would hope you're just misquoting stuff you've seen other people write. If you did actually watch this yourself then I'm not sure what to say as that is very far from what he said.

11 years ago

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This. Before you go on a hating rampage, at least make sure your reasons have something to do with reality.

(Interviewer) 'What happens if you can’t finish the game?'

(Fish) 'I will kill myself. '

11 years ago

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Why do people hate Gabe Logan Newell?

Edit: Phil's name is hilarious

11 years ago

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His middle name is logan? That means he's Wolvereen!

11 years ago

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Yeah, but I love Wolverine

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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i thought just the same thing :P

11 years ago

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But everybody loves Gabe. He is charming. And handsome.

11 years ago

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he's douchebag behavior

11 years ago

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He said something bad about PCs or PC gamers I think. Bad man. He's a bad man. :(

11 years ago

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He said that PCs were for spreadsheets to justify not porting Fez to PC, but then he apparently changed his mind and Fez is as of a month or two ago. I think he's a good guy though; like geez, who cares if he didn't want to go through the long effort of porting his game?

11 years ago

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Leave Phil Fish alone*!

*whoever the hell he is.

11 years ago

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My penis thinks the same

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 months ago.

11 years ago

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Are you whining about people being stupid whiny bitches?

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 months ago.

11 years ago

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Except that you were.

11 years ago

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can't it be both?
(picture it said by that little mexican girl)

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 months ago.

11 years ago

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You're confused about what whining is. Whining is "a feeble, peevish complaint" or "To complain or protest in a childish fashion." That doesn't describe "Except that you were," but it does describe "Because people are stupid whiny bitches." It describes it exactly.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 months ago.

11 years ago

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Hahahaha. A statement is a required part of whining. There's no contradiction. So silly to act as if a statement is somehow opposite to whining. Making a general statement about people being "stupid whiny bitches" is the exact essence of whining, which makes my claim on the opposite side of the spectrum from nitpicking.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 months ago.

11 years ago

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You're making several weird arguments for me, which I didn't make and wouldn't make. I'm not eager to argue with you about things we're not even disagreeing about, so I don't have much (at least not specifically) to say to your last post.

(A quick response to the smallest of these straw-man arguments: even though my degree says I'm a master of words, I would never claim to be that. I have a lot to learn. I do, however, have a strong enough understanding of the basics to discuss what we're discussing.)

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 months ago.

11 years ago

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Two reasons for me:

-he stated that Fez would never be released on PC while it actually did later. This is great for PC players, but before, he kept on criticizing PC really badly for a long time, and actually release FEZ on computer for money, and not to please the player.

-then, there's the fact that he's such an a**. Like, when asked about the state of japanese games, he answered "Your games sucks". Some japaneses games sucks, but some are pretty good (just as some western games sucks while some others are good). You can't be more dumb than he is.

There are a multitude of other reason, but these two are enough for me the hate this guy.

11 years ago

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I knew he said something. Thanks Verite

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

11 years ago

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Actually, I didn't complain about him CRITICIZING, but about him being so hypocritical. I don't hate him over the fact that he states he doesn't like PC and PC gamers. However, in the first hand he says he hate it and tell everyone he'll never release his game on it. Then on the second hand he releases his game on PC and clearly says "Hello guys, I still hate you and I don't care about you, but I want money. So buy my game. And those guys who will hack my game, well, fuck you"
The japanese thing is just racism. I mean, how can you plainly tell "Japaneses games are bad" ? It's like saying "Hey, Americans are all stupid egoistic racists". It exists, but you can't make a generality out of some people, that's absolutely dumb. Japanese games may not be to your liking, some might objectively sucks, but you can't say that the japanese games in general sucks.

11 years ago

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the japanese thing was NOT racism. that was just the interwebs being tarded.

So he dislikes modern japanese games. Didn't say jack all about japan, products of japan, japanese culture or japanese people. At least read the sources before bashing a guy for 5th hand interpretations of what he said.

(this is like that adam livene thing(whatever name is, the rat tattoo guy from the voice who's in love with cowboy hat guy))

Try substituting any other type of game in there and see if you feel the same way.
Its like saying "english humor sucks"
you know the sort I mean. The sort of jokes that are referred to as English jokes are very distinctive.
Now England is white....still racist? Of course not, because it isn't a racist sentence to begin with. It says nothing about england, products of england or the people of england. It doesn't even say anything concrete about their jokes, only opinion(which as the norm on the internet uses the sentence structure of a fact and tends towards generalization and/or exaggeration).

tldr; It was a specific type of game he dismissed not the people who made it or their country.

11 years ago

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and? its not like pc users never shit on consoles. nobody generally hates them for it even when they turn out to also secretly own an xbox. what pcs can't take what they say back at them? and for his reasons changing his mind? money. at least he was honest.

Those "i still hate you but you're throwing money at me anyway so suck it" comments were reactions to being pestered about that quote so he decided to have fun with the trolls. Redit badgered him into that quote. He likes trolling people who hate him(and several who don't)

People hate him because he does things like this when he feels attacked. He just feeds them for fun.
(which is kinda funny for a boycott. Its a good example of why those things never work, like the people who say they'll boycott a game for on disk dlc and preorder it anyway. gamers have poor impulse control but like to talk big on the internet so that always happens)

11 years ago

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So, I've checked it out.
I've effectively taken out of context the quote (I've never really been concern with Phil Fish, I only remembered things I read in article or his twitter a long time ago) and calling it racism was a bit of an over-reaction. My bad about that.
But it's still not right, it's still pretty rude, wrong and misplaced. You can't just go and tell someone you just met "the games you make are bad". And once more I'll say this, you can't say that ALL japaneses games are bad, that's stupid. He didn't say he doesn't like modern japanese games, he clearly affirmed modern japanese games sucks. If you ignore all the eroges, almost all of them are decent at least, and some are better in their genre than western games (Shoot'em'up, Fighting Games,...) or equivalent to western games (Beat'em'all, Puzzle games,...).

For the PC thing, I shall repeat myself once again: It's not about him criticizing the PC, it's about him saying he won't port the game while insulting us, then saying "it's okay, I'll release it, but for the money". It's not obviously a reason to hate him, but don't expect us to like you or spend money for you if you're insulting us. Even more so when your game is so mitigated between good and bad.

11 years ago

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My fish's name is Phil. I like watching him swim around in his little bowl. He's a good fish.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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1st real answer... ty

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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and why should he allow you to make money off displaying his copyrighted work anyway? I never understood the entitlement to make ad revenue off lets plays.

11 years ago

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Many other indie dev has no problem with it, as they are happy to get free advertisement: going loud studios

11 years ago

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just because others don't mind doesn't mean you're actually producing anything worth getting paid for or that he doesn't have far more rights to any ad $ generated by your lp than you do.

they are at absolute best unlicensed derivative work based on a copyrighted item and fish was completely within its rights to do this. It should never have been possible to make $ off an lp in the first place. And imo they fall a good deal short of even getting that much credit. its just a recording of fish's work with a layer of commentary and pointless jabber to fill air.

sports commentators get permission and pay a fee for the right to broadcast games before they're allowed to make money off it. Movie commentary isn't allowed to be shown for profit any more than a copy of the movie is. ect.
fish isn't charging them. they just won't be getting any $ from youtube ads is all.
fish isn't stopping anybody from making videos, nor uploading videos, he's taking nothing down. he isn't going after anybody. you're completely free to do a lp. ...you just won't be seeing $ off basically an uncut recording of fish's IP is all. And its basically just lps they're going after.

11 years ago

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I believe the reason is he has said bad things about both PC games and Japanese games in the lead up to Fez. As well there is a quote from him saying there wouldn't be a PC version of FEZ because it wasn't meant for PCs. Also he does seem like a douche on Indie Game the movie. Then again I thought most of the people in that movie came out looking like people I would never want to interact with in real life.

11 years ago

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I dont care about all of the PC's are for worksheets bullshit, I understand why some people see it that way.

My biggest issue with him is that he is rude. It's fine to speak your mind, but you dont have to go out of your way to offend people to get people talking about you. If your opinion is well thought out and makes sense, people will listen.

11 years ago

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PCs are for spreadsheets. Suck my dick. Choke on it.

11 years ago

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Choke on all the dicks! All 37 of them :D

11 years ago

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People love bandwagons.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Well, I can call people supporting him jumping on the bandwagon as well. Everything is a bandwagon!

11 years ago

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I would have already had replies screaming "straw man" if I had posted that.

11 years ago

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The difference is that my post is not meant to be taken seriously :D

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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i mean come on, in binding of isaac the character judas's fez is made after him. it's not about fez game, it's about his attitude.

11 years ago

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This article...
Oh! And read the comments!

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

11 years ago

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now I also don't like him. And I won't buy his games.

11 years ago

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Source 1

Source 2

Source 3

Source 4

Source 5

Now fucking choke on it.

Bonus: Clicky

Bonus 2: Clicky

Bonus 3: Clicky

Bonus 4: Clicky

11 years ago

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Good Post

11 years ago

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Great post.

11 years ago

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I was looking for some of those tweets, but was too lazy to spend that much time on the guy. Awesome post indeed.

11 years ago

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This should explain all the fucking hate this guy gets.

11 years ago

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Epic post. Saved me from doing the exact same thing so bonus points for that!

11 years ago

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Aww, I understand people hate japanese games, but that's a bit too... cruel o_O.

11 years ago

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because he becomes an attention whore to attrack people onto his game.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by Pedro1996.