Do you really not use Origin at all or do you just say it because this is the internet? Why? Who cares about pride, games are games.

Edit: Forgot to mention I mean for Origin exclusive games. Of course steam is the best! Sometimes there are great deals on a game like Dead Space 3 or Mass Effect 3 and people don't buy it because it's on Origin. It's never coming on Steam anyways so just buy it!

1 decade ago*

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I don't use Origin. I used to hate it but, like someone else said, I've heard it's gotten better since then.

I will say this, though! Origin is the only account that I've ever had 'hacked.' I'm careful, I didn't have viruses, I didn't give anyone my password, etc. Some Russian still nabbed my account cause, at least at that point, Origin's security was trash.

To be fair, recovering it was easy enough, although I'm not sure if changing my name will be a hassle or not. Haven't tried yet.

1 decade ago

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Every company has shitty and good products, EA has more good products than bad ones. Origin is really stable now and rather good. The support is abysmall and so is trying to pay with paypal sometimes.
Their coders however are rather good, their mobile apps are usually more stable than any other. You can just see that their budget is way over someone elses budget

1 decade ago

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I do not use origin. The only EA game I'm interested in is Battlefield, which I buy on console anyway. Other than that EA can go screw themselves.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Archlion.