Hi all,
Well, i got an ideia.
What if i create an Youtube Channel and, with it, we subscribe, like and farm views and with all the money owned we create giveaways for the subscribers?

We can make a system of votes to elect the first game to buy.

But i still don't know if it is viable and idk what content to put on the videos (something that isn't closed content).

Maybe you can help me improve this!!



  • To prevent corruption, the owner of the channel can be a respected and well knowed member, or a group of members. The money can go to an account (Paypal maybe) and all transations can be daily printed and posted in a blog.
1 decade ago*

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There's already CG who makes giveaways with money from the ads on SG...

1 decade ago

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But all the money?
And about the farming?

1 decade ago

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I dont trust you.

1 decade ago

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Well, i would be just another subscriber.

1 decade ago

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And who would be the channel owner?

1 decade ago

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I can be both, but as the channel owner, all the money can go to one paypal account.
And to make you trust me, all transations can be printed and posted in one blog, something like that. But the main problem is the viability, and not the veracity, the second is easy to assure.

Don't be rude man, i just got one ideia...

1 decade ago

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Im not rude. You just get easily offended.
Anyway, I do believe its an interesting idea but i dont see it working. Hard to control the mass (Well, yeah not so hard but you know what i mean).

1 decade ago

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srry! First time high interacting here :B
I got it, when we talk about money everything changes. It can be controled by a group maybe? It would make harder to corrupt the ideia...

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

1 decade ago

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It's a possibility.
For me no problems!
But i'm new here :D almost 1 month, so i don't know everybody ;p, if you know someone, talk to him about the ideia!!

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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There are often new members with suggestions, they rarely turn out to be good ideas. But I must admit yours isn't that bad.


  • a bit of a hassle for not much revenue
  • it would have to be a trusted member
  • cg already does that
1 decade ago

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That's the point!!
I don't know if it worths the hassle...

1 decade ago

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So yea, that's against the youtube TOS. Not to mention you vastly overestimate both the amount you earn and the competency of googles content flagging software.

1 decade ago

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In which terms?
And the earns is the point that i don't really know...
But i won't use nothing content protected, doesn't make sense as we didn't set the content of the videos...

1 decade ago

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You agree to not 'embellish' the views on your videos. Googles bot flags anything related to gaming (more or less) unless you have permission from the developer (because they own the rights to their content, models sprites music etc). In the end it doesn't really matter, once a video is flagged its lost to the void, impossible to get back due to the whole system being automated/flawed, even if you do have permission. Easiest way around it is to sign up to a network which takes a cut of your already small earnings and requires you to have 1000+ subs to get in to begin with.

1 decade ago

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lol. But the content of the videos isn 't defined. It doesn 't need to be something interesting... I can make a draw with paint and post a 4 min of it ... It
won' t be ' flagged', i suppose... The content isnt important a.s.a. we farm the views/ subs/ likes...

1 decade ago

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It doesn't matter what the content is; as ND1Razor said, "You agree not to 'embellish' the views on your videos". That means that you couldn't have people farming views for money, as it's against ToS and would have your YT account banned.

1 decade ago

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Got it.so now i have to think :B

1 decade ago

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If you'd get YT partnership (in one of big clusters of verified channels) wou would get bigger money - around 2.5-3$ per 1000 ads. BUT! 1. you won't get with such a shitty chanel idea. You will stick with not-partnered account revenue. like 1.5$ 2. not to mention shitload people using adblock. 3. YT will quickly catch up that's these are not actual views but ad farming (whuich they will find out - simply by googling the channel and finding this forum topic) and will close it for breaking TOS.

So generally - private GAs posted on forums rarely get 200+ Entries. And they require much less work than farming a channel. You will maybe get 50 farmers. After uploading 20 videos and ppl watching them (which will take some time) you will generate enough money to buy 1 bundle which you will split between these 50 users? Awesome idea indeed :> And then you grt YT banned for breaking TOS.

1 decade ago

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i didn' t see any part of the TOS that doesn 't allows the ad farming . The primordial function of ads is to make people see it. The non intentional seeing
doesn' t differ from the intentional seeing , or music videos would 'nt be valuable , as people repeat it as f* ck and they 'rnt even seeing the webpage .. . If
you dosnt show me where the TOS says it , i agree to disagree.

And, the low budgets are only the initial point of the ideia, all will grow with time and popularity...

1 decade ago

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Then you should try to read better. It's in multiple places - don't want to go through whole TOS, so I'll just give you Google AdSense Policy.

Encouraging clicks

Publishers may not ask others to click their ads or use deceptive implementation methods to obtain clicks. This includes, but is not limited to, offering compensation to users for viewing ads or performing searches, promising to raise money for third parties for such behavior or placing images next to individual ads

In order to ensure a good experience for users and advertisers, publishers participating in the AdSense program may not:

Compensate users for viewing ads or performing searches, or promise compensation to a third party for such behavior.

Encourage users to click the Google ads using phrases such as "click the ads", "support us", "visit these links" or other similar language.


Your idea breaks all of these rules. In this topic alone you are basically dicussing encouraging users to click ads which itself is against TOS. Then raising money for 3rd party (person creating GA), compensate users for viewing ads (creating GAs for them) etc.

1 decade ago

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...Wait. Why did he argue with you, but not me? ._.
Now I just feel neglected!

1 decade ago

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lol. i did both

1 decade ago

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You should almost get a point for trying.

1 decade ago

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Ty (:

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Duhamb.