The user reviews for Watch Dogs are really brutal. I was expecting it to be a mix of GTA and Sleeping Dogs and Deus Ex.

It's THAT bad?

10 years ago*

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It is not bad

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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ya is very bad, you don't have nothing to do in this game.
if you like graphics is the only thing what the game has.... and are not that good.

10 years ago

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exactly don't have nothing to do.


10 years ago

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NO It is good game.

10 years ago

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And "nothing to do" means you don't get your questlog full of boar asses and worm feces to collect so you can forge leather armor?
The game has a 20-30hrs story run plus side missions which can be ignored or at least done once, that's far from nothing.

10 years ago

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It's not a bad game, this is coming from my experience of helping over 20 users in the last 2 weeks on a site I'm a moderator on, to get the game working for them, and no input from actually playing because, irony of ironies, I haven't even tried it, not even changed the graphics settings yet.
What happened with this is what's happened to admittedly few games in the past. Everybody puts it on a pedestal, before even trying the game, and they expect, as Superkumi said, that the game reinvents the genre to new and better heights.
Well, put on a pedestal that high, anything less than absolute perfection will be a disappointment and, as we all know, you can't please everybody all the time, only some of the people some of the time. We also know that an absolutely "perfect" game doesn't and will never exist. That's what happened, too high of expectations and it hasn't lived up the imaginary standards of the average gamer, so it's automatically a "bad game".

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

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People are just pissed about the graphics problems and the fact that they thought it was going to reinvent the genre.
That kind of hype is bad for the soul.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 9 months ago.

10 years ago

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lol as if it was that hard to realize

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 9 months ago.

10 years ago

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this is like saying you never noticed your house was on fire until the fire dept showed up and started drowning you in water. it was quite obvious and the reason why people were screaming for modders to come to the rescue asap.

10 years ago

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"Graphics problems" very probably means "bad performance", not "Ubisoft sucks for outright lying to us". It also had a ton of bad reviews on release day, not exactly thorough.

10 years ago

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I don't think so. Although I only can play it in low graphic, I like this game seriously. I also didnt hv the U-play issues that they conplain about.

10 years ago

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Same here. The game is amazing and easily GotY through the first half of the year (not saying it'll win with all the great titles coming out later this year though).

And yes, I played on PC, with over 25 hours invested thus far. I've had no crashes and just one texture glitch that went away after restarting the game.

10 years ago

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Nah, but most of the multiplayer was pretty bad except from the invasions.

10 years ago

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No, people just shit on new big-name titles because it's the cool thing to do, especially when they don't like the company. Pretty much any big game will have a bunch of idiotic jokes about how bad it is streaming out of the usual corners of the internet from rage-addicted 14-year-olds. It's not the second coming in video game form, but it's not bad by any means.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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So true!

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Nope. It a good game. Only the hype destroyed it.

10 years ago

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That's more or less it.

Watch Dogs is a good game, only it was overhyped,
that way players had too high expectations that the game could'nt reach.
That way the hype just exploded right into Ubisofts face
and they got a lot of bad reactions too the game.
(it's more or less a lesson for the PR-division over in Montreal)

But the game is still good, if you're i nto that kind of gameplay.

10 years ago

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You mean the hype that the main platform was PC, that it was held back to improve performance and graphics, and then it came out and was a shitty port that felt like Ubisoft the game instead of a great open world game which was suppose to be on par with games like GTAV? Yeah we hyped it to much.....I mean I guess I should have expected stuttering on low when I can run Crysis 3 and The Witcher 2 on high stable....

Lol....oh and I am very much into these types of games, this was a failure, Sleeping Dogs was 10 times better even....hell SR3/4 was much better and thats saying a lot cause those were also letdowns.

10 years ago

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I've heard a lot of people say they really like it. I'm assuming that some people are just over-reacting or something :p

10 years ago

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No, it's quite good.
People just hate on it because they don't seem to realize how marketing works, or they bitch about the graphics.

Solid 7/10 from me.

10 years ago

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Stop being so entitled

People have the right to be mad when they were lied to and Ubi didn't inform us about downgrade and still haven't given a valid reason for it.

10 years ago

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They didn't lie, they never said that's how the final product would look like, and they stated the usual "this is not a final product blah blah blah".

10 years ago

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I heard with a 52kb patch it has actually quite good graphics, so it actually is in the final product ;P

10 years ago

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This actually shows that Ubisoft are nice,they could have removed it. But they left it for people to find.

10 years ago

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Or they were lazy. Depends on how you look on it.

10 years ago

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Let's call it "professional management of scarce ressources" :P.

10 years ago

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Lol, "nice" would be them enabling it from the start, rather than leaving it to modders to find.

10 years ago

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They probably had their reasons for the removal.

10 years ago

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Like what? Using the "mod" to unlock the files isn't detrimental to the game at all. The only reasons I can think of is them being paid by either Sony or Microsoft (most likely Sony, due to the partnership) and having to lock away the files. That's not a valid reason either.

10 years ago

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Oh look, that "entitled" word again.

The guy has an opinion, and yes, they are entitled to it. Including the part where they think people are overreacting.

10 years ago

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I hate it because it just aint good. It's barely mediocre.

10 years ago

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For me is average and i don't like driving mechanics.

10 years ago

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pretty sure its not as bad as people say, when people overhype a game they start to develop false hopes that its gonna be the best game ever, then those hopes are shattered when game is released and they realise its just another game with its flaws, saw that happen with Just Cause 2, GT5 and Skyrim

10 years ago

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That's true it sucks

10 years ago

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well, if they add some patches it may be worth buying for < 20 bucks

10 years ago

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Its really not THAT bad at all. I actually find the gameplay quite enjoyable.

10 years ago

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It's not that bad at all, it's just not worth the price-tag until there is a little drop.

I played the game from launch, and only encountered one bug. One. Albeit a fairly major one, the game was stable and smooth throughout, and I enjoyed it. Granted, I didn't really like Sleeping Dogs that much. It was okay but I found SD to be pretty bland, highly repetitive and very scrambled in the story missions (removed romance arcs, anyone)? For me, Watch_Dogs is the degree of sandbox that everyone else seems to feel Sleeping Dogs was.

I'd just wait for it to drop by about 40% if you're unsure. I imagine the game COULD be frustrating and annoying if it kept bugging out, but I seemed to have gotten lucky. Besides, as time passes, more patches will come out, and that user-made mod that restores E3-level graphics will be completed by then.

10 years ago

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It's not bad it's not great it's a ok game like Sleeping Dogs. And there is a mod for fixing the performance issues and makes graphics better.

10 years ago

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Probably not, just many people who were expecting something silly as a next-gen game which really doesn't seem to exist with PC games being quite similar as console games. If it looks good, play it.

Also user reviews for ANYTHING will vary wildly depending on where you look. With games, just try gamerankings as it's just game review website reviews & easier to tell reviews than some bitter person who just bought it on day 1 and upset with the game not living up to lofty expectations.

10 years ago

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The game isn't bad, but the PC port is horrendous. Also, the game was extremely overhyped...nowhere near as fun as the crowds wanted you to think before the game was actually released.

10 years ago

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I played several hours and my impression, for me it is bad. A typical history, the script is lousy and technical section, Next Gen? no.

I don't care Ubisoft, AAA games, but this games it is only hype and marketing.

10 years ago

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I'd say about a 6/10-7ish maybe, it's driving mechanics are pretty bad, the game itself isn't that much of a new innovation, the story is somewhat mediocre though still a bit interesting.

The main problem most people are having/had was that on PC, they weren't able to play it at all due to the UPlay not problems, random game crashes, there was that AMD thing or simply the game not being playable because they would get 10-15fps constantly. I had to run it on the lowest to get around 30fps, tho seems there are some groups that made a 'Mod' that has increased performance and made it playable for some people, I got to play it on high at an average 50-60fps with some dips on 34-36fps with it. (And brought a lot of graphical improvements).

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

10 years ago

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I like it. Many things to do, still in the chapter 1.
Nice and unique online.
Since i used the non oficial patch and went much better in my equip.

Have a good day :)

10 years ago

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It is a great game.
Still that it does really need a graphical patch.
My beast computer can only run it at lowest graphical setting, but the gameplay is amazing and it is really fun.

10 years ago

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[](The non official patch)
It went better since i use it.
What i don't know if this will be compatible with the actual version of the game.

Good luck :)

10 years ago

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It's not bad. It's just not as good as everyone thought it would be ;3

10 years ago

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for me its good game

10 years ago

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its not bad, but people are good at being spiteful jerks, it seems to have became a pastime for some.

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by LordRoyale.