It's now been 3-4 months from the release of windows 10 and, as you probably already know, it's free for windows 7 and 8 users.
Now... Do I really want to upgrade to Windows 10? The new features seem to be pretty good, but I've heard some bad comments on it..

I mainly play games, record, do video editing and 3D modelling. What do you think, should I upgrade?
Also, do you lose files and programs when upgrading? Do you suggest any form of backup?

(I'm a Windows 7 User)

8 years ago*

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Windows 10 or Windows 7? OR Windows 8 (haha, just kidding. Everyone hates it.)

View Results
Windows 7
Windows 10
Windows Potato 200
What is windows?

I upgraded 7 -> 10 two days ago, and so far no issues. In fact it's been a net positive because my system is noticeably faster than Win 7.

8 years ago

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Windows 10 is superior - no regrets.
I hope the people who voted Win 7 didn't vote that just b/c they haven't even tried Win10.

8 years ago

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View attached image.
8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Oh wow, I remember over half of those games. The yeti from SkiFree, the card counting in Dr. BlackJack, the classic Minesweeper, SimTower!

8 years ago

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I'm personally going to stick with Win 7 and hope that developers start using Vulkan instead of DX12 so I can eventually switch to Linux. I don't want to install an OS that comes with a keylogger. Win 10 also takes too much control from the user and forces its "features" on you such as the mandatory updating, which can delete 3rd party software.

8 years ago

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I'm probably keeping Windows 7 till I'm forced to change, but I'm honestly hopping that Linux based OS will have better support for games by then.
As many have stated as main point of Windows 10 that is "free", I still have not seen same support from "average user community" for Linux OS which is also free.
Arguments for Windows 10 are same as for Linux, it's free, it has less support for games, has promise of better gaming in near future, but in reality its not so close, apparently has better resource management and in general better performance on all machines.

But main question still stands "Can it adequately run my steam library?"...

8 years ago

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You will hear a lot but ultimately the way to figure it out is to test W10 with everything you normally do, change settings as necessary and then decide for yourself. There are tons of changes and so you will see something you don't care about in the slighest making someone feel really annoyed at W10 and vice-versa.

Personally I rather dislike the way UI in software is going these days, years ago when I went from XP to 7 it was annoying to see it changed at all but there were a few legit improvements and the vast host of pointless things were easily disabled so I upgraded and considered it an actual improvement. This hasn't been true for years now in not only OS but also other software(browsers especially) so I have to settle for either having to track down the obscure ways to fix things or rely on other people developing fixes.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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I'm going to continue running XP until I have a good reason to upgrade. I have a key for Win 7, but I haven't installed it yet and I have to decide if I want to keep the key as Win 7 or upgrade it to 10 for free before the 1 year period ends because I know I'll need it sooner or later. Compatibility with XP can't last that much longer.

8 years ago

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I've heard that upgrading to 10 permanently lets you upgrade to it again (on the same pc) in the future. Meaning you could install 7, upgrade to 10, then downgrade back to 7 right away but still be able to get 10 on there again years after the free upgrade period is over. This supposedly would work because upgrading would give you a Win 10 key that doesn't expire any more than the Win 7 key you already have would expire.

I dunno where to ask about this to make sure it's true though. If you do look into that, I'm sort of curious about it myself.

8 years ago

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I haven't checked lately, but from what I read like a month or 2 ago, they said if you upgrade to windows 10, you have the option to downgrade to Win 7, but only until the year is up. If you upgrade to Win 10 and don't downgrade, you are stuck with Win 10 after the 1 year deadline and you can no longer downgrade.

I haven't read anything about upgrading, downgrading, and then wanting to upgrade again. I'll have to look it up and see if I can find anything official from Microsoft.

I personally think they will just extend the upgrade period forever and allow anyone with Win 7 or 8 to upgrade to 10 forever because Microsoft clearly wants everyone on Win 10. Why not allow it after 1 year?

Edit: Looks like after upgrading to 10 you don't get till the end of the 1 year period to downgrade, you only get 30 days. That's good to know.

8 years ago*

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Why the f*** you asking about Win10 if your current Windows working just fine.
If you need "features" from new OS, then go upgrade right now!

8 years ago

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My Mother has 10 and she absolutely cannot navigate it. She ain't 70, she's 44 and isn't computer illiterate but 10's "organized" look is pretty jarring and she's had it since it came out. I don't like updating shit since what I have right now (Windows 7) does okay by itself.

8 years ago

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Been using windows 10 since its been out and have yet to have any issues with it. Don't see why you wouldn't upgrade tbh.

8 years ago

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Windows 10 is nice. I don't see that much of a difference between 7 and 10 so there's no need to upgrade if you don't want to.

8 years ago

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Just this morning I was reading about another reason NOT to upgrade:

Windows 10’s fall update is deactivating certain apps without asking

8 years ago

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Try to delay as long as possible. Upgrade on 2 pc, 8.1 and 7 with some issues faced.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I upgraded to windows 10 from 7, best thing I did.

In windows 7 all the old games I had like commandos, desperados and others would not play, now maybe I am lucky they play with windows 10.
Also I had no crashes and most games and programs run faster and smoother.

8 years ago

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Er… you can't play Commandos on Win10 either since it stopped support for DirectX under 6.1. This is why the games were temporarily removed even from Steam store.

8 years ago

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I do not know about that, but I was playing it on windows 10 two or three months ago

8 years ago

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Upgrade, or more preferably, use online tutorials to make a boot image for Win10, make a bootable USB stick with it, save your data, format your system drive, and do a fresh, clean installation. More hassle, but results in a more stable and somewhat faster system, and also gets rid of the NTFS permissions issues most Windows OS changes have since Vista.

8 years ago

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Win 10 is basicly one big spyware . Win 7 for life ; P

8 years ago

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Windows Potato 200!

8 years ago

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Windows 8 entirely different from 7 but windows 10 rather closer to windows 7 so I say do the update and enjoy new features at worse case you could always make a system restore disk with old system and use it in case you want to go back.

8 years ago

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Win 10 is fine. Explorer feels sluggish sometimes, but other than that its better than 7 in most other ways. Even the UI looks better on high DPI screens.

8 years ago

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Everytime I see 'Windows 10 is Spyware' comment, I wonder how these retarded guys live their life daily. Must be easier to follow and jump on the hate train.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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You can just call Microsoft and they will transfer the licence to the new machine.
I actually used the Win 10 key on my laptop accidentally instead of on the PC, and when I tried to use the key on PC, it said the key had already been used. So I called MS and explained my mistake, and without any questions asked, they activated it. Now I have Win 10 activated on both machines at same time.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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Dunno buddy, I can only tell you from my experience. They activated my device with no questions asked even though the fault was clearly my own.

8 years ago

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i updates from win7 to win10 this very week.
the update was long (i left it running in the night) but smooth.
afterwards i made some benchmarks: start up time, visual feeling of snappiness, geekbench and 3dmark.
i gathered enough evidence that in my pc win10 is much slower than win7.
i stick with win7 in my main hd, still i keep a winxp disk and a win10 disk..

8 years ago

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Try a fresh install. Upgrades will almost always be slower than before.

8 years ago

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not worth the hassle. my main restraint is time. i won't bother fine tuning. i like things that just work, if you know what i mean. and i have spent enough time in this to know that you really don't want to change something that is not broken.

8 years ago

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That is your choice. There is no urgent need to upgrade anyway, unless you like one of the newer features like DX12 or Virtual Desktops.

8 years ago

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From what I learned in the past: dont switch unless its absolutely necessary.

8 years ago

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