How do you feel about unjustful suspension?
TL;DR: ITT: What.
Signed up, stop this oppresion! HOORAH!
Also bump! :V
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TLDR = some idiot suspended me even though I did nothing wrong, I explained that I did nothing wrong in the ticket, but the dude ignored the ticket completely so I was wrongly suspended for a week. :D
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I will argue that you weren't wrongly suspended since you did break the rules there.
See if it says you get 500 and you confirmed you accepted 500 but when people check for the 500, you say it's okay I got ice cream and a tv set anyway, its still not the 500 they're looking for which you claim to have on record.
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According to the rules, you did violate said rules. Thus you did do something wrong. Regardless of your intentions or the circumstances from either side, you didnt follow said rules of the site.
You SHOULD have contacted support about the giveaway, or had the creator contact said support.
You felt no need to "make a fuss" about not receiving said game, but felt had no issues raising a fuss about getting a temp ban.
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Lol dude, if I didn't set up the giveaways, there would be no reason for this thread and therefore it wouldn't be here.
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While you made the thread for your giveaways, others may take your post seriously as a QQ story about being suspended. Thus, there is a real need to point out that you did deserve a suspension, that your suspension was indeed valid, and that the support person is not, at least in this case, a retard.
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It is a real story, yet noone except for me would know about it, if I didn't intend to create some giveaways.
Creating a thread with a fun backstory for giveaways seems better to me than making an empty thread with just giveaway links.
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Yes you did something wrong. You marked received a game that you did not receive.
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I won a ga, the key didn't work, the gifter contacted support, we had the ga deleted, no problem.
You two circumvented the rules, that's how it became a problem.
1 week isn't long anyway.
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you are here for long enough to know the site rules, you can't just accept 2 random games and mark something else as received
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I can if I don't want to make a fuss about nothing.
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Then don't make a fuss when you return from suspension, just move on.
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you cannot, if you are on this site you have to follow the same rules as everyone else.
If you dont receive the right game mark it as non received and move on, or if it was a mistake tell the creator to talk to support and explain what happened.
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no need to make a fuss. You can accept different gift IF it goes through support first and they agree on that. Without support agreeing on that and anyone doing what they feel like, just not to make a fuss, next time someone will accept Gun Monkeys instead of Witcher 3 and mark W3 as received.
Rules are rules, you broke them, you got suspended.
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In future, you're better off clearing this sort of thing with Support.
I understand they can actually change the giveaway to the game that was eventually given to you in place of the original one.
Happy Unsuspensionday :)
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Stopped reading after
I didn't deem it necessary to make a fuss about an honest mistake of his, so I accepted his offer, thanked him and went on with my stuff.
Never do that again. Lol ok!
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What should have happened: the giveaway creator should have either contacted support and had the giveaway deleted or have obtained another copy of the game for you or you should have declined the offer and marked the giveaway as not received.
What actually happened: giveaway creator made a mistake, offered you a different game, you marked the original giveaway as received even though you did not receive the game listed.
There was definitely a reason you got suspended.
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Obviously support doesn't even bother replying to tickets so he would probably get nowhere by contacting support about something as insignificant as what happened.
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Obviously :D
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Lol ok!
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May I point out that, despite a popular belief, if your GA is marked as "not received", you just loose a giveaway slot, you don't get banned, your mother-in-law doesn't come to live with you, 4 horseman don't come riding and start the apocalypse? You could have just marked that giveaway as not received and nothing bad would have happened to anybody.
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What? The 4 horsemen don't ravage the earth? I've been preparing for their arrival for about a month now. Why didn't anyone tell me this sooner?!
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He WOULD have gotten the repercussion instead of you. You had no fault until you agreed to the farce of fake receiving a giveaway. What if the give away was for 100p and you accepted 2 $5 games? Convenience is not the issue. It's fairness.
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That's exactly why there was no need for making a big deal out of it, because he didn't do it on purpose.
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Making the giveaway was an accident but faking the receipt of goods was in a way collusion between you two.
It wouldn't have even been a big fuss for you to follow the rules and just wait 7 days too.
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I can't speak for support, but in my own personal experience I've gotten fairly prompt responses from support every time I've sent in a ticket. There is a chance that my experience is different than yours since I don't consider breaking a rule as "nothing"
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Obviously support doesn't even bother replying to tickets
They've replied to several of mine, and in a timely manner.
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I don''t know what category you filed the support ticket in, but I can tell you that Support does not see any open tickets in your queue, hence there is no way we could have answered it in the first place.
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I think the response time varies depending on the type of ticket. IIRC the rerolls (and maybe giveaway deletions?) are answered fairly quickly. So essentially the time sensitive ones are prioritized.
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Next time, don't mark a game as received if you did not get it. And yes, people do get CV from bundle games, even if it's not as much.
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awful situation. ;/
I was suspended without any reason too, yesterday, for a whole damn week.
I appreciate your efforts to clarify the situation, do not give up please!
Unfortunately I can not join the fight, I was already there.
I have good advice for you, when I'm mad I like to chop cabbage very fast. It helps
wait wat? at first I thought you joking only and by this way you tryin hide your giveaways from the eyes of the
less perceptive forum lurkers. then I tried to joke with you. damn, on steamgifts you never know... ^)^
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And your gerbil was impounded. Don't forget about your gerbil.
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Long story short, don't mark as received if you didn't get the game listed in the giveaway, when you did that you broke the rules and your ban was justified. It is true that mistakes do happen, in your case the GA creator should have contacted support to have the 2nd giveaway deleted, that's how it would have been corrected.
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Pretty convenient that the only giveaway I want to enter is the one for not signing up.
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:( can't sign due a legal problem with some international espionage stuff and the goverment forbidden me to use my signature in any case as the investigation is ongoing.
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If you would have read the rules back then, you would have known that marking a giveaway as received when you haven't received the game at all is breaking the rules, basically.
If a user can't provide the game won, even if they give you a billion dollars instead; The game wasn't sent, so DO NOT mark as sent. If you really feel bad about it and want to help the giveaway creator, purchase the game yourself and activate it to your account. But if you can't acquire the won game, you need to mark as not received.
It's how it works, how it'll always work (probably), and the consequences of breaking the rules are suspensions. So yeah, the staff member who suspended you wasn't doing it out of hate towards you, but simply following the rules themselves.
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If they give me a billion dollars i'm marking as received and taking the suspension
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Yep, but you can't justify your actions. You either deal with the consequences of breaking the rules, or simply don't break them.
To be honest, I'd rather have the billion dollar as well, even if it were a permanent ban (heck, I would just create a new account and buy a ton of games). :P
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Technically a double dose. Misuse of feedback and not activating a win.
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well, it seems perfectly reasonable, but this is still your fault. the mods here are... well.. i dont want to get banned, so i'll just EXTREMELY politely say "very heavy handed and greatly love their power to dispense 'justice'", so you immediately SHOULD have contacted support to tell them what had happened.
basically its your own fault for not knowing the climate and nature of the moderation team here :)
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What is your problem with the mods ? Their role is to make sure the rules are respected and to enforce a suspension if necessary. It is what they have done here. Are you blaming them for doing exactly what they should have done ?
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I dunno man, the mod team has changed a lot in the last few months and seems to be doing a lot better. I'd prefer this mod team to the way it was run when jadefalcon was on support...
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I don't find that they are unreasonable.
But what do i know.
As you said, you have been here way longer.
And you're still here, so that shouldn't be that bad.
Anyway, for the case here, rules have been broken, so he deserves the suspension, that's all.
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I thought for sure you were going to link us to a petition against the staff. Thank Gaben you weren't that guy.
Anyhoo, to re-illiterate what others have said, you broke the rules by marking a giveaway as received and taking other games in it's place and thus, got suspended for it. Just move on and live to fight another day. Hopefully about something else. :)
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I realise you were trying to do what you thought was right and it kinda sucks - but in future probably best to just follow the rules and mark as 'not received', because sooner or later somebody will notice and report you without bothering to investigate what happened. And given how busy the mods are I'm sure they will just apply the rules without asking about explanations or excuses. It wasn't you that screwed up so just don't make it your problem.
Thanks for the giveaways though and I hope you have no more problems like this!
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You broke the site rules. The only retard here is you.
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So, I was suspended for no reason! :D
Let me tell you what happened. Last week I came home from the cinema, Age of Ultron was on and it was fun, and I was about to check steamgifs when I found out I was suspended :(.
The official reason was that I didn't activate a game I won in a giveaway, The Whispered world. I was kinda confused as I always activate my games and thanks to that and the fact it was quite late I misread and concluded it was about The Book of Unwritten Tales: Critter Chronicles Digital Extras. I won a copy of that and I also have another copy of that in my inventory, so I thought that the whoever punk suspended me thought that it was this thing. So I sent my support ticket about how it's another copy of that thing. A couple of minutes later I checked back and realized it was about another game, about The Whispered world, so I commented on the ticket explaining what was that about.
And what was it about? Here's the thing, the creator of the giveaway doubleclicked and accidentally make two giveaways for The Whispered world. He didn't check it and found out only after the giveaways ended, so he decided to give the game to the first person and then he contacted me by email apologizing for the mistake and he offered me two other games instead. I didn't deem it necessary to make a fuss about an honest mistake of his, so I accepted his offer, thanked him and went on with my stuff. That was quite a long time ago.
As you may know, The whispered world is on the bundled list, so he couldn't have gained contributor's value from the dud giveaway, if you worry about that.
Anyway, that's what I explained in the ticket, that it was not my mistake and it was a minor thing so there wasn't any reason to make a big deal out of it even back then, yet nothing happened. No response, nothing, the dude who suspended me completely ignored the ticket. So I "enjoyed" a full week of suspension because some "proactive" retard went on full rampage of "usefulness".
I wasn't very happy about it, but some of you might be happy about joining the fight!
You can sign up here or here.
If you've already joined the fight, you can gear up here
If you don't want to sign up, here's where you sign up for not signing up!
You need to know however, that for signing up and not signing up you need to have some previous experience either in fighting or not fighting.
However, if I get suspended again for calling that incident shameful and the person who suspended me a retard, as he has proved his exceptional skills in that particular field of expertise, then I feel very sorry that I won't be here to present you with your fighting gear on monday. :D
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